Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#521 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hide In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Nearing Dawn, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Jaxsen moves a little closer to the edge of the clearing, seeing and hearing even more signs of morning activity beyond the foliage he is hiding in.

As he starts to peer around to get his bearings, he accidentally steps on a small branch under some fallen leaves, hearing a loud crunch under his foot.

Apparently, the cracking noise is also heard by the dwarves who passed him by earlier, as he sees them stop and turn back towards his position, grumbling loudly to each other in their native tongue.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#522 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen lowers himself back to the ground, lamenting his poor fortune, and begins to crawl back into the jungle. He keeps track of the approaching Dwarves, and stops moving before they get too close. He knows he is still covered in vegetation, muck and filth and hopes that will do the rest.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#523 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hide In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Nearing Dawn, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Jaxsen starts to back away from the dwarves after his unfortunate luck. (roll)

The young monk slips back down to the dirt, but is shocked when the pair of armored dwarves come crashing into the thick, stinky jungle to look for him.

They are still about 40 feet away from his position, but they are headed roughly in the direction where he is hiding.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#524 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen will continue to carefully low crawl until they get with 30 feet of him. Whichever direction they are 'off', he will head in the opposite direction. So if they are moving to his right, he will move to his left to make their error even worse. But once they get within 30 feet of him, he stops, face down and freezes in place.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#525 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hide In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Dawn, Warm, Humid, Buggy

The dwarves crash around near the edge of the jungle, speaking loudly to each other in their gruff tongue. They draw a little closer to the hidden monk, but once they realize they are walking around in old dwarf shite and filth, the quickly move away, back out into the open clearing, where they wipe their boots vigorously in the grassy weeds.

Jaxsen continues to hear their voices as he crawls away, though he doesn’t understand what is being said.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#526 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Knowing that patience is the right answer to most questions, Jax lets the Dwarves' guards head away from him once again. Once the patrol has left his range of hearing, he once again begins a cautious approach towards the clearing. He follows his earlier plan, getting within 10 or 15 feet of the edge of the jungle, close enough to see out into their light, but far enough in for the constant shadow of the trees to help keep him hidden. He uses the noise from the other dwarves to gauge his distance from them, in case any of them are close to the tree line. He does not wish to give his location away again.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#527 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hide In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Dawn, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Jax decides to stop and watch for a moment, hoping the dwarves will eventually walk away again like they did last time.

Unfortunately, not only do they not leave the edge of the jungle this time, but another pair of dwarves ambles over towards them as well. The four Stoneguts speak to each ther for a while, pointing into the jungle and discussing their next moves in dwarven.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#528 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen does the only thing he can, staying low amid the foliage, filth and muck. Moving, even away from them, is likely to give him away. But the Dwarves filth, as nasty as it is, does seem to keep them approaching too close. He continues to wait them out. He watches them through the low foliage, trying to gather any idea of what they might be discussing from their body language and gesturing.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#529 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hiding In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Wisely waiting out the stubborn dwarves seems to pay off as they apparently want nothing to do with searching around for unseen noises in their disgusting former latrine area.

The foursome eventually breaks up, with one pair of dwarves moving away in either direction. They continue to hug the tree line, but stay on the clearing side as much as possible.

After a short time passes, Jaxsen looses sight of any of the dwarves, who are clearly still looking for whatever they saw and heard in the jungle.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#530 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Hoping to finally get a look at this compound in the light, Jaxsen once again begins a low, slow crawl towards it. He does stay in the foliage, but gets close enough to the edge to see out of it. He keeps his eyes and ears open for the roving guard patrols or any other Dwarves. As he gets into position, he slowly stands, behind a tree big enough to block sight of him from the compound. From this vantage point, he peers around it to get as good a look as he can.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#531 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hiding In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Eventually sneaking up a little closer to the edge of the clearing, Jaxsen can already tell from a distance that the cleared area beyond the jungle is incredibly massive.

He has to wait out another patrolling pair of dwarves, still walking the perimeter of the clearing, but continues to crawl and duck his way forward eventually.

Unable to make out any exact details still stuck in the stinky bush, he sees shapes of several buildings and hears even more evidence of the camp coming to life as the morning passes.

What's even worse, the starving, tired, and injured young human starts to smell a glorious scent on the air. A distinct waft of frying eggs and bacon makes the monk's mouth salivate profusely, despite him currently being covered in stinky filth.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#532 Post by SirOwen »

Thanks, OM. Can I get an updated view or map of the area? Trying to get a perspective on the place.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#533 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Working on that right now.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#534 Post by SirOwen »

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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#535 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hiding In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Working his way as close as he dares to the edge of the clearing, Jaxsen still sees a few dwarves walking around looking for him.

It is difficult to make out any moving forms or identify buildings through the foliage, but the monk sees that he has crawled about 150 feet from the trail where he initially entered. There is enough light now to spot a massive hole in the earth that must be the mine these dawarves are exploiting. The vast darkness stretches off well past his vision, and it appears that the jungle grows right up to its edge in most places. Several crude shacks of natural jungle material have been erected near the southern edge of the gorge that Jax can see, but it appears that there may be even more structures beyond them that he cant make out.

At this point, if he gets any closer to the clearing, he risks being spotted or heard again.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#536 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen returns to his low crawl and moves away from the compound, wanting to put at least 50 more feet between himself and it. (Enough to completely block sight to the compound.) Once he has done that, he begins moving around the compound to the west about 300 feet or so. (Putting the "More Structures" indication on the top of the map between himself and the mine.) He stays low, but doesn't do the entire low crawl procedure.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#537 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Hiking In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Moving a good distance back into the jungle again, Jaxsen makes his way around to the west without incident.

From this new position, he cant make out the clearing at all anymore.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#538 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Realizing that what was a part of his camouflage before will help to get him caught now, Jaxsen takes time to clean himself off, not wanting the reeking smell he's covered in to give him away. He will use as little water as necessary to get the worst of the filth and grime off, but do his best. He then tries to cover himself back up with regular dirt, plant colors, etc to regain the coloration without the stench. When he is satisfied with the result, he stops and forces himself to take a break. He drinks liberally from one of his skins and eats what he would consider two portions of his dried rations to make up for a lost meal.

When he feels he has refreshed himself, he once again goes into his extra-stealthy low crawl approach and begins to head back towards the mine. Once again, he doesn't want to get too close and to stay inside the canopy, close enough to look out, but still under cover himself. His plan is to add to his knowledge of the perimeter of the mine, spotting out one section at a time, pulling back and moving on to the next, noting buildings and the overall shape of the mine.
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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#539 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Breakfast In The Jungle
Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Buggy

Taking a good deal of time cleaning, dirtying, and eating, Jax eventually starts crawling back towards the clearing again.

Before he gets close enough to see anything again, he can already pick up more of the nice dwarven breakfast smells on the air. Then he hears what sounds like a couple of children, crying and screaming in the distance.


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Re: Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

#540 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Knowing that children can be excitable, Jax is not too disturbed by the crying and screaming. However, he knows the jungle is completely unforgiving and tries to get a look at what is happening, with an eye to seeing if he can help without being discovered, just in case the children are in actual danger.
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