S.C.A.M.P.'s start

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S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#1 Post by Rukellian »

“What do you mean every single member?!”

Maurice usually speaks quite softly when dealing with other people. It was to no surprise then that when the sudden outburst occurred over the live video exchange, S.C.A.M.P. bolted up from his resting position and rushed over to see what caused his owner to become so distressed.

On the other end of the video feed was another person like Maurice, someone that wore a white lab coat. She was quite young though, still roughly in her late 20’s early 30’s. “Not EVERY single one Maurice, Steve Sanderson is still hanging in there.” She motions to the back of the room as the sounds of suit maintenance can be heard in the background. Professor Feldon just shakes his head, wondering whether he should be devastated of their loss or if he should stop holding back that weak nervous laugh that seems to want to creep up.

“I sent over a lot of my top minds to help with this Flicker project, and to hear that they have all been killed in a series of ‘accidents’, I know enough about how this world works to know that those were not accidents! To say that losing those bright students of mine is an incredible and heart breaking loss does not even begin describe how I feel….oh, at least we still have Steve.” Maurice calms himself down a bit and then asks Professor Cortez in a more cordial tone, “How is the boy holding up? I’ve heard that he had befriended some of the people we’ve lost. He must feel that he is responsible, the poor lad. If only I could persuade him that it weren’t the case.”

Cortez just nods her head in understanding as she looks over her shoulder in his general direction. “He is more angry than anything else now-a-days. He does feel that his family’s ex-company has something to do with it, but what can we do? His mind seems to be set right now and even I can’t seem to get him to calm down. I’m thankful to the fact that he keeps himself busy with his work. He’s a good kid and I know that he will be able to get through this, just like how he did on the field. He just needs some time, and perhaps a good lead?”

Maurice just scratches his white hair and sighs. “That will take some time. Rook Industries seems to be locked up nice and tight now, under new ownership and all that.” S.C.A.M.P. having listened to the whole conversation silently finally speaks up and tries to get Cortez’s attention with a bark.

The professor’s attention is indeed caught and she leans forward trying to get a better view, her chest coincidently heaving out in the process. “Oh there you are SCAMP! I see you are full of energy as always, you cute little thing you!” Spreading her arms out in the form of a hug, she throws a kiss over the screen to the robotic dog. After the short display of affection, Maurice clears his throat and tries to hide his blush.

“Well… now that I think about it, I would definitely have an easier time brainstorming some ideas for you guys if you would just come over and-“

“Not a chance,” Professor Cortez says playfully as she crosses her arms.

“OH NO! It wasn’t anything like that. You misunderstand! I just-“

“Hmmmhmm, right, and I’m sure you’re going to want to say that the extra few drinks you bought me while talking about taking me to your own private ‘laboratory’ wasn’t an advance as well?”

Maurice clears his throat yet again and says quickly. “I will keep in touch. Good day.” And just like that, he shut down the video feed, having lost yet again. Looking down at S.C.A.M.P. with his tail waving rapidly, artificially made tongue hanging out, the professor gave a long cold stare. He saw through his innocent act and knew that he did this on purpose.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#2 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. puts his head on Maurice's lap. He knows, more so than most real dogs, his master's mood. Why, I have absolutely no idea what you mean, thinks the robot dog aloud. I'm just friendly by nature. It how you programmed me, isn't it?

After Maurice scritches him a few times, S.C.A.M.P. raises his head and takes on a pose of alertness. What happened? he asks. I woke from my nap-cycle in time to hear about a series of 'accidents.' Do you need me to sniff something out?
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#3 Post by Rukellian »

"Bah! I cannot seem to stay angry at you, no matter how much I try," Maurice then says to SCAMP with a warm smile. The smile quickly changes to a frown, however, when the string of accidents were mentioned once again. "Stevey boy has run into a line of trouble, once again. This time though, some good lives were lost. Professor Cortez and I are trying to get to the bottom of this. We all think that Rook Industries might have some connection to this, but have no tangible evidence to go off of...."

A lightbulb seems to have gone off in the professor's head as his face brightens up and he hurries to M.T.S room. The matter transportation system is a new invention of Maurice's. Based off of the same technologies as Steve's teleportation disc gun, a machine was built that was capable of teleporting small items from one node to another, a form of instant mail (of course, it also helps that Professor Feldon knew how the invention tables back in his home world had worked). Still in its prototype stage, it can only transfer the smallest of items. As SCAMP and Maurice both enter the room, something was already in the process of being sent over. "SCAMP, we may just have a use for that nose of yours right now. Professor Cortez sent a sample of something collected from one of the scenes of the accidents. She says its something that she has never seen before and she wanted us to take a look at it."

The mechanical arms on the flat glowing table surface are busy at work, taking digitized cubes of light from thin air and contructing them into a small shape. A true marvel of science and technology at work! After a few more minutes of waiting, the construction of the digitized cubes are complete and the shape takes on a solid form. Now resting on the table is a petri dish, with a glowing green residue inside. "N-noo, it can't be!" Looking down at the table, Maurice stands in horror as memories of his past life start to race to mind. "It's too soon, this world hasn't reached that stage yet... unless."

"SCAMP, do a quick read on that sample, see if you can pinpoint some of the base ingredients."

You will need to roll a percentile roll using SCAMP's supersense Rank Value of 40 as a base. Your dice roll result will be added to 40, and I will then take that result and compare it to a master table. Or, if your awareness rank value is higher with a +10 bonus, you can use that one instead of supersense.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#4 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. wags his tail and nods his head vigorously, eager to do what he does best: sniff things out. He stands at attention near the dish, inches his head towards it, and lets the scent waft into his nasal detection units.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#5 Post by Rukellian »

Here is the result of SCAMP's reading: The physical components are broken up into 42.5% phosphorus, 32.5% iron, 15.25% calcium, 5.75% copper, 2.5% silica, and 1.5% unknown substances. The gaseous emissions are composed of 22% methane, 19% sulfur, 12% naphthalene, 10% argon, 6% isobutane, 2% xylene, and remaining 29% are unknown... (those who have a basic skills in internet browsing should be able to deduce what this is ;) )

Maurice is quick to rush out of the room, his face pale in terror. Never has SCAMP seen the professor act in such a way. Was it a combination of components to a deadly drug that only he knew about? Nothing in his vast databases points to any references of a drug that is made with such ingredients, the unknown factors were.... troublesome.

"Cortez! CORTEZ! Are you there?!" The live video feed is quickly re-established as the professor on the other end slams some papers down in frustration. "What is it Maurice? Why all the shouting? We were just in the middle of a convers-"

"Where did you find the green substance, when?"

"... Johnson's room. The people that came in did quite the thorough sweep of the area. I did stumble on that sample however, it was in one of his lockers a secret hiding spot that the engineering team only knew about. I didn't know what it was, so I sent it over to your place about a few days ago via MTS."

The doctor bites his lip, his hand partially covering his face as he silently contemplates what should be done next.

"Maurice... what exactly did I just send you? Wait, you don't mean that- The source of their deaths was- MAURICE, please tell me that I am wrong!" The professor just shakes his head as he cannot tell her what she want's to hear.

"Well... I've found your lead Professor Cortez. Steve, is that suit of yours field ready?"

SCAMP is alerted to this statement, knowing full well that he will be going on another mission soon.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#6 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. cocks his head to the side and looks at Maurice with eyes that one would think were soulful. My database contains no reference to a drug or explosive with this composition, he thinks to Maurice. Is it some sort of biological agent? My records are somewhat incomplete in that area, mostly because many of them have been successfully kept secret. But you seem to know what this is—and where it comes from.

The artificial dog's canine emulation circuits take over. He jumps up and down at the thought of another mission. Are we going on another mission soon? Where are we going? Where are we going? Oh boy, I love missions!
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#7 Post by Rukellian »

"I just need to know one last thing before I can confirm my suspicions. What was Johnson working on in regards to the Flicker system?"

"He mainly dealt with the development of an energy generator that would could be incorporated into the suit. He had a many number of additions that he wanted to see put on, but did not have an adequate source of energy to sustain everything. His theory in energy output was solid, but the resources and tools needed for such an engine just did not exist. Despite this obstacle of his, he insisted that he knew a guy that could hook him up with something at the Arikas Shipping Depot. I was the only one who knew about his plans."

"Arikas Shipping... yes, it starting to make sense; they WOULD have the connections necessary to slip this through under the radar." Professor Feldon looks back up and starts laying out some holographic maps of the city area upon the computer screen. Using his fingers to zoom the map display, he finishes his adjustments and circles the area in question. "Arikas Shipping, as you both are well aware, is a multi-billion dollar company that has stakes in almost every European country, Asia, and multiple businesses in the US including oil, newspapers, and media. They have the necessary resources to acquire anything they wish, to facilitate any sort of business arrangement, and enough influence to make friends with very important people. It will come to know surprise then that they also have their hands in some unsavory activities, such as the underground global black market."

He looks towards Steve and Professor Cortez with a stern stare. "For reasons that are my own, I very familiar with this black market and know of an undeground warehouse for such items that is situated here." He points towards the circled area of the map. "It is an abandoned chemicals factory that has been scheduled to be torn down; Arikas Shipping has delayed that demolition, indefinitely. You will find the entrance to the warehouse in question, somewhere within factory. Naturally this information does not leave this room." He looks at the both of them for confirmation before he continues.

"You will be looking for a highly advanced storage crate, built by Poseidon Electronics. It is of signature design and can be easily noticed if you know what your looking for. Within said crates is the substance in question. I know not what form it has been transported in, but know that it is highly dangerous and radioactive in nature. You shall not open the crate for any sort of reason, it is to remain closed. I will send SCAMP along to help you locate the items in question, his other abilities may be of use to you for this mission. We will also need to make use of your teleportation disc gun. Transporting the items in question will be tricky at best, so allow yourself enough time to transport each item, one at a time. I will have them wired to be sent to my MTS room. Expect some hired guns along the way. Arikas Shipping has its own security force, and will naturally not hesitate to fill you with holes if you are found trespassing. Any questions?"
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#8 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. sits and waits. A mission is coming!
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#9 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. ponders the upcoming mission. Do you know anything else about this substance? he asks. What is it? Biological? Explosive? Narcotic? Alien? Nanotech? Your reaction tells me you know enough about this substance to be alarmed. What can you tell me about it?

And the warehouse? What do you know about it? I assume the crate we're looking for will be guarded? Do you have any information on that?
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#10 Post by Rukellian »

Professor Feldon, while waiting for a reply from Steve Sanderson and Professor Cortez, answers some of Scamp's questions, already very used to his telepathic voice. "The substance is alien in origin, biological to be exact, highly volatile. It is an organism in itself, but not as what we are accustomed to dealing with. If rocks could interact with its environment on a genetic level, that's what this substance is. It has gone by many names. From my dimension, a great villian once named it Ichnorite, a reference to the place that he found it in. Needless to say, anything that is abused will cause harm; it just so happens that this Ichnorite can cause worldwide cataclysimic damage if given the proper catalyst. You sensed my fear and rightly so, for I know that it is a destroyer of worlds and that his universe was thousands of years to early for something like this...."

When Scamp asks more about the warehouse, the professor just shuts down his mind and answers him out loud. "If you were to know any more about the place, it would draw too much unwanted attention. The crates in question will be heavily guarded, safe to say. That's all you need to know. I may have already spoken too much of it, but it was necessary."

There is something else about the substance that the professor is not letting on about, something he may not wish to discuss. Scamp can sense as much.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#11 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. presses the issue. He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brow in a pose he has seen induce bouts of inane sympathy in 87% (95% confidence interval: 81%-93%)* of normal humans, including a solid 47% (43%-51%, p < 0.05) who say "Awwww!" and try to pet him. Unfortunately, Maurice Feldon is not a typical human.

Professor, he sends as he audibly whimpers. Maurice. There's more that you aren't telling me about this substance. What is it? You know I have too much respect for you to use my mental probe functionality on you, other than for communication, but I am concerned and puzzled. How can it help me to know less? Would not a greater awareness of the substance and its current location and protections help me avoid drawing attention where it should not be? I go where you send me, of course, but an informed robo-dog is an effective robo-dog.

You spoke of a catalyst. What sort of substance is this catalyst. Is it, too, rare, I hope? Or is it something dangerously common, like water?

*S.C.A.M.P.'s statistical analysis programs are relatively primitive, but occasionally useful.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#12 Post by Rukellian »

"By all that is holy no! Water would not trigger such an effect, we are safe in that regards." After finishing his talk with Professor Cortez and Steve Anderson, the Maurice Feldon turns off the video feed and lets out a sigh. "No point in hiding any information, huh? The whole world is about to be changed if my predictions are correct, secrecy went out the window a long time ago I suppose."

Taking a seat near one of his tables littered with books and papers, he relaxes himself as best he can before speaking to Scamp. "Where do I begin? I only know such much about the material as it stands. You now know that the substance in question is an organic living thing, an alien as the people on this earth will no doubt refer to it as. But it is more than just a living organism, it is a resource, a crystalline state of matter that is capable of reproduction on a massive scale. If left uncheck, it can terraform the entire planet into an uninhabitable wasteland, or at least uninhabitable to us humans and supers.

"On my home dimension, we faced the threat of the ichnorite spread and barely scraped out of that mess, finally being able to eliminate it using a special alloy called Vibranium. You see, at first it just started out as a meteorite with a small spread of crystal. We did not know about its landing until some time later after it was able to start terraforming the area around its impact zone. We were skeptical of it at first, but then some of our top minds found some uses for it. A powerful energy source that replaced nuclear energy, a weapon to be used in biological warfare, a source of valuable minerals and gases that could be harvested and sold for vast amounts of money.

"Two great wars were waged over this substance, and as the continual use of the substance grew, so did its spread across the globe. Soon enough, the Ichnorite became after a nations superweapon was fired upon it. The shockwaves spanned continents and leveling entire cities and countries. The substance was almost uncontrollable and we all had to stop fighting one another to halt its spread and eliminate it, before we lost our home world. History will repeat itself, though its a history that his dimension has yet to meet. Regardless, the same events will follow suit if we do nothing to prevent it. Already, it can be found on the black market, I fear how much it has already been used, its uses discovered.

I never thought the day would come where we would have to face this substance, at least in my generation or the next, not for thousands of years. All we can do now is try and put a stop to the wars to come before they take place. Securing those samples in the black market will be the first step. Once I determine how much the substance has matured, we can start to work from there. The people guarding the substance, they are most likely unaware of what they are guarding, still, don't take the security lightly; they will be as protective of their goods as a drug lord is with his main product. You know all too well the tenacity and paranoia that comes from such behaviour."
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#13 Post by Zhym »

And the bad guys know my tenacity, replies S.C.A.M.P. But I will be careful.

Where is this warehouse? How do I get there?
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#14 Post by Rukellian »

The professor shows scamp the map of the city once again, pointing to the abandoned chemicals factory just near the shipping dock of the city. "You will find the entrance to the underground warehouse somewhere inside. Stevey boy will aid you in your efforts and will meet you outside of the plant. I can arrange for a transport to an area nearby, claiming that there are drugs to be confiscated, people to arrest for possession and dealings of such. You can find the factory just a short walk from there."

Just as the professor finishes saying this, sure enough, a new blip appears on Scamp's internal drug radar, showing a hotspot for such in the general area. The professor realizes this and smiles. "See? What did I say? Hehe..." He pats Scamp on the head and starts to get up. "I trust you know what to do from here? This will be an official drug bust, if you are asked, and you should handle it as such through out your mission. When you and Stevey boy get inside, he will hopefully be able to assist you in teleporting the crates in question to my lab. I will be preparing the lab for this accordingly. Good luck!"

Now its just a matter of waiting for Kipling to get back on. I understand he has been having trouble with his furnace and might of needed to get it replaced or fixed. I will be patient with him, and assume that he has not lost interest. In the mean time though, you can practice your dice rolling in combat by actually performing that drug bust in the general area. Would give your character something to do while waiting for Steve to show up.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#15 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. wags his tail and barks a short "Arf!"—the universal communication of "I'm ready to go outside now!" by dogs everywhere.
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#16 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. sits by the door and whimpers.

Ready when you are, he sends. Best to drop me somewhere half a mile or so away from the warehouse, so I can seem to wander by like an innocent stray dog, he adds. Muss my coat up a bit, would you, to make it a bit more convincing?
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#17 Post by Rukellian »

Scamps fur is mussed up a bit and he is driven within a half mile of the warehouse. Navigating through the familiar streets and alleyways, the robotic dog picks up on all of the wonderful smells of the city, as well as a tinge of coastal air. He is close to his destination, but like Professor Feldon mentioned, and sure enough, the dog's nose picks up on a few recorded scents in his drug database. Crackle Rocks, Dumari MoonDust and the local criminal favorite, Heaven's Doorbell, all found closeby and being prepared, carelessly. It is for situations like these that Scamp has a built in alarm system, able to contact the local law enforcement with the push of a hidden button.

Does he push it and bust some criminal operation, or continue to the warehouse, his main objective?
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#18 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. decides he has some enough time before his rendezvous at the warehouse to bust some drug dealers on the way. If a dog had knuckles, he'd crack them in anticipation!
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#19 Post by Rukellian »

The smell of drugs and drug production can be found eminating from a local chinese restaurant The Happy Eggroll, most likely a lucrative storefront for criminal activity. A gang of men can be found lounging about the entrance, some playing a dice game, a couple of others keeping watch, another welcoming customers in. Some come for the chinese food, Scamp suspects that others buy more than just the food.

What will the robotic dog do?
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: S.C.A.M.P.'s start

#20 Post by Zhym »

S.C.A.M.P. plods over toward the restaurant. He'll give his best Sarah McLauchlan ASCPA "When will I eat again?" look, hoping to be convincing as a stray pooch looking for a handout. As he does, he'll try to read the minds of the gang and the customers.

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