Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#21 Post by Agnati »

Rickul: "Comrades new and old, I feel a weight on my soul, like a great shadow, cast by that evil" (he points his sword toward the main battlement of Angor). "I fear there are shadows and whispers that, in time, will cover this land in darkness and cruelty if we do not act now. I say we gather our strength and cleanse Carn Angor for the light, once and for all. We should be vigilant, however, for he speaks the truth (Giving a careful look at Potromo). During my scout, I found many warg tracks, deep from bearing riders, and have seen the giants he speaks of as well."
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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#22 Post by Rhourk »

Kaleb removes the party a short distance from their captive, where they can still watch him, but beyond where he could hear them: "Friends, you know it isn't in me to turn away from my calling. Since Malazar returned me from the afterlife and set me on this path I have felt his fire in my heart with every beat. Every breath I draw fills me with righteous purpose. I am pledged body and soul to root out evil and push back the darkness. But this place gives me pause. I know I stand favored in his light and I still burn with the passion to fight the fight and I fear nothing for myself. But still something transpires that I feel you have the right to know as my closest companions and the only family I have left", with this he paces for a moment and removes his helm.

His eyes look tired and his face pale, and his voice wavers as he carries on, "I cannot feel Malazar's light in this place. I am....cut off. This is no disfavor from him or penance for me, something is blocking me from the light. This is the first time I have known fear since my return, fear that I may not be enough to aid us without my powers. I fear I may let you down. It won't be from a failing of my resolve, but know that in power I am...diminished in this place. I will follow you to the depths of Hell itself, but in this place I cannot lead, the lack of a connection...distracts me. I may be able to replenish myself outside of this area, but that in itself may be as much a reason to push on as to turn back. I thought it fair that you should know". Having said that he retreats a short distance to be alone with his thoughts.
Bad Wolf Bridget
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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#23 Post by Bad Wolf Bridget »

Lumiere approaches Kaleb and rests her hand on his shoulder while addressing the group.
"I, too, feel the disconnect. It's as though a thick cloud is blocking the warmth of the sun that I have relished in for so long. The closer we get to this place, I feel the void in my soul grow deeper. The evil in this region has gone unchecked for far too long.... but if we don't cleanse this land, who will? If we do not wipe this Isok off this plane, how much longer will it take before he musters the strength and numbers to decimate this land..... and where will he stop?
I fear he won't."

(Addressing Kaleb)
"Fear not, my holy brother. The burden of our party's success does not rest on your shoulders. We each will do our part and, working together, we will turn the tide and we will bring Malazar's light shining down on the face of Isok, himself. Let us go finish our business with this magician, Potromo. I can't stomach the sight of him much longer. Master Nihil, when we are done questioning him, would you do us the privilege of ridding this plane of his influence for a second time? We cannot chance him warning those of our coming... he is not trustworthy."

Walking back to Potromo who is trying to stand in his crippled state.
"Tell us, Potromo. Why is Isok here in these lands, specifically? Is he seeking something here? (waits for answer)
"Now tell us this..... how do we defeat him? Tell us what his weakness is."
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Johnny Champion
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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#24 Post by Johnny Champion »

Bad Wolf Bridget wrote:Lumiere approaches Kaleb and rests her hand on his shoulder while addressing the group.
"I, too, feel the disconnect. It's as though a thick cloud is blocking the warmth of the sun that I have relished in for so long. The closer we get to this place, I feel the void in my soul grow deeper. The evil in this region has gone unchecked for far too long.... but if we don't cleanse this land, who will? If we do not wipe this Isok off this plane, how much longer will it take before he musters the strength and numbers to decimate this land..... and where will he stop?
I fear he won't."

(Addressing Kaleb)
"Fear not, my holy brother. The burden of our party's success does not rest on your shoulders. We each will do our part and, working together, we will turn the tide and we will bring Malazar's light shining down on the face of Isok, himself. Let us go finish our business with this magician, Potromo. I can't stomach the sight of him much longer. Master Nihil, when we are done questioning him, would you do us the privilege of ridding this plane of his influence for a second time? We cannot chance him warning those of our coming... he is not trustworthy."

Walking back to Potromo who is trying to stand in his crippled state.
"Tell us, Potromo. Why is Isok here in these lands, specifically? Is he seeking something here? (waits for answer)
"Now tell us this..... how do we defeat him? Tell us what his weakness is."
Potromo: "Don't you understand? This IS his land, this is his ancestral home, Carn Angor is the resting place of the most evil once-human this land has produced. Isok, The Valiant, Lord Vampire of Flahrim. He is the Master and you walk on his hollowed ground!"
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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#25 Post by Rhourk »

Kaleb rests his hand on Lumiere's: "Thank you Sister, you know I'll give all I am worth in the struggle ahead, and I may have a trick or two left for a tyrant Vampire yet."

He then turns to the one called Nihil, "I apologize if we read you wrong before, you're no executioner, and that's not a bad thing."

He then regards Potromo, "I, on the other hand dispense Justice as my Lord inspires me. When She's done with the mage, I'll fulfill my oath", he quietly fetches his axe and moves over to where Lumiere continues to question Potromo, and waits for her to indicate that she is finished.
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Re: Session 15: Assault on Carn Angor

#26 Post by Johnny Champion »

Potromo: "I will tell you one more thing. But first, you must promise on the name of Malazar, that I will not be harmed and will be set free. I give you my word and true name. You must promise that upon Malazar that you guarantee my life? I will tell you something that will likely save one of your lives..."
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