[Game #2] Common Game Thread

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[Game #2] Common Game Thread

#1 Post by Landifarne »

The party arrived late the previous night, having traveled up from Rifford and rushing the last few leagues- not wanting to spend another miserable night in the rain. Securing rooms in the mountain thorpe’s only inn, the group had promptly fallen asleep, dropping from exhaustion.

Meeting in the larger town of Rifford, the five companions made an unlikely group. Each was fleeing or escaping from something- a sordid past, the cruel hands of feudal justice, boredom, and the prospects of working a farm for the next thirty years, but they all had one thing in common: a desire for adventure and exploration.

While in Rifford the companions had heard from a trapper and dealer of furs that Highwold’s apothecary, Willim, had need for an enterprising group. The apothecary was searching for one of the region’s ancient, elven shrines- believing that it could hold the key to new methods of healing. More important to the companions was that the old apothecary was said to be offering a decent sum of silver for artefacts and samples taken from such a site. This was sufficient to get the companions to Highwold, and where they went from there was to be seen…

Waking late, the companions met downstairs, in the Silver Tankard’s common hall. Gorlan Barthenay, the proprietor of the place, had a reputable establishment, and the prices for food and drink were rather reasonable.

Several locals wiled away their time in the hall, three of them old men with missing or mangled limbs and who seemed to be making the place their second home, a fellow in the corner who looked to be a sharper, and a few farmers and trappers that stopped by for a drink, eyed the companions skeptically, and left soon after…a farmer’s life one of toil and burden.

Gorlan’s wife, Karin, came out of the inn’s kitchen, and served the travelers warm bread, butter, a plate of eggs and some sweet mead. There were worse ways to break one’s fast, all agreed.

Map of Highwold Sorry it's so crude. It's taking a while to get it done, but better to start the game off.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#2 Post by NJWilliam »

Alexander, human opportunist

Alex thoroughly enjoys the morning repast, and compliments Karin on it each time he sees her.
Still sipping his mead, he says to his companions, "Good we didn't wake too early, th' apothecary may not have been open for business yet. Anyone spy where his place was on the way in las' night?"
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#3 Post by Ythgar »

Sarvane Ithrold

After hearing the opportunist's question, Sarvane replies, "I don't exactly know where the herbalist is, but I believe he may lie across the river, as I didn't see the shop on this side." He then takes another bite of his breakfast and adds, "Leastways, it shouldn't be to hard to find in this small town; it's probably one of the more important business, being the only place of healing in miles."
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#4 Post by Ryker »

Ryker Aklos

Finishing a healthy plate of food he settles back and gazes slowly about the room observing the patrons. 'what about we split up for a bit, taking sections of town.' looking up, he continues, 'all together may be intimidating.'
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#5 Post by Pulpatoon »

Isolde, Lady of High Standing, I'm Sure

"I think first, I shall go make some farmer's wife very happy." Isolde fingers her embroidered dress and fine fur cloak, and says, "Despite my sentimental attachments to them, but my attire is ill-suited to the matters at hand."

"I expect that Ostgallian fashion is a rarity in these parts, while practical gear should be common enough, so the tide of trade is with me."
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#6 Post by Sulara »

Finn glances around the room her eyes lingering on the walls surrounding her. It will be good to get outside again, I shall wander with you and see what rumors I can get others to share. flashing a brilliant smile she stands and heads towards the door. Stopping short she turns We meet back here?
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#7 Post by Landifarne »

Sarvane and Isolde pay for the groups' repast, thank Karin for the hospitality, and stroll out the Tankard's front door. Still morning, the cool air of the mountains is cold enough to bite, the small thorpe being just two days from the Djorsalng Valley's narrow pass- high enough to keep snow on the ground well into spring. Breathing it in, the two look around what seems like the place's main square and bear left, towards a narrow bridge that spans a small stream.

A couple businesses and farmsteads lie downstream, southwest of the Silver Tankard, and a brewery is on the opposite side of the stream. Inquiring of a passing farmer-goatsherd, they discover that the apothecary's shop is just a hundred paces away, up the dirt track. And, for Isolde, a tiny tailor's shop lay across from Master Willim's place.

Finn is drawn to the village square, which is bounded by a provisioner's shop and a smithy. To the east, some two hundred paces are several corrals and small hovels, the smells of the many animals kept there rather unmistakeable. To the north, a couple hovels lie to either side of the northern track, and the druid thinks that she can make out a shrine of some sort. Looming above everything, the tall walls of a manor can be easily discerned some quarter mile off.

Ryker and Alexander stay a while in the common hall, guaging the locals a bit and trying to decide whether any of them look approachable. The man in the corner looks like he's already assessed their party, and the curmudgeons seem of the type to spill some gossip in exchange of a well-portioned tankard of ale.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#8 Post by NJWilliam »

Alexander, opportunist

Alex looks at Ryker, "Well, how about you buy those curmudgeons a round while I see what that fella in the corner's game is?"

Alex then asks Karin to send a mug of mead over to the corner, and walks over as the mead is delivered.

"You look to know what's on about town. We're willing to work if you know of any needing done."
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#9 Post by Sulara »

Finn, Druid at large

Noting the apparent shrine, Finn moves toward it thinking Lets see what God these folks worship shall we, maybe they hear tales of others.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#10 Post by Pulpatoon »

Isolde, Bargain Shopper

Isolde watches Finn head in the direction of the shrine, and then steps aside somewhere unobserved and casts Allure. She immediately proceeds to the tailor's shop, where she will do her magically-enhanced best to convince the proprietor that her clothes are incredibly fine and valuable, items of queenly luxury and that his/her fortunes will surely be made if he/she is seen as having such fine wares to offer. More than that, Isolde is a genuinely good and admirable person engaged in noble task, and it would be a great honor for the tailor to help outfit her with high quality goods for her journey.

She wants to get some solid traveling clothes, good boots, and some leather armor (but she will certainly take more if she thinks she can get it out of the shopkeeper). She will discuss alteration with the tailor to make sure even these simple garments are as elegant and flattering as possible.

The items she offers up are:
Embroidered gown
Silk shoes
Fine fur cloak
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#11 Post by Landifarne »

Flashing Alex the Sign of Recognition as he accepts the proffered drink, the man gestures calmly to the opportunist, indicating that the newcomer is welcome to take a seat.

The fellow whets his lips and picks up the well-worn deck of cards that sits on the table between them. Shuffling furiously, and with a practiced flourish, it’s immediately understood by the younger thief that the man is a practiced sharper. Of course, he probably noticed Alex’s unconscious response to seeing the flashed sign…

Of nondescript form and face, the only thing that sets the man apart from the peasants of Highwold is his sharp, clear gaze and a trimmed leathern vest that sharper wears.

“Name’s Clengall Burne,” the gambler states in a matter of fact fashion. “Been playing these parts nigh two years, now. What can I do for you and your friends?”
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#12 Post by Landifarne »

Finn's unusual appearance causes a number of heads to turn as she ambles up the track, towards the thorpe's shrine. Nearing the simple structure, the druidess notices that it is a typical shrine of Bellash, the Gallian god of fecundity, agriculture and prosperity. Typical, the druidess thinks to her self.

Also typical is the naked bronze statue of the Puissant Lord that stands just outside the shrine. Facing east, the direction of the morning sun, the Everpole's...well...pole stands fully erect and is ready for business. Knowing full well that Bellash's clery are as randy as their lord is purported to be, the druidess thinks twice about having walked up to the shrine. Perhaps it's not best to be caught out here by some overzealous, oversexed acolyte.

While she's debating what to do a few hausfraus walk by and shake their heads in derision, making insulting noises as they pass the striking druidess.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#13 Post by Landifarne »

Walking past the bridge, Isolde takes Sarvane aside and suggests that the ranger look around for half a bell, while she plays up the mountain thorpe's tailor. Looking for something more practical than the expensive (slatternly?) outfit that she left Ostgall with some four weeks ago, the witch figures that she can use her wiles to charm something out of what is sure to be a proverbially unattached tailor.

Entering the tailor's shop, Isolde takes her time perusing the few articles that the less-than-hansome fellow has on display. Of decent quality, the man's work would certainly not be worn by higher status clientele- but Isolde has a plan that is certain to work out nicely (or so the witch believes).

Leaving the shop on a pretense, Isolde uses her powers to make herelf much more alluring- nearly irresitable to the man she had just met. Re-entering the shop, the witch then proceeds to sell the fellow the silken slippers she had stuffed in her satchel (she had been wearing a spare pair of turnshoes that Alex had leant her back in Rifford) in exchange for a man's woolen frock, a pair of linen hose and some leathern breeks. For good measure, the witch charms the tailor out of a half dozen pennies in the process. The overeager fellow promises the goods on the morrow, the earliest that he can get the order done (in fact, he'll have to put Lord Duralain's commission on hold for a day while he tends to mistress Isolde's order).

With ego suitably stoked, Isolde smiles at the tailor as he suggests that she see the provisioner for a pair of stout boots and some spare turnshoes, the fellow is sad to see her go as she waves goodbye...
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#14 Post by Ythgar »

Sarvane Ithrold, Title-less Ranger

Taking Isolde's suggestion, Sarvane decides to head up to the apothecary and inquire to Willim. Once he arrives at the herbalist's shop he will browse around the plants in the shop, and ask about any he is not familiar with. If there are no plants that he doesn't know, he'll ask about a couple anyway just so he doesn't appear aloof. After having been in the store for a few minutes he will ask the attendant in the shop, "Does Willim happen to be around here?"
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#15 Post by Sulara »


Seeing, hopefully ALL there is to see here Finn thinks it best to move on. After the reaction of the local women she pulls the hood of her cloak up. Well off to the corrals it is then! Perhaps the animals and their keepers will be more friendly. Humming quietly to herself to heads off.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#16 Post by NJWilliam »

Landifarne wrote:Flashing Alex the Sign of Recognition as he accepts the proffered drink, the man gestures calmly to the opportunist, indicating that the newcomer is welcome to take a seat.

The fellow whets his lips and picks up the well-worn deck of cards that sits on the table between them. Shuffling furiously, and with a practiced flourish, it’s immediately understood by the younger thief that the man is a practiced sharper. Of course, he probably noticed Alex’s unconscious response to seeing the flashed sign…

Of nondescript form and face, the only thing that sets the man apart from the peasants of Highwold is his sharp, clear gaze and a trimmed leathern vest that sharper wears.

“Name’s Clengall Burne,” the gambler states in a matter of fact fashion. “Been playing these parts nigh two years, now. What can I do for you and your friends?”
Alex, opportunist

Alex smiles a bit. "Well met, Clengall. I'm Alex Ittos. Might I?" he gestures to a seat.
"We heard an apothecary here had some work, but I'm not one to pass by an opportunity, if you know of another chance to make some coin."

Alex tosses down a couple of coins that he's sure he'll lose in any game of cards with the sharper, and gestures for Clengall to deal.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#17 Post by Landifarne »

Entering Willim's shop, Sarvane is expecting to find the old apothecary puttering about. Instead, the ranger meets a fetching young woman who is presently sorting through a few bags of plants, roots, bark and mushrooms. Sarvane recognizes several of the more obvious specimens, amongst them dogear, sheepwort and liverbark. Other obvious pallatives and pain relievers rest in bins situated around the cozy parlor. With her collection spread out on large, sturdy table, the woman carefully inspecting each piece before setting it in various, scattered piles. Glancing up, she gives Sarvane a warm smile before responding to his inquiry.

"Why, yes...this is his shop, afterall," she says, inviting the ranger to introduce his self. Looking askance at the man's weapons, the young woman clucks her tongue and shakes her head a bit but, keeping her smile, continues. "Do you require the Master's help?"
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#18 Post by Landifarne »

While his partner loses coin to the gambler, Ryker ambles over to the three Curmudgeons and attempts to strike up a conversation. Before he can say anything, however, the one with a crushed right arm sucks his few remaining teeth and proclaims in a loud voice: "You'll be workin' th' mines within a for'night, laddie."

Hearing the fellow's bitter words, Gorlan shouts across the hall at the old man "Hold your tongue, Turgit! I'll not have you harassing my customers, you ol' sot!"

"Har, har, can't take a joke, Gorlan?" Tugit responds, the man less drunk than Ryker had first assumed. "This whelp can take care o' his self." Eyeing Ryker, the fellow belches loudly and then gets to the point fast enough. "Buy me a beer, laddie, an I'll tell ye a few lies 'bout this place...least I won' steal all yer coin, like Clengall, o'er there.'"
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#19 Post by Landifarne »

Genrally holding his own, but seeing that if he were to play against Clengall for any real length of time he would be losing his entire savings, Alex inquires about the community in a way that only two accomplished grifters could understand. Learning quite a bit over a period of a bell's time, and buying Clengall another drink as further payment, the aspiring thief eventually returns to his companions' earlier table to await their return...

I'll give Ryker's and Alex's lowdown later on, when the characters are assembled again.
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Re: [Game #2] Common Game Thread

#20 Post by Landifarne »

Wisely deciding to not find out how charming a Praest of Bellash can be, Finn ambles down to the drovers' shacks to guage the quality of the region's mules. Seeing corrals and barns built to house half a hundred of the beasts- and boxes and bins of frames and packs, Finn gets a good impression of how much silver Lord Duralain must send south each season.

The region's rich,
Finn considered, but what price to extract the wealth from the earth?

Seeing the tall, hooded woman nearby, several of the mule handlers begin to catcall and whistle, as crude men do everywhere. Hearing too many of their lewd suggestions, the druidess moves away and decides to stroll around the community's perimeter- to judge the peoples' relative prosperity. Spending a bell looking about, she returns to the Tankard to report what she's found.
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