Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#21 Post by Spearmint »

Cadeweed attacks, loading and puffing out two toxic flechettes in quick succession. The first aided by surprise since he had a successful Hide check. The dart strikes true and immobilises the Barghee thug, -2hp who momentarily looks stunned, gasps for air then crumples upon his fellow prone victim.

The second advances, swishing his drawn blade into the thickets to hack at the sheltering halfling.

Barghest: [1d20]=12 [2d4]=4

Barba: broadsword melee vs Barghest bandits [1d20+1]=20+1=21 [2d4+3]=5+3=8

Barba takes the distraction to simply cleave one of the men facing her in two, -19hp, chopping him in half from neck to pelvis in a tree-felling hack.

Barghest: [1d20]=6 [2d4]=6

The five men are now two left standing. Barghest morale check: [1d100+15]=36+15=51. Morale failure actions [1d100]=78

A base npc morale is 50%, so these desperados fail by the slimmest of margins. The morale failure is actually by 1% which resolves as 'fighting retreat'.

The men cuss and curse, their number superiority cut down, comrades prone. It seems they are members of the 'self-preservation society' and caring not for the fate of those slumped over and not wanting to join the one cut in half, the two men begin to edge away in combat, fending you off with swords and threats.

Actions, you can carry on to defeat them or let them retreat into the mist and away.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#22 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will try and take down the other two with his blowdarts

Blowdart [1d20+2]=16+2=18, Damage [1d2]=2
Blowdart [1d20+2]=14+2=16, Damage [1d2]=2 -2 Since separate opponent

Once the others are down or have run away he will try to recover any wealth from these and then get the cart heading back on track.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#23 Post by Spearmint »

Barba helps bind and search the men. She adds their swords and shields to the general gear, stripping them barefoot and unarmoured.

"When you wriggle free, Ironguard is that way.", she points away, insisting the men realise they mercifully escape with their lives as the Barrow Moor has a frontier justice for brigands that is generally swift and brutal.

The men have no great treasures or possessions. A meagre pouch of assorted coinage, (+25gp, +75sp), several bundles of strange herbs or blossoms, (identified as Wolfsbane, Ghoulsbane, sprigs of Crimson Mistletoe, Mandrake roots and Wormswort). Broadswords and shields of ordinary crafting.

Interrogating them, you learn the 'Barghest' group follow a leader named Fenrice and that his group have been excavating across numerous sites of Menhirs and Standing Stones, between here and south of the Moorwash towards Bogtown. The men are deserters from the group, suggesting those loyal to him undergo rituals that brand them and causes them to become berserkers, taking upon themselves animalistic rages. "They are anthropaphagic, eating the dead's flesh that one might imbue the strength of another." Ritual cannibalism.

If they are truly deserters and possibly followed to enact some retribution upon them, better that you move on quickly.

Once the wagon is loaded, the horse reined in and the new wheel tested; the journey continues.

New Wheel stoutness vs 15% [1d100]=85

The wagon suffers no more breakdowns. However there is another stop and a bizarrely coincidental one.

Barrowmaze: random vs 1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=6
Barrow Moor random encounter: option [1d12]=2Barrow Moor: rival adventuring group: option [1d12]=12

bizarrely as I scripted the above brigand men as a random chance encounter while you stopped to replace the wagon wheel and here in the above roll, the 2 resolves as a 'rival adventuring party'. Of the dozen npc groups in the BM pdf, the 12 resolves as 'Fenrice & Barghests group'.

Reactions to wagon team: [1d100]=90

It is quite easy to ambush and surprise the wagon. A group of feral men just appear in front of the horse, emerging from the thickets to quickly halt and surround the team. What may actually be a tricky situation is alleviated by these warg-men quickly noticing the shields and equipment of those deserting fellows. The above reaction is tabled as 'friendly, immediate action' and with a hurried testimony of your fresh encounter, the Barghests determine to save their ferocious nature and vengeful bloodlust upon the others rather than delay by a needless combat, however short, here.

In time then, with no further halts, you arrive at the Barrow Mound fringe.

Actions any actions or questions concerning the conclusion of the deserters encounter and the second halt with the pursuing Barghests?

Actions specific to going to the designated Barrow Mound?

I might have to delay slightly any updates here as you will arrive at the destination circa 4.00pm in the afternoon and the team excavating there are posting now (Gerdal's team in the Territorial Gains expedition) but are only at mid-morning. So I need to speed them up to get your chronology synchronised.

A picture of Fenrice, the Barghest brigand leader.
Fenrice, Barghest warg
Fenrice, Barghest warg
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#24 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will offer a split of the coins at 15 gp for himself and the remaining for Barba since he had to use his several hundred gold piece potion to save her. (Assuming that she will accept this has been marked down on character sheet)

Cadeweed will also take the herbs unless Barba wants to split those.

Cadeweed will continue driving the wagon to the location with whatever supplies he was able to save.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#25 Post by Spearmint »

Barba takes the plunder division.

Deucalion gave you a very basic map of the Barrow Mounds, which are as you know about fourscore burial mounds of various types; mostly rounded heaps of earth, some with features such as menhirs, cairns, headstones, the Nergal Obelisk, covered in briars or even copses of trees. A few are ringed with stones, a couple are secured with boggy ditches. Due to exploration or subsidence, some have collapsed with domes falling inward as in the case of the mound where your group located the dwarf construct and Silky's gang. A few mounds already plundered, a few still have sealed stone portals and some rest undisturbed by creatures or adventurers alike.

Reasonably you could locate the 'Mummy' mound, Green Man mound, 'Silky's collapsed mound', Harpy Shaft, Barrow Mound Graveyard, adjacent mound with plinth stone & giant skeleton, the mound nearest the Mammoth field with the skeleton arm poking out, the Potter's mound and the mound with trees and Haunt who sent Shadow mastiffs upon you. Finally the stone ringed mound known for the 'block & tackle' unit set up inside which lowers adventurers into the Barrowmaze labyrinth below.


Actions none, you arrive. Inside the Barrow Mound behind a barricaded entrance are Bucko, a mercenary from the Guild, Tamson , who is the Helix miller's son and a ranger and there is Gerdal's pack-mule.

They will greet you, expecting your possibly arrival and assist to unload the wagon.

As far as goods are concerned, a few crates wrecked and some oil flasks smashed open, but in general the supplied gear is in good order including the strongbox of specialist flasks.

at this point: this expedition thread will close as you reach the destination. I will calculate the award of experience points for the trek.

Expedition Summary


Carnivorous Ape +260xp
Carnivorous baboons: +300xp

Barghest deserters: +150xp

Arriving with wagon and supplies intact: +100xp

Total 810xp / one character full share and one npc half-share.

Should be +540xp +54xp prime requisite bonus and +100xp player solo award to equate to +694xp.

I actually don't mind you adding these now, I will update my public record. Usually you only get xp if you survive and make it back to civilization but as you are here and it doesn't make you advance, then adjust now as if you don't survive then it won't matter anyway. And it means we don't forget as it is done.

Hopefully I can get you involved in the other expedition as soon as time lines match. So in the meantime we can look at any ooc stuff that Cadeweed needs info on or updates to.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#26 Post by gurusql »

Whatever real-time I need to wait to catch-up is fine.

Thank you.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#27 Post by Spearmint »

With this concluding as you teach the destination, I will move it to the Completed Expeditions thread.
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