Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

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Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#1 Post by Spearmint »

May 2nd 1066.

Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

8.00am: Cloudy, light rain.

After the evening within the tavern, the pair prepare for their endeavour on behalf of Osen. The guildmaster reiterating his suspicions that the rancher Bresnan is in league with humanoid tribesman, plotting a peace treaty between the Duchy and the tribes that actually acts as a front to more insidious desires.

With little to go on except to curry favour and sneak around the pair set of. They are not alone. Brother Gamdar, cleric of the Chapel of St Ygg's is heading to the ranch also. He has an itinerant ministry and his half-orc heritage helps bridge the divide between various races.

I am going to script a little introduction in the Chapel thread to deal with the healing of the broken wrist.

The ranch in question is perhaps a couple of hours trek into the forest north east of the village.

Fapp & Knatchbull post any actions or questions.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#2 Post by tarlyn »


As they walk along, the Halfling ponders their destination. Yes, we are headed for that Ranch. But who to believe? Osen, or the Temple, and their God, Ygg.

I'm leaning towards the Temple but let's wait and see first. I won't make a judgement until we get there.

He will look around as they walk along and once in a while smile up at Knatchbull to reassure the big guy.

"Hey big guy, just want to make sure you know you did good. I'm proud of you and the more you practice the better you will get. Keep

your spirits high, buddy. I've confidence in you."

Attempting small talk with the Priest he asks, knowing he'll get a mouthful of a response.

"So, tell us about Ygg, Brother Gamdar. I like information, it feeds the brain."
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#3 Post by maceo_the_escher »


Knatchbull appreciates the walk and the relaxed company. So much of his time is spent toiling that these moments are noteworthy. He smiles back at Fapp and thinks again about how important it is to keep this new friendship. Without prompting, Knatchbull isn't much of a talker. He listens to what the others have to say but otherwise lets his mind wander while he flexes his newly healed wrist.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#4 Post by Spearmint »

May 2nd 1066.

Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

10.00am: Cloudy, light rain.

Brother Gamdar is happy to talk. He cuts an austere figure in his ordained garb, a white flowing cloak emblazoned with red cross and chain of holy symbols around his neck. By his side a large flail type weapon dangles.

"St Ygg's grace and mercy covers us all. It is open to all who in penitence and faith would confess their shortcomings and receive his atonements." . St Ygg's is one of the Futurus faiths and organised along the lines of an ordained religious hierarchy of curates, vicars and bishops. It has a set liturgy and doctrine of faith and devotees commit to various rituals of faith such as baptism, confession and tithing.

The faith though has gained popularity in the Duchy regions, much to the chagrin of more traditional rural faiths which cling to the Angarach.

Gamdar also shares that he is part of ' the church militant' and conducts outreaches to humanoid communities to bring them into the fold also. He then talks to you both, concerned with your aspirations and adventuring hopes.

He speaks of distrusting the mercenary guild as full of brigands and cutthroats who church over the village every season, bringing disorder and trouble, counselling you that it is a wiser move to steer clear of the outfit.

ask any more questions or comments and I will then move to your introduction at the ranch.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#5 Post by maceo_the_escher »

no questions
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#6 Post by tarlyn »

no questions here either
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#7 Post by Spearmint »

May 2nd 1066.

Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

10.00am: Cloudy, light rain.

After following a trail through the forest, observant for any dangers even this close to Helix, the trio emerge into a large clearing of farmed land. Tall stalks of corn, the ears budding with yellowing cobs, fill a field on your left and right. You spot a couple of guys walking the perimeter as if on a lazy guard duty. The path cuts down the middle of the plots and opens into a large stockaded area. The land around the stockade has been sown with rootstock crops or wheat. A small ditch surrounds the fenced compound like a moat. Inside are several thatched cottages or grain barns and a more imposing structure which seems to double as Manor House and watchtower built on a small hillock at the far side. The wooden bridge across the ditch is not warded. In fact the area seems more a hustle of labourers at work.

Gamdar enters the compound, greets one or two figures he seems familiar with and walks you to a large barn where some men are busy at carpentry tasks. A thick set older man looks up and comes over.

"Brother Gamdar, blessings of the day upon you. How are you?" there is some general chit-chatting and then the priest of St Ygg introduces you both.

"Mr Bresnan, these are two young men looking for honest work and an opportunity to join your collective. I know they have recently had a run in with that scoundrel Osen and may pretty much be black marked from joining that motley crue. I thought of your enterprise and certainly Knatchbull and Fapp Bublu will be at home among your collective of ranch hands. Perhaps you could take them under your wing?"

The priest speaks up for you and introduction made, the rancher looks you over. He explains that 'his enterprise' is a unique, worker-controlled, agricultural production cooperative favouring communal living and sharing 'all things in common'. He draws labourers from surrounding villages and tribesmen to work together in harmony to demonstrate how a progressive liberal lifestyle might work. Looking around you can spot among the assembled workers of men, a scattering of hobgoblin faces. The men or women are all armed but not with swords and axes but ploughshares, scythes, hammers, forks.

"Well I could use the extra manpower and certainly if they are willing I will take them on." He shouts a man over, perhaps a foreman to take care of you. "Gordo is the name. What's yours you say? Eh, speak up a little deaf. Well let me go through the community rules and stuff."

He outlines you get a basic daily wage, three meals a day, communal living in a bunk in one of the cabins, equal duty of labour and security watch, an expectation you will attend any society events. There are some restrictions like 'no vain cursing, pray grace before you eat and each man keeps his tools sharp'.

If you are willing he will give you a quick tour, show you your cabins, sign you on your agreed 'T's & C's' and out you to work. "Any questions?"

actions please

Bresnan's stockade
Bresnan's stockade
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#8 Post by maceo_the_escher »


"It's a generous offer Mr. Bresnan and you won't be disappointed in our work. I'm used to helping a butcher but I can swing pretty much anything you hand me. I'm ready to start! You said someone would show us around a little first right?"

Knatchbull thinks to himself, "Maybe this scouting job for Osen will be easy after all..."
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#9 Post by tarlyn »


The halfling waits for Knatchbull to finish before adding .

"I second the big guy's thanks, Mr Bresnan, sir. I'm an honest and hard worker as well. I can vouch for my friend Knatchbull, here.

We are both good people, sir. Just give us a chance to prove ourselves and you shall not be disappointed."

Fapp gives Knatchbull a familiar look, like wow this looks to be easier then Osen made out.

Thinking to himself, however, he is rather cautious and at the same time, curious.

If I go by first impressions, then I would say that Osen is not a person I would work for, but Bresnan yes. I think we need to work here a

few days and see for ourselves what is going on, then I'll judge if we will accept Osen's "subterfuge"
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#10 Post by Spearmint »

If I go by first impressions, then I would say that Osen is not a person I would work for, but Bresnan yes. I think we need to work here a few days and see for ourselves what is going on, then I'll judge if we will accept Osen's "subterfuge

I think that might be a general plan of action. Settle into the labour force, do some work, make a few contacts, ask questions, do some scouting around and react to whatever crops up.

May 2nd 1066.

Bresnan's Ranch, northeast of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

5.30pm. Cloudy, light rain.

The afternoon wears on. Gordo, foreman at the stockade gives Fapp and Knatchbull a little tour of the facilities. (check out the stockade pic).

"You can bunk in that stable quarters over there. Marcellus and Grimwald are there too but they won't mind sharing. Cold water showers and latrines in those shacks by the fence. We run a clean gaff here. Make sure you scrub in between your toes and keep your hair short. No nits, arse worms, body crabs.

The long house is the social hall. We all take turns to cook n clean, no one too haughty to not get their fingers dirty or wet. We have a communal luncheons, simple affairs if stew and bread, dinners after work is finished. Fix your own brekkie in your bunks.

Over there we hope to build a chapel. The barn is being kitted out nicely. Got a little pulpit stage and font going, rail to confess your sins at. Praying men are you? Must fear God and honour His saints before we go join them in the hereafter.

Tool sheds in there, grain and food stores that one. Stables, goats for milking, oxen to pull the ploughs."

The stockade is well made, a gangplank goes the whole circumference. There is a little covered watch nest over the drawbridge. Gordo only points to the secluded 'Manse'. It has it's own double stockade, the first around the base of the knoll and the second around the building. The square ediface has a peaked roof and top level which overlooks the ground directly beneath it. You may presume then that various 'murder holes' give above forces in the tower the ability to fire down on anyone attacking the building at ground level.

"Mr Bresnan lives up there of course. His residence and offices. It is 'out of bounds' unless authorised."

After the walkabout he sets about organising some tasks

"any questions so far? Right then, let's get you to sign your commitments."

actions and comments or any observations you want to make.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#11 Post by maceo_the_escher »

Knatchbull nods and agrees and signs all the required forms (most likely just making an X where the signature goes). But, when he has his first moment alone with Fapp suggests that they do a walk-around by themselves and see if their presence in any areas draw extra attention (ignoring the main house which was already discussed as off-limits). After that bed down for the night and keep our eyes and ears open unless Fapp wants to talk to Marcellus and Grimwald too.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#12 Post by tarlyn »

maceo_the_escher wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:21 am Knatchbull nods and agrees and signs all the required forms (most likely just making an X where the signature goes). But, when he has his first moment alone with Fapp suggests that they do a walk-around by themselves and see if their presence in any areas draw extra attention (ignoring the main house which was already discussed as off-limits). After that bed down for the night and keep our eyes and ears open unless Fapp wants to talk to Marcellus and Grimwald too.
Fapp is fine with Knatchbull's idea and tells him so. For the time being he has no urge to talk to either of those men.

He does keep an eye and ear out accompanies Knatchbull for their "tour" of the property.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#13 Post by Spearmint »

May 2nd 1066.

Bresnan's Ranch, northeast of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

9.30pm. Cloudy, light rain.

The welcome tour is ended and you each sign a document basically signing in a labourers and agreeing to various 'commitments' which reads a bit like a boy scouts pledge to do your duty to your fellow man and Duchy. Before the evening communal stew you get a chance to workout, as you join a task group fixing the stockade. At the meal time you grab a bowl and join the line. Brother Gamdar still being present leads prayer of thanksgiving and then food served, taking your bowl to a shared bench in the mess hall. Around three dozen figures are present, an eclectic group of races. Most of the tall hobgoblins and a single goblin gravitate to one table, but the atmosphere is mostly cordial. Too many names to remember, you nod and greet, maybe one or two faces from the distant past for the local boy Fapp.

As the meal finishes a guy runs in to the hall, speaks to Gordo who then stands to address the hall.

"It seems the red stag has ventured into the territory once more, chased away by the Hermite hunters. He escaped their grasp but not ours eh lads. So two tables, off you go for some sport in the forest. Grab us a bit of venison for tomorrow night instead of this bushmeat. Table one, you're on cleaning and three has the watch so five and six, grab your bows or spears and bring back a bounty by midnight."

Sitting on table five alongside you is Marcellus who taps you both. "That's good fortune for your first night. Come with me and we can run the far ridge path, the deers travel along there." It seems the tables split into two's and three's to go and be the successful hunters. Marcellus, stuffs his face with a last parcel of bread and signals you both to follow. Before exiting the stockade if you have no personal bow or spear you can grab one from the armoury shed. Then off into the surrounding forest.

actions, questions and observations please
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#14 Post by maceo_the_escher »

Did the discussion between the man and Gordo seem out of the ordinary in any way? Gordo's phrasing seemed slightly odd to Knatchbull. Either way, Knatchbull grabs his light crossbow and follows Marcellus.

Would Knatchbull know who the "Hermite hunters" are?
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#15 Post by Spearmint »

Hernite are the people who worship Herne the Hunter, one of the old gods or Angarach.

St Ygg is one of the new gods or Futurus.

May 1st (a couple of calendar days past) was the Herne Festival of Spring. Part of that festival was a hunt. Devotees of Herne do not buy meat from the butcher's but hunt it for themselves, something Knatchbull would be familiar with. Helix was an 'old god' village worshipping Cromm and Herne but they got pushed out as the Duchy bureaucracy spread and the Lord Krothos, heir to the Duchy who administrates from the manse in the village, is a convert to the newer faith.

It was another reason why the butcher shop is not large.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#16 Post by tarlyn »


Fapp talks in low tones as they head out. "Never been on a hunt before, Marcellus. I presume a sling and stone can get the job done from afar just as well as

a bow and arrow might?"

Turning to his pal, he grins "I'll follow your lead and his, but this really sounds like a lot of fun!"
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#17 Post by Spearmint »

May 2nd 1066.

Bresnan's Ranch, northeast of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

10.15pm. Cloudy, light rain.

The trio of Fapp, Knatchbull and Marcellus set off to follow the ridge deer path as it meanders through the north eastern woods, the ground rising amongst the dense forest. The red stag, not just an ordinary herd deer but a large buck with resplendent antlers and for any chasing pack, a clean pair of heels.

You run ahead of other groups who split up, each searching a specific area of the wood, each hoping to bag the prize. Your mind too not just on hunting the buck but also wary of lurking predators that also stalk in the dark of the evening. Aided by infravision you can both see a little better than your comrade but he leads the way familiar with the territory.

"There is a small creek over there. The water is brackish around the bank grow lots of tasty grasses, shrubbery and berries.

Maybe we wait a bit. Listen."

You spread out, each sheltering downwind of the creek, watching from a favoured vantage point. Elsewhere the forest echoes with nightlife, the first screeches of owls, croaking of toads in the creek bed. There is no sound of the other hunters.

both make a 3d6 check vs your wisdom score please as you stalk in the dark.

Next actions and comments.
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#18 Post by tarlyn »


[3d6]=13 Wisdom check

Definitely not Fapp's best score , and thus a failure .. Psst hey isn't that a rock? LOL....
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#19 Post by Spearmint »

if you can note in future macros what your skill base is it saves me checking :roll:
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Re: Infiltrating Bresnan's Ranch

#20 Post by maceo_the_escher »



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