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Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:58 pm
by roryb

“Our great thanks, Sir Ramic!” says the distraught magician. “Our poor friend seems to have fallen to the perils of this sinister subterranean riddle in which we find ourselves. Beyond is a place that gives me great curiosity. It is unlikely to contain any meaningful compensation for our fallen friend, but still, I would say we must try. Burial does not come cheaply! And there is safety in numbers. Care to join us?”

Knowing now how the trap works via pressure plate, Zan suggests they step carefully over the area to continue on, coming back to collect Rawani’s body as they leave.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:03 am
by Rex
Sir Ramic

"Why thank you. I am exploring here and heard the noise, it is a shame that someone had to die. A very dangerous place indeed. I would like to join you if I can."

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:38 am
by Lance
Haelan puts out Rawani's lantern and lights his own. "Let this be a memento of a friend lost too soon."

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:54 pm
by dmw71
Alright, guys. Who's doing what?

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:47 am
by kalstone
Hollis carefully moves forward to examine the statues.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 5:34 am
by Rex
Sir Ramic

Ramic will move to a central location (avoiding the trap) and stand watch while the others search.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:18 am
by roryb

Carefully stepping over the pressure plate, Zan enters the chamber alongside his new companions. He stops twenty feet beyond the corridor into the room, placing himself equidistant between the east and west walls where his lantern best provides light to those searching the nearest statues. He observes watchfully and tries his best to listen for the sound of movement further north beyond the reaches of his light.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:01 am
by Lance
After half of the team enters, Haelan moves inside carefully. He puts his lantern down next to the entrance (so as to not obscure any unexpected arrivals) and makes sketches of the statues and any inscription visible from a distance of about 6 feet.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:42 pm
by VonAlric

Stepping over the trapped spot of floor, Buzar looks for any other doorways and checks for noises coming from them.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:17 pm
by dmw71

The Hall of Kings
Careful to avoid the pressure plate responsible for the demise of their colleague moments earlier, the group begins to file into the next area, which is 25-feet wide and at least twice that length long.

This next room is constructed of solid stone, with block walls, ceiling, and floor.

Hall of Kings.png
Hall of Kings.png (90.75 KiB) Viewed 796 times

Centered on the wall to the left is a door. Six worn and crumbling statues in human likenesses line the left wall with three on either side of this side door. The figures in the statues appear to be adorned in royal garbs.

On the far wall, just left of center, there is an open passage leading out of this new area. There is a foul stench emanating from this direction. Also the sound of rushing water.

To the right, there are two doors and two open corridors leading off in that direction.


Please limit your responses to one action.



Time & Weather
CY 1011, 18th Day of Obthryme (Deep Autumn)
Current Time: Midday
Current Conditions: Cool

Marching Order ( * = Infravision )

Holliss *
Sir Ramic
Buzar *
Ealga *

Light Sources
  1. Zan's Lantern: Carried by Zan (Status: Lit) (Remaining: 3:25)
  2. Rawani's Haelan's Lantern: Carried by Haelan (Status: Lit) (Remaining: 3:35)

    Radius: 30-feet
    Burn Time: 0 minutes of 4 hours (24 turns).
    Note: Can be closed to hide the light.

Character Status
Holliss (M) (Elf 1) | AC: 3/4 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native, Elvish | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Light

Haelan (M) (Cleric 1) | AC: 4/5 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native | Spells/Skills: Turn Undead

Buzar (M) (Half-Orc 1) | AC: 4/5 | HP: 3 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native, Orcish | Spells/Skills: Thief Skills

Zan (M) (Magic-User 1) | AC: 10/11 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d4 | Move: 120’ (40’)
Languages: Native, Elven, Traladaran | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Charm Person

Sir Ramic (M) (Ranger 1), AC: 5/6 | HP: 2 | Damage: 1d8 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native | Spells/Skills: Ranger Skills
Arbal (~) (Illusionist 1) | AC: 8/9 | HP: 3 | Damage: 1d4 | Move: 120’ (40’)
Languages: Native, +2 | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Colour Spray

Ealga (F) (Dwarf 1) | AC: 6/7 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d8 | Move: 90’ (30’)
Languages: Native, Dwarvish | Spells/Skills: Detect Construction, Detect Traps, Listen at Doors


Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 6:19 am
by Rex
Sir Ramic

Sir Ramic will advance to the first passage on the right and look down it.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:39 am
by Lance
Haelan starts making sketches of the statues and any inscription visible from a distance of about 6 feet (light permitting).

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:33 pm
by VonAlric

Buzar moves over to the first door on the right side and listens at it.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:41 pm
by kalstone

Holliss will take a look down the passage on the far wall.

Re: II. The Hole in the Oak

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:37 pm
by roryb

Zan keeps himself centered in the chamber in terms of east and west, and in line with his companions as they advance northward, keeping his lantern aloft.