Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

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Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

#1 Post by sonofotho »

As soon as you stepped off the ship from the Imperium, you knew that Enharza was different than all other cities. Here at the edge of the civilized lands, it is clear that you must be on your toes; this is no place for the weak or incautious. Enharza is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

But Enharza is also a city of opportunity. Ships arrive every few days from near and far filled with brave (and foolhardy) souls looking to earn a fortune exploring the ancient ruins and forgotten lands of the dangerous Southern Isles. Gold can also be won by becoming the latest hero in the Arena or by doing other, less savory jobs. Some come to Enharza on the run and others just look for a new start. Enharza accepts all, but quickly separates the strong from the weak.

Archon Fezaar rules the city, but you have heard rumors that in reality there is a constant struggle for power between the Thieves Guild and its numerous splinter factions on the one side and Fezaar and his Black Guard on the other. The Mages Guild keeps things in check while Enharza's many cults, churches and religious sects struggle for power and influence.

Almost every inhabitant of Enharza has heard that the city was built upon the ruins of a much older place - indeed, evidence of the Old City is everywhere. And rumors of its hidden treasures persist, even now. The histories recount that the Old City was buried by cataclysmic ashes long before the Imperium reached its tendrils down to the Southern Isles once again.

You have arrived in Enharza, but what fate awaits you here?
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Re: Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

#2 Post by sonofotho »

On 13 Wealsun, the party had some ale with Blind Barg and learned the following:

- A small cult to the serpent-god, Hextor, is looking for a group to lead a few of them to an old temple. Their motivation is unknown.

- Barg gives the party a token which will gain audience with Cyrian Queeg, the intermediary for Tarmikos the Shrouded. Tarmikos is also known as The Collector and he pays gold for all manner of curiosities and exotic items. He is always looking for 'qualified' adventurers to go out and recover some ancient trinket or forgotten treasure.
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Re: Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

#3 Post by sonofotho »

On 21 Wealsun, the party meets Clayn, a villager from hex 08.05, and learned the following:

- The Deadly Crypt of the Sand Assassin supposedly sits on an island in the middle of the great lake (hexs 06.04, 07.03, 07.04). Inside the crypt is a mask that can make you disappear. The island is said to be cursed and the crypt, trap-filled.

- Clayn tells stories of attacks by Crabmen along the coast as well as war canoes filled with orks, sea serpents and other monstrosities from the waters of the Southern Isles. He also whispers of a pirate princess with a ship of undead that roams the misty waters.
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Re: Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

#4 Post by sonofotho »

On 23 Wealsun, the party visits the Temple of Moarr:

- The Disciples of Moarr, also known as the Brothers of Moarr, are dedicated to eradicating all monsters and foul beasts from the world. They take a liking to Ragnus and offer him to join the brothers on a 'hunt'. The rest of the party may, or may not, be invited as well.

On 23 Wealsun, Leena and Finton visited Morrad the Magician and learned:

- Morrad is spending most of his time at the moment researching what is known of Goleta, the Broken Land, which lies just to the east. Even though it is just on the other side of the narrow strait, the land has been shunned (for the most part) since the ruinous fire and rock fell from the sky, laying waste to the land only about twenty years ago. Morrad mentions tales of tall, green-skinned humanoids with four arms and insect-like mandibles, pulsating orbs, alien constructions, and other bizarre things. The sources are sparse and sometimes contradictory, but interesting nonetheless.
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Re: Rumors, Leads, and other Key Information

#5 Post by sonofotho »

On 24 Wealsun, the party visits Queeg and gets the details of a new mission:

- There is a ruined temple to Tsathoggua on one of the islands to the south (the island in Hexes 25.14 and 26.15). It is long abandoned, shunned by the villagers of the island. But it is likely the final resting place of an item of great interest to the Collector - a jeweled bottle which is stoppered and sealed. 3000 gold is offered for its delivery, safe and unopened.
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