Everyday Life in Beachtown

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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#361 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

Jack answers the knock on the door of his shack looking like something an orc dragged back to its cave.
In one hand is a strange bottle. He hides it behind his back.

"Thanks, kind Mister Monster!" he says to the orange robed healer.
Then, newly invigorated, he scampers bottleless to the others' shacks, "Wake up everybody! It's morning! Time to go adventuring!"
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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#362 Post by SirOwen »


Avaala wakes feeling much better and well-rested. He takes a couple drops from the last of the coconut oil and wipes his healed, but still slightly scarred face with it. He again thanks his luck for Saracen's presence the day before.

He then takes the very last bit of the oil and applies it to Rollo's skin where it shows through the fur. "This will help, buddy. Poor guy."

(9 of 17 hp's after the night's rest.)

"Hey buddy, let's take a walk."

Avaala and Rollo go looking around town, hoping to stumble upon Saracen.

(If they find him.) "Saracen, I wonder..." he asks, a bit hesitantly. "If you've healed the rest of the company, and have anything left over... well, Rollo got hit by the acid, too. I know this is a serious matter, and I would never ask frivolously, but can you help him? I know you said we weren't going after the troll today, so I'm just hoping, really."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#363 Post by SirOwen »

OOC: Jax actually DID pay Nehru for a week's shack rental. But if he is offered a spot in the common house, he will stay there. It completely suits his idea of 'Hive'. If he needs the shack for any reason this week, it is already paid.

Jaxsen Reiter

Jax rises before dawn. He offers his morning prayers and then goes out to greet the dawn on the beach, with katas, both armed and unarmed. He focuses intently, working up a serious sweat without allowing his breathing to become any deeper than normal. He then takes to the water and washes off the sweat. He doesn't go in deeper than his knees, as he knows there are serious predators in the sea against which he has no experience. After he dries, he wipes off the salt residue with his shirt and then shakes it out.

With the sun now up and the day begun, Jaxsen heads over to the house pointed out to him the night before. Upon arriving at the door, Jax knocks.

(If anyone answers,) Jax bows and says, "Please excuse me. My name is Jaxsen Reiter. I seek the home of Raythan, the healer."

(If the person who answered is Raythan,) Jax continues, "Sir, I was told by a village elder that you have demonstrated a desire to help this hive. Perhaps you would consider my request?"

(If Raythan demonstrates any sign at all of doing so,) "I was hunting yesterday, to feed the hive, when my prey managed to injure me. I was hoping you might be able to help me."

I think, after a night's rest, Jax is at 6 of 10 hp's.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#364 Post by Bluehorse »


Seeing nothing else he can do for making gernades, thr Man Mountain stands up and stretches. "Come on Luthar. Lets see if we can find a nice straight young tree or branch that we can make you a good haft out of. Least I can do for all the help you've given to me and everyone else. I'd enjoy a bit of a walk anyway."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#365 Post by Urson »


I appreciate that, Monocar. I was thinking that maybe you and I ought to leave the wizards and artificers to do their business while we try and track down some meat for the village.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#366 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Urson wrote:Luther speaks briefly to Alordan, getting information on finding the local who made his hooks, and then goes to find this blacksmith.

Friend, this was once my grandfather's broadsword. You can see it's junk now. I need a couple of things, if you can manage them: I want the metal turned into a harpoon point that I can use- with strong hooked barbs to keep it from pulling back out. And, if possible, I'd like the hilt separated, so that I can keep it as a memento.
The man that Alordan pointed out is indeed the towns blacksmith, but his current shop is not much to look at. His forge consist of a small campfire and his tools are few and far between. He smiles at the big bear after he makes his introduction.

"I have seen some damaged swords before, but yours takes first prize, sir. How on the gods beautiful Oerth did you manage to wreck your steel so badly, if I may ask? Were you cutting rocks with it?"

The middle aged rough looking human takes the weapon and looks it over carefully. "I think I can create what you are asking. It will be easy enough to remove the hilt, anyway. If I can get you to collect some good, slow burning hardwood for me to use, I can get started on banging you out the harpoon. Can you do that?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#367 Post by OGRE MAGE »

A Free Day On Freeday?
Freeday, The 26th of Reaping
Early Morning, Hot, Muggy, Buggy

After being healed by the big orange monster (Saracen), Jack feels good enough to rush from hut to hut doing his usual wake-up calls. It seems the boy is ready for more adventure despite his nearly fatal encounter with the big bugs just yesterday. The half-orc seems very popular indeed this morning when Avaala also stops by to interrupt the priest's studies during his morning walk. The scabby faced wizard asks Saracen if he would be able to heal his guard dog for him.

Alordan continues to look for anyone who might be willing to go along with him to see if they can spot the troll along the beach to track its movements.

Luther and Monocar discuss their ideas of finding a good strong sapling to cut down to use as a harpoon shaft. The possibility of hunting for some more meat is also brought up, though both men know that they will need to travel a good ways away from the settlement before they find anything edible to hunt. Luther pays a visit to the towns makeshift blacksmith.

A newer member of the community is seen exercising down near the beach. He is a young, blond haired human in great physical shape. He doesn't say much to any of you as he goes about his business of meditating and washing. When the man is finished up down there, he heads into the most recently cleared areas of town, walking right up to the log home that Raythan the half-elf is in the process of building.

Luther R2 20/20
Jack 7/10 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Lightfinger T2 10/10
Chauncey MU2 10/10 CL, DM, RM, 2/2 first
Saracen 12/12 1/3 first
Avaala 5/5 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Rollo 9/17
Monocar F2 14/21
Alordan R2 8/13
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#368 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen looks up from his blessings and peers at the wizard. ”It’s good to see you up and about sir wizard. Feeling any better?” he asks. Looking at Rollo he pats the hounds head and examines his wounds.

”I surely can try! I was saving my last spell of today for Alordan, but I can tend to your former instead. He seemed not too poorly today and with a few days of rest be back to full Health besides. Rangers are hardy folk! Here young pup, let the Light of Pholtus ease your pain!”

He casts cure Light Wounds upon Rollo.[1d8] = 4.

With some more rest today Rollo should be feeling much better by the morning. Try not to over exert him today! the holy champion advises sagely. ”I have a magical lens here that I don’t know what magic it possesses. Is there any way you can discern its magical properties Avala?”
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#369 Post by SirOwen »


"Yes, I feel good as new, thank you"

"Once again, I find myself in your debt,
says Avaala. Rollo also expresses his appreciation to the priest of Pholtus, bumping his huge head against his leg gratefully. "Don't worry, it's short walks, lots of shack time and a big supper for him today."

Avaala looks closely at the lens. "As you say,
I can surely try!"
Avaala focuses his attention on the lens and casts an Identify charm. He uses it in the manner it seems to made for, looking through. He examines things near and far, waiting for the charm to bring the nature of the magic to him.

Following the casting, and advising Saracen of properties discovered, the weakness brought on by the spell staggers Avaala. "Looks like Rollo isn't the only one resting today. It's suddenly a good for studying."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#370 Post by Storm11 »

The half-orc waits for the wizards response avidly.

He pats Rollo again affectionately, happy to see the hound does not mind the holy champions quite feral appearance.

”I think we have all earned a rest today wouldn’t you say? That’s amazingly kind of you to identify the lens for me. I appreciate your skill very much. Thank you!

As the wizard turned to leave Saracen waves him off. Catch you later! Cheery bye!” He settles back into blessing his glass and sanctifying it to Pholtus. Once his robes are dry he will don hem once again and continue his work under the light of the suns rays, practising with the glass throughout the afternoon. Eating some trail rations the holy champion absently wonders just how we will afford to eat or replenish his supplies or survive on the island for much longer without earning any coin.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#371 Post by Urson »


Speaking to the blacksmith: I can do better than that, my friend. By tomorrow, I can have a nice pile of real charcoal for you. The smith in my village back home swore by hardwood charcoal. He leaves the ruined blade with the smith.

Monocar, I need some help digging a pit. I guess the hunting will need to wait.

Here's the plan: we need a pit about 4' square and about 4' or 5' deep. We fill it with the branches and scrap wood from the tree clearing operation. Then, we get it burning and cover it with a layer of branches and the canvas from my puptent, and a layer of dirt on top. This makes the fire burn slow, and leaves only the charcoal. Tomorrow, we open it up, make sure everything is done burning, and give the blacksmit some decent charcoal.

If Monocar chooses not to help, no problem. Luther has his day planned now.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#372 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jaxsen heads over to the house pointed out to him the night before. Upon arriving at the door, Jax knocks.

The door is really nothing more than a rectangle of weaved palm fronds. A male half-elf answers the rapping at his flap.

Jax bows and says, "Please excuse me. My name is Jaxsen Reiter. I seek the home of Raythan, the healer."

"I am Raythan."

Jax continues, "Sir, I was told by a village elder that you have demonstrated a desire to help this hive. Perhaps you would consider my request?"

Raythan looks back at the stranger at his doorstep. "Go on."

"I was hunting yesterday, to feed the hive, when my prey managed to injure me. I was hoping you might be able to help me."

Raythan looks at the bloody bandage, motioning for the man to remove them. "I was using my healing on my friend and carpenter who is being held captive by the Phanaton who live up in the trees around this area. I thought that some of the others were trying to rescue him, but I have been busy with my house here and haven't been tracking their progress. Since my friend is well on the mend, I suppose I could offer my healing prayer to you instead. What would I have to gain for such a transaction?"

Jaxsen 6/10
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#373 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen considers the man's question. "It has been my experience, in the short time I have been here, that the townsfolk are quick to make friends,
very hard workers, and eager to build this hive into something they can be proud to live in. I believe that if you offer your services as a healer, you would find your house quickly finished, and you would eat at least as well as they do. It will be a strong, proud hive one day. You could be a part of that."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#374 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Raythan gives the stranger a weird look.

"It looks to me like these people are all slowly starving to death."

"Are you are telling me that you will stay here and help me lift these heavy rafters up to the tops of my walls? I cant do it alone, and rigging up ropes is taking me forever. I need to get a roof on this place before the damn bugs out here eat me alive."

"If you are offering me a days worth of hard work, I would be happy to heal your ailments first. Sound good to you?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#375 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen smiles. "It sounds good to me. And I believe you will see that we get a lot more done than you think... If you really want to get that roof on."

Jaxsen looks forward to the challenge of bringing Raythan more fully into the hive.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#376 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote: [...] If I can get you to collect some good, slow burning hardwood for me to use, I can get started on banging you out the harpoon. Can you do that?"[/dialog]
Looks around at the makeshift setup, but looks pleasant enough and obviously appreciates what the man has done so far with obviously limited resources.

Is hardwood hard to come by around here? Monocar smiles and once the other business is discussed and he isn't intrusive, the big man ask his question. "So I am a bit of a woodworker. Mostly basic stuff from Lumbering and helping run my dad's lumbermill back home... anyway, I am going to be fashioning a wooden half for Luthar's new... old... uh... refashioned weapon! Would you be interested in readied poles or handles in general for making tools?"
Urson wrote:Luther
Monocar, I need some help digging a pit. I guess the hunting will need to wait.

Here's the plan: we need a pit about 4' square and about 4' or 5' deep. We fill it with the branches and scrap wood from the tree clearing operation. Then, we get it burning and cover it with a layer of branches and the canvas from my puptent, and a layer of dirt on top. This makes the fire burn slow, and leaves only the charcoal. Tomorrow, we open it up, make sure everything is done burning, and give the blacksmit some decent charcoal.
The giganto youth just smiles with his typical happy go lucky attitude towards work and learning something new. "Let's do it!
I'm excited to see this. I knew charcoal was made from wood, but to be honest I was always confused by how it was done. This is something we could definitely do on a regular basis and help folks around here. Come to think of it, my dad usually sells off the scrap bits from his mill to a merchant that passes through. He said he always turned them into charcoal, but it was never something we got into, we were just happy to have someone cart off what we were throwing out anyway and pay us for it. It'll be nice to be able to directly use what we would have tossed out once the mill is running. Oh! Did I tell you me and Avaala are building a mill? Well,
not right now, but we are going to..."
Yup, his good mood was back. He talked to poor ranger's ear off all the way to where they had fell the trees the other day, giving him details about the conversations with Mr. Nehu and Avaala and even the letter he sent, then there was something about the time someone dared him to eat a wood weevil but by then who could follow...
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#377 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chauncey, spell book in hand, makes his way around in the morning to Avalaa’s hut and knocks. ”Avalaa. I trust you are well. In light of our profitable exchange of knowledge previously, I came by to inform you that I have, after some considerable and ingenious effort, come upon a new formula. A method of ordering the threads, if you will, through word and gesture, in such a way as to allow one to electrocute a man to death merely by grasping him! Imagine!” he says, beaming. From under his arm, the flayed goblin face cover of his spell book seems to smile. ”After having been stumped, as unlikely as that may sound, it came to me in a flash - fully formed - and I wrote it down. If you have any more spells unknown to me, I thought perhaps we might again engage in another friendly wizardly transaction. Or perhaps now is not a good time?”
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#378 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:
Urson wrote:Luther
Here's the plan: we need a pit about 4' square and about 4' or 5' deep. We fill it with the branches and scrap wood from the tree clearing operation. Then, we get it burning and cover it with a layer of branches and the canvas from my puptent, and a layer of dirt on top. This makes the fire burn slow, and leaves only the charcoal. Tomorrow, we open it up, make sure everything is done burning, and give the blacksmit some decent charcoal.
This sounds like work, not adventure.

The eternal child slips away and wanders around the village quietly looking for fun, adventure or mischief he can get into.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

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Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
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Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#379 Post by SirOwen »


A slightly haggard-looking Avaala answers the door.

"Chauncey! Please come in."

"As a matter of fact, I do have a spell you might be interested in. It fires bolts of pure magical energy which strike with concussive force. They have considerable range, and within that range, they never miss! Best of all, as a wizard continues to learn his craft, this same spell adds bolts that may be used at a single or multiple targets, as well as increases in range."

"Unfortunately, I cast an Identify charm just a little while ago. Right now, I'm too weak to engage in spell writing. Could we possibly do it this evening,
after I've rested?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#380 Post by OGRE MAGE »

SirOwen wrote: Avaala
"I cast an Identify charm just a little while ago."
Thanks for the subtle reminder......again!

The novice mage looks over the orange half-orcs piece of glass in detail before starting his divination. The glass is not actually a "lens" as the priest believes. It really looks more like a glass blob that is flat on one side. It is as big around as a gold coin, but much thicker and roughly rounded on the opposite side. The mage has a bit of knowledge of glass making and blowing, and he thinks that this hunk of glass is nothing more than a discarded blob that wasn't formed into anything of use.

It is a clear white color and you can just barely see through it when it is held up to a light source. The mage cant think of one purposeful use for such an item, but he does as Saracen asks anyway after he was nice enough to heal his dog.

After using his magic to identify the item, the wizard gets a strong feeling that the blob is actually quite valuable. He gets the sense that it will give the possessor slightly better luck when dealing with adversarial instances. (+1 on all Saving Throws)

Having heard of such an item before, Avaala believes this item is called a Luck Stone.
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