Oddfellow's Character(s)

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Oddfellow's Character(s)

#1 Post by Oddfellow »

Bronwyn the Silent, Dirgesinger
Alignment: Lawful
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf

Level 0
XP: -100
HP: 1/1
AC: 10
Movement: 20'

STR: 9
AGI: 11
STA: 11
PER: 14 (+1)
INT: 3 (-3; cannot read or write)
LUK: 14 (+1)

Fort: +0
Reflex: +0
Will: +2
Luck Ability: Resisted Temptation (+1 Will saving throws)

Weapon: Dagger, 1d4 (range- 10/20/13)

-Book of Dirges
-Thieves Tools (starting gear)
-Flint and steel
-2 torches
-ration (1 day)
-Large sack
5 cp

Dwarf Traits:
Infravision 60'
Gold-smelling: Can smell direction of large amount of gold from 100', or (w/ concentration) a single coin from 40'

Bronwyn wears a (relatively) fine dark tunic with a cheap ceremonial pin clasping his mud-soaked and moth-eaten cloak across his broad
dwarven shoulders. His head is bald and smooth as polished marble, his brown beard trim, and in his eyes there is a kindness that instantly
warms onlookers to him.
Strangely, he talks little-- few realize that the reason for this is that he has little to say, for he has never received an education, and he was
born a foolish child and was disregarded by dwarven scholars and warriors alike. However, he is inwardly reflective, and his presence puts people
at ease. Perhaps that, along with his incredible bass singing voice, are why he was chosen by his clan to do the grim job of singing funeral dirges
for his fallen kin.
Abilities: Stats: STR:9, DEX:11, CON:11, CHR:14, INT:3, WIS:14
Luck Ability: [1d30] = 22
Occupation: [1d200] = 127
HP: [1d4] = 1
Start gold: [5d12] = 39
Random Gear: [1d24] = 22
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Re: Oddfellow's Character(s)

#2 Post by Oddfellow »

Leumas the Far-sighted, Falconer
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful

Level 0
XP: -100
HP: 2/2
AC: 12
Movement: 30'

STR 11
AGI 16 (+2)
STA 8 (-1)
PER 12
INT 11
LUK 11

Luck ability: Seventh Son (spell checks +0)

Dagger 1d4

-Oil (1 flask) >starting gear rolled
-Torches (2)
-Rations (2 days)
-Flint and steel


Leumas is tall but slight of build like most of his kind, frail shoulders wrapped in a tattered dark blue shawl that trails down to just past the middle of his back, which only partially manages to cover the enumerable pockets that line his road-worn tunic beneath. His hair is fair and long, but he keeps it carefully tied or concealed in his hood to avoid having anything loose that may get in the way of his falcon, Grahmus. Upon his right hand is the tell-tale sign of one who practices the his trade: a sturdy leather glove, frayed from many years and many pairs of talons that have gripped it.

Leumas' background is a modest one, as he was raised humbly by a tradesman and his wife, and although he is easy to smile and quick to get along with folk he comes across in his travels, he may strike them as unassuming and average-- far from it, as Leumas has spent much of his time not only plying his trade as a falconer, but he revels in the hunt and has learned to train himself to take his prey down from a distance, giving him a sure hand and swift fingers, whether it be throwing or with a bow, should he get his hands on one.
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