Game Notes

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Game Notes

#1 Post by Leitz »

Theme, Tone, Genre

You might assume the genre is "sci-fi", and you know what they say about assumptions. The goal is to run a "nobles" based game heavily influenced by Alexandre Dumas, Stephen Brust, George Lucas (absent Jar Jar and ewoks), and Walt Disney. I have seldom seen a nobles game run well, so this will be a learning experience. Please feel free to contribute ideas, feedback, and snarky critique. Anything sent as a $50 Amazon gift card gets my immediate attention.

While PCs can die, it won't be by random dice roll. You can choose to sacrifice yourself, or do something totally stupid, but PC death should have meaning. Be heroic.

Combat may occur quiet often but we will minimize gore and "steamy scenes". Such things happen off screen, and please remain PG as much as possible.

PCs tend to have enough cash on hand to afford daily needs and general wants. Paying for a grav-taxi is easy, buying a vehicle may require effort. I prefer flavor and flair to scraping for microCr.

The initial game will consist of meeting various NPCs. How the party interacts with those NPCs will influence the direction of the game. Large things are going on and the PCs will be able to participate and influence.

Please play a "good" character. He or she doesn't have to be perfect, but should balance out on the side of good.

The rules start at "Cepheus Engine", although you can morph a CT or Mongoose character in. We will be adding house rules for Morale and changing the basics of combat to make it more cinematic and less "don't bother rolling, you're dead". I will be experimenting with new careers, so if you have one to try, let's talk about it. At some point the setting will be release under a Creative Commons or similar license, so please identify other's work so we don't accidentally include it.
Last edited by Leitz on Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game Notes

#2 Post by Leitz »

Being a Cepheus Engine campaign set in the year 1437 Imperial Calendar.


Comte Gauvain Foix and company have travelled fast and far. They are but J2 from Atreo, the seat of the Atrean Conglomerate and the source of authority for House Foix. The goal is to reestablish Gauvain as the Head of Foix, instead of the his ex-wife.

Gauvain has used speed and determination to move his center of operations nearer the Atrean core. While Lysette may or may not be the one pulling the strings in the Foix division, only the Emperor can make the final decision. As long as the disagreement doesn't result in massive amounts of bloodshed then the Imperial Recommendation will be held at bay.

Notes gleaned from data gained enroute

One does not approach the throne without power of one's own. Gauvain is nearer by far but his rapid advance has outstripped his resources and supporters. Lysette has more of both, but her people seem focused on consolidation and dominion. Birach holds an interesting position in Atrean politics. For decades an Atrean puppet state, in 1416 IC Birach threw off the Atrean yoke and proclaimed independence. In 1417 Birach became a charter member of the Free Trade League, sharing ecomonic ventures with Saorsa and Haearn while each system maintains political independence.

Birach exports food to Atreo and mechanical technicians and tools to Haearn. Haearn, in turn, exports huge amounts of aquaculture to Atreo via Birach. Saorsa exports food and mercenaries. Politically, Haearn is the most remote from the Star Confederation and Atreo. Saorsa leans towards the Confeds. Birach, by virtue of massive trade considerations and debt forgiveness, has set the past aside and makes a brisk trade in feeding the Atreans who can afford real food.

Birach Society

Birach is led by Madame President Ingalil Dovell, a merchant leader who was instrumental in overthrowing the genocidal Atrean puppet. Birach culture has multiple facets; the Coasters are fully modernized to Birach's TL 10 standards and many live in megaplexes that are municipalities in their own right. The Desert Clans are led by the Tjanern Minst, a charismatic spiritual leader who influences over 70% of the population. Several mountainous areas give rise to a third culture, Mountain Men. The Northern District is under Domici family leadership. There is a small Theocratic state that maintains constitutional independence from Birach, while remaining staunch allies. Coasters and Clan provide most of the agricultural produce, while Coasters and the Northern District are heavy into aquaculture. The Clans own the mining facilities that provide raw materials for Mountain Man craftsmanship. The Mountain Men are the source of machine exports to Haearn and the support of the agricultural, mining, and aquacultural industries across the system.

During the war that ousted the Atrean puppet known as "The General", President Dovell partially reinstated the Birach nobility. The nobility, referring to themselves as the "People of Blood", had remained powerless under the General. Currently, nobility are granted limited authority for a four year term. Each term is evaluated by the presidential commission, and the land grant and authority will either be renewed or bestowed elsewhere.

The Birach Navy maintains a fleet of several hundred ships in the 400-1200 dT range. Many are J1 capable as Birach seeks to effectively control their entire system's space. However, Birach Naval ships seldom leave Birach space. The Birach Merchant Marine, however, runs armed traders to nearby systems. In-system supply to belters and the various ports is owned by the Birach Merchant Marines. Naval HQ is based planetside, in Nora, and the Merchant Marine HQ elements are colocated.

The main ports to be encounters are the Downports at Nora on the east coast and Ifningholm (capital city) on the west. Note that Biter orbits from west to east. HighPort is 110 planetary diameters spaceward (as opposed to sunward) and FarPort is out by the furthest gas giant. MilPort is further out than HighPort. Atreo maintains a full shipyard further out, and is considered Atrean soil for purposes of law. There are three FleetPorts; Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. One for each of the Deep Space Fleets (DSF), although DSF-G has been decommissioned.

In 1432 IC Fleet Admiral Anastasia Rojas led a rebellion against the presidential government. Admiral Rojas was the daughter of the General, and heavily supported by external factions as well as many of the Birach nobility and the entirety of DSF-G.

It is 1437. Political problems abound, traitors hide in nearby shadows, and rumors of another war are beginning to spread.
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Re: Game Notes

#3 Post by Leitz »


The only in-game species is "human". There are no Vargr, Aslan, Hivers, etc. Within the realm of "humans" there are a wide variety of adaptations, mutations, alterations, etc.

Humanity has been spread across the stars for millennia; there is no scientifically established origin point or date.
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Re: Game Notes

#4 Post by Leitz »


Many people on Birach place a strong emphasis on faith and religion. Notably those who follow "The Path". While faith is individual, a strong percentage of Coasters and a very high percentage of desert Clan members follow the Path. The "Tjanern Minst" is a powerful, charismatic spiritual leader who lived for years with the desert Clans. He has retired, as much as a beloved leader can, and is still influential across the system.

The Guide are fanatical warriors who perform rites and rituals, and become nearly invincible in personal combat. Most of them are of Clan stock, though it is not a requirement.

The Firsters are reclusive mountain dwellers who eschew much of modern technology. Their small theocratic state is legally separate from Birach, although there is a great deal of cooperation between the two governments.

As a player, feel free to build a character with or without a theological perspective. Please bear in mind that NPCs may or may not share your beliefs, and how you treat them influences how they treat you.
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Re: Game Notes

#5 Post by Leitz »


The game is nominally set about three hundred years after the fall of a large interstellar "Imperium". Since I will not intrude on MWM's intellectual property and I am not about to establish OTU canon, this is not that. But if you squint just right...

In local space the highest production tech level is 14, at Alssijn, in the Star Confederation. The group came to Birach via Confed space, and have the opportunity to pick up whatever civilian goodies they like and can afford. Confed average TL is 13.

Atreo has a max TL of 13, though in certain areas (cryogenics, rejuvenation, artificial food production) they reach 14.

Birach is at TL 10, so any support costs are based on that. If a PC has something of a higher TL it will cost more to get it serviced.

There is evidence of long lost technologies across known space.

I am not a gearhead. If you are, try to keep those urges under control. Use stuff, but don't depend on it. Desert sand gets into everything...
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Re: Game Notes

#6 Post by Leitz »


We'll have a private forum for your character data, notes, and stuff the rest of the party might not be privy to. If you need to adjust your character to better fit the game, start that conversation. The whole point is to have fun.

Some folks like to bring characters in from old games, and this is specifically encouraged. I like doing that myself. What I am not able to do is digest reams of posts in other games so I know how this NPC historically interacts with your PC. That's part of the reason for moving the group from where "they" were, centered on Tiglath's Comte Gauvain Foix as an example. Things are far enough away that we can have our own game, but close enough that the occasional overlap might show up and demand justice. Or child support.

If you want to bring an NPC or two over, or have some you would like to have in the game, let's talk about it. I really enjoy good interactions and will do my best to stay in character.

Please maintain your specific character details in your private subforum. Present, in public, what the other PCs and NPCs would know about you.

Assume you are playing a noble, or someone directly connected to them. You could play a baron and be baronial, or the butler and butle hither and yon. The main thing is that you are in the circle of movers and shakers.
Last edited by Leitz on Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Game Notes

#7 Post by Leitz »


The party will be aboard an armed merchant vessel set up to travel the wilder areas of space. Details are being worked out. PCs may certainly have ship skills, but I recommend against them being duty-tied to the ship. Otherwise the PC and the ship have to be in the same place, and that might not be how the party wants to focus.
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Re: Game Notes

#8 Post by Leitz »


Please keep posts PG, while freely indulging your creative writing skills.

In game events will move forward with one, or possibly two, action posts per week. An action post is a change in state, and PCs are free to participate or ignore, as they see fit.

I will answer questions within one or two days. Usually it's same day.

The Vignettes section is for pure fiction; either new material or an edited collation of a game scene.

Game Notes are for me to give you information as needed.

The NCO Wire is a news service; imagine it as a "you hear about" source of information. Anything there may or may not be important.

The Lounge is for anything OOC.
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Re: Game Notes

#9 Post by Leitz »

How to tell time

[Birach 1416.054.0543 IST (1445 local)] Supply Convoy Kilo, Ulricehamn

Using the above as an example, I'll be tracking posts by time and location. Here's how to interpret it.

Birach The planet. Often left off, unless interstellar records are being collated.

1416 The year, Imperial Calendar (IC). Atreo, and those who often associate with her, use IC. The Star Confederation year is drawn from the founding of the Star Confederation. 1416 IC is 208 SC.

054 The day of the year, with a 360 day year. The leading 0 is optional, but the period marks between year, day, and time are not.

0543 Time, 24 hour clock, 60 minute hour.

IST Ifningholm Standard Time. Ifningholm is the Birach capital city, and governmental records require it. System time for space stations is kept with IST.

(1445 local) Local time.

Supply Convoy Kilo Location identifier.

Ulricehamn Further location identification, if the previous wasn't enough.
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Re: Game Notes

#10 Post by Leitz »

DM Style

My wife commented that my games may not run like normal. Here are a few things this game may do differently than others.

You have stuff. Cash, things you've bought, weapons, etc. I'm trusting you to not take advantage of this, and to have things that make sense for your character concept. Stuff never overtakes people, though.

Nobility is a cursed state. You have more stuff, more people, more expectations, more responsibilities, more risk. Being a noble significantly intrudes into everything your character is and does. When a soldier steps onto the field of battle, there are enemies to fight and objectives to achieve. There are non-combatants and collateral damage that a soldier tries to avoid. Nobles do not have that luxury. There are no non-combatants because anyone associated with you is a pawn your enemies will take. Whereever you go is a field of battle, and collateral damage is the basis of noble life.

Data grows organically. I do not have the complete Birach system mapped out because we don't need it yet. Given recent discoveries and a desire to make the sci-fi setting more diverse, I'm creating things as they are needed. This lets me use the minimal creative talent I'm blessed with to focus on the things we need for the story.

Story trumps data. Actually, story trumps everything. I try to make the story complex and poignant.
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Re: Game Notes

#11 Post by Leitz »

Player versus Player Conflict

I will not create nor enable Player versus Player (PvP) conflict. Players will each have a story arc:

Converge Everyone has at least something of a story arc convergence tied to Gauvain Foix. That's why you're aboard the Lady Perelandra. Your arc may converge more than average, for example Vee.

Diverge Some characters arcs will also diverge from Gauvain's goal. For example, Juliette is being taken to her father. While aboard she supports Gauvain, but her story will change over time. Larry, an NPC brought in by Vee, wants to run his own brokerage. Right now his story converges with Gauvain. One day he will head off on his own. How the PCs choose their story arcs is up to their players, and cooperation between other players can make for a very interesting story.

Conflict I will not give a PC a story arc that conflicts with any other PC. If two players choose a conflict story, that's up to them. I will not be involved. I hate PvP that much.

Of course, PCs will often come into conflict with NPCs, or with the environment. For example, Rock's children are missing. The ship crew and some of the PCs are working to rescue them. Gauvain was condescending to Alba and dismissive of Captain Smythe. He has created conflict. That's part of the game.
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Re: Game Notes

#12 Post by joertexas »

What he said - all of this still applies as written.

Except I am a gearhead, so be as technical as you can stomach :D
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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