Wolves Amongst Lambs

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Wolves Amongst Lambs

#1 Post by Revenant »


"Throw me to the wolves and I will return, leading the pack."
~ Seneca

Wilwarin first smells the man's scent of honey and lavender before her mind recalls his name as one of those missing along with the two Ambergyle sisters. That has but a moment to register before the man's eyes grow dark with a flash of anger as "her guard" Mave warns him to keep his distance and show respect. That anger in his eyes quickly disappears, though Wilwarin can tell it is as if he has drawn a curtain to hide away what he feels. His wide smile makes her think of a wolf looking upon a lamb hiding amongst briars. "My apologies, I am rarely in the prescence of royalty. And forgive my manners, it is time to feast and not talk of business just yet." He turns to the woman beside him and introduces her, "This is Cedelia Ambergyle, a friend to our cause." She bows to "the Finla". Mave takes a few steps back but her hand doesn't leave the hilt of her sword.

One of burly men brings a plate of lamb to Wilwarin, the grease congealing on the plate mixed with a bit of red. Behind the fire she can see the shapes of two masked men, one wearing a pale white mask and the other a mask of the wolves' maw.

Albin, the odd gray-eyed man says softly, "Another song Liviel, if you please," as he places a hand on her shoulder, she tenses and the wound on her cheek opens, weeping red tears.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#2 Post by Darithe »


When offered food, Mave waves it off with a friendly gesture, though she felt anything but friendly about it. She would not eat anything offered in this foul place. She quietly maintained a guardlike stance over Wilwarin. Her eyes were drawn to Liviel as Albin spoke and she winced as her injuries started to bleed. She allowed herself a free moment to look over the chains on the woman's leg and wondered how much force it would take to remove them. As the other woman is introduced, Mave's mind raced, Liviel's sister working with the fiends that murdered her companions and held her sister in chains. What compelled her to do such things, she thought, and then she glanced at the sweet smelling dark robed man and felt she had her answer. Her father had once told her that the only scent a man should have is sweat from honest hard work. She wasn't sure she entirely agreed, but honest work was the farthest thing she thought this Collin fellow was up to. But for now, she had her part to play and was content to follow Wilwarin's lead.

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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#3 Post by Revenant »

The room has a tense stillness to it, only broken by the crackling of the fire, as the red droplets run down Liviel's face before dropping to the top of her bare foot. Grimauld releases his grip on her shoulder and one thin pale finger wipes a drop of blood from her cheek. As he brings it to his lips, he says, "No need for that dear." Licking his finger clean, he smiles and says, "There'll be plenty of time for that later." Liviel lowers her head, and then opens her mouth to start a new song.

But that song catches in her throat as a new song begins in the distance. You hear a loud crash and numerous muffled shouts in the distance. There are startled looks around the room and several rise reaching for their weapons. Grimauld frowns and says, "Our revered guests please wait here, I'm sure it is nothing." He then points to several in the room and they follow Grimauld out leaving few behind. Still in the room are the doorman clad in plate armor, the old man Grimauld called Travolio, Vaska the burly man in leathers, two additional men and a woman all dressed in leathers, Liviel, her sister Cedelia and Collin Tremonde. The masked men you saw earlier have drawn weapons and now guard the exit that Grimauld and the others used. Their backs are to the room. It is clear from the sound you hear that some kind of altercation is taking place somewhere far down that corridor.
Last edited by Revenant on Sat Jul 09, 2022 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#4 Post by spanningtree »


Understanding the dire situation she obfuscates her symbol of Tempus further. When the altercation breaks out, she stows it under her mail blouse while acting slightly confused and turning toward the nearest wall. Righting herself she takes a few steps forward, making it clear that she will defend those of her party w/o drawing a weapon or raising her shield.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#5 Post by Darithe »


Mave watches half the room clear out at the sound of the confrontation that echoes down the hall. Her oddly colored amber eyes flash to first Wilwarin and then to Thena, Zaella, Athan and Reggie. Her body tenses but she takes no action, for now anyway.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#6 Post by The Bindoner »

Wilwayaisawén feels the pressure of the situation. She had not expected to be playing royalty today, nor infiltrating a cult.

The offered meat offends her in its crudity, but she picks out one of the leaner pieces, to demonstrate trust. She merely nibbles an edge, however, as a royal might.

Her instinct is to attack the small group before the others join them, but the situation seems too complex for that. Some of those she came to rescue are apparently "converts"....

She needs to consult her companions, but there appears to be no opportunity yet.


What is this? Is there no order here, no security? First I am told there are threats behind, now there is conflict ahead. I expected better.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#7 Post by Revenant »

The old man identified as Travolio earlier, practically grovels before Wilwarin as she questions those remaining in the room, "I assure you my lady that we take security quite seriously. Our lookouts must have missed whoever these intruders must be." Collin Tremonde again leans in close to Wilwarin, "Do not fear your highness. I offer you my protection," a half grin appearing across his lips.

His words are punctuated by several screams that echo down the halls...more shouts and then a brief respite of silence. The two masked men guarding the entrance and step aside as those who had exited earlier make their way back into the room, though a few who were there earlier do not return. They return to the benches as a huge half-orc man enters dragging two men by their hair, one is unconscious and bloodied and the half-orc merely drops him to the floor, the other whom you recognize as the novice priest you met in Lupre who had offered to rescue the missing girls, Davion Cerstair. He too is bloodied and his eyes are filled with fear and he looks directly to Wilwarin and starts to say something, but the words do not come as he is tossed roughly on the floor and the half-orc places a steel-plated boot roughly on his back. Any words he had intended to speak are replaced by moans of pain.

You have but a moment to grasp this, when five figures enter close behind the half-orc. A tall man dressed in ornate steel armor his long hair, a dark brown mixed heavily with grey, and a slim cigar dangling from his lips beneath a grey mustache. He holds a bloodied sword and upon the hilt is the head of a wolf. He walks directly towards Wilwarin and offers his free hand, "The Finla, I presume?," he grins, "I apologize for my unfortunate delay. But I had to deal with some unexpected guests," he glances back to the two men on the floor near the half-orc. "We dispatched all but these two," looking down at his bloodied sword. "But then as I've heard it is said in your homeland, friendship formed in blood is everlasting. Welcome my lady, your brother sent word of your arrival. Shall we speak of a soon to be dead king?"
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#8 Post by Rex »


Bryne studies the Wolf and his band. She holds her bow loosely in her left hand with two arrows parallel to the bow arms, trying to look relaxed. Making sure she knows the choke points and where she can fall back to if need be. She then tries to determine if she could make use of her bow or would be better served with her sword. She dislike the idea of dropping her bow but knows that in tight quarters like this it will have limited use.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#9 Post by Darithe »


A dead king? Mave wondered which king and what business that had to do with this the Finla and her cronies. The crony part which she was no playing. She kept her face stoic and watchful as a good bodyguard should.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#10 Post by spanningtree »


Takes in the changing situation.... obviously tense. She looks for any signal/indication from Wilwayaisawén.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#11 Post by The Bindoner »

#7 Post by Revenant » Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:43 pm
The old man identified as Travolio earlier, practically grovels before Wilwarin as she questions those remaining in the room, "I assure you my lady that we take security quite seriously. Our lookouts must have missed whoever these intruders must be." Collin Tremonde again leans in close to Wilwarin, "Do not fear your highness. I offer you my protection," a half grin appearing across his lips.

Wilwarin recoils slightly from Collin: I do not require “protection”. If I did, my retinue would provide it.

His words are punctuated by several screams that echo down the halls...more shouts and then a brief respite of silence. The two masked men guarding the entrance and step aside as those who had exited earlier make their way back into the room, though a few who were there earlier do not return. They return to the benches as a huge half-orc man enters dragging two men by their hair, one is unconscious and bloodied and the half-orc merely drops him to the floor, the other whom you recognize as the novice priest you met in Lupre who had offered to rescue the missing girls, Davion Cerstair. He too is bloodied and his eyes are filled with fear and he looks directly to Wilwarin and starts to say something, but the words do not come as he is tossed roughly on the floor and the half-orc places a steel-plated boot roughly on his back. Any words he had intended to speak are replaced by moans of pain.

You have but a moment to grasp this, when five figures enter close behind the half-orc. A tall man dressed in ornate steel armor his long hair, a dark brown mixed heavily with grey, and a slim cigar dangling from his lips beneath a grey mustache. He holds a bloodied sword and upon the hilt is the head of a wolf. He walks directly towards Wilwarin and offers his free hand, "The Finla, I presume?," he grins, "I apologize for my unfortunate delay. But I had to deal with some unexpected guests," he glances back to the two men on the floor near the half-orc. "We dispatched all but these two," looking down at his bloodied sword. "But then as I've heard it is said in your homeland, friendship formed in blood is everlasting. Welcome my lady, your brother sent word of your arrival. Shall we speak of a soon to be dead king?"
Wilwarin glares at Davion, a hard stare intended to silence him.

Switching her gaze to the new arrivals she flicks her eyes across the group, making a rapid assessment of the teat they represent.

She grasps the proffered hand firmly:

The more so if the blood is that of a foe, I think.

I have travelled a long way to have that conversation. That blood would indeed bind us. This is not the place for those words, though. She subtly tilts her head toward Collin and the other “followers”. Too many ears.
Last edited by The Bindoner on Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#12 Post by Revenant »

Wilwarin recoils slightly from Collin: I do not require “protection”. If I did, my retinue would provide it.
Collin furrows his brows for a moment before his pleasant demeanor returns, "Of course my lady, forgive my ignorance." He steps back from Wilwarin and moves back to stand beside Cedelia.

Davion notes the glare and remains silent at least for now. Those his eyes look pleadingly to Athan, Mave and Thena.
She grasps the proffered hand firmly: The more so if the blood is that of a foe, I think.

I have travelled a long way to have that conversation. That blood would indeed bind us. This is not the place for those words, though. She subtly tilts her head toward Collin and the other “followers”. Too many ears.
The wolf smiles, "A blood of a foe, so true. Come let us go to my private quarters, and feel free to include your guards if you wish. After all, we have just only met and I realize you need your security. Albin, Collin, Meret, Huerta, Craden and Dunsmoor would you please accompany us? Cedelia, please stay here with your sister, we'll return shortly." The wolf leads you down the hallway to your left and Dunsmoor moves forward and draws back the curtain holding it for each of the group to enter the room beyond. The room quite large and several barrels and crates are stacked along the right wall as well as a large chest with a heavy padlock. Down the center of the room is a long table, one end covered with several maps. The Wolf takes a seat at the head of the table and cocks back his chair putting his boots on the table. His companions take seats on the opposite end leaving the seats near the Wolf for the Finla and her companions. The wolf puffs his cigar for several moments before saying, "These are my most trusted companions, so feel free to speak freely in front of them. As we've discussed with your brother, the arrangements are agreeable. We will get you close to King Alaric, but it is up to you, to take his head and the heads of the rest of the royal family. Prince Reynard is occupied in Ravenscar, but I've been told the rest of the royal family will be there. The Ashen Lady has already sent her...associates to Belay and they will be in Lionsgate for the tourney to create a diversion and provide assistance if needed." He pauses and looks to Dunsmoor, "Sev, would you get wine for our guests? We need to toast to our new friendship." The man nods and moves a cask and starts to fill glasses for everyone.

Once everyone has been served wine, the Wolf continues, "Craden has forged papers to get you an audience with the King, on the night of the party in Ashbourne's manor." The hooded man nods and gives a toothy grin. The Wolf pushes a sheaf of papers in Wilwarin's direction. "Once you are in his presence the rest is up to you and I hope your companions are skilled because the King won't be alone and you'll need to locate any family not there with him. A boat called The Siren's Song will be waiting in Lionsgate harbor to sail you to Canguine and then things will proceed as your brother and I discussed. Now are there any questions or anything else you need from us? If not I wish to propose a toast to new friends."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#13 Post by Darithe »


Mave catches Davion's eye and though her face remains impassive, she lightly runs her finger along the hilt of her rapier.

Without waiting for an invitation, she follows Wilwarin into the private room, her eyes looking it over, she awaits "her master" to take a seat, at which point she takes a position slightly behind her and stands ready, the ever vigilant guard. Good friends indeed, she thinks as she fights to keep her face impassive and succeeds though just barely. What would her father think of his only daughter standing still, as these rogues discuss the assassination of a man she thought of as a distant uncle. She pushes those thoughts away and keeps thinking of how they will get out of here with the Ambergyle sisters and remain alive in doing so.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#14 Post by Rex »


Bryne moves into the room, setting herself up next to the entrance, watching over the room and trying to listen for anything outside the room.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#15 Post by spanningtree »


Follows along as well and takes a up a similar but opposite position to Mave. Ah the plot ever thickens... Tempus guide me. She thinks to herself.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#16 Post by Revenant »

In her position, Bryne can listen easily to the conversations on both sides of the entrance and she hears a female voice in the room they just left state, "Cedelia, come to your senses. You know he will never make you his queen. He is just using you." A gruff male voice says, "Quiet witch," which is followed by a loud slap. For a moment Bryne thinks of her own family, her elder brother Paden who has assumed the title of Lord of Valshire and her other siblings. She thinks, what could have driven such a wedge between these two and then her eyes fall on Collin as he speaks up.

Collin Tremonde takes an envelope from his dark robes and passes it down the table to Wilwarin, "This note is guaranteed to get you to the king, most likely with few around to hear what he has to say in response," he arches a dark brow and a slight smile plays across his lips, "Once he reads the note he will want to know what his bastard wants." The woman identified as Meret speaks up at that, "Hush Collin, they do not need to know of its contents." Collin glares at the woman though the Wolf quickly changes the subject, "To new friends and compatriots!," raising his glass in salute to the Finla.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#17 Post by Rex »


Bryne continues to try and listen to both conversations. Nodding to Collin when he raises his glass in a toast.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#18 Post by Darithe »


Trying hard to keep a straight face and her composure, she downs the proffered wine, which as she expected was mediocre in taste. Then she blinks as what Collin has said finally sinks in. Well she knew he was a bastard, but was he truly a king's bastard? She tries not to choke on the wine.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#19 Post by The Bindoner »

Wilwarin maintains her air of calm aloofness. It is a mask she has worn for years during her training, a way of concealing from her tutors and contemporaries her self-doubts. It is second nature now, to achieve confidence by simulating it.

She takes the note in her left hand and holds it in front of her.

Inclining her head slightly toward Collin while looking at Meret:

I am glad to have some idea of the content. It will affect my plan. A message that infuriates demands immediate action, one that soothes, or puzzles, allows subtlety.

the Wolf quickly changes the subject, "To new friends and compatriots!," raising his glass in salute to the Finla.
Wilwarin raises her glass and returns the toast: New friends, compatriots and a new King

She wets her lips with the wine, but merely sips it, enough to show trust.

The situation has become very different to the one she prepared for. Only one of the original captives seems likely to welcome rescue, two more have arrived, but the prospects of helping any have diminished – a larger game is revealed, with higher stakes.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#20 Post by spanningtree »


Keeps quiet but rapt attention to the exchange... Sinister exceptions that need to be turned back.
Anall nathrack uthos bethos doss yell yenva. -Merlin
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