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#1 Post by grokkngrognard »


Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d10) Attack Bonus
0 Swordsman 1 0
2,100 Freebooter 2 0
4,100 Sellsword 3 +1
8,100 Veteran 4 +2
18,100 Warrior 5 +3
35,100 Myrmidon 6 +4
70,100 Axe Master 7 +5
125,100 Battle Master 8 +6
250,100 Champion 9 +7
500,100 Warlord 10* +8
*A fighter requires 250,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 3 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Ability Requirement: None
Race & Level Limit: Human U, Cyclopsman 10, Dwarf 9, Elf 7, Gnome 6, Halfling 6, Half-Elf 10, Half-Orc 12
Prime Requisite: Strength
Hit Dice: d10
Starting Gold Pieces: 50-200 (5d4x10)

Role: Fighters are stalwart front-line warriors.
Alignment: Fighters may be of any alignment.
Weapons and Armor: Fighters may use all weapons and armor subject to race restrictions. Only human, half-orc, and cyclopsman fighters may use the bastard sword, two-handed sword, or halberd.
Cleave: If a fighter kills a target, s/he immediately receives 1 additional attack per two levels (one at Level 1, two at Level 3, three at Level 5, etc). Cleave applies to both melee and missile attack forms.

Ye Olde Fighter Fast Pack
Pack 1: Chainmail (AC: 5), Two-Handed Sword (2d6), War Hammer (1d6), Light Crossbow and 20 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Backpack, Large Sack (2), Lantern, Flask of Oil (2), Flint & Tinder, Iron Spikes (12), Sledge Hammer, Wineskin, Rations (7) (152gp).
Pack 2: Ringmail and Shield (AC: 6), Broadsword (1d6+1), Spear (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), Backpack, Large Sack (4), Torches (8), Flint & Tinder, 10 Foot Pole, Rope (50 Feet), Grappling Hook, Wineskin, Rations (7) (73gp).
Pack 3: Studded Leather and Shield (AC: 6), Longsword (1d8), Longbow and 20 Arrows (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), Backpack, Torches (8), Flint & Tinder, Caltrops (2), Chalk, Iron Spikes (10), Tack Hammer, Lock and Key, Wineskin, Rations (7) (140gp)
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