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#1 Post by grokkngrognard »


Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d12) Attack Bonus
0 Hunter 1 0
2,350 Wanderer 2 0
4,600 Rover 3 +1
10,100 Scout 4 +2
20,100 Gadabout 5 +3
40,100 Strider 6 +4
90,100 Master Scout 7 +5
150,100 Outrider 8 +6
225,100 Pathfinder 9 +7
325,100 Ranger Lord 10* +8
*A ranger requires 275,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Ability Requirement: Int 12, Wis 12, Con 15
Race & Level Limit: Human U, Half-Elf 8
Prime Requisite: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom
Hit Dice: d12
Starting Gold Pieces: 50-200 (5d4x10)

Alignment: Rangers must be of good alignment. Severe alignment deviation strips the ranger of all abilities and s/he reverts to a fighter.
Weapons and Armor: Rangers may use all weapons and armor but prefer light armor such as leather, studded leather, or ringmail to maximize their mobility. All rangers begin play with the longbow and 20 arrows.
Possessions: Rangers may only own what they can carry. All other possessions and gold must be donated.
Lone Wolf: Only two rangers may adventure together at any one time.
Racial Enemies: Rangers receive +1 to damage per level against goblinoids (goblins, orcs, norkers, kobolds, hobgoblins, bugbears) as well as ettins, trolls,
ogres, ogre mages, and all giants.
Surprise: Rangers are surprised only on a 1 in d6 and may surprise on a 1-3 on d6 if alone.
Tracking: Rangers may track in the wilderness with a 80% chance of success.If following a group or pack, the base chance is modified by +3% for every individual being tracked beyond the first. For each day beyond the first, the chance is lowered by -10%. Also, rain (or related weather) will decrease the chance of success by 25%. When underground the base chance of success is 55%. The same modifier applies to groups being tracked. The Maze Controller may modify the chance of success subject to conditions.
Camouflage: A ranger may hide in the wilderness if motionless and silent (1-5 on d6)
Henchmen: Rangers may not hire henchmen or hirelings until Level 8.
Cleave: Beginning at Level 8, if a ranger kills a target, s/he immediately receives 1 additional attack per two levels (one at Level 8, two at Level 10, three at Level 12, etc). Cleave applies to both melee and ranged attack forms.
Druid Spells: Rangers may cast druid spells at Level 9. Like druids, rangers cannot memorize the same spell more than once a day without use of a magical item.

Ye Olde Ranger Fast Pack
Pack 1: Studded Leather (AC: 7), Broadsword (1d6+1), Longbow and 20 Arrows (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1, Backpack, Torches (8), Flint & Tinder, Large Sack (2), Iron Spike (12), Tack Hammer, Caltrops (2), Chalk, Wineskin, Rations (7) (95gp).
Pack 2: Ringmail and Shield (AC: 6), Bastard Sword (1d8/1d10), Longbow and 20 Arrows (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Backpack, Small Sack (6), Manacles, Flint & Tinder, Candles (10), Wineskin, Rations (7) (138gp).
Pack 3: Chainmail (AC: 5), Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow and 20 Bolts (1d8+1), Seax Knife (1d4+1), Backpack, Lantern, Flask of Oil (2), Flint and Steel, Large Sack (2), Rope (50 Feet), Grappling Hook, Caltrops (2), Chalk, Wineskin, Rations (7) (147gp).
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