Carthage 621

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Re: Carthage 621

#61 Post by Spectreman17 »

Bait, Desert Runner

Well that just sounds like my cup of tea exactly. are we expecting trouble on the way there, or just on the way back? and as far as security goes, I've lost my gun and gunner, so I'll need to hire a brave soul to ride my skimmer.

Addressing my new brick, Brick, how long is the drive to Apophos 2042. Are there any major delays between here and there?
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Re: Carthage 621

#62 Post by Urson »

Same routine as Ike: "Confirm this unit designation to be 'Brick'?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#63 Post by Spectreman17 »

Bait, Desert Runner

Confirm unit designation "Brick".

You know, this is why I hate tech, I removed all the tech from my skimmer, better to use something simple like combustion. Combustion never has a set up, just goes boom when I say so.
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Re: Carthage 621

#64 Post by Pulpatoon »

Spectreman17 wrote:Bait, Desert Runner You know, this is why I hate tech, I removed all the tech from my skimmer, better to use something simple like combustion. Combustion never has a set up, just goes boom when I say so.
Tel nods in vigorous agreement. "Observable physical mechanics! There's nothing quite like them, is there?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#65 Post by Zhym »

The newcomer steps to the table and picks up a brick. "Effie Perine. And yeah, that's confirmed."
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Re: Carthage 621

#66 Post by Grognardsw »

Isaac C Heinlein, space oddity

This seems a little on the unsavory side, but I'll go along with it for now, thinks Ike.
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Re: Carthage 621

#67 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel, still with one hand in the pocket in which she stashed the Guide...
...runs his thumb over the smooth, black surface, checking to see if it has a tactile interface in addition to the verbal one. If it does, Tel will begin a thorough, if surreptitious, investigation of the unit: functions, architecture, communications. In particular, he is looking for anything clandestine or dangerous—secret caches of information, hidden spylines, potential sabotage or boobytraps.

Assuming that everything is on the level, Tel will continue to quietly configure the device. She sets it up to, rather than speaking audibly, make a pinging alert and to broadcast directly to his cochlea. If Tel is very confident of the security of the device, he'll look to network it with the limited AI in her Flying Knife.

Tel designates the unit "Jiminy," and sets up a emotive responsiveness routine, so that it will speak with just enough inflection to sound like a discrete, professional assistant.

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Re: Carthage 621

#68 Post by ylinett »

Urson wrote:Harry nods. "I knew ya'll were smart and cautious.

"Yeah, the jobs we'll git will be difficult an' dangerous- maybe deadly. As fer immoral, that depends on your morals.

"The first job will be nothin' more than a milk run. One o' my old friends is in Apophos 2042, fetchin' a truckload of gold and silver bars. He's found a place to settle down, so he's doing this job to get his 'retuirement fund'."
Harry chuckles and finishes his drink.
The waitress Breeze was talking to enters with a heaping platter of sandwiches and fresh vegetables. Harry continues, "I ain't givin' these things to ya fer free. Our first job is to meet SamanEric at the Apohos 2042 off-ramp, transfer most of his load to Mother Beast, and run it to Tech 3220 to pay for these things. There's been a lot of Road Pirate trouble 'tween here and there, so this is an escort job.

"After that is when the real fun starts. Ya see, there's certain things out there along the Road that are Unique. Most stuff, if ya find it on one version of Earth, it's on all of 'em. But there are certain objects that exist on _only ONE_ of all the worlds there are. Naturally, certain collectors will pay through the ass to get them. I'll be getting us contracts to fetch Uniques.

"No bullshit- it'll involve a lot of sneakin' around, plannin' raids, and maybe gettin kilt by the locals. But I won't ask any of ya'll to do worse than steal stuff an' kill in self-defense.

After hearing his explanation the man nods and replies "I just can't wait to get on the road again." without a hint of sarcasm. Speaking directly to the brick he lifts it close to his face and gently coos ""You're my angel." If it asks for a confirmation he replies. "You're my darling angel."

Assuming that everyone is in or out at this point he looks to Harry "Hit the road?" and then with sincere compassion rippling through his voice he approaches the waitress. "Get into my car". As they exit he will hold open the door for her and close it behind her prior to entering himself. Placing the brick on the lap of the waitress he instructs it "Send me on my way".
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