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Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:14 pm
by Dram
Bragar- If you think it will conceal us so that we can rest and regain our spells. I say lets do it. This may be the safest place we find.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:04 pm
by Storm11
i reckon we should give it a try. I understand Castran won't be able to get his own powers back but if we can at least get our cure light wounds and such back we might all be in a better place HP wise to tackle the next part. We might stumble on somewhere safer and we can rest during the day which would mean that we might stand a chance to all recooperate. If the phantasmal force made us all look like Strahd zombies for instance it might explain the noises and such. But hopefully the undead won't be interested in their own kind. Maybe. What do you think?

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:18 am
by Cwreando
Sorry gang, I haven't been getting any of the updates for this forum.

Robert starts helping to get out of the secret area. "We need rations too. I just used my last one so lets make that a priority."

Did we get any meat from the spiders yet?

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:23 pm
Rations? Aren't we all a little too high level to be worrying about rations?

Don't we have 3 Clerics who can create food and water?

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:32 pm
by Zhym
I asked you to start tracking rations. If you're going to be extended-stay visitors in Ravenloft, you need to track where food will be coming from, even if it's from using spell slots to create food.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:50 pm
by Storm11
and a druid who can use goodberry also

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:14 pm
by Zhym
You have plenty of sources of food, yes. All i'm saying is that when you get trapped behind a secret door from one side, and the reaction is, "That's okay, we can just hang out here a while," I'm going to want to know what you plan on eating while you're there. :D

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:52 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Eat live meditate, play with my new on and so forth whilst the others debate and argue.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:57 pm
by Cwreando
If we have access to 2E spells Robert can cast Goodberry but I thought this was 1E and that means Robert can't cast that spell. The clerics on the other hand can cast Create food and water either way as long as they are able to cast the spell and aren't level drained to the point they can't cast it. So while the spell is nice it might be worthwhile to get some other rations as well.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:29 pm
by Storm11
Goodberry is a spell in 1st edition Unearthed Arcana.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:42 pm
by Cwreando
I don't have access to that book. Is it downloadable?

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:38 am
by Cwreando
"Fendt, could I examine the scimitar from the treasure vault? Sometimes these items can be attuned to certain classes or alignment. There also may be an inscription to identify certain aspects of the weapon. Should this prove correct you can have the scimitar I currently have and there are the magical maces to use also", comments Robert.

If given, Robert examines the blade and hilt and the scimitars reactions while he holds it. Robert is looking for any changes that might be different than when Fendt held the weapon.

Did the clerics do an Augury to determine Bane or Boon for each weapon?

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:06 am
by GreyWolfVT
Fendt allows Robert to inspect the scimitar. "Sure here you are my friend."

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:47 pm
by Cwreando
"Thanks Fendt", Robert says.

Robert looks the scimitar over for writing or etchings. Robert cast detect magic and examine the scimitar for magical writings and does the same for the maces if allowed by the others. He compares his scimitar to the new one for feel and weight. He mentally engages the new scimitar testing it.

Robert then explains any thing he finds to the others.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:56 pm
by GreyWolfVT
don't forget Fendt already did detect magic upon the scimitar and the maces they all radiated magic. Nobody identified them and nobody tried to detect evil on them either.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:25 pm
by Dram
Bragar - We would have to rest to get my spells back. For me to be able to cast detect evil.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:16 am
by Zhym
Date: Nouluna 6, 1221
Time: 12:20 AM
Weather: Light rain
Moon: Waning gibbous
Location: Castle Ravenloft, Treasure Vault

At Robert's request, Fendt hands the scimitar to the druid for inspection and looks, without success, for a scabbard that would fit the wide, curved blade.

Robert doesn't recognize any of the inscriptions on the blade, but it feels really good in his hand. He can't be sure whether it is better than his own weapon until he uses it in battle (or sparring with another party member), but he's pretty sure it isn't evil—or aligned in any other way.

Two maces remain untouched on the ledge.

You discuss, yet again, whether to rest or move on. Castran initially suggests immediately moving on from this place. Iluq, shielding his eyes against the light show set off by Tibbius's dagger, Fendt's bo stick, Castran's shortsword, and the Sunsword, agrees. "Whenever we have rested it has ended in disaster," he says. Melampus recommends sleeping during the day and continuing on at night. Tumbler wants to grab what transportable loot you can and get out. Bragar joins the chorus of voices wanting to get out of this place.

But Castran seemingly changes his mind. "Still," he says, "we have found a secret place to hide here abouts, where only incorporeal undead can attack us it seems. Let me try and cloak our rest for a few hours here and at least try and recover the spell casters' lesser charms and cures to give is a fighting chance." Melampus nods and agrees that it's worth a try. Tibbius agrees, perhaps reluctantly, but the morose mage cautions against holding out hope in this vile place.

As you deliberate on your next action, Castran's mirror images fade. Time passes...

Status: Agrippo: 32/52, Tibbius: 10/10, Iluq: 13/34, Tumbler: 24/39, Robert: 16/34; Fendt: 14/15; Castran: 13/23; Melampus: 21/30; Bragar: 31/42
Effects: Protection from Evil (Tibbius): expired; Mirror Image (Castran): expired

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:30 am
by GreyWolfVT
Fendt picks up the last two maces to see how they feel in his hands. "Let us not forget these are not yet checked, my druid friend."

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:57 am
by Storm11
If the wraiths haven't returned after half an hour the gnome ushers the others over to a suitable corner and hopefully settles them in, and once most are sleeping and he has their usual sleeping rhythms familiarised and he is sitting comfortably he casts his Phantasmal force spell over the whole area, making the party members all look like Strahd zombies, or ghouls, or wights. Features twist and warp as the image forms before them, all reclining and watching sinisterly the others and the chamber at large. If someone snores or moves the gnome will try and cause the image to move or appear to snarl or snort and if someone turns or fidgits he will cause the undead image to move as well. Other wise he will cloak the room with the image of exactly the things in the room as is already, and hope for the best.

Re: 6. Dawn of a New Night

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:30 am
by Cwreando
Robert looks the maces over for Fendt and says, "My friend, I am unable to use a mace but the scimitar I can wield. Would you be willing to take my magical scimitar in exchange for this one and take one of the maces? I would also encourage any of you other fine adventurers, that can make use of a mace, to consider taking one. I also believe we should attempt to rest using the illusion although I fear a mindless undead might not even see an illusion?"

Robert examines the maces for Fendt while he has the detect magic still active and then passes them back to him with any information he learns.