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Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:07 am
by GreyWolfVT
alright so this is a setup then from my feeling if the diamonds are that crappy.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:13 am
by Pulpatoon
Hoodie explicitly said that the diamonds were fakes. The idea, presumably, is to not hand over a bunch of real diamonds to the evil egg sellers.

Honestly, I can't tell if I'm supposed to be IC suspicious of this guy because his plan doesn't make any sense, or if I'm supposed to OOC conclude that this is WotC railroading us, and we should be good sports and play along for the sake of getting the adventure started.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:37 am
by Computer +1
Pulpatoon wrote:Hoodie explicitly said that the diamonds were fakes. The idea, presumably, is to not hand over a bunch of real diamonds to the evil egg sellers.

Honestly, I can't tell if I'm supposed to be IC suspicious of this guy because his plan doesn't make any sense, or if I'm supposed to OOC conclude that this is WotC railroading us, and we should be good sports and play along for the sake of getting the adventure started.
Well said.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:23 am
by dmw71
Pulpatoon wrote:Honestly, I can't tell if I'm supposed to be IC suspicious of this guy because his plan doesn't make any sense, or if I'm supposed to OOC conclude that this is WotC railroading us, and we should be good sports and play along for the sake of getting the adventure started.
Computer +1 wrote:Well said.
You guys are welcome to not participate.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:03 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sorry, Dave. I don't mean to be dumping on something you're putting a lot of work into—and I am genuinely excited about this campaign. My previous message came off as rude, and I should have found a better way to express my thoughts.

You warned us that the adventure-as-written could be rail-roady, and it is a little hard to figure out how to position ourselves relative to that. I genuinely don't know how suspicious I'm supposed to be of this guy. My own inclinations would be to not go along with his plan, but I don't want to spoil the game if the assumption is that we do.

I guess this is the heart of the question: Would it have messed up your prep up if we had blown this guy off? How off-the-rails do you want this campaign to get?

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:01 pm
by dmw71
Pulpatoon wrote:Sorry, Dave. I don't mean to be dumping on something you're putting a lot of work into—and I am genuinely excited about this campaign. My previous message came off as rude, and I should have found a better way to express my thoughts.

You warned us that the adventure-as-written could be rail-roady, and it is a little hard to figure out how to position ourselves relative to that. I genuinely don't know how suspicious I'm supposed to be of this guy. My own inclinations would be to not go along with his plan, but I don't want to spoil the game if the assumption is that we do.
I appreciate this.

But you're absolutely right.

I been mulling over the start of this game, and I have regrets. I don't regret including the situation both groups are currently facing, but the whole hooded stranger and rushed meeting part was a mistake. This short scenario is actually a different published adventure, written for organized play, and is meant to be accomplished in a single one hour session.

The hooded stranger and rushed meeting aspects are in place to fit this one hour session requirement of organized play, but should not have played a factor in this game. That part should have been scrapped, or at least revised.

That's what I get for launching the game before I was ready.

To this point:
Pulpatoon wrote:I guess this is the heart of the question: Would it have messed up your prep up if we had blown this guy off? How off-the-rails do you want this campaign to get?
Feel free to tell this hooded stranger to eff off. It definitely will not derail the game by any means.

This little scenario was only included to get you guys a bit of experience (potentially enough to reach 2nd level) before dropping you into the actual hardcover, for reasons.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:45 pm
by Pulpatoon
Thanks, Dave, I'm glad we were able to talk this out amicably. And good to know that we can veer off when the spirit strikes!

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:49 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I'm for going through with it but i have a feeling the seller of the egg will likely notice the fakes if they are so easily spotted most merchants don't just accept payment without checking it or at least seeing it. Either way likely we will find some sort of battle which is fine by me and Grimbul would be entirely up for it, so long as he doesn't end up in jail.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:52 pm
by Computer +1
Hey Dave, same for me as above, I am sorry if my echoing came off as rude.
I dont like the feeling of being rushed into things but I have faith in you and the story you have planned. Again, sorry if it came out wrong.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:44 am
by dmw71
GreyWolfVT wrote:I'm for going through with it but i have a feeling the seller of the egg will likely notice the fakes if they are so easily spotted most merchants don't just accept payment without checking it or at least seeing it. Either way likely we will find some sort of battle which is fine by me and Grimbul would be entirely up for it, so long as he doesn't end up in jail.
GreyWolfVT wrote:"...but I have me doubts that these will pass any inspection by the merchant, I aint never met one that didn't at least give the payment a check to ensure it was authentic.
They already passed your dwarven inspection, here:
dmw71 wrote:"The merchant had a sack of diamonds which he was going to use for the purchase. We've kept those, but here --" he says, handing Grimbul a sack filled with what appear to be diamonds. "Tell me if those won't pass as real?" While they're near worthless in actual value, they will almost certainly pass for the real thing.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:52 am
by dmw71
Computer +1 wrote:Hey Dave, same for me as above, I am sorry if my echoing came off as rude.
I dont like the feeling of being rushed into things but I have faith in you and the story you have planned. Again, sorry if it came out wrong.
Definitely no worries.

I still find starting a game, and developing the pacing and rhythm for a new group of players, to be challenging. Now that the game is actually in progress, I'm sure we'll quickly fall into a routine and things will flow more naturally.

My biggest mistake was not thinking through the time aspect of this side adventure I presented first. With everyone sitting at a table in an organized game, knowing they have a single hour to complete something -- it's easier to make forced situations like that to "work." I'm sure, if I had completely skipped the stranger pitching the idea, the story wouldn't have gotten off to such a rocky start.

We'll recover. ;)

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:11 am
by GreyWolfVT
To clarify by saying merchant i am talking the one selling us the egg not the dude that gave us the fake diamonds.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:07 am
by dmw71
GreyWolfVT wrote:To clarify by saying merchant i am talking the one selling us the egg not the dude that gave us the fake diamonds.
Right. But, if you're a dwarf and your initial inspection couldn't tell they were fake...

Just saying.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 3:37 am
by Scott308
Just because they are merchants does not automatically mean they will be able to recognize fake diamonds. They would likely need proficiency with the Jeweler's Tools or have some ability to appraise things. It's gonna be really funny when we get to the meeting and discover the group with the egg includes a Tabaxi barbarian, a druid, an elf fighter... :D

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 4:05 am
by Pulpatoon
Scott308 wrote:It's gonna be really funny when we get to the meeting and discover the group with the egg includes a Tabaxi barbarian, a druid, an elf fighter... :D
I'd had the same thought!

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:16 am
by GreyWolfVT
That would be interesting lol

Alright well anyway lets just do it. :D

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:57 am
by BearSiren817
Just remember to put the tracker in someone’s pocket!!

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:34 am
by dmw71
Nice work to this latest update, guys.

By the way, I took the day off work tomorrow to run a bunch of errands, so my availability will be questionable, but if I miss tomorrow (Friday), you can certainly expect an update over the weekend.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:28 am
by BearSiren817
Tabaxi Rogue****

Edit: ooooh the other group lol. I’ve never seen another Tabaxi in these lands. Adventuring Tabaxi’s are quite independent until going back home where we spend our years of retirement sharing all of the knowledge we learned.

Re: Group 2: Discussions

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:02 pm
by dmw71
Okay, here's the situation:
  • One player says they're attempting to do something.
  • Another player (or players) attempts to stop that player.

This is a textbook example of a contest.

Since it was unexpected and no rolls were provided, I made the rolls myself in an effort to keep the game moving.


In this case, I think I will wait one day for the players involved to make their own rolls. I'm thinking straight Dexterity rolls --

  • Grimbul (+1)

versus the individual efforts of both:

  • Dureau (+2)
    Kañ-Demir (+2)

High roll wins.

In the event the rolls necessary to resolve are not provided by tomorrow, my roll will be used: