Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

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Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#1 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The alarm is loud.

and annoying

and draws attention to the fact that it is early, and that profit that beckons didn't appear yesterday.

And probably won't appear today as there's no time to find it before you have to leave for Ares.

Angelo gets a list in his head...
  • Confirm where on Ares he's supposed to be unloading and loading
  • Organise and register a flight plan so Ares don't mistake him for a security risk
  • Check that Ranjit hasn't forgotten to pack everything needed for a week's trip in a small boat
  • Check Jackson hasn't forgotten his tools
  • Load
    • A Coffin
    • A passenger
  • Get details and paperwork for the coils to be collected
  • Depart
and then tries to work out where "Say goodbye to Becka" might fit into that list.
Last edited by BackworldTraveller on Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#2 Post by Leitz »

Angelo let Becka sleep in. He sent wake up comms to Jackson and Ranjit even though both of them were probably already getting the craft ready. A quick shower for him and then a short note tucked into the arms of a fluffy bunny and set on Becka's blouse.

"Mia bella, my goal is to deliver two more of these; one to a lovely young lady and the other to her grandparents. They are all three alike, perhaps you can share a picture of the two of you sometime."

A soft kiss on the cheek and then Angelo grabbed his bags and got to work. He had enough data to find Becka's parents, and sent them a comm telling them he had a present for them from her, and asking if they would help deliver a present to Kiko. He didn't break stride as he ordered a large breakfast for four to be delivered to the ship's boat, along with a generous supply of good qana (1) and a few gallons of drinking water. It would be a rare treat in a few days.

As he boarded the craft his comm accepted the flight plan authorization from Port Control, and he forwarded it to the ship's computer, for delayed transmission to Ares. It would be automatically sent when they were half a day away, "no surprises" was a good plan around militarized cultures. Not broadcasting your path to unscrupulous types was another good plan.

"I will see to the pre flight check in a moment gentlemen. Jackson; you have tools and gear? Fuel and freshers topped off? The coffin aboard and scanned for anything too unusual? Ranjit, data flow at the ready?" Angelo said. "Let me get the engines warmed up, and then I'll introduce us to our passenger."

(1) Strong blend of coffee, best sipped
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#3 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:31 am As he boarded the craft his comm accepted the flight plan authorization from Port Control, and he forwarded it to the ship's computer, for delayed transmission to Ares. It would be automatically sent when they were half a day away, "no surprises" was a good plan around militarized cultures. Not broadcasting your path to unscrupulous types was another good plan.
Astrogation roll please - you don't want to arrive at Ares with too much/little velocity! [2d6+Astrogation=2+EDU=1]>=6
Leitz wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:31 am "I will see to the pre flight check in a moment gentlemen. Jackson; you have tools and gear? Fuel and freshers topped off? The coffin aboard and scanned for anything too unusual? Ranjit, data flow at the ready?" Angelo said. "Let me get the engines warmed up, and then I'll introduce us to our passenger."
Jackson and Ranjit confirm the vessel is ready to go. The Coffin is in the hold and the widow is in the passenger quarters. The papers list her as Angel Kayuba - an in-vitro clone born in New Heaven and resident on Ares as a Bioenvironment Engineer.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#4 Post by Leitz »

Quietly, to just Jackson and Ranjit, Angelo whispered. "Does it seem odd that there would be an embalmed body in a coffin and a widow within hours of the event? Keep an eye out, will you? Why would an Emergency Coordinator for a major catastrophe be tasked with such a mundane need?"

Angelo went to the passenger area, if there's a door he'll knock, introduced himself to Ms Kayuba, and asked if she had any needs.

Angelo reads people well, based on a decent Persuade skill, so he's trying to discern if things are on the up and up. It just seems sort of fishy, but maybe he's being overly suspicious.

When back at the controls, and as a part of his flight plan, will be the annotation that his craft is directly contracted by the government of Chikitsa Kshudragrah and that he has a passenger and a mortuary cargo at their direction. He'll also begin researching Becka's parents and ex, so he can deliver the presents.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#5 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The start of the flight to Ares is straight-forward. Boost slowly away from the station, with Ranjit on the sensors looking out for debris. After 30 minutes or so, you can crank up the acceleration, and bore-down the line from the station to where Ares will be in two days time. It's like falling off a rock. Ranjit and Jackson would like to know what the Watch Rotation is to be?

Ms Kayuba is grateful for the transport. Her husband had been ill for the last 4 years or so and coming out to the hospital had been a last throw of the dice for him. The trip has cleaned out their savings and been unsuccessful - the hospital couldn't even work out what the cause of his disability was! Up until coming here they had been on Ares with their bills paid - but the hospital in Kerala had also been useless and this trip promised much but, ultimately, delivered little. Apparently, this is the first recorded case of "Kayuba's Disease". Not a good reason to be famous! Anyway, he died two days before New Year, and I was nagging at the administration so I could get home. They were keen to help.

Ms Kayuba narrates a long story of how her husband used to be working on something secret for a company on Ares - heading off for weeks at a time (she thinks to East Sapphire, but he always denied that) and returning with exciting stories of dealing with the local wildlife and the survey crew. Whoever they were, they were a decent bunch as they paid for his medical bills right up until we headed to the belt.

An inspection of the casket will show that it is not the cheapest, is welded shut, and has biohazard markers discretely etched into the surface.

I'll continue with Becka's family when I get back this evening
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#6 Post by Leitz »

Angelo listened to Ms Kayuba with interest. Not only due to his mild distrust of the circumstances, with details to be verified shortly, but for data on the company and locations she was talking about. He asked gentle questions about what sorts of weather the husband talked about while also commiserating with her on her loss. He really did hope that she was on the right side of things, but he also realized that he wasn't the only person able to spin a tale. He took minor comfort in not manipulating people against their will, but knows that not everyone chose his path.

"We'll do odd shifts; this is an odd circumstance and we don't have everyone trained yet on the controls. Ranjit, you're in the cockpit with me, I'll teach you to read the pilot's controls so that you can tell if things are off. Jackson, refresh your memory on the controls and then take a break. Let's do Jackson and I on four hour shifts, with half an hour overlap on each end. I'll get us cruising and then make sure we have the right flight plan and paperwork. Ranjit, you'll spend the trip learning, looking up some good on-line education options, and making sure everyone is cozy."

While Ranjit got the stores settled in and provided breakfast and qana, Angelo filled up electronic page after page of data pulled from the conversation, things to ensure Ranjit learned, What sorts of people he really wanted to hire once the Vita was fully space worthy, and how to find the right people with the right attitudes. Becka's name came around more than once; her skills and knowledge would make a good addition to the staff. Yet that would complicate things, and Angelo wasn't sure about those sorts of complications just yet. Perhaps, though...

He stared at the screen and wondered what Kiko looked like. How would Becka's parents react to him asking for help in passing along a present? He checked the acceleration against the plan, nodded, and made a note on showing Ranjit how to do just that. And what to do if things were not like they should be.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#7 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Angelo's research into Becka's background reveals that she is well connected. Her ex-Husband is the deputy head for a major Arean research station (Olympus Research) - and given the autonomy the research stations hold on Ares, that probably explains why Becka isn't able to see Kiko. If security won't let her land it's going to be hard to get to see her.

Becka's parents are retired. They are living in a complex in Kerala - Where her mother ran a division of Kerala Consumer Electronics and her father headed Kerala's main Medical Equipment Assembly centre. Added to Becka's Wiki entry
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#8 Post by Leitz »

Just making sure Jackson paid attention to Angelo asking him to scan the coffin.

Angelo spent time with Ranjit; showing the younger man how to read the pilot controls and how to think in multiple dimensions. The first bit was easy, the last usually took weeks, or months, for it to settle in. Might as well get started. When they were well away from any debris or traffic, Angelo let Ranjit take the controls. Which meant nothing, since nothing needed to be done, but it was a step. Their lives, and a few million credits, could be lost in a bout of carelessness.

Then Angelo let his brain percolate on the new data. If the widow's story were true, could there be a relationship to Olympus Research? He would need to investigate more, but there were only so many moments to think quietly. He mentally formed a comm to the Morgansterns; in reality he was carrying a present from Becka to Kiko, via them. Short time on station due to medical emergencies, if they could meet for two minutes he could pass along the gifts, one for Kiko and one for them. Otherwise he could leave them in a transit area for them.

After the comm was sent, he went back to the widow's story. There were many easy connections to make, some more guesswork, and a few things to research. His mind went back to Becka; would she be able to do this sort of investigation? Something to ask, when he got back.

Does Jackson know how to monitor the pilot controls? If not, Angelo will show him how and will monitor for a while.

When it was time to rest, Angelo slouched in a couch, set his subconscious to processing, and dozed off.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#9 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Angelo is woken by the pinging of his phone...He's received a message. The flight-deck is manned by Ranjit who seems to be monitoring the sensors in "Relaxed" mode - feet on the console; headphones on; checking the readings at the end of each track.

Hi Mr Domici
I'm glad to hear you are getting along with Becka well enough to consider taking gifts to Kiko. I'm sorry, but access to Olympus' complex is not permitted to employees of Kerala - a fact that is being used to keep both Becka and ourselves away from our grand-child. If you are able to see Kiko, please tell her we love her.
If you do call in to Kerala, please contact us and we'll provide food and accommodation while you stay. It would be nice to meet whoever it is that Becka has chosen - she tells us so little.
Xanthe Victor
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#10 Post by Leitz »

Angelo pondered for a few minutes, and then sent a note to Becka's parents.

"My friends,

I'm not sure what your wonderful daughter has said, or not said, so I will beg permission to say little save that she is wonderful and I would be honored to meet you. If you do have information on those your granddaughter is staying with, please share what you feel comfortable. I am a business man, and perhaps finding a common ground will open doors? The more doors we have, the more chance of finding one that can open.

My best regards,

Angelo Domici"

He checked the course and system status, and then set about a data search on Olympus, Shoyebe Morganstern, and advocates who have been successful against Olympus. This would be a fun puzzle.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#11 Post by BackworldTraveller »

There is a response from Becka's parents

It is a brave man who approaches his girlfriends parents alone on the first visit! You are more than welcome.

Ms Kayuba catches you musing at the Coffee machine. You have relatives on Ares?
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#12 Post by Leitz »

Angelo shook his head, and replied to Becka's parents. "There is a fine line between brave and foolish; sadly I seem to spend my life on the less desirable side. I look forward to meeting you soon."

Ms Kayuba's simple question brought Angelo back to the present. He turned to her, looked down at his casual clothes mostly buttoned up and tucked in. "My apologies, dear lady, for being less than a decent boat pilot. We have had a busy start to the week and I'm both working and training a new crew."

He grinned sadly, and added, "And here I am with little worry while you bear a heavy load. Please, let me make us qana, and talk. Would you care for a sandwich? I have friends on Ares, but have spent my adulthood in space. What is it like there?"

Angelo will do his best to help her feel at home, while engaging her in conversation.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#13 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Like the asteroids but with real gravity instead of relying on these new-fangled park-effect plates. The atmosphere is so thin you don't notice it (unless you try flying through it)
I've an image from when I was vacc-suit training...dry, sharp, dusty and dangerous. It will try to kill you as soon as forget it's there.

Inside is not bad. The corporations tend to look after you. (No one mentions what happens when the corporations go bust).
And the colonies are mostly buried to keep the radiation down.
So not so different to the Asteroids.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#14 Post by Leitz »

"What will you do now?" Angelo paused. "I am sorry. I do not mean to push upon your pain, but I hope you will be taken care of when you return. Is your family there, or your work? Having a plan seems to help."
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#15 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:56 pm "What will you do now?" Angelo paused. "I am sorry. I do not mean to push upon your pain, but I hope you will be taken care of when you return. Is your family there, or your work? Having a plan seems to help."
Oh! I'm more than comfortable. His end was a relief in its way. I don't know yet. But I will bury my partner on Ares. That was what became his life's work after...Well just after.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#16 Post by Leitz »

"Then I am glad," Angelo said, refilling Ms Kayuba's qana. "I have been traveling from place to place for a long time, and I enjoy learning how people view there home stations. As an entrepreneur, knowing how local places actually work can help quite a bit. That is one reason I'm going to Ares, to deepen my understanding of the local contacts and culture."

He leaned back and relaxed a little. "Now, it sounds like you not from Ares yourself; where do you call home?"
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#17 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I was Born is New Heaven - But my parents crossed to Shelter when I was a child. My father was shot during the crossing - but he recovered. My Sister was killed. Generally, neither is particularly Home these days. And as I said, Ares is where I'm comfortable. Plus there is always the possibility of inter-corporate troubles - getting permission to head off to the Hospital was not easy. But it is Neutral territory so not as hard as some places.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#18 Post by Leitz »

Angelo is smart enough to know that he doesn't have enough information. He mentally filed away the discussions with Ms Kayuba; easy enough to cross-check later. If there was something wrong with the story he could deal with it later. It was his job to be the pilot, and the good host, while continuing to work on the Kiko question.

When the conversation with Ms Kayuba is done he inspects the ship's sensors, helm, and the cargo area. He's still not sure what's going on, and is hoping that it's nothing. The illness took all their savings, so who paid for the casket and her trip? Obviously the hospital is picking up the hazard transport permits. He's a merchant, not an adventurer. Well, and a boyfriend, it seems. He went back to researching the problem, and the potential markets for things the hospital would need in the near and far term.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#19 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The trip is looking quiet. It doesn't take too long to clear the Asteroids and the trip starts to become routine. The meters all show the systems to be operating well and the sensors show absolutely nothing for some time. Jackson seems to have found a pack of cards and he and Ms Kayuba are playing the ancient game of Cribbage. Jackson is somewhat surprised to find that Ms Kayuba is not only familiar with the game, but is significantly better at it than him!

Oh my friends and I have played, on and off, for years. is the explanation.

Angelo's attempt at feeding the residents of the vessel is not particularly successful - Microwave food isn't the best and it's the only cooking option in the cramped space.

The highlight of Ranjit's shift is a passing vessel - braking hard it passes within 10,000km but is moving so fast that there is no possibility of any sensible interaction. That there is such a vessel at all is surprising given the vastness of space and the huge variation of destinations in the belt. Ranjit's assessment of it as It was a ship didn't give much away.

As time passes and Angelo approaches his shift at the helm, he has come to the conclusion that what the Hospital needs is
  • Less Interference from the Garrison
    • Especially less damage from the garrison's ships
  • Patients
    Especially ones that can afford their treatments
  • Staff
  • Ready access to medical and housekeeping supplies
Perhaps a successful broker roll will lengthen the list?

The only problem is that the Hospital already has channels for the above - and the recent crash is going to damage it's reputation as a safe place to be - which may reduce the number of patients.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#20 Post by Leitz »

Angelo reviewed the hospital's options and then chuckled. It was a niche for him, seeing what they themselves could not see. The hospital certainly needed to resolve the garrison's inability to pilot their own ships, but that problem lay at the feet of the garrison. In this case the hospital needed to establish a HighPort just for non-local ships to dock at. It would supply ferries for passengers and small cargo, and locally run tugs for super container structures. There would be billions to be made in solving that problem, and even a small percentage would be nice.

The other opportunity, of course, was that the hospital saw itself as a hospital. The business of health care is profitable, but if you diversity into a neutral meeting ground as well then your opportunities increase. As Ms Kayuba said, getting permission to go to the hospital was easier because the institution kept itself out of political alignment. Perhaps begin as a teaching facility for medical careers? Certainly the unaffiliated merchant crews could use a place to interact and learn. Maybe go back to the old guild structure where ships could find actual trained crew and not just deal with the luck of the bar stool?

Angelo began mapping out his idea, making notes on other options and market research testing. After the first rush of ideas, he took a break to review the sensor logs for Ranjit's "ship" , if nothing needed to be done there, then went back to developing his business plans. He already had a few corporations under his name, and a few more might be needed. Staffing, of course, was always an issue. Good people are hard to find but after twenty years of space he had a few names.

Broker [_2d6+5]=(4+2)=6+5=11
Sensors [_2d6+2]=(6+4)=10+2=12
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