Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

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Re: Out in the black - 300-002

#21 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The sensors reveal nothing new...looking back over Ranjit's watch also reveals that after the exit of the belt there was nothing noticeable apart from the passing ship...a fast, private courier with an Ares registration. Flight plan logged as "The Belt". Nothing much to go on.

The two plans give Angelo a good work out while the sensors are not revealing anything. The "Highport" idea basically comes down to the same as an physical extension to the spaceport with extra freighting costs. It might work if the Navy can be persuaded to leave it alone - but why would they?

The Training idea though. Now that is a niche. The main belt competition is not really geared to training ships medics. Those specialisations sort of closed when the civil-war (or emergency - take your pick) was going at full tilt. Either you were taken over by one of the forces or the specialised in civil medicine - neither of which was specialising in merchant shipping requirements. Now...What do you need for a basic teaching facility? Teachers, Education Equipment, Rooms, Administration, Clients (not in priority order).

Angelo is surprised to find Ranjit has returned clasping a warm drink for you...My shift - You've been working on that for the whole shift!
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#22 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Retiring to the makeshift bunk, Angelo lies awake for a few moments mulling over the plan...and is awoken by the buzzing of his phone.

Looking at the time, he realises he's nearly scheduled to get back to the cockpit - and looks at the message.

Hi Dear. You might want to be careful...Look at the news...There's fighting on Sparks again and the Garrison is acting like the crash was some form of pre-emptive strike on the port here. Don't do anything rash. Love You...XXX

FYI - This is NOT the same ship as passed you - wrong course to get to Sparks
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#23 Post by Leitz »

Angelo took a moment to wash his face and brush his hair. The captain, even of such a small vessel, was expected to maintain a modicum of formality. He checked in with Ms Kayuba to ensure she was taken care of, chatted with Jackson to see if he had any concerns that needed to be addressed, and then did the same with Ranjit. He let the latter two know about the news, that he would be brokering truthful information to his contacts, and that he would appreciate them keeping quiet on the matter. If any money came of it then they would get a share.

Somewhere in there he picked up food and qana. Eventually he made it to the helm, checked the logs, and accepted the con. He worked on his plan, and then refined his contact list for the plan and the news. Some merchants preferred credits to friends, but Angelo found that good friends brought in more than their overhead cost. This was just one more transaction.

After a while he took a break, stretching and sending a quick reply.

"Looking forward to talking to your parents and getting all sorts of embarrassing stories. I'm always careful, you know."
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#24 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The course takes you closer and closer to Ares - and you are definitely scanned by something that makes your sensors crackle at a considerable distance from the planet. There are rumours that the planet has constructed a new type of defence weapon based on high-energy mesons and as a consequence, the pirate raids that used to occur here have all but stopped. Certainly the heavier craft they used to have in orbit aren't in sight. (The belt lodged several complaints that some of these had ended up with the Pirates/Rebels!)

As you get to about 50,000km, you are contacted...

This is Red Angel Security. Please transmit your flight-plan, manifest and docking certification - unless you are intending to land at Kerala or dock with Ares-Orbital.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#25 Post by Leitz »

The good thing about hauling for a government entity is that they get to do all the paperwork. Angelo sent the data, and also notified the location where he was to pick up the coils.

A quick text to Becka's parents that he was close, but still working out the schedule.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#26 Post by BackworldTraveller »

You are cleared to land at Kerala - You can clear for landing at the old station from there.

They send you a flight corridor

Don't deviate from the corridor or you will be fired upon. Without further warning. Got it?
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#27 Post by Leitz »

Angelo accepted that some people thought a little bit of power made them special. They were "special", but perhaps not as they thought of themselves.

"Of course," he replied, and then ended the comm. He updated everyone on the schedule, pulled up a map of Kerala, and figured out the best way to get the work done while visiting Becka's parents. The schedule wasn't too tight, at least compared to his usual. He still needed a way to visit Kiko though. Well, that and to find someone who could gather information on Becka's ex. A decent lawyer would be nice, too. He kept the ship on course and pulled up contacts and references for lawyers.

My apologies for the blandness of things, I'm a bit brain dead at the moment. Lacking inspiration.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#28 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The landing at Kerala reveals the layout of the town - a grid on the surface but almost entirely constructed of domed buildings joined by cut-and-cover roadways. All the disadvantages of a planet and a the belt rolled into one! The facilities at the landing pad are less than impressive...

...but they do stretch to a mobile airlock so there is no need to suit up to transfer to the port customs hall.

Papers are inspected, and (after delays) you are permitted into Kerala's Spacetown. Despite the high-tech, the place initially appears cheap and shabby with little of the flair that the belters have for interior decoration.

Ms Kayuba and her Casket move sombrely off into the town looking a little forlorn

The impression of the place improves as you move into the commercial part of town - but there doesn't seem to be much spare cash for public spaces. The individual premises, however, do appear to have made a better effort. The outside may be monochrome, but the interiors are colourful and inviting.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#29 Post by Leitz »


As they approached, Angelo sent a private comm to Becka's parents. "Mr and Mrs Victor, we are on approach, and I am looking forward to seeing you for both personal and professional matters."

He paused, and gave them a business face. "I am attempting to broker a small deal with an administrative deputy over at Olympus. While terms of the deal are confidential, any information you have on our business... gentleman would be most appreciated. I may also need your assistance in validating the authenticity of what I am buying."

Angelo shrugged. "The deal may not go through, and thus I may have to find another buyer for my product. I'm certain you've read the news, if you know of anyone who could gain mutual profit from the truth, then please let them know the right of first refusal expires fifteen minutes after the offer is made. You will be my second conversation."
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#30 Post by BackworldTraveller »

We are happy to meet you - A good friend of Becka's is always welcome. She's told us various stuff about you!

With the mention of the "administrative deputy over at Olympus" their faces fall

If you've heard what he's done to our Becka, I'm surprised you are dealing with that sand-rat. And I don't know how we'd help in anything they are selling. Pharmaceuticals are a bit out of our areas of expertise.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#31 Post by Leitz »

Angelo nodded, and his voice carried his concern. "She can't finish a sentence without getting explosively angry, so I have little to go on. Please understand, I am not dealing with his company, just with him. Biology has granted him certain rights that he seems eager to exploit. I hope to offer him something he may want more than those rights and I hope to leave here with a passenger."

He smiled. "If he wants to do business I will need you to verify that the passenger in question is your granddaughter. If he does not want to make a few million in getting accurate business information before anyone else, I'll offer the data to someone you feel worthy. Then I'll get back to finding another way to convince him that parenthood is a higher calling than he is made for."

"What do you know about him?"
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#32 Post by BackworldTraveller »

He's Cruel, Selfish, Manipulative, Controlling and Charming. And he's got his hands on the corporate security apparatus at Olympus! Becka failed to realise that the Judge in her divorce case would effectively be her ex-husband. And he holds a grudge. He'll try to get the information for nothing - or something that is nothing to him. Step too close and he'll bury you so deep you'll never see the light of day.

The vituperative tone suggests that the Victors are none to impressed with the guy!

Our hope is that his new wife can be persuaded to move Kiko to somewhere out of her sight and off Ares where a neutral court could intervene. But that avenue is getting harder as her communications are being stifled too. Or that she grabs Kiko and runs before getting totally crushed. Not sure she's brave enough to do that - and Becka's flight will be hard to replicate as that took most of our savings.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#33 Post by Leitz »

"My plan is to have him deliver Kiko away from Olympus. If he won't do that, then he loses the deal and someone else gets it. How can we best assure him that this is a valid offer that's worth the risk?" Angelo said. He paused, and then added. "Are you saying his current wife would want to run away? Could she be trusted to deliver Kiko?"
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#34 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:41 pm "My plan is to have him deliver Kiko away from Olympus. If he won't do that, then he loses the deal and someone else gets it. How can we best assure him that this is a valid offer that's worth the risk?" Angelo said. He paused, and then added. "Are you saying his current wife would want to run away? Could she be trusted to deliver Kiko?"
All his wives have wanted to run away. Whether she's got to that state yet? - Who knows? Whether she'd have the opportunity even if she wanted to? Again, who knows? Could she be trusted? Maybe. She may change her mind.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#35 Post by Leitz »

Angelo made a mental note to dig a little more into the third wife. It might be useful, but it did not yet sound central. "Any suggestions on how to approach him for the transfer? I need a local advocate that we can trust, who will work quickly, do you know anyone good? If he smells a rat then the deal will fail, but if we give him something useful it may provide the leverage for him to let go of what he may see as less valuable."
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#36 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:19 pm Angelo made a mental note to dig a little more into the third wife. It might be useful, but it did not yet sound central. "Any suggestions on how to approach him for the transfer? I need a local advocate that we can trust, who will work quickly, do you know anyone good? If he smells a rat then the deal will fail, but if we give him something useful it may provide the leverage for him to let go of what he may see as less valuable."
That's going to be fun. The research stations tend to be locked down because of the value of the secrets there. Unannounced visits are really not recommended. Comms are routinely monitored by corporate security. Valuable resources (people) are watched. They are cages - gilded cages but cages none the less. One of the reasons we're still here is that for ages we couldn't leave and now were here because we are used to here.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#37 Post by Leitz »

Angelo nodded, and then shrugged. "He has to figure that part out. It's worth millions to him, and if he's connected to corporate security then it should be easy. With that said, if he can't make something happen, who else would be a good client? Do you know anyone from your work who might be interested in a few extra million?"

This has two uses; it gives Angelo the strength of a second option, and if Shoyebe is connected to the business world then he may find out about it. Nothing like some competition to help stimulate action. :)
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#38 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:22 pm Angelo nodded, and then shrugged. "He has to figure that part out. It's worth millions to him, and if he's connected to corporate security then it should be easy. With that said, if he can't make something happen, who else would be a good client? Do you know anyone from your work who might be interested in a few extra million?"

This has two uses; it gives Angelo the strength of a second option, and if Shoyebe is connected to the business world then he may find out about it. Nothing like some competition to help stimulate action. :)
That depends on the type of items you are selling. And how much the investment is to make that extra million! I'd guess I couldn't afford it. Nor you.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#39 Post by Leitz »

Angelo kept the ship in line and gave the Victors a "don't you BS me" look. "Are you telling me two people that helped Kerala be successful don't have contacts who could use time critical business info? I bet you still have the CEO's phone number handy, if you really thought it would help. Maybe we can get Shoyebe to play the game, maybe we need another tack. Either way, if you have those business contacts then I'll see about making them wealthy."

Angelo is using Persuade to persuade them of their own value. :) Go ahead and roll, and let me know.
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Re: Out in the black - 300-002 (and later 300-003)

#40 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Leitz wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:01 pm Angelo kept the ship in line and gave the Victors a "don't you BS me" look. "Are you telling me two people that helped Kerala be successful don't have contacts who could use time critical business info? I bet you still have the CEO's phone number handy, if you really thought it would help. Maybe we can get Shoyebe to play the game, maybe we need another tack. Either way, if you have those business contacts then I'll see about making them wealthy."

Angelo is using Persuade to persuade them of their own value. :) Go ahead and roll, and let me know.
We're not telling you that. We're just curious what time-critical information could be so important to two so disparate business interests. If we were to put you in contact with anyone, and you were spinning a yarn, we'd look foolish. And that then puts us in a difficult position.
These "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" negotiations are always so fraught when you have no long-established trust between parties. Becka may trust you to make her tea in the morning, but that doesn't mean I'd lend you a billion credits on that recommendation!
He smiles You do seem to be a step up from her previous choices though.
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