Character Generation Rules

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Character Generation Rules

#1 Post by TheMyth »


Use the procedure found here: https://oldschoolessentials.necroticgno ... _Character

I will provide SEVEN rolls, in order, for Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, and Gold.

Players may swap GOLD with any other stat. Once a class is chosen, players may swap points (as described under "3. Adjust Ability Scores) to raise the character's Prime Requisite(s).

PCs start with maximum hit points at level 1.

Check for each Character Class's perks in the House Rules.

Starting gold is GOLD stat x10gp. Buy any equipment you wish.

Equipment prices will always default to OSE rules, which mime BX rules.

For some extras, you can use the chart in the D&D RULES CYCLOPEDIA....if you own it. Some of the costs are higher than OSE, some of the gear is more fiddle-y than I prefer (like the different backpack options), BUT....

Here is most of the chart posted online for those who do not own the book: ... gear-2.jpg

ALSO, every character starts with basic clothing & footwear (no elaborate wardrobes, please) and a cloak or coat appropriate for winter. And a free coinpurse (holds 20 coins).

Anything unclear, or you want something special, just ask! You may not get what you want right away, but it may give me roleplaying ideas.
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Re: Character Generation Rules

#2 Post by TheMyth »

Extra sets of stats:

Set #1

Strength 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 11
Constitution 13
Charisma 12
Gold 13

Set #2

Strength 10
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Charisma 10
Gold 15

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