Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#41 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Drubo in his death falls stern faced with honor and dignity says not a word but merely smiles and gives a obscene gesture to the lead kobold and falls to his knees then slowly on his face and expires.

Lars attacks the nearest foe.
Lars: Hand Axe: [1d20]=2 Damage: [1d6-1]=4-1=3

Torben same as before targets any wolves near him, if none are near the next closest enemy.
Torben: Club +1 [1d20+1]=14+1=15 Damage [1d4+1]=2+1=3

Wil will swing at the nearest threat.
Wil: Shortsword [1d20]=12 Damage: [1d6]=1
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#42 Post by ybn1197 »

Perhael, giddy with excitement at dispatching his foe, practically claps with enjoyment while telling Drubo, "See, the pen IS mightier than the sword," only to trail off as he realizes his audience is beyond hearing his words. He again makes himself as small a target as possible but readies his quill if another Kobold comes his way.

Abney is spurred on with the success of taking out one of the kobolds and charges recklessly towards another.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#43 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Ingrid Bloom
Ingrid hears the dull thud of the limb in the dirt and sees the melee in the middle of the road as kobolds and wolves drop. She seems to have gone relatively unnoticed and decides to make an attempt at reaching the leader. She moves as quickly as she can along the edge of the wood to try to remain unobserved.

Let me know if it takes all of the action to reach the area of the leader, or if I need an attack roll. It seems like the leader is at the far edge of Ingrid's movement range.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#44 Post by max_vale »

Smelly Seth the beggar reloads his sling and notices the leader standing off by himself and he spins his sling and let's fly, praying to any Gods or Goddess that may find favor with his actions.....

Damage if that hit:

Poor Betsy Cartmaker staggers back, her eyes going blurry as she looks down in shock at the blood spilling out of her torso..."But...but....I haven't finished the cart for the....", she chokes out and then falls to the ground.....her spirit hopefully moving on to a kinder world than this one....

Frank Fruitcastle sobs with rage and despair as he sees poor Betsy leave this plane of existence and he throws himself at the nearest foe, a shaggy wolf and he tries to slice it with his knife....

Damage if that hit:

Talya Snaresetter re-arms her sling and moves a bit away from the melee and takes aim at the last kobold in the melee (NOT the leader) and launches her attack....

Damage if that hits:
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#45 Post by AleBelly »

Our adventurers continue the battle against the two kobolds and single wolf. They seem determined to fight to the death.

Seth lets loose his sling, but misses the leader standing tens of feet away! Sonja's adrenaline takes over as she swings at the nearest kobold. Her beggar's stick whooshes as she strikes, but the kobold ducks easily under the blow. It looks back hatefully at her. Ferd steps towards the wolf, swinging his axe. Its strike runs parallel to the dodging canine's body, removing an inch of fur but causing no damage (needs a 12 to hit). Lars swings wildly at the nimble kobold but doesn't come anywhere near a hit.

The robed kobold leader bend down and grabs the horn his protector dropped. He brings it to his lips and blows. A low, loud bellow fills the air, perhaps a distress call? Ferd draws his bow, closes his eyes for a brief moment, then lets loose his last arrow. The bellow from the horn drops sharply in tone and stops nearly immediately as the arrow pierces the kobold's throat. The horn clatters to the ground along the dead humanoid's body. Both Ferd and the kobold had the same initiative at 16. The twang of the bow draws the wolf's attention, and it attacks Ferd!

Wolf attacks Ferd [1d20+2]=11+2=13 damage [1d4]=3

Ferd, perhaps admiring his shot, doesn't see the attack coming. The wolf knocks him to the ground, sinks its fangs into his neck, and shakes violently until Ferd's body lies motionless. Taking Ferd's life is the final act of the wolf's life; Torben and Frank set upon the wolf with with club and knife, bludgeoning and stabbing it to death. Its body lolls across Ferd's, coming to rest.

Abney and Perhael square off against the last kobold. They can't find a good opening with their strikes. With fear in its eyes, the kobold lunges at Abney!

Kobold attacks Abney [1d20-1]=12-1=11 damage [1d6-1]=3-1=2

The kobold's blade opens a nasty wound in Abney's midsection, but the sturdy dockworker remains on his feet! -2 hp, taking him to 2!

Talya's sling whistles through the air as she lets a stone lose at Abney's attacker. Her shot could not be more hits with such force that it splits the humanoid's skull in twain, killing it instantly!

Though they took some losses, the party prevails! Though they must wonder if the leader's horn blast will draw any unwanted attention...

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#46 Post by GreyWolfVT »

so if I didn't miss anything all foes in the immediate area are defeated. I still have Lars, Torben & will alive currently.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#47 Post by AleBelly »

Correct, GreyWolf. The leader blew a loud horn before it perished, though. Unknown to our PCs how long the immediate danger is over...
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#48 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Ingrid Bloom
Ingrid was creeping along the edge of the wood with her sword raised, planning her strike against the kobold leader, only to see it blowing a tone on its horn, an arrow piercing its throat, and the tone dying off with the creature. Ingrid lowers her sword and hurries over to grab the horn from the dead kobold before hurrying along the road to where the wagon has been staged.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#49 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wil "I hate to sound like a right ass, but we can't mourn our dead. We need to get moving there is no telling what that horn called out to." he warns the others while checking over the defeated foes for anything of value that might aid the group in surviving.

Lars & Torben walk over to the dead dwarf Drubo and close his eyes and put him in a more dignified resting position. "Wish we could give him a rightful burial but Wil is right." Lars admits.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#50 Post by AleBelly »

Ingrid, having arrived just after the arrow slew the leader, quickly runs over to the body and picks up its horn. In its robes she finds an unfurled looks to be made of tanned skin of some type. The top third is blank; the lower two thirds of the parchment is covered in purple script that is undecipherable to the tax collector.

Others in the party express regret at leaving their comrades' three bodies lying in the road, but are anxious to move on before reinforcements arrive. Two spears and three short swords are available for the taking, but no other valuables are found.

Please let me know if PCs are taking the weapons and add them to your sheets. Thanks!
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#51 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torben will grab a spear so he doesn't have to get as close as he does with his club.

Lars doesn't take any of the found weapons.

Wil doesn't take any of the found weapons. "Grab what you're taking and lets get moving." he suggests.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#52 Post by ybn1197 »

Perhael cautiously moves around Abney so as not to get any blood on himself and makes his way to the deceased kobolds. He gingerly picks up one of the spears so he doesn't have to get close to anyone who might attack him; the quill was effective but far too small for his likings.

Abney rips a section of his sleeve off and wads it up and places it over the his wound. He then picks up one of the short swords, hefting it for weight and ease of use before setting off after the others.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#53 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Ingrid Bloom
Ingrid is going to keep the horn. She is skeptical of whether or not taking the tanned leather parchment is a good idea and drops it back onto the ground. She is going to try to skewer the scroll to the ground with a short sword or spear that the kobold leader had with them and run along quickly with the rest of the group.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#54 Post by Keehnelf »

Gerd will take one of the spears and recover his brother's bow and as many of the two arrows as he can (from the kobold leader's corpse).
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#55 Post by AleBelly »

Ingrid impales the parchment with magical writing into the ground with her short sword. She decides to keep the leather-clad horn, which looks to be taken from a bull. Others pick up weapons. Gerd looks to retrieve his fallen brother's arrows and rolls dice finds both broken by impact.

Sensing more danger, the party hurries down the road towards their stowed cart. In the fading light, they can barely make out the inconspicuous cairn they left by the road to mark the cart, then slowly make their way about 40 yards into the woods to its hiding spot. It seems a few other villagers have beat our party to the wagon, but there are still useful items. A dozen torches, flint and steel, and enough rations for each party member to eat for a day. They are met a minute or two later by Booth and Monty...Monty is panting heavily. Another minute or two later they are met by Elsie, Sam, and Dilton, who appear somber.

The question looming over them now is what to do overnight. As they debate their options, they hear faint drum beats coming from their village, about a quarter mile to the north, high pitched hoots of laughter, and the occasional human scream.

Do they camp at the wagon, continue down the road, or take another option?

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#56 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wil speaks up "I've got a lantern so I can light the way but we might want to grab those torches and keep moving. If we stay here whatever is drumming will likely catch up to us. Then I suspect we'll be in battle once more."

Lars "It might be wise if we grab the rations as well." he ads to the conversation.

Torben chimes in "I too have a lantern and can help light the way."

each of the 3 above grab a day's rations and flint and steel, lars will take a couple torches to boot.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#57 Post by Keehnelf »

Blue Sonja will skulk around as the band continues onward, taking both the sword and the skewered parchment, which will likely prove valuable somewhere down the road.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#58 Post by Keehnelf »

Gerd, Zelda and Sonja each take a day's rations.

Once folks have gathered, Gerd moves among the crowd of survivors, asking if anyone has the skills or tools to make arrows. He points to his bow, and the trees around them--or the bundle of wood slung across his back, in a pinch. "We're in less danger if we can protect ourselves from a distance," he insists, his eyes feverish.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#59 Post by max_vale »

Smelly Seth, Tanya and Frank will all take some rations, plus any left over Spears and vote for continuing to put more distance between them and the terrible Kobolds who brought such misery to their lives....
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#60 Post by ybn1197 »

Perheal, Booth, Abney, and Dilton each grab a day's worth of rations. Abney chimes in with Torben, "I have a lantern as well."
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