Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

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Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This expedition is set up for Blaze Horner & Hedrak who have committed to scouting out the remnant Bugbear cultists of the Red Fang tribe that have conducting various acts of banditry upon merchants approaching Crooked Yew and have singled out the assimilating Bugbear lepers to lynch them in retaliatory acts of vengeance.

The two characters are accompanied by 'Dog', the spot-painted wild dog companion to Hedrak, Grigor a Duchy conscript militiaman acting as torchbearer and Divadroy, a Bugbear leper who may assist with any translation needs.

The group expect to depart Crooked Yew in the late evening of July 16th 1066, with an initial aim to check out in some forest clefts noted by Hunnicot before proceeding to nearby Bugbear villages.

After prayer the night before, last ales and stocking up those must-have supplies, the quartet set off, initially heading NW along the faintest of deer trails then turning NE to skirt the rising hillside and dense forests that border the settlement. A longer route but one more well known and Blaze Horner gets to orientate himself to the map notes.

Actions, give me a base tracking roll % please.

Grigor lugs the supplies, Divadroy the party sledgehammer. Dog sniffs out a jackrabbit or two, chasing black-furred squirrels up trunks. Nothing too dangerous so far. Hedrak can test himself against his druid arts, as fallen logs provide nutritious homes for edible bugs and spreading fungi.

A screech owl calls, swooping on a rodent somewhere in the forest shadows, deer flit tantalising in the very edge of view, leaping away before any arrow can be nocked. Two hours and several miles covered without issue ...

actions, preliminary skill rolls and mapping check please.

Blackened Forest encounters vs 1 [1d6]=2[1d6]=6[1d6]=6[1d6]=2
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#2 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

"I could follow this trail with my eyes closed." he says. He treks along, stopping at any features of interest, wary of lurking forest predators.

Blaze Horner: Ranger tracking skills: [1d100]=4
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#3 Post by Edeldhur »


The druid allows Dog to roam freely and make his own discoveries - his own eyes adapt quickly to the surrounding gloom, allowing him to pierce the veil of darkness without much difficulty as he walks just outside the edge of their light.

He does take a moment to check on the edible bugs and fungi, and collecting a few if he can find them - "These are nutritious and sometimes can replace a full meal, if the hunt is meager" - he explains to his companions.

(What is a mapping check? :D)
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#4 Post by Spearmint »

What is a mapping check?
for Blaze to follow the trail correctly.

Hedrak could add an Intelligence check vs [4d6], success gains a boon.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#5 Post by Edeldhur »


Int Check (10): [4d6]=12

(I guess not all druids know how to navigate the wilds :/ Something to work toward, since I would like Hedrak to be a skilled outdoorsman)
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#6 Post by Spearmint »

Blaze Horner and Hedrak have complimentary skills, some areas of overlap. Clerics of Herne (druids) can invoke the ability to Pass without trace once per day, surely a gift to frustrate and confuse the most able of skilled trackers.

Both can invest in 'class relevant' skills to learn various specialisms, Identifying properties of Fungi, addressing the venom of snakes or spiders, communicating in base gestures to animals. As the group trek along, Nature's edibles are harvested. Some creek bullrushes, a few herbs of wild Parsley, chewy mushrooms and fruity brambles.

Blackened Forest encounters vs 1 [1d6]=4[1d6]=5[1d6]=4[1d6]=5

There are no random encounters of note during the morning or afternoon. You pass through a section of Blackened Forest that is notable for many large spider webs and firebrand torches get lit to help ward away the plate sized juvenile hatchlings that scuttle about. Alarmingly, wrapped up in silky cocoons and hung in the high boughs are the dry husks of blood drained victims to predatory spiders of larger size; you can make out grizzly baboon carcasses, plucked and withered vultures. Of the giant Orb Weavers there are none lurking nearby and you pass through the arachnid territory into greener forest. The high sun indicates midday and the afternoon wears on, still following a deep trail towards the Bugbear village of Bhazrad which is a day's trek and more.

While no 'random encounters' are generated, the quartet do come across an unusual and alarming sight.

In a dell, a hollow of a dried stream bed with spreading Willows on either side, an old camp has been made. A wolf's head is placed upon a spear and dotted around the bloody aftermath of some savage ambush.

Actions please.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#7 Post by Edeldhur »

Spearmint wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:17 amThere are no random encounters of note during the morning or afternoon. You pass through a section of Blackened Forest that is notable for many large spider webs and firebrand torches get lit to help ward away the plate sized juvenile hatchlings that scuttle about. Alarmingly, wrapped up in silky cocoons and hung in the high boughs are the dry husks of blood drained victims to predatory spiders of larger size; you can make out grizzly baboon carcasses, plucked and withered vultures. Of the giant Orb Weavers there are none lurking nearby and you pass through the arachnid territory into greener forest.
(I assume no spider silk can be 'harvested' from these cocoons and remains - would I be correct?)


At the old camp with the wolf's head.

(Well I am not a Thief yet, but...)

Hedrak nods to his companions - "I can try to check silently ahead" - he informs, used to movement in the wild outdoors.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#8 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Nods as Hedrak decides to scout ahead into the dell. Signalling to Grigor & Divadroy to remain, he will circle the edge, arrow nocked in case dangers present.

Blaze Horner: Longbow [1d20+1]=1+1=2[1d6]=6 [1d20+1]=13+1=14[1d6]=3

Blaze Horner: Ranger Surprise check: [1d100]=96
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Blackened Forest: Bloody Camp.

Hedrak advances into the deserted camp. Recent experiences perhaps with not-so-abandoned camps make him and Blaze cautious, with heads on pikes as an unwelcoming and gruesome sight.

There are bodies in the camp, gutted and sprawled in a line. They have look to have been cut open so that various internal organs can be harvested out, each figure missing hearts, livers, spleens. The dead number a half dozen, bloated corpses now of Hobgoblin humanoids. There is a skinned corpse of a large wolf, tossed into the bushes, headless now and the home to hundreds of buzzing flies and maggots. Dog growls at it, not tempted to scavenge such a rotting beast.

Hedrak checks the camp. The cold embers and mouldy food suggest this attack is a few days old. Blaze Horner sneaks the perimeter and notices a faint bloody trail that leads off into some dense undergrowth.

Giant Wolf Spider: surprise on Blaze vs 1-5 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=3 [1d6]=4

The ranger is wary, following the old crimson stains a short distance. However his martial skills desert him as he cannot creep up with announcing his presence after snapping twigs underfoot and his first nocked arrow is pulled back upon a frayed bowstring that snaps also at a crucial moment. Fortunate.then the Wolf Spider has sated himself upon a dragged away corpse and isn't lurking hidden to seize any passing prey. The giant spider makes a grab in alarm at the ranger before scuttling back into a niche aming the tree trunk roots.

Divadroy & Grigor enter once Hedrak is convinced the area clear of imminent dangers. The Bugbear leper can assess the corpses to consider if such actions were relevant to any Red Fang tribe Set cult ritual. The militiaman just pukes at the sight, less stern with his constitution.

Actions any class skill rolls and actions.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#10 Post by Edeldhur »


The druid frowned at the carnage - he was no stranger to finding carcasses picked clean by predators, or remains of a kill. But this... This was sheer violence.

He kept low to the ground, looking for clues as to who or what may have caused it, how many, and which direction they might have taken to and from the gruesome scenario.

Then he looked the corpses over with care - it was easy to see they had been cut open and organs removed - but were some taken and others left behind? Could it have a specific significance? And had that torture been their cause of death, or were they first killed and then disemboweled?

And the large wolf had been skinned and decapitated - where its organs also removed? And are there any signs or symbols around the scene?

Hedrak made sure to keep Dog close to him - he did not want him to wander off in case danger was still afoot. Once he had checked the camp, he let Divadroy & Grigor take a look while he stood on watch. He noted the leper was examining the scene and waited, deciding to look in his pack for peppermint leaves when he noticed the militiaman throwing up - "I will brew a tea once we leave this place - it will ease the nausea"

He noticed Blaze moving around the camp, but it was hard to follow him as he moved among the undergrowth - he nodded approvingly at the skill displayed by the Ranger.

(So that is basically what Hedrak is trying to understand - tracks, how many, humanoid or not, to and where from, were there specific organs taken and does it mean anything to him, was the disembowelment the cause of death or were they killed first, was the wolf also disemboweled or just skinned and decapitated. Also, are there any signs or symbols?)

(Also he will go to Blaze's help if he is attacked)
Last edited by Edeldhur on Fri Apr 12, 2024 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#11 Post by Spearmint »

Blaze is a he.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#12 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

He will leave the predatory spider alone. I think it must have grabbed a Hobgoblin to feast upon or jumped on a survivor. Unless there are any sounds of obvious struggle, I will complete the perimeter check and return to the dell camp.

Blaze Horner: Ranger tracking skills: [1d100]=21

I will check for any trails leaving the dell, ones not containing wolf prints. I should compare any to Divadroy's as I suspect their feet size to be similar.

What are the main Hobgoblin vs Bugbear differences?

I think too that giving these bodies a shallow grave, while unappreciated by them, might be an act he would consider. Or at least cover the bodies before other beasties dig them up.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#13 Post by Edeldhur »

Spearmint wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 6:34 pm Blaze is a he.
My bad! I shouldn't drink and post. Apologies :P
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#14 Post by Spearmint »

Blackened Forest: Bloody Camp.
What are the main Hobgoblin vs Bugbear differences?
The former are smaller in comparison but much more 'evolved' in terms of humanoid society and abilities. The latter are larger, averaging 7'ft tall with broad shoulders but skinny, bowed legs, often going barefoot in preference to wearing boots to maximise their sneak stealth ability. They are much stronger (+2 to hit & damage) but lack the intelligence of smaller humanoid kinfolk.

Shallow graves are dug for the victims, covered with a simple layer of turf and a tree trunk headstone marker inscribed with a date of burial. The trails leading away are compared to Divadroy's own prints and you conclude that Bugbears are undoubtedly responsible. Your leper translator doesn't know of any significance beyond the bodies having had the internal organs harvested for ritual affairs. The Red Fangs tribe drove any leprous Bugbears into hiding and away from community resources, so he has only speculation regarding any specific Set Cult rituals.
Without a medic check, you cannot diagnose any thorough autopsy though you think the defilement of the corpses took place after death as none of the victims bear marks of being restrained or held.
And are there any signs or symbols around the scene?
Bloody Camp: Chimes and inscriptions vs 25% [1d100]=23

A careful search of nearby trees and you begin to locate bizarre 'dreamcatchers', little hoops of Willow branches from which dangle strings of feathers entwined with the internal peculiars. Little hollow bones rustle slightly in the breeze, piping almost inaudible discordant toots. It gives further eeriness to the bloody dell.

actions, each character make a Wisdom check vs [4d6].

The tea brew makes a welcome respite. Figuring not to camp here, Blaze Horner wants to head to the nearest 'ranger cleft', little hideaways used by the scouts to shelter in the wild.

next actions & rolls please
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#15 Post by Edeldhur »


The half-orc's gaze rested on the odd looking 'dreamcatchers', again curious about their significance, and wondering if these might have been left by someone else, or as part of the same bloody ritual which apparently was led by the Red Fang Bugbears.

Wisdom Check (vs 14):[4d6]=9

As they move out to find a better campsite, Hedrak moves in silence following Blaze, listening to the forest and alert, bow in hand - "Lets stay close to each other" - he warned his traveling companions, and again kept Dog right next to him.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#16 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Blaze Horner: Wisdom check vs 15 [4d6]=13

Well, moving on from the bloody dell is goid. It confirms the Bugbear renegades are active and that they have an antipathy towards others.

I think (certainly from reading past threads) that the Bugbears had converted to Set worship and when first encountered, they were discussing the Orcus cult. I wonder then if these Hobgoblins were not just a random patrol themselves but part of the other cult faction?

Blaze Horner: Ranger tracking skills: [1d100]=29

Tracking to find suitable camp for ourselves.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#17 Post by Spearmint »

In the cleft of the rock.

Blackened Forest encounters vs 1 [1d6]=3[1d6]=3[1d6]=6[1d6]=3

The eclectic group progress, carefully trekking the forest depths, wary of Bugbear or creature surprises. The map that Blaze deciphers leads to a hollow of large boulders, covered in thick carpets of moss. The place quiet and thickly overgrown with waist high bracken. Pointing, Blaze gestures to a dark cleft in one boulder that with some effort you can scramble into. Inside a dry chamber with a floor of guano and forest detritus. Dry sticks enough to make a fire that exits the smoke in a back crevice that dissipates giveaway fires. The place looks unused on your approach, but Blaze is away that certain traps are pre-laid to discourage bears and wolves from using the place as a lair.

You can each cut a long branch to use as a staff and roll to trigger any clamp traps.

Actions, give me a [1d8] where a 1 equals inadvertently stepping into the trap.

Boulder Cave
Boulder Cave
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#18 Post by Edeldhur »


"Stay here and guard"- Hedrak nodded at Dog, wanting to make sure he does not step in one of the traps, while also keeping watch at their backs.

Grabbing a sturdy branch, he began to trigger the clamp traps, one by one.

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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#19 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Blaze Horner: random search [1d8]=4

Cutting a staff and tapping ahead, he hopes to locate any hidden traps. We shouldn't make too much of a trampled trail to the crevice otherwise it might alert any scouting Bugbears, Hobgoblins or creatures that we are nearby. Once at the boulder, I will climb to the crevice, go inside to scout it safe and bring us all inside.

We should take turns on nightwatch duty (2 hours x 4) and also secure the crevice with some camouflage, ivy creeper vines or mossy sheets.

Take stock of what we know and discuss the day, get to know a bit more about the comrades I travel with.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#20 Post by Spearmint »

Boulder Niche

The four squeeze into the interior cave made by a few boulders leaning together. The place not quite tall enough for the 7'ft Bugbear to stand upright. The place empty of dangers though no doubt in the past has been used by creatures as well as lone rangers. Dog makes the tight squeeze tighter.

Blackened Forest encounters vs 1 [1d6]=4[1d6]=3[1d6]=2[1d6]=6

The night, a little eerie with strange noises in the forest and a sudden padding of steps across the boulder roof, a fix perhaps? But no serious intrusion disturbs your rest. After breakfast, ablutions and druidic sunrise rituals you can continue your trek to the Bugbear villages over the western ridges.

Any specific actions for the trek and renewing of spells.
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