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Re: IC I

#2 Post by thirdkingdom »

Thirdmonth, Firstday

After a long and arduous sea voyage, filled with hardships and travails that are better forgotten, the band of adventurers has disembarked in the port city of Mellas. The largest city on the coast within a hundred miles in either direction, Mellas is a thriving, noisy city of some four thousand souls.

The city smells of fish and salt and sweat and excrement. It is a sprawling city, built around a deep inlet of the Shallow Sea. The houses are white and tan, pressed from mud bricks. Most buildings are two or three stories, with flat roofs that the natives sleep on at night to avoid the heat, which is omnipresent.

The citizens are copper skinned and average in build. They – men and women both – tend to the wearing of tall hats cut from brightly colored velvet; both wear clothes woven from a cloth derived from a fibrous type of seaweed harvested off the coast. The people here are strange, seeming to not ascribe to the worship of any one god, but instead a wide array of deities both great and small. The Hungry Man has a small shrine in its customary place alongside the ossuary, and offerings to Lecha, the Lady of the Hearth can be seen in front of various foodstalls. But evidence of stranger gods can be seen as well, with names such as Nabalb and Kala, and strange, arcane portfolios. At one point the party is accosted by a monk in the service of Gielaph, who whispers hoarsely that the lamb has been shorn and is ready for the slaughter.

The land is green but dry for several miles surrounding the city, and peasants farm and graze in the shadow of massive city walls. But get more than three or four miles and the green recedes into the vast emptiness of the desert; not the rolling, shifting sand but a hardpacked, rocky ground just as inhospitable. To the northwest the desert rises up into barren hills that stretch for miles.

During the few days the doughty companions have been in Mellas they have heard a number of choice rumors and tales.

The locals whisper of a blasphemous, secret cult that has sprung up in recent years. Devotees are said to worship some ancient, unwholesome deity that dwells beneath the ocean waves. It is said that they practice forbidden rites and engage in piscine perversions with a race of evil aquatic beings that dwell in a great city of coral of the coast. It is alleged this cult is responsible for a number of ills that have befallen the city in the past year.

A band of brigands has been waylaying caravans heading both north and west out of the city. A consortium of local merchants has offered a reward of 1000 gold coins for the capture of the brigand leader and the dissolution of the bandits disrupting the flow of commerce.

There has been a rash of disappearances among the merchants and shopkeepers of Mellas. The talk about town is of a killer stalking the streets, killing without compunction and secreting the bodies in some hidden location. One corpse has been found in a refuse pile outside the city walls, exsanguinated by some mysterious means. The price of mercenaries and bodyguards is much increased due to the raise in demand for protection.

A merchant by the name of Tormod is recruiting guards and guides for a caravan heading to the far north, past the territory controlled by the Northern League. The journey is to take a month or more, and Tormod is offering 10 gold a week per person, plus a share of any profits for those deemed of sufficient experience.

The old man who sold Styr the map supposedly leading to a small fortune is jewelry claimed that Mellas was the city to start from, if he was interested in gaining the wealth for himself. He'd been a trader, he said, bringing amber and timber from the vast forests to the north, when his caravan attempted to find a quicker path through the hills to avoid the onerous taxes levied by the Northern League. Late one evening they stumbled across an ancient tomb, carved into the face of a sandstone cliff. Inside, the greedy merchant and his greedy companions discovered a casket containing the mummified corpse of a princess, adorned in finery and baubles fit for a queen. But something guarded the treasure, something ancient and terrible, and his companions were slain. He fled, and alone survived, then lost his arm to goblin marauders on the long trail south.

Several days to the northeast a group of travelers talks about the windstorm that struck and scoured the hardscrabble, revealing the glinting roof of some ancient temple or edifice, buried for milennia under the earth. They report that a jagged gash in the roof – made from some exotic material unknown to them – seemed to offer access to the interior.

In a small tavern frequented by sailors the party hears rumors of an ancient lighthouse located to the West of Mellas. Standing along the shore, it is supposedly a leftover relic of the old Elven empire, and has stood empty and vacant for centuries. Now, however, sailors report seeing lights dancing within the room at the top of the tower, unlike the standard beacon used for navigation. Two ships have reportedly already been driven the shoals and wrecked upon seeing the lights, believing them to be a city.

I am quite happy to gloss over the purchase of wagons and initial supplies. Mercenaries may certainly be hired, but be aware that they are currently going at twice the normal rate due to local conditions. I will be out on a jobsite today, with limited internet access, but I will try and answer questions as they arise.
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Re: IC I

#3 Post by Hrafn »

Kaa, Shaman

The tavern is the place to be, then.

After securing a suitable but humble dwelling (close to the walls and with plenty succulent vermin), Kaa heads to the tavern to sit, and soak in local rumors.

"If we do anything first," she says, downing a mug, "it should be to clear out bandits. Make a name or ourselves, and make sure no one tries to collect 'taxes' when we find riches abroad and bring them home."
Last edited by Hrafn on Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC I

#4 Post by sulldawga »

Harald the Barbarian

Harald is in a bit of a foul mood after making the rounds of the new city. He looks uncomfortably warm in Mellas, compared to Jutland...

"This place is small. Small in size, small-minded people within. I mean, can they be serious? A mere 1,000 gold to defeat an entire band of brigands? Pocket change! We need to think bigger!"

The barbarian slams his fist on the table.

"I say we pursue the map we already have in our possession and gain our companion Styr his just reward. If we are in agreement, I aim to purchase the services of some men-at-arms to safeguard our mounts whilst we delve within this tomb. I suspect whatever undead still lies in wait will not withstand the sweet kiss of Atlanaut!"
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Re: IC I

#5 Post by Rodriguez »

Styr the Axe Murderer

Styr hangs over his chair and seems to suffer just as much from the heat as his fellow Jutlander.
His mood seems to be much better though, now that his sea-sickness is finally gone and he smiles while Harald is talking, playing with the handle of his long axe that he put down on the floor beside him.

"Thats what we should do!" nodding in agreement with Harald.
"I will also see if I can hire a priest who knows a thing or two about the no longer dead and a silver axe just to be sure..."
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Re: IC I

#6 Post by drpete »

Babu the Monkey

Babu wanders the city, exploring. He talks to children, and examines the unfamiliar idols. He pokes into things, and visits the refuse heap to see what there is to see.

"There is a foul spirit in this city. The wealthy are afraid. We should do something here. You clean your house before sweeping the step, do you not? If you want something big, see what a town will offer to keep it's merchants safe, no? Let's see what we can get for catching the night stalker before we go elsewhere. We will free up a few mercenaries in the process."
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Re: IC I

#7 Post by NJWilliam »

Tychon the Blue, Mage

Tychon secures rooms for himself and Adtas, hopefully in an inn or tavern that can also stable their horses.

In their first days in Mellas he pays attention to what the local habits are with haggling, payment, and tips, and tips those who should be tipped, well, but not exorbitantly so as not to draw too much attention. He asks his henchman, Adtas, to do likewise, and provides him with the coin necessary. He will also patronize the same few establishments for meals and drink, hoping to start to gain some trust or confidence.

He asks for an ale or the favored local beverage, and sits down with Kaa, Harald, and Styr, and the talk of possible employment or treasure-seeking.

"While the payment of a thousand gold seems a bit small for the capture of the brigand, that would help us in other ways as well.
"I expect it is relatively nearby and quick, and would let us some time to find more about where the treasure map would take us and what we need.
"More importantly, it would ingratiate us with the merchants, and allow mercants and trade to travel more easily, so we should be able to sell higher and buy lower. Not to mention gaining trust for more information about more lucrative pursuits.

With that he turns his attention to his drink, and others in the tavern about them.
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Re: IC I

#8 Post by sulldawga »

Harald the Barbarian

"There is some sense to what you say, Tychon. Certainly, gaining the trust of the merchants could lead to greater cost savings down the road. Yet I am also inclined to see Babu's point of view. If we stop the killer inside the walls, it will perhaps lead the merchants to offer us a greater reward for bandit-killing, and lower the cost of mercenaries besides."

Harald rubs his beard and considers the options.

"I think the tomb will remain intact for us to visit at a later date. If there's one thing the undead have in spades, it's time. They're going nowhere. Let us solve the mystery of this murder spree, then crush the bandit gang and establish ourselves as the protectors of commerce and order. Then, when we clean out that tomb and Styr returns laden with gold and jewels, he'll get a good price on the party he's throwing us for helping him get rich, right?"

Harald laughs at his own joke, slams his fist on the table again for emphasis, and orders another round of drinks for the party.
I'm changing my vote from map to night stalker.

Treasure map - Styr
Brigands - Tychon, Kaa
Night stalker - Harald, Babu
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Re: IC I

#9 Post by NJWilliam »

Tychon nods, "Aye, silencing that murderer is likely is as good a first step with the merchants as the brigand, and would let us operate even closer at first.
"I'll be happy to ply the merchants for more information, we should see if the constable would speak with us as well."
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Re: IC I

#10 Post by Hrafn »

Kaa, Shaman

Kaa pouts good-naturedly while Harald and Tychon make their case, but grins and flags a worker for another round. "The night stalker is a good mark, yes. I hadn't thought of taking pressure off the mercenary market. And..." Leaning forward, the shaman lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "While we wait we can bait these brigands. New heroes in town, don't want trouble. Why, we would rather make a deal for protection, why not? Trick them into over confidence, maybe find a malcontent and pay them to spy. Lure the bandits to ambush?"

When the next round of drinks comes, Kaa firmly presses a spare gold round into the barmaid's hand, with a thanks.
Last edited by Hrafn on Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC I

#11 Post by Fearghus »

Pesha the Wanderer

Once off of the boat, Pesha breathes deep the city scents. "This", he tells himself, "this is the smell of fortune". He waits patiently for his cart and mules to be unlaoded. He is a small man with dark hair and nut-brown skin, thin without being skinny, and with a face that is easily lost in a crowd.

He readies his simple vehicle and travels through the streets of Mellas. He takes pains to observe the local markets, as future bargaining will depend upon his understanding of the locals interaction. Like some of his companions, he is concerned with the brigands and the murderers impact on the local economy.

"Truly, you each speak with with insight of one with their fingers on pulse of this city. Our fortunes lie elsewhere, but before we can glean that fortune, we must remedy the sickness in Mellas". He fidgets with his silver arm-cuff a bit, staring at no one as he pauses and thinks. "I toss my vote with Harald and Babu. Let us remove the shroud falling upon this place through the removal of this stalker. From there, the culling of the brigands, or even the resolution of the lighthouse, will allow us to reap the benefits of pleased merchants and loyal retainers".
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Re: IC I

#12 Post by sulldawga »

Harald the Barbarian

Harald grins. "A plan! Look at us! Barely three days off the boat and we already plot to take over the world. Or our little corner of it, at least."

The Jutland warrior looks around at the faces of their motley crew.

"Perhaps we should all investigate these crimes as our own skills allow. I'll let the wizards and wind-talkers consult the stars and sky for clues. Styr, how about you and I talk to the guard? We'll see what they know, or what they spill once some gold loosens their tongues."
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Re: IC I

#13 Post by Rodriguez »

sulldawga wrote: "Perhaps we should all investigate these crimes as our own skills allow. I'll let the wizards and wind-talkers consult the starsky for clues. Styr, how about you and I talk to the guard? We'll see what they know, or what they spill once some gold loosens their tongues."
"Lets hope they pay also if we happen to find that "Night stalker" dead already... " mumbles Styr while getting up. After stretching his back and grabbing his axe he says to Harald. " Allright, lets visit the guards. Maybe they have found out something already. "

His true plan goes further then just buying informations though. He wants to find guards who wouldn't mind placing their name on a second payroll...
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Re: IC I

#14 Post by thirdkingdom »

Styr and Harald wander through the city searching for a likely malcontented militia member. Several are seen leaning against buildings in a desultory manner; the two companions pass the open patio of a wine house where four city guards loll in various stages of drunkenness, even thought the hour is early and they are clearly on duty. Yet another guard is seen blatantly accepting a bribe or gift of some sort from two shifty looking scoundrels bearing an oddly man shaped bundle between them.
Let me know who you guys shall approach, how you open a conversation, and the coinage you are willing to spend. Small amounts -- a gp here and there -- falls under cost of living. Anything over ten gold should be accounted for . . . but will be much more effective, generally.

Post for the shamans going up tonight or tomorrow morning first thing.
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Re: IC I

#15 Post by thirdkingdom »

Babu and Kaa ask around as to in which midden heap the deceased was found, and receive a number of different answers. Each person they question swears it was this specific pile of refuse, not that one, as the shamans had previously been told. Eventually they make their way out of the city and begin the long walk circumnavigating the wall, which forms a rambling crescent moon about the city.

The wall bears the signs of great age and is as thick as it is tall, some thirty feet in places. The city's population must have increased drastically over the years, for new houses have been built abutting the wall or, in some places, on top of the wall. It is the residents of these houses most directly responsible for the heaps of refuse that pock the soil at the base of the wall, sprouting here and there like amorphous fungi after a rain.

Babu focuses his energy in several likely spots but is unable to detect the telltale signature of arcane magic. The midden heaps seem surprisingly devoid of vermin. The shaman begins to turn over rocks and is rewarded after several minutes of effort when he uncovers a decent sized black snake seeking shelter from the noon day sun. Babu is informed that alas, the snake has not seen any predators of late, but he suspects their presence as it is becoming much more difficult to find rats, for some reason.
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Re: IC I

#16 Post by thirdkingdom »

Fearghus wrote:Pesha the Wanderer

Once off of the boat, Pesha breathes deep the city scents. "This", he tells himself, "this is the smell of fortune". He waits patiently for his cart and mules to be unlaoded. He is a small man with dark hair and nut-brown skin, thin without being skinny, and with a face that is easily lost in a crowd.

He readies his simple vehicle and travels through the streets of Mellas. He takes pains to observe the local markets, as future bargaining will depend upon his understanding of the locals interaction. Like some of his companions, he is concerned with the brigands and the murderers impact on the local economy.

"Truly, you each speak with with insight of one with their fingers on pulse of this city. Our fortunes lie elsewhere, but before we can glean that fortune, we must remedy the sickness in Mellas". He fidgets with his silver arm-cuff a bit, staring at no one as he pauses and thinks. "I toss my vote with Harald and Babu. Let us remove the shroud falling upon this place through the removal of this stalker. From there, the culling of the brigands, or even the resolution of the lighthouse, will allow us to reap the benefits of pleased merchants and loyal retainers".

Pehsa notes that the Mellanese seem overly fond of dramatic hand-wringing as a staple of negotiating a price, an art form seemingly mastered by both buyer and seller. The natives seem to prize brightly colored baubles and vestments, which seems reasonable given that the city itself has been baked to a sandy, uniform hue by the sun. The adventurers in their cotton and wool garb are the subject of much attention, as well, by the vast majority of the populace who are clad in their sea-weed fiber; while such ingenuity is to be much praised, garments made from such a cloth appear stiff and itchy.
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Re: IC I

#17 Post by thirdkingdom »

Tychon makes inquiries at various stalls and shops, and finds that almost to a man the merchants treat him with much suspicion and cast hooded glances in his direction while their bodyguards stand behind them, flexing muscles and testing the sharpness of their steel.

It is clear to him this is a topic that causes much discomfort among the capitalist class of the city, yet he finds several that appear willing to speak honestly with him. For a price, of course.
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Re: IC I

#18 Post by sulldawga »

thirdkingdom wrote:Styr and Harald wander through the city searching for a likely malcontented militia member. Several are seen leaning against buildings in a desultory manner; the two companions pass the open patio of a wine house where four city guards loll in various stages of drunkenness, even thought the hour is early and they are clearly on duty. Yet another guard is seen blatantly accepting a bribe or gift of some sort from two shifty looking scoundrels bearing an oddly man shaped bundle between them.
Let me know who you guys shall approach, how you open a conversation, and the coinage you are willing to spend. Small amounts -- a gp here and there -- falls under cost of living. Anything over ten gold should be accounted for . . . but will be much more effective, generally.

Post for the shamans going up tonight or tomorrow morning first thing.
Harald the Barbarian

Harald will whisper to his companion, "Hey, Styr. Anything seem weird to you about those guys carrying that bundle? Shaped like a body, if you ask me. Why don't we follow them a bit? The guards can wait."
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Re: IC I

#19 Post by Hrafn »

Kaa, shaman

Kaa scowls, irritated at the news. Vermin is why she picked the house she did! This killer is rude, whatever it is.

"Do you have any ideas, Babu? I can only guess. Perhaps it is some large spider, secreting bodies for later?" She shrugs.
Kaa, who devours (5th level shaman, ACKS)
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Re: IC I

#20 Post by drpete »

Babu the Monkey

Babu looks up at the houses along the wall, thinking.

"The beast is a clever one, but you will see, we shall catch him. It would not hide itself among the rats, then go straight to the merchants. It has been hunting the forgotten, I think. I am curious now. We will see..."

"Let us start at the home of the Hungry One. I suspect he is not being fed. The Ossuary will not have the bones it should have. Those of the sick and the poor. Bones that will not be missed." Babu suggests going to the ossuary to learn about who is interred there, and if the usual pattern has changed recently.
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