Gull's Landing

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Re: Gull's Landing

#461 Post by Revenant »

"People's hearts are like wild animals. They attach their selves to those that love and train them." ~ Ali ibn Abi Talib

Resigned to the fact that you cannot find Wilwarin and it is apparent that she left of her own volition, or so it appears, you all pile into the carriages Lord Gallowhawk provided along with the remaining Gull's Landing guards. They take you safely to the Gallowhawk compound and resolving to stay together, you take advantage of Lord Gallowhawk's offer for you to stay the night within the safety of its walls. Bryne accompanied by Athan make a brief journey to the inn to gather their own belongings and those of their companions as well as check out and see if Huerta still remains waiting. She does not and the innkeeper provides you a note she left when she departed:
"I cannot wait any longer. Will make contact again at the tourney." It is not signed but the innkeeper verifies the lady waiting left it.

Mediphera departs when you arrive at the compound, she takes Niserie and De'Athyra aside and kisses each of you on the forehead, "Thank you for inviting me! It was good to see my kindred again even if things did not end as pleasantly as it began. I hope to see you again before you leave...." she pauses, her eyes welling a bit with tears, " newfound sisters." And then she is off for her home with a guard to accompany her.

Thena resolves to seek her temple but decides to wait until morning vespers to do so. And all you retire to a mostly peaceful and certainly very comfortable night. When dawn breaks Nis and De'Ath decide to check on the beast, since their own breakfast is not yet ready. They make their way down to the compound gaol and find the young displacer beast sleeping contentedly on a bed of straw. The gaol guard asks if they'd like to feed the beast, it apparent on his face that he himself fears to do so. The beast awakens its emerald like eyes gleaming in the dawn's light as it rises on its six legs and moves to the bars. Niserie senses intelligence in the creature's eyes and she takes some raw meat from the bucket the guard left and lets the beast sniff it. It crouches back to give Niserie room to put the offering through the bars and when she does so, before she can move the beast moves forward and envelopes the meat and Niserie's right arm up to just beyond the wrist, She trembles a moment feeling its teeth touching but not harming her arm. Then she feels it's tongue pull the meat from her hand further into its mouth before releasing Niserie's arm. The sound of its teeth rending both meat and bone from the food offered sounds throughout the gaol. De'Ath giggles at the sight of Niserie's arm covered in the beast's saliva dripping to the stone floor. The beast makes a content mew.

The sound of a bell rings throughout the manor house to announce that breakfast is being served. Those who arrive below will find Lord Gallowhawk seated at the head of a very long wooden table, along with his three sons as well as the wizard Malaguerre, Abaessa's father Aurens Dalaverre, and the vagary fair guard Cosima and several of her guardsmen. There are places set for each of you.

Niserie scored a critical success on her skill check so the first step on gaining the beast's trust was very positive.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#462 Post by Rex »


Bryne will come to breakfast. Secreting a dagger on herself if she can.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#463 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik will go to breakfast but he doesn't like the idea of leaving his prized sword behind. If he must then he will try concealing a dagger and going to breakfast with that.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Gull's Landing

#464 Post by tristenc »

Nis hugs Mediphera tightly as she prepares to depart and returns the forehead-kiss. My new sister... it is such a blessing to have found you. I will write to let you know how we fare as we travel and where we intend next should you wish to write back! With a final hug she watches her new companion depart.

In the morning as she goes to greet the new wee beastie she tries to convince Ducky to accompany her at a safe distance from the cage. As she grows close, she makes sure the creature is watching and gives Ducky some gentle scritches on his shoulder and by his cheek.

When she moves to feed the little displacer she does her best to keep calm as he engulfs her wrist and project a sense of peace and calm. Very delicately she pets it's shoulder with a tender hand, smoothing the fur. If it seems receptive she gives little scritches, and if that also seems to be accepted she will gently pet its neck and nuzzle it's cheek with her other wrist. Once it takes the food, she takes a treat out with her dry (non slobber) hand and gives it to Ducky at a short distance away from the cage so that the new beastie sees her treating the tuxedo-cat in a similar manner. Hoping the act will indicate to both animals that they are important to her and possibly new siblings.

Afterwards she giggles at the slobbery hand and pretends to chase De'ath around with it for a little as if to 'slime' her. After they have had their fun she will wipe the slobber off in some straw nearby and then once inside will wash up properly before breakfast. Lords, good sirs. She greets each as she arrives at breakfast, happy to see only friends this time. Lord Gallowhawk, how fares the good Lady? I was much distraught over the incident last night.

To Lord Aurens she inquires as well. And yourself, lord Dalaverre. I had expected Abaessa to rejoin us last night... have you any word of her? I must admit I am growing concerned...
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Re: Gull's Landing

#465 Post by Darithe »


Mave takes a seat worried at what the gathering entails and also about her mother's injuries. For now she remains silent, knowing her father will speak about things when he is good and ready and not before. She glances at the others around the table, the sight of Aurens but no Abaessa worries her slightly. She offers Cosima a smile and good morning not expecting to find her at the table. She also looks for Thena, hoping all is well with her.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#466 Post by Revenant »

"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions." ~ James Russell Lowell

There is some silence as the servants distribute food to each in attendance. Then after the servants exit, Lord Gallowhawk finally breaks that silence, "Sometimes it takes a near tragedy to clear ones eyes as to what is important," he says loudly looking at his daughter, "Lady Gallowhawk is better but will take some time to recover from her injuries. For that reason I have decided neither myself or my sons will attend the tourney." The lack of shock on his sons faces tells you they have already discussed the matter. He then looks to Mave, "Notice I said sons. After you and your friends actions last night, I've decided I was wrong in my views about you. You are a capable warrior and I was wrong to try and force my views about you marrying well upon you. Instead, I would like you Mave," he clears his throat, "to represent the Gallowhawk family at the tourney. Would you and your friends agree to that?"
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Re: Gull's Landing

#467 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik raises his left eyebrow "Tourney eh? I ain't never participated in one o' them. Been a long time since I even seen one." he admits hoping he hasn't broken any rules of etiquette. "Pardon my thinkin' out loud sir." he says and bows his head respectfully and goes back to being silent.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Gull's Landing

#468 Post by Rex »


Bryne turns to Mave and nods to let her know she has her back.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#469 Post by Darithe »


Mave was momentarily shocked to silence by the turn of events. She had always known her father to be a man who rarely wavered when he had made a decision especially in regards to herself. She took a moment to dab at her lips with her napkin before responding, "I am honored you would ask this of me father. In truth, we were headed to the tourney already, due to events that occurred near Lupre. So yes, I would be very pleased to represent my family at the tourney and give your regards to the king. I cannot speak for my friends, but I for one will be happy to represent House Gallowhawk." She resumed eating the meal before her, shocked and yet contented.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#470 Post by tristenc »

[color=#008000]I will be honored to accompany you, my friend. And, Lord Gallowhawk if it please you sir, I have a small token for the good Lady. It has little power of it's own, sadly more is not yet within my ability, but it is the thought that counts yes?[/color]

Nis will take out a small token in the shape of a charm (upon which she cast Bless the night before) woven of a thin willow branch upon itself many times to form a flowing pattern, and preaent it to him. For this one it was more the sentiment than the potence, but perhaps some day when she could craft things of real power she could embue it.

casting Bless last night on the token.

She will take the same spell list for today as yesterday
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Re: Gull's Landing

#471 Post by Revenant »

“A friend is a gift you give yourself.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Lord Gallowhawk looks relieved at Mave's response, "Excellent and yes give my best to the king and please pass along my regrets that I could not attend in person." When Niserie presents her gift, the Lord smiles and says, "Yes, I will pass this along to Lady Gallowhawk. I'm sure she will be most grateful and I thank you for your thoughtfulness. And speaking of gifts, Lady Cosima and companions brought the bodies of the two beasts to us." Cosima nods and smiles as Lord Gallowhawk continues, "She said the skins of the beasts can be woven in magical cloaks and wished to give them to me and Lady Gallowhawk. However, I think you and your friends might make better use of them and Lady Cosima has agreed to that. I have the best leatherworker in town working on it, so hopefully they will be ready before you leave."

Malaguerre then interjects, "And there is the matter of the items you wish identified. If you wish I can take the most important items you wish identified and do so after dinner. I believe Sigismund and I can indentify 5 tonight and perhaps more tomorrow when we have replenished our spells and I have more apprentices available. If that is agreeable."

Aurens who had been silent and gone pale when Niserie asked after Abaessa, finally speaks when Lord Gallowhawk indicates for him to discuss the matter, "It seems we have some most distressing news. Just before I came here, a beggar on the Street of Silver Coffers informed me that he witnessed my daughter and the young woman who accompanied her being accosted by several ruffians who forced them into the entrance to the sewers there. I've since also received a letter demanding an excessive amount of coin from me if I ever wish to see either of them alive again." He breaks down weeping, "I was hoping you and your friends might find them and make the kidnappers pay."

Lord Gallowhawk then turns to his son Garet who says, "Commander Torvik, the captain of the guard received a letter addressed to you this morning bearing the seal of Commander Dine. I assume it must be of some importance so I have it here," he hands Torvik a weather-beaten envelope that bears Dine's sigil.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#472 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik looks concerned takes the envelope "Thanks. I'll read this straight away." he says nodding thanks then getting up from the dining table to find a quieter room to sit and open the envelope to read or see whatever is inside it.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Gull's Landing

#473 Post by tristenc »

Nis rises to her feet in shock. Abaessa taken?! A grim determination settles across her Elven features. First Wilwayaisawen vanishing and now this... Her hands clench, the skin standing white on her knuckles. She looks to Lord Aurens, eyes all but ablaze. One word slips like the whisper of steel behind silk from her lips. Where?

meaning where is the entrance to the sewer
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Re: Gull's Landing

#474 Post by Rex »


"Torvik, let me know if you need anything."

"Nis, soon enough, give Torvik a moment to see what the letter says and then we will help find Abaessa."
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Re: Gull's Landing

#475 Post by Darithe »


At the news of the kidnapping, Mave exclaims, "Oh no!" Then looking to her father and brothers, "We must try to find them," a look of concern on her face.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#476 Post by Revenant »

“The absence of a message sometimes is a presence of one.” ~ Hasse Jerner

Garet is the one who answers, as Aurens is too overcome with his emotions. He takes out a map of the city pointing to where they are now and then to where Aurens' house is. Drawing a finger from Aurens' house he moves to where the sewer shaft is located. "This is the spot," Garet says, "I've sent a detachment of guard to watch the opening. There have been rumors of a new thieves' guild forming led by a character calling herself Sister Lamentations and I would guess they are likely behind it. We could send a group down the sewer shaft there or there is a series of caves that connect to the sewers near the sea west of the lighthouse. What do you think our next step should be?" Looking at those in the room.

If you look at the map of Gull's Landing posted on the first page of this thread you see exactly where the shaft (well) is located. It's directly west of Aurens' house (#15 on the map). You may need to open the pic in another tab to see the details.

Torvik lets these words sink in as he seeks a more private place to read the note. He settles on the foyer which is currently empty. Ripping open the weather-beaten letter he reads this:

"Dear Torvik:
I have been informed by Captain Leiber of Lupre that you and your recruits left on an expedition after the Ranger's Post was burned to the ground by outlaws. No doubt you are on an important investigation, and of course I fully support that endeavor. However, there has been an uptick in attacks within the forest by bandits and someone calling himself the Tattered Man. Leiber has informed me the post has been rebuilt within Lupre and I don't think it wise to leave it empty under the current circumstances, so I've sent two new recruits to help man it. These two are as green as the three you left with so they need someone over them with a bit more experience. I want you to continue your investigation but if you can spare one, could you send the most able of your three charges to assume temporary command in Lupre until such time as you can return? Choose the best of the three to return while you finish your task. My best wishes to you!
Tarlus Dine"
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Re: Gull's Landing

#477 Post by tristenc »

A map? Perfect! I would rather not go in the same location they did. I expect they would have it guarded and may have observed your men. I think we should approach via the caves and make our way from there. We might be able to take the, by surprise.

Even of we fail to surprise them, your guards will already be ready at the sewer entrance to flush them out...
She muses, wondering how many other ebtrances this 'den of snakes' might have. Are there other places they might be able to escape to? Other entrancea known to us? she asks Garet.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#478 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik returns to the others "It appears tha ranger outpost back in Lupre has been rebuilt. But the one callin himself tha Tattered Man is hittin tha forest hard lately. Er so me commander reports. He wants me ta send back one of me best recruits ta help lead some fresh ranger recruits mannin tha rebuilt post." he pauses sighs and shakes his head "But I dun really wanna part with an of em. But orders is orders. So I'm probably gonna send Kade an Ruskin back ta help man tha post. Me commander said only gotta send one but by that sounds of it they could use two er all three." he informs.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Gull's Landing

#479 Post by Rex »


"A wise decision Torvik. They will be missed by us obviously but I fear for the outpost."
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Re: Gull's Landing

#480 Post by spanningtree »


Will not participate in the breakfast but instead head to the temple of Tempus.

Arriving, she will recount the events that led up to her visit with her brother.

Brother Lucente, is there any way to tell what this mage inflicted upon me? Is it permanent?
Anall nathrack uthos bethos doss yell yenva. -Merlin
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