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Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:14 pm
by tarlyn

The dark elf moves into Urtesi's's room to help him with whatever creature that may be.

Calling upon her drow heritage, she summons dancing lights and moves them towards their foe, her

idea is to blind their enemy.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:19 pm
by alver
Urtesi takes defensive position, but if the humanoid reaches the two elves he is going to let him have it.

Conditional, if a melee fight starts

long sword: to hit [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6, damage [1d8] = 2
shield punch (off hand): to hit [1d20-2] = 8-2 = 6, damage [1d3] = 3

This is not going to hit anything though.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 8:41 pm
by Captain Kinkajou

Damn! This didn't look good. Fighting on two fronts was never wise, but what choice did they have?

Elanriel hesitates for only an instant before abandoning her position at the rear. She has no real doubts about where she should be. She follows Delsenora to protect her.

Not sure if I need an attack roll but if the hobgoblin creature charges Delsenora, Elanriel will get in its way.

Long Sword 1w fighting: [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3 to hit, damage: [1d8+2] = 2+2 = 4

Or possibly fumble! That's just great! Lol.

Fumble: [1d100] = 53

A fine protector I turned out to be! I suppose, at least I might get in the Hobgoblin's way!

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:34 pm
by Dram
Xlore moves to help Urtesiattacking the hobgoblin.

L. Swordtohit[1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9, todam[1d8+2] = 7+2 = 9

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:18 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Battle of Two Rooms: Beetles and the Hobgobliny thing - R0
Beetle Room Initiative PCs [1d10] = 7 NPCs [1d10] = 4 Beetles go first!
Hobgobliny thing Room Initiative PCs [1d10] = 7 NPCs [1d10] = 4 Hobgobliny thing goes first!

Oil Beetle "Giant Fire Beetle" AC 4, THAC0 19, # of Attacks 1 | Hobgobliny Thing AC 6, THAC0 17, # of Attacks 2 or 1

Oil Beetle 1 attacks Egon hitting for 6 dmg!
Oil Beetle 2 attacks Weston hitting for 3 dmg!
Egon attacks Beetle 1 hitting for 5 dmg!
Weston attacks Beetle 2 but misses.
G. Ferret 1 attacks Beetle 1 but misses.
G. Ferret 2 attacks Beetle 1 but misses.
Hobgobliny Thing attacks Urtesi missing with it's scimitar.
Delsenora tries to blind the Hobgobliny Thing with dancing lights an it works! (blinded for duration of the spell)
Elanriel attacks the Hobgobliny Thing misses trips and bumps into the wall momentarily stunning herself. (stunned 1 round)
Urtesi attacks the Hobgobliny Thing but misses.
Xlore attacks the Hobgobliny Thing but misses.
Summary: Elanriel is stunned for 1 round, the Hobgobliny thing that no longer fully looks like a hobgoblin up close it looks like the combination of a goblin, hobgoblin and a troll or a ghoul. This creature is blinded temporarily for 3 rounds. Other than that a whole lot of missing and Beetle 1 took some damage.

B11 L2 Rm 26 & 27 R1 Battle.JPG
B11 L2 Rm 26 & 27 R1 Battle.JPG (36.02 KiB) Viewed 980 times
Next Actions?

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:16 am
by tarlyn

Zana attack on Beetle 1 [1d20] = 1

Ruh Roh, R'aggy

Fana Attack on Beetle 1 [1d20] = 6



Del takes aim with her Bow and lets an arrow fly at her blind foe.

1st Arrow [1d20] = 10

2nd arrow at end of round [1d20] = 13

Damage from 2nd arrow [1d8] = 3

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:39 am
by Rex

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:58 pm
by alver
Urtesi attacks the Hobgobliny Thing again!

long sword: to hit [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13, damage [1d8] = 1 :cry:

At least this hits right? Blinded ==> penalty to AC right?

Urtesi bangs his sword to his shield and yells, "I'm here!". Being the only one heavily armored, he wants to draw the Hobgobliny Thing to attack him again.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:48 pm
by shaidar
Weston stumbles back from the strike from the beetle, then steps up and had another go with his staff:

Staff: to-hit [1d20] = 11, dmg [1d6] = 5

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:21 pm
by Captain Kinkajou

In her determination to get between Delsenora and danger, Elanriel trips, stumbles and crashes into the wall. Ooof. Crap! By the gods, what an idiot! Momentarily dazed, she tries to gather herself, expecting that at any moment she will feel the hobgoblin's scimitar cleave into her flesh, maybe lopping off something important. To her relief, the blow doesn't come and she regains her footing. A lucky escape!

She quickly realises that the reason she has not paid dearly for her clumsiness is that the creature is ensorcelled, blinded momentarily distracted by glowing lights dancing before its eyes, and she has Del to thank. She blushes, embarrassed at her ineptness, and gives Del a nod of thanks. I'm glad I have you looking after me sister, she thinks.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:14 pm
by tarlyn

The dark elf priestess grins back at Elanriel, offering her a wink.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:09 am
by GreyWolfVT
Description of the monsters:

Urtesi's room
The creature before you looks like hobgoblins: about 6% feet tall, dark skinned, and untidv. However this one has a relatively hairless greenish skin tone rather than the reddish of a hobgoblin. Plus it has grayish hair. So it has some looks of a troll as well. Like hobgoblins, it does have yellow teeth. Their eyes- yellow like some hobgoblins or pure white-lack any pupil. Like hobgoblins, it does appear to favor brightly colored clothing, usually blood-red doth and gleaming-black leather. You notice it's scimitar looks well cared for and brilliantly polished.
Egon's Room
Looking like a giant beetle these have some characteristics unlike a standard beetle there are glands two above the eyes that glow and one near the back of the abdomen that also glows. It looks as if the beetle has fire glowing inside it. The glow is a fire red luminous glow. The glow radiates for a 10 foot radius around the beetle.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:25 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Xlore attacks the hobgoblin looking creature. Xlore L. Swordtohit[1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7 , todam[1d8+2] = 1+2 = 3

Zana fumble Percentile Die Rolls [1d100] = 57 Fall, drop primary weapon (non animals), and be stunned 1 round.

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:09 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Battle of Two Rooms: Beetles and the Hobgobliny thing - R1
Beetle Room Initiative PCs [1d10] = 4 NPCs [1d10] = 1 Beetles go first!
Hobgobliny thing Room Initiative PCs [1d10] = 4 NPCs [1d10] = 1 The creature goes first!

Oil Beetle "Giant Fire Beetle" AC 4, THAC0 19, # of Attacks 1 | Hobgobliny Thing AC 6, THAC0 17, # of Attacks 2 or 1

Oil Beetle 1 attacks Egon hitting for 3 dmg!
Oil Beetle 2 attacks Weston hitting for 5 dmg!
Egon attacks Beetle 1 but misses.
Weston attacks Beetle 2 but misses.
Zana attacks Beetle 1 but misses, falls and is stunned (for 1 round)
Fana attacks Beetle 1 but misses.
Hobgobliny Thing attacks Urtesi missing.
Delsenora shoots 2 arrows at the Hobgobliny Thing hitting with 1 for 3 dmg!
Elanriel currently stunned.
Urtesi attacks the Hobgobliny Thing but misses, but barely and shouts drawing the creatures attention.
Xlore attacks the Hobgobliny Thing but misses.
Summary: Elanriel is stunned this round but can now act in round 2, Zana the ferret is stunned for round 2 and cannot act. Lots of misses in the acts.

B11 L2 Rm 26 & 27 R2 Battle.JPG
B11 L2 Rm 26 & 27 R2 Battle.JPG (32.99 KiB) Viewed 948 times
Next Actions?

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:56 pm
by Captain Kinkajou

Shaking off the impact with the wall, Elanriel recovers herself and determinedly attacks the creature in an effort to make up for her clumsiness.

Long Sword 1w fighting: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18 to hit, damage: [1d8+2] = 1+2 = 3

ooc: Can I check, do I get a second attack with Elanriel's sword specialisation, or is it just 1 attack this round because of the fumble? Thanks

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:09 pm
by Rex

Egon attacks the beetle. "Are you OK Weston? Drop back if you need to."

Scimitar +1 [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15 to hit [1d8+4] = 6+4 = 10 damage

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:11 am
by tarlyn

Calling upon Eilistraee's favor, Del casts Command on the Hobgoblin thing.

Her command in Goblin "Sleep"


Fana attack on Beetle

Zana attack on Beetle [1d20] = 2

At least they are entertaining lol

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:44 pm
by shaidar
Weston staggers under the latest attack from the beetle, looking faint. He nods at Egon's suggestion, dropping back and casting healing upon himself:

CLW: [1d8] = 2

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:09 pm
by alver

Re: Chapter 2: The adventure continues...

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:08 pm
by GreyWolfVT