Chapter 1d: Dockside

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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#21 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
With the kobolds in the alley routed and hiding behind cover, Zelhun dodges their parting arrow shots and runs back down the alley to the warfs. He stops at the alleyway mouth, now safely out of the kobold archer's range, and watches the events on the dock unfold impassively.

Liss leaps into the water, calling the others to do so with her. The only other one in the sea is Freydis, her unconscious body beginning to slip below the waves and sink into the obscured depths...

On the warf, Fungo tries to shoot the drakes but slips! The drakes sense the moment of weakiness and both lunge to snap their jaws at him. He catches himself by pure luck and both of the drakes miss their strikes. Onnekas swings his staff and Olga her cleaver, both missing the drakes as they lunge forward. (Nobody hits)

Hinrick, the halfling cheesemaker, shifts his little basket of groceries to hook the handle over his left elbow and pulls out a cudgel. Seeing the predicament of the elves on the pier, he steels himself and rushes them! With luck, he catches the kobold handler by surprise with an up-swing of his cudgel (-4). The kobold takes the blow on his chin, snapping his head back and causing his hands to release the chain. He falls backwards off the pier and splashes into the water a few feet from Liss, knocked unconscious. The uninjured drake, now freed from the yanking on his chain, pauses and looks about with a calculating look in its eye.

Next round!
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#22 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Onnekas looks to Liss in the water. Yes, that is where he must go.

Can he swim check (luck, +1) [1d20] = 20

Although raised in the forest, elven seafaring roots are strong. He attempts to dodge the two lizards, scoop up his bundle of herbs, and dive into the water.

In case he needs a reflex save to exit combat...
Onnekas reflex save [1d20-1] = 20-1 = 19

The dice gods are going to exact retribution for all these natural 20s i've rolled so far
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#23 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga seeing the fleeing Onnekas thinks better of facing down the uncontrolled creature on the docks. Get out of here, let these creatures fight among themselves. The free one smelling blood may turn on the other.

Olga unfurls her grappling hook, lobs the barbed end into the rigging of a nearby ship off the dock and attempts to run to take up the slack of the rope and swing in an arc to the deck.

Reflex Save (if needed) [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10, Grappling Hook Action [1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7, Strength [1d20+1] = 10+1 = 11

I would like to use luck as needed since Olga isn't going to survive a light breeze
Last edited by Samwell Turleton on Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:19 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#24 Post by sirravd »

Zeluhun the Accursed

Zeluhun is most disappointed that the kobolds evaded him. He cannot join Liss in the water, for he is armored. Instead he stands at the end of the dock, where he can block any further kobolds, and roars: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"


Liss remains where she is, looking upon the mercenary's foolish act and rolling her eyes. Maybe that curse he's always complaining about got to his brain, she thinks.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#25 Post by greyarea »

Fungo the Elven navigator

Fungo decides to get the F out of dodge, that last slip was too close. He runs to a boat, any boat he can find, and tries to unmoor it from the dock.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#26 Post by Marullus »

Holding for Hinrick. :)
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#27 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick looks at the drake freed in front of him and begins to give it a "shoo-ing" motion. If possible, Hinrick will attempt to jump to a boat. If that is not possible, he will back up to the alley. Either way, he is trying to put some distance between himself and the drake.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#28 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
As one Kobold handler falls backwards into the drink, the other looks distinctly nervous about the freed Drake. Hinrick motions with his hands and says, "Shoo. Shoo."

At that moment, Zelhun asserts himself on the dock and yells "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
The free drake accepts the challenge and charges him!

The Kobold handler grips onto the shoulders of his drake and dodges left, escaping northward up the warf. (failed morale)

Siezing opportunity in the moment of chaos, Onnekas dives into the water with Liss, just as Freydis' corpse dissappears from sight beneath a wave. Olga manages to hook the rigging of the adjacent single-masted sloop, swinging onto the deck and tossing a net over the side for Liss and Onnekas to grab hold and clamber up. Fungo sprints away, swiftly unmooring the sloop from the pier as Hinrick sprints past him and up the gangplank.
sloop-7.jpg (466.48 KiB) Viewed 1670 times
At the opposite end of the pier, the freed drake reaches the brave and valiant Zelhun, leaping at him and overbearing him with its weight. It's large jaws close on his neck with a sickening crunching noise (-6), simultaneously separating his ruined face from his body. Braced for the attack, his longsword punctures through the creature's shoulder (-3hp, spend 5 luck), a brave final act. As his body ceases moving on the planks, his companions all safely fled due to his sacrifice, the drake limps away, unable to extract the embedded longsword.

Olga and Hinrick turn-to, looking to what lies ahead for the sloop as Liss, Onnekas, and Fungo clamber aboard. The bay is partially obscured by the rolling smoke of Freydis' deepwater schooner as it burns and sinks and that of two others also aflame upon the waters. The mountain shoulder runs out to provide a protective stormwall on your right, the curve of the coast providing the boundary to the south. The warfs of dockside continue wrapping around the coast to your left to the river mouth, the wide river boundary marking the end of dockside as the river stretches from the massive waterfall behind you to the southeast to it's mouth here on the south side of the bay. The safe sailing route for your sloop is due west, past the flaming hulks.

There is a Thump Woooosh sound behind you on the cliffs. You see a giant ball of flaming pitch sailing over your head like a slow motion comet, until it impacts a fourth deepwater schooner anchored in the bay. The schooner explodes in splinters of wood and flame, the sails roaring with fire, reaching upwards like white supplicants begging for relief.

Kobold Morale [1d20] = 9 free Drake [1d20] = 18
Drake v Zelhun [1d20] = 10[1d6] = 6
Zelhun has hide armor but a -1 Agi penalty so a 10 hits. -1 luck penalty so no saving him. He takes 6hp damage and only has 2 hp.
Zelhun vs Drake and handler [1d20-1] = 7-1 = 6[1d8-1] = 4-1 = 3
I will allow spending of his luck before death to have heroically skewered the beast, but three hp isn't enough to kill the uninjured drake.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#29 Post by greyarea »

Fungo the Elf navigator.

Fungo grabs the rudder, We have to go that way, he yells pointing to the west. Man the sails. This will be tricky with all of this heat messing up the breeze.

He will attempt to sail this ship out of the harbor.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#30 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

You look like you can handle a the rudder! Olga shouts out to Fungo as he bounds up the gangplank already in that direction with Hinrick. We need to hoist the mainsail! Grab this line with me and pull on my sounding. Olga directs the newly formed crew arriving at the top of the ship while rolling up her sleeves and going directly to the halyard line.

Heave! she bellows in a steady rhythm eager for the other crew (Onnekas, Liss, and Hinrick) to join her on the line.

Yelling back to Fungo, What do you think the safest course is? Directly through the harbor or can you keep us protected holding closer to the coastline?
Last edited by Samwell Turleton on Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#31 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick follows all the orders from Olga, knowing full well he has no idea what he is doing but willing to help to get them to safety faster.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#32 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Ugh, we're sailing Onnekas thinks to himself. He never liked the vulnerability of being bound to a ship and the limits it places on potential egress. Watching a ship go up in flames did nothing to calm the churning in his stomach. Luckily, he had just the thing. He pulled a couple herbs from his satchel, crumbled them, and moistened them with briny water wrung from his tunic. He put a pinch in between his lower lip and gum, and could feel the calm sensation flow through his body.

Suddenly, his prospect grew brighter. What luck to have Fungo navigating the ship. And the experienced and nimble Olga to lead the crew! And of course, Liss.

"I am at your service, Olga!" he declares, pulling at the rope to hoist the sail. Perhaps he would even be useful...
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#33 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga directs Liss to keep the rhythm as they hoist the sail. Olga will secure the sheet line as the mainsail is raised, supervising the work of the crew and leaving Fungo to focus on calculating the safest route.

Once we're clear of these other ships we'll need to raise the headsail for speed. Watch the boom so that it doesn't take you over.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#34 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas listens to Olga's instructions, blinking and tilting his head slightly. He has no idea what a mainsail or boom is, but he knows he doesn't want to go overboard.

He moves as close to the center of the deck as possible, watching for any of the many masts, sails, and other moving parts of the ship that might strike him.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#35 Post by greyarea »

Fungo says, I say we sail directly west, do not hug the coastline, at least not yet. I doubt we can out-race a fire breather, but we can try. What say you, Olga?

He will look to the west through his spyglass, to ensure the passage should be safe enough.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#36 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

I trust your judgment. I think we are going to need some favorable winds and more good fortune before the day is done.

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#37 Post by sirravd »


Liss, saddened to see the poor mercenary destroyed in this fashion, concurs that they should go west as quickly as possible...and, someday, return for revenge.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#38 Post by Marullus »

Fungo turns the bow of the sloop towards the flaming wrecks and billowing smoke. Another Thump Woosh on the cliffs as they continue to range the catapults, another crash and explosion as it hits the stern of a sinking schooner. He is determined to try and run the gauntlet.

I need a DC 10 Willpower save to stay the course down the middle (1d20+Personality bonus) and then a DC 15 Luck check to avoid explosion.

Note that Fungo's sheet should have a -1 for Stamina and Personality and a +1 Luck. That +1 will permanently apply to Fortitude saves and negate his -1 Stamina for them. I will expect you to keep track of all that.)
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#39 Post by greyarea »

Fungo, the Elven Navigator attempts to stay the course:

Willpower [1d20-1] = 6-1 = 5
Luck check [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19

Fungo has difficulty keeping the boat straight in the chaos. However, he avoids the explosion.
Character sheet updated. :oops:
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#40 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
Fungo tries to shoot the gauntlet to the west while Olga provides expert direction to the others, helping them act as a makeshift crew. He slams the rudder and slews the ship hard to starboard, narrowly avoiding an incoming huge projectile of flaming pitch. The flames roar past the mast and sploosh into the water.

As he veers to avoid the incoming fire, the sloop founders into the shallower, rock-filled water at the base of the northern cliffs. He tries to get clear before the hull is ruptured...

All characters: make a DC 10 Fortitude save or take [1d6] damage as you are thrown around the ship.
Fungo: make a DC 15 Luck check to save the ship.
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