Power Explanations

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Rider of Rohan
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Power Explanations

#1 Post by Rukellian »

Here is a list of all of the powers and their descriptions. Just like in the character creation thread, please redirect all questions to the questions and suggestions thread, also called the OOC/Rants and Raves thread.

Thank you.

The character is immune to damage inflicted by a specific elemental or energy type (select one) up to the Rank Value of this power. Any damage inflicted over the Rank Value of this power is suffered normally.

The character may use the absorbed energy in one of two ways:
1. Healing. The character instantly recovers a number of damage points equal to the damage absorbed, up to his maximum value.
2. Attack. The character, on his next turn, may unleash the absorbed energy as an attack. Treat as an appropriate elemental or energy control attack with a Rank Value equal to the number of damage points absorbed.

The character possesses another form, a different persona he can willingly change into. Create a second character to use as this character’s Alter- Ego. The second character automatically has no powers and is a skilled human (do not roll for powers or origin). Additionally, the second character cannot possess any primary trait with a Rank Value greater than 30; any result rolled over 30 is automatically reduced to 30.

Animal Command
The character can communicate with and control animals. To successfully communicate with an animal the character must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater.

A result of Red or greater indicates successful communication. To control an animal, the character must achieve a 60+ result.

The character can control one type of animal (such as birds, reptiles, mammals, sea creatures, etc.), which must be determined at the time of the character’s creation.

Astoundingly Wealthy
Not a “power,” this result increases the character’s Lifestyle by +50 and Repute by +20.

Body Armor
The character has armor of some kind, perhaps thick hide or a protective bodysuit, which reduces damage by an amount equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character possesses the ability to tunnel beneath the earth, moving at a rate equal to his normal running speed (will explain later) through any subterranean terrain with a material rank (will explain later) equal to or less than the Rank Value of this power. The character cannot burrow through other characters.

Not a “power,” this result increases the character’s Repute by +30. The character is so famous that whenever he would gain or lose Repute the values are doubled. The character cannot possess a secret identity.

The character’s body, as well as worn or carried items, can be changed at will allowing the character to blend into the surroundings. This is similar to Invisibility, except it is easier to detect the character; anyone searching for the character rolls d% and adds the Rank Value of their Awareness trait to the roll and compares it against the character’s d% roll plus the Rank Value of this power. If the character rolls higher than the searcher the character remains hidden.

The character has some form of claws, either a natural part of the character’s body or a worn item. The character uses the Rank Value of either the character’s Melee or this power to make slashing attacks. Claws are treated as a one- handed weapon for purposes of damage.

Combat Awareness
The character has a special sense that alerts the character to danger seconds before it strikes. In all instances in which the Awareness trait is used the character uses the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Awareness +10, whichever is greater.

Contaminant Resistance
The character possesses a strong resistance to toxins, diseases, and the like. Any time the character must roll to resist the effects of poison, disease, or similar environmental hazards the character may use the Rank Value of this power or the Rank Value of Fortitude +10, whichever is greater.

The character has the ability to detect a specific form of energy, power, or supernatural presence. Select one type from the following list:

The character can detect magical energy – spells, artifacts, those with the ability to use magic, etc. - within a number of sectors (will explain sectors later) equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can detect magnetic fields – usually powers of those possessing magnetic control – within a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can detect psionic activity or ability –when a power is used or someone possesses a power – within a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can detect radioactive energy within a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can detect spiritual activity – such as ghosts – within a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The above is by no means a complete listing of available detection powers. Players that wish to possess a form of detection not listed here are encouraged to discuss the idea with their DM.

Dimension Jump
The character can move at will between dimensions. The character may freely jump to another dimension he has previously visited but visiting a new dimension requires the character to roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. A result of Black means that the character arrives dazed at the destination dimension and must spend the next turn recovering (the character may take no actions that turn).

The character’s body can stretch, allowing the character to attack someone in a different sector. A character with this power can stretch a number of sectors equal to this power’s Rank Value divided by 10 (round up).

Elemental/Energy Control
The character has the ability to control a single element or type of energy chosen from the list below. The character can only manipulate an existing source of the element or energy; the character does not possess the ability to spontaneously create the element or energy.

Elemental Control
Air: The character can manipulate winds to attack, create force fields, lift objects, etc.
Earth: The character can manipulate the ground to attack, create walls of earth that act as armor, lift objects, etc.
Fire: The character can manipulate fire to attack, increase or decrease the temperate of a flame, create a wall of fire like a force field, etc.
Water: The character can manipulate water to attack, create walls of water that act as armor, lift objects, etc.

Energy Control
Electrical: The character can manipulate electricity to attack, create force fields, lift objects, etc.
Light: The character can manipulate light to attack, blind opponents, create force fields, etc.
Magnetic: The character can manipulate ferrous metals to attack, create walls of metal that act as armor, lift metallic objects, etc.
Sound: The character can manipulate sound to attack, lift objects, create force fields, etc.

Note that the above are guidelines only. The exact extent of what these powers can do is up to the DM.

Weather Control: A subset of elemental/energy control, a character may choose to manipulate the weather. This power can be especially powerful since it allows a character to manipulate air, lightning, rain, and any other aspect associated with storms/weather so the DM may choose to have Weather Control count as two of a character’s powers.

Attacking: A character using Elemental/Energy Control to attack may use either the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Melee Rank Value +10, whichever is greater, for melee attacks. For ranged attacks use the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Coordination Rank Value +10. Damage inflicted in either case is equal to the power’s Rank Value.

Force Field/Armor: See the respective powers.

Lifting Objects: The upper weight limit of an object the character may lift is based on the power’s Rank Value:

1-2 = 50 lb.
3-5 = 100 lbs.
6-9 = 200 lbs.
10-19 = 400 lbs.
20-29 = 800 lbs.
30-39 = 1 ton
40-49 = 10 tons
50-59 = 50 tons
75-99 = 80 tons
100-149 = 100 tons
150-999 = 200 tons
1000+ = 400 tons

Elemental/Energy Generation
The character has the ability to spontaneously generate a single element or type of energy chosen from the the Elemental/Energy Control power list. The character can also control the chosen element or energy as per the Elemental/Energy Control power but that control is at an effective Rank Value equal to one-half the Rank Value of this power.

A character that possesses matching Elemental/ Energy Control and Elemental/Energy Generation gains a permanent +10 Rank Value bonus to both powers.

Extra Body Parts
The character gains additional body parts beyond two arms and two legs, either a completely new part (such as a tail) or extras of an existing part (four arms instead of two). The character selects a single extra body part. Extra body parts function as follows:

Claws: The character gains the Claws power. If the character already possesses the Claws power the power’s Rank Value is increased by +20.

Extra Arms: The character gains one bonus attack each turn.

Extra Legs: The character moves faster; increase movement by sector each turn.

Shell: The character gains the Body Armor power. If the character already possesses the Body Armor power the power’s Rank Value is increased by +20.

Tail: The character gains one bonus attack each turn and may use the tail as if it were an extra arm.

Wings: The character gains the Flight power with the speed determined by the Rank Value of this power. If the character already possesses the Flight power the power’s Rank Value is increased by +20.

Fast Attack
A character with this power can attack a number of times each turn based on the power’s Rank Value:

1-29 = 2 attacks per turn
30-49 = 3 attacks per turn
50+ = 4 attacks per turn

The character can fly either through the use of an item or by innate means. When flying the character can move a number of sectors per turn depending on the Rank Value of the power:

1-2 = 1 Sector per turn
3-5 = 2 Sectors per turn
6-9 = 3 Sectors per turn
10-19 = 4 Sectors per turn
20-29 = 5 Sectors per turn
30-39 = 6 Sectors per turn
40-49 = 7 Sectors per turn
50-74 = 8 Sectors per turn
75-99 = 9 Sectors per turn
100-149 = 10 Sectors per turn
150-999 = 15 Sectors per turn
1000 = The character can circle the world in a single turn.

Force Field
The character has the ability to generate a force field, either through mental powers or a device.

Device: The force field acts as armor with a Rank Value equal to the power’s Rank Value. If an attack deals damage in excess of this force field’s Rank Value the device is shorted out for 1-10 turns (during which time it cannot be used).

Mental: The force field acts as armor with a Rank Value equal to the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater. If an attack deals damage in excess of the force field’s Rank Value or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater, the character must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the character’s Fortitude. A result of Black leaves the character dazed and the character must spend 1-10 turns recovering (the character may take no actions during that time). On any other result the character is dazed for one turn.

The character can grow larger or smaller (select one), to a maximum/minimum height as shown on the table below:

1-2 = max height of 9 ft, min of 4 ft
3-5 = max height of 12 ft, min of 3 ft
6-9 = max height of 15 ft, min of 2 ft
10-19 = max height of 18 ft, min of 1 foot
20-29 = max height of 21 ft, min of 6 inches
30-39 = max height of 24 ft, min of 3 inches
40-49 = max height of 27 ft, min of 2 inches
50-74 = max height of 30 ft, min of 1 inch
75-99 = max height of 60 ft, min of 1/2 inch
100-149 = max height of 120 ft, min of 1/4 inch
150-999 = max height of 240 ft, min of 1/8 inch
1000 = max height of 480 ft, min of 1/16 inch

When using Growth, the Rank Value of the character’s Brawn is changed to the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Brawn Rank Value +10 whichever is greater. Opponents attacking the bigger character gain a +1 Row Step bonus on their attacks.

When using Shrinking the Rank Value of the character’s Brawn is unaffected. Anyone attacking the character when using this power suffers a -1 Row Step penalty and the character gains a +2 Row Step bonus to attacks.

The character possesses a secret headquarters. The headquarters size and location must be approved by the DM. The exact makeup of the headquarters – weapons locker, garage, communications center, prison, etc. – must also be approved by the DM. The Rank Value of the headquarters should be used as a rough guide.

1-5 = A secret room in an apartment. May include a computer and basic lab. Nothing sophisticated.
6-9 = An apartment. A home gym would be appropriate. Maybe one piece of advanced technology.
10-19 = A house. A few dedicated rooms serve as an armory, a brig, or other specialized duty. May include a garage.
20-29 = A mansion. Sprawling, spacious, and loaded with extras.
30-39 = A compound. Multiple buildings behind a sturdy fence or wall. A character with a headquarters of this size most likely does not have a secret identity.
40-49 = A skyscraper. Some floors may be rented out as offices or apartments but most of the building is dedicated to the character's pursuit against crime.
50+ = An orbital complex, subterranean city, inter-dimensional residence, or other highly unusual and/or massive complex.

A headquarters can be of a smaller size than suggested. A Rank Value 50 headquarters, for example, could be a single well-outfitted mansion.

Improved Skills
Not exactly a “power,” this result grants the character two bonus skills and increases the Row Step bonus of one skill to +3.

The character can become invisible and remain so for as long as desired. Sound, scent, heavy rain, and other methods can still give an invisible character away. The character may also attempt to turn objects or other characters invisible by touching them. Roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power, on a result or Red or greater the item or character touched is invisible and remains so as long as the character touches it.

The character possesses knowledge of, and ability to use, magic. Magic allows the character to cast “spells” that duplicate any other power in the game; as a result Magic is the sole power the character may have. A character may use only one spell per turn.

Duplicated powers function as described in the individual power sections and at a Rank Value equal to the character’s Magic Rank Value.

Mind Control
The character can take over the minds of others. A target of Mind Control must be within visual range of the character and must possess a Willpower Rank Value less than the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Willpower, whichever is greater.

To take control of another the character must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater. If the result is 100 or 1-19 the mind control attempt fails. If the result is Red or greater the target is controlled until the character releases the targeted character or the target is ordered to do something out of the ordinary (such as injure a companion) at which point the target rolls d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the target character’s Willpower. A result of Red or greater is needed to break free of the mind control.

Nine Lives
The character is exceptionally lucky. At the start of each adventure/mission the character gains a pool of Fortune points equal to twice the Rank Value of this power. These points must be used during that adventure/mission to affect die rolls and cannot be saved or used for character improvement. Additionally, the player is allowed one 'redo' during an adventure/mission. The effects and usage of such a 'redo' are left solely up to the DM.

The character possesses the ability to nullify – completely negate – the powers of others within a number of sectors equal to one-tenth the Rank Value of this power (round up). To use this power the character must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. If the result is Black the nullification attempt fails and the character suffers damage equal to one-half (round up) the Rank Value of the power the character attempted to nullify. If the result is Red the targeted power works at half its effectiveness (round up). On any other result the power is negated for this turn.

One-of-a-Kind Weapon
The character owns a unique weapon of the player’s choice which deals damage equal to its Rank Value.

Melee Weapon: The character makes melee attacks with the weapon using the weapon’s Rank Value or the character’s Melee +10, whichever is greater.

Ranged Weapon: The character uses the weapon’s Rank Value or the character’s Coordination +10, whichever is greater, when attacking.

Incorporated Power: At the player’s discretion one of the character’s other powers may be incorporated into the weapon increasing the Rank Value of the incorporated power by +10 but losing the use of the incorporated power if the weapon is lost or stolen.

Paralyzing Touch
The character’s touch can render opponents unable to move. To paralyze an opponent the character must first hit with a melee attack which deals no damage. The target must then roll d% on the Master Table using the target’s Fortitude Rank Value to resist. If the result is Black the target is paralyzed – knocked down and unconscious – for a number of rounds equal to one-tenth the Rank Value of this power (round up).

The character‘s body can change into an insubstantial form allowing the character to “phase” through objects. The power grants the character armor at the Rank Value of this power.

Physical Metamorphosis
The character’s body can change into an unusual material, selected from the list below, at will. When metamorphosed the character possesses the traits of the material and gains armor equal to the Rank Value of this power. When a character also possesses body armor, the Rank Value of this power receives an additional +20 in armor.

Energy: The character transforms into a being of pure energy (choose electricity, light, radiation, etc.). When in energy form the character may do such things as:

Jump into power lines and travel through them. (Electricity)
Move at the speed of light. (Light)
Cause radiation burns and sickness. (Radiation)

Fire: The character transforms into a being of pure fire. When in fire form the character is capable of setting things on fire.

Metal: The character transforms into a being of pure metal (player’s choice as to the kind of metal). The Rank Value of the character’s Brawn is changed to the Rank Value of this power or the Brawn Rank Value +10, whichever is greater.

Water: The character transforms into a being of pure water. When in water form the character may choose to flow like water, running through cracks and other small spaces.

Depending on the form and Gamemaster approval the character may make use of the Rank Value of this power to determine damage when attacking (punching with fists of steel, igniting things if made of fire, etc.).

Plant Control
The character can control plants, forcing them to twist and turn and using them to wrestle, attack opponents, or block attacks. The character performs all of these actions, through a chosen plant, using the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Combat +10, whichever is greater. The character can control a number of plants each turn equal to the number of times he can attack in a turn (controlling counts as an attack). The character can only control plants within a number of sectors equal to one-tenth the Rank Value of this power (round up).

Protected Sense
One of the character’s senses – either a normal sense (sight, hearing, etc.) or a supersense – is completely immune to damage or attacks of a Rank Value equal to or less than the Rank Value of this power. Touch, though a sense, cannot be protected.

The character possesses the ability to reflect the effects of another character’s power back at the originating character. To use this power the character must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. If the result is Black the reflection attempt fails and the character suffers the normal effects of the power. If the result is Red both the character and the originator of the affected power suffer the normal effects of the reflected power. On any other result the power is reflected back and the originator suffers the power’s full effect.

The character heals quickly. Once per turn, instead of taking another action, the character may recover a number of Damage points equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can turn into any shape desired (animals, other characters, objects) though the character retains the character’s original size (unless the character also has the Growth or Shrinking powers). The change is automatically successful unless the character attempts to impersonate a specific thing (such as another character) at which point roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. A result of Black means the character fails to adequately copy the character or object and can be easily identified.

The character possesses a sidekick that assists him on adventures (and is the perfect tool when the DM wants to cause trouble). Create a second character. This new character may possess no primary trait greater than the main character’s and cannot possess more than one- half the number of powers (round up) of the main character. Any results that would break these two rules are automatically reduced. The sidekick is under the DM’s control.

The character can jump across great distances. The character may leap up to a number of sectors each turn depending on the Rank Value of the power:

1-2 = 1 Sector per turn
3-5 = 2 Sectors per turn
6-9 = 3 Sectors per turn
10-19 = 4 Sectors per turn
20-29 = 5 Sectors per turn
30-39 = 6 Sectors per turn
40-49 = 7 Sectors per turn
50-74 = 8 Sectors per turn
75-99 = 9 Sectors per turn
100-149 = 10 Sectors per turn
150-999 = 15 Sectors per turn
1000+ = The character can circle the world in a single turn

The character possesses a single extraordinary sense such as superhearing or supersight. Rolls made to use the heightened sense use this power’s Rank Value or the character’s Awareness +10, whichever is greater.

A player may, with DM approval, have an entirely new sense. For example, a character may be blind but possess echolocation (“seeing” like a bat) or infravision in addition to normal sight allowing the character to see in darkness without penalty.

The character can run at superhuman speeds. The character can move up to a number of sectors per turn based on the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Coordination +10, whichever is greater:

1-2 = 1 Sector per turn
3-5 = 2 Sectors per turn
6-9 = 3 Sectors per turn
10-19 = 4 Sectors per turn
20-29 = 5 Sectors per turn
30-39 = 6 Sectors per turn
40-49 = 7 Sectors per turn
50-74 = 8 Sectors per turn
75-99 = 9 Sectors per turn
100-149 = 10 Sectors per turn
150-999 = 15 Sectors per turn
1000+ = The character can circle the world in a single turn

When attempting an unusual maneuver, such as running across water or up walls, the player must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Coordination +10, whichever is greater. A result of Black indicates failure.

The character possesses the mental ability to move objects without touching them. The upper limit of weight the character may lift with this power is the greater of the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Willpower Rank Value +10.

1-2 = 50 lb.
3-5 = 100 lbs.
6-9 = 200 lbs.
10-19 = 400 lbs.
20-29 = 800 lbs.
30-39 = 1 ton
40-49 = 10 tons
50-59 = 50 tons
75-99 = 80 tons
100-149 = 100 tons
150-999 = 200 tons
1000+ = 400 tons

Ranged Attacks: The character may also use this power to perform ranged attacks – by throwing an object or simply using telekinetic “force” – using the character’s Willpower in place of Coordination. A successful attack deals damage equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The character can read the minds of others and transmit mental messages. For all actions involving this power the character uses the greater of the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Willpower +10.

A character with this power may read the mind of any character with a Willpower Rank Value lower than the character’s Rank Value in this power or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater.

A character with this power is automatically aware when someone attempts to read the character’s mind. The character may attempt to block the other telepath; both characters roll d% and add the Rank Value of this power or the character’s Willpower +10, whichever is greater.

The character may teleport a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this power in a single turn. Teleporting requires the player to roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. A result of Black means the character arrives dazed at the destination sector and must spend the next turn recovering (the character may take no actions that turn).

If the character is unfamiliar with – or cannot see – the destination sector and teleports into a solid object – which can include the ground – the player must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the character’s Fortitude. A result of Black immediately bounces the character back to the starting sector where the character is dazed and must spend 1-10 turns recovering (taking no actions during that time). Any other result immediately bounces the character back to the starting sector where the character is dazed for one turn.

Trait Boost
Unlike Trait Increase (see below), this power is a temporary boost to any one primary trait of the character’s choice (chosen at the time this power is acquired). Once each hour of game time the character can automatically boost the chosen trait’s Rank Value by an amount equal to the Rank Value of this power. For a number of turns equal to one-tenth the newly boosted value (round up), the affected primary trait operates at this new value. At the end of this time the affected primary trait’s Rank Value is reduced to one-half (round up) its normal value for 1d10 turns.

Trait Increase
Not exactly a “power”, the character increases the rank value of any two primary traits by +15 each. If this “power” is rolled twice the bonus to each primary trait chosen is increased to +20 each.

The character possesses a unique and exceptional vehicle. The character selects an existing vehicle (see vehicle thread once up) and then increases the Durability, Handling, and Velocity of the vehicle by one-half this power’s Rank Value (round up). In addition to this increase the vehicle possesses two special systems – weapons, unusual abilities that mimic a power, or any other equipment the DM will approve – with each system at a Rank Value equal to one-half this power’s Rank Value (round up).

The character can move normally, either by using a specialized device or innate means, across surfaces from which most people would fall (walls and ceilings, for example). DM's should inflict a row step penalty when attempting to move across a slippery surface.

Water Native
The character is from a watery civilization and may breathe underwater or on land. When swimming, the character moves a number of Sectors determined by the Rank Value of this power.

1-2 = 1 Sector per turn when swimming
3-29 = 2 Sectors per turn when swimming
30+ = 3 Sectors per turn when swimming

The character possesses a weapon, or weapons, with a combined total damage equal to the Rank Value of this power.

Example: A character with a Rank Value of 30 in this power could own two rifles, three pistols, or a bow, crossbow, and pistol.

The character may possess weapons that do not appear within these rules or in existing 4C System games or supplements. Such new weapons must be approved by the DM.

New weapons and devices will be added in a separate thread (will eventually get around to it).
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Power Explanations

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Elemental/Energy Control

Elemental Control
Ice: The character can manipulate ice to attack, create walls of ice that acts as armor, and encase objects or opponents in ice. When the player chooses to encase an opponent in ice, roll using the Rank Value of this power and compare the result to the table below.

Black = Fail. The opponent resisted the ice with superior strength.
Red = Fail. The opponent is held for only a moment, then breaks free.
Blue = You've successfully encased your opponent in ice.
Yellow = You've successfully encased your opponent in ice. Your opponent takes damage equal to the Rank Value of your power.

Attacking: A character using Elemental/Energy Control to attack may use either the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Melee Rank Value +10, whichever is greater, for melee attacks. For ranged attacks use the power’s Rank Value or the character’s Coordination Rank Value +10. Damage inflicted in either case is equal to the power’s Rank Value.

Armor: A character using Elemental/Energy Control to create defensive walls may use the Rank Value of the power and use it as a form of armor, soaking up incoming attacks as body armor normally would. If an opponenent's attack is greater than the Rank Value of this power, the wall is destroyed and the character takes the remaining damage that wasn't negated.

Characters that have matching Elemental/Energy Control and Generation can add a permanant +10 to the Rank Value of the two powers.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Power Explanations

#3 Post by Rukellian »

Physical Metamorphosis

Ice Form:
The character transforms into a being of pure ice. When in Ice Form, the character can Ice Surf in mid-air, leaving trails of ice in the character's path. The movement speeds of Ice Surf will be treated as flight. When in ice form, the character can also refract non-heated forms of energy, negating any potential damage up to the Rank Value of this power.

When a character also possesses body armor, the Rank Value of this power receives an additional +20 in armor.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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