Player Characters

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Player Characters

#1 Post by sulldawga »

Please post your PC's details here. Please put the body of the text in a Spoiler so only the name is showing; this helps viewers scroll down to the PC they're looking for more quickly.
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Re: Player Characters

#2 Post by Marullus »

Gars Ruprect

Gars is an itinerant scholar who can spin an entertaining story of times gone by with easy, likeable charm. Gars knows all the local languages and seems knowledgeable of the histories that once lay across the river. He has a metal roundshield and a leather longcoat reinforced with patches of woven chain or sewn-in plates over a quilted gambeson that has seen better days - good protection for someone who likely once had more wealth than at present. He carries a long-handled shovel, a light backpack, and leads his mule, Belegroc, a name from the old tongue of Mashripal.

Character Sheet:
Class: Adventurer: Mage (Accursed) / Warrior, Level 2
Background: Scholar
STR: 12 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 8 (+0)
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 9 (+0)
CHA: 18 (+2)


Caral (Common)
Trade Cant
"You speak all the languages common to your region of the world"
- Sargine
- Macabh
- Chunt

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Hit Points: 15 / 15
Armor Class: 16

Accursed Blade (1-hand): +6 to hit, 1d8+6 damage, Shock: 8/AC 15
Accursed Blade (2-hand): +6 to hit, 2d6+6 damage, Shock: 8/AC 15
Dagger: +1 to hit, 1d4 damage, shock 2 / AC 15
Unarmed: +1 to hit, 1d2 damage, No Shock

Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Mental: 12
Luck: 14

Diplomatic Grace: Your skill at personal negotiations is enormous and uncanny. Some might even think it supernatural in nature.
Level 1: Gain Convince as a bonus skill. You speak all the languages common to your region of the world and can learn new ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice related to negotiation or diplomacy.

Die Hard: You are surprisingly hard to kill. You can survive injuries or bear up under stresses that would incapacitate a less determined hero. Level 1: You gain an extra 2 maximum hit points per level. This bonus applies retroactively if you take this Focus after first level. You automatically stabilize if Mortally Wounded, provided you have not been incinerated, dismembered, or otherwise torn apart.

Armsmaster: You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. This Focus’ benefits do not apply to unarmed attacks or non-thrown projectile weapons. This Focus’ bonuses also don’t stack with Deadeye or other Foci that add a skill’s level to your damage or Shock.
Level 1: Gain Stab Magic as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.

Accursed Effort: 4 / 4
Accursed Blade: As an On Turn action, manifest an occult melee weapon as a one-handed 1d8 weapon or a two-handed 2d6 weapon. Both add your Magic skill to the damage roll, have a Shock rating of 2/15, and use Magic as the attack skill and the best of Str, Dex, Int, or Cha as its modifying attribute.

Weeping Wounds: Once per round, Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action when a visible enemy takes damage. They must make a Physical save or suffer 1d6 damage per round for one round per level. They cannot heal or regenerate any hit point damage during this effect. This art does not stack.

Night-Black Eyes: You can see clearly in perfect darkness. As a Main Action, focus on a particular visible object, person, or location; you can tell if it is enchanted, though no details about the magic are seen.

Readied items (5 / 6)
  • Reinforced Longcoat (war robe, AC 14) (3)
  • Small Shield (+1 AC when wearing armor) (1)
  • Long-handled Shovel (1)
Stowed items (Backpack) (5 / 12)
  • Lantern, Tinderbox (1)
  • 3 Flasks of Oil - (1)
  • Waterskin, 1 gallon (1)
  • Writing Kit & 20 sheets of paper - (1)
  • Cartographer Tools - (1)
  • 1 silver piece

Stowed on Belegroc the Mule (9/15)
  • Rations, 1 week - (4)
  • Wilderness Bundle (5)
    • one man tent
    • a bedroll
    • a blanket
    • cooking utensils
    • a small hammer
    • a shovel
    • a waterskin
Creation Notes:
1, 2) roll attributes: Attributes: [3d6]=8[3d6]=8[3d6]=8[3d6]=15[3d6]=14[3d6]=12. Swap an 8 to a 14. Assigned as:
STR: 12 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 8 (+0)
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 8 (+0)
CHA: 15 (+2)

3,4,5) Background is Scholar. Free skill is Know-0. Let's see how rolling goes. (I'm aiming for particular classes that rely on CHA, so I want to see if I can raise it. As a Scholar, I have a 50% chance...)
Growth [1d6]=5 (That's Connect-0)
Growth [1d6]=4 (+2 Cha to 17)
Growth [1d6]=4 (+1 Cha to 18, +1 Wis to 9)

6) Pick your class. I want to play with what's in the Atlas and those are all half-classes, so I'll combine two to be an Adventurer. I'm liking the vibe from an Accursed / Bard. So, he's a wandering scholar born to a Pact-infused lineage. I like him delving into the unknown beyond the river to find ancient secret knowledge. Perhaps more about himself. Modifying this to be a better character instead of aimed at "all of the Atlas." He takes the nature-oriented route by using the Partial Mage (Beastmaster) class from the main book in combination with the Accursed. Both are quasi-mystical powers that can come with his Pact-infused lineage. He remains a wandering scholar with Know of what's across the river, and with his Diplomatic Grace focus keeps the core scholarly elements of knowledge of languages and preternatural social skill. He just no longer does it with song. The most important part of the change is roleplaying with an animal companion, and it changes the direction of growth with leveling (more mystical, less music.) Imbued with hellish combat capabilities, the Pact also keeps him alive. He'll make the other half Warrior and take Die Hard.

7,8) Pick Foci. With those two half-classes, I'll end up with Arts instead. I only get the single Foci pick. I love the sound of "Amundi Godblood Foci" and that meshes well with his "born this way Accursed" idea. I'm torn between Night Walker or Wildtongue - they both have profound effect on who this character will end up being. Either a darker/grittier guy, or a more druid-like character. I'll reserve th right to change this later... lets see what the rest of the party looks like. I'll put down Night Walker for the moment - it is grittier more 'accursed' feel and my other PC in a West Marches game is already an animal-talking druid. Having given up the partial-Expert class, I'm not elligible for the Amundi Godblood foci, so can't take either Nightwalker or Wildtongue. Instead, I'll take Diplomatic Grace, which keeps the key scholarly/social aspects, as noted above. As a warrior he gets a second combat-oriented Focus - he will take Die Hard.

9) Pick one skill. I'm going to go for Magic-1. As an Accursed, that's really important. (Switching to Warrior, he just loses a skill, too.
Deleted Survive-0 without replacement.)

10) He's a Mage with the tradition of Accursed.

11) I don't get spells, but I get Arts from both Accursed and Beastmaster.
- For Accursed, I get Accursed Blade. (I like the asthetic of summoning the weapon rather than Eldritch Blasting.) I then pick one. For now, let's say Rob Vitality. That looks interesting. We may change this if the character evolves in relation to group dynamics before play starts.
- For Beastmaster, I get Bind Companion - but it describes how to swap out companions. I'm going to take the Chosen Friend option that means he is bound to one special animal that instead levels with him and is mystically preserved from death. He gets the shared viality and mind link with that one special companion. For his free pick, he chooses Savage Senses, helping him as a wilderness explorer.
- I need to set both their effort scores. That's Survive-0 and +2 Charisma for Beastmaster effort of 2/2. Then Magic-1 and +2 Charisma for the Accursed effort of 3/3.
So, this seems to be the appropriate place to talk about the companion. He needs to pick a 2HD Animal that he is permanently bound with. The two books only have four 2HD animals - a giant pig, a giant goat, a giant spider/wolf hybrid, and a giant cockroach. Sure, we could adapt from other sources and have a wolf or something, but this got me thinking of the "why do people always get cool wild animals?" conversation. It is more likely that a special animal companion will be of domesticated stock - so why not a pig? I really started getting into the idea of the personality and roleplay of a giant boar... especially a boar who can talk to him telepathically, so I can roleplay the responses as one-sided conversations for fun. Maybe he raised it from a piglet, and as he's accursedly-magical, formed the bond. When it grew to its full size (the 2HD Bull Pig is a swine the size of a cow, so 62 inches at the shoulder and 1,000+ pounds) he went with it. So, meet Lucius, giant tusked pig and travel companion.

12) Looking at Bard/Mage or Accursed/Expert it is 1d6 either way. Max hit points in house rule. Con +0. Total hit points is 6. Beastmaster is a partial mage, not a partial expert. So, this makes it use the Accursed/Partial Mage table. That costs -1hp (1d6-1 HD). Total HP now 5 instead of 6. Switching from Mage/Mage to Mage/Warrior takes him from 1d6-1 to 1d6+2, then Die Hard gives an additional +2. Taking max hp at first level is then 6+2+2 = 10.

13) BAB is +0. Partial Warrior BAB is +1.

14) Gear package. I see this guy as rather self-sufficiently equipped as a delving scholar. I'd like the Pieced Armor, but that only comes with the armored warrior who gets no food and no coin. So, I'll pick the Scholar package, which has what I think I'd need plus 80sp, of which I can spend 50sp to add a War Robe. He has a staff, but it's to be a tool not a weapon. If the GM allows, I'd like to put a head on it and have it be a long-handled shovel instead. (I love adventuring with a shovel.) Last, I'll pick up some Cooking Utensils for 4sp. He's a wanderer not a heathen. Looking up the "Healer's Pouch" there is only a reference that implies that not having one would be a penalty to trying to use the Heal skill. I don't have or intend to have the Heal skill, but using it unskilled in a pinch might be worth keeping it. I see this guy as a Taleteller, not a musician, but having a bodhran drum or a lute might be cool... that's not in the lists so GM's discretion. I would gladly swap the healer pouch for a simple instrument. I spent an additional 10sp to get the large roundshield for a +1 AC, which he carries readied on his back until needed. That leaves him with 16 sp remaining still.

For Encumbrance purposes I am getting rid of the second dagger and the Healer's Pouch (particularly after picking upvthe more appropriate Cartographer Set.). It says we can sell back starting gear, so that's 3sp and 5sp respectively.

Okay, redoing Gear. 180sp instead of a package.

Wilderness Bundle - 40sp
War Robe - 50sp
Metal Shield - 20sp
Staff (long-handled shovel) - 1sp
Rations, 1 week - 5sp
Lantern - 10sp
3 pints oil - 3sp
Writing Kit - 3sp
20 sheets of paper - 2sp
Cartographer's tools (in-game purchase) - 15sp
Mule - 30sp
1sp remaining

15, 16) Hit bonus with weapons. His unarmed is pitiful (-2 unskilled to-hit, +1 for Dex). He mostly is reliant on his Accursed Blades. He can summon them at will and they fight with Magic+Charisma. So, being accursed makes him decent in a close fight if he needs to be. (He carries the dagger for show... being unarmed would be too suspicious.)

17) Armor class is 14 War Robe +1 Dex for 15 AC. Spending 10sp to get a large roundshield, which adds +1 AC for 16 AC. (This has a big effect on Shock, which he wouldn't overlook.)

18) Saves. Physical (STR/CON) are both +0 so it is 15. Evasion (INT/DEX) are both +1 so that's 14. Mental (WIS/CHA) gets the +2 so 13.

19) Name and Goal. I picked Gars Ruprect off one of the book's tables. The cultures don't line up between the Atlas and the GM's statements so far, but so I remember, I picked a Kytheronian name which seemed a likely origin culture full of displaced nobles with long or forgotten eldrich histories. I think that inspires the concept here. His goal is to find lost secret knowledge in the ruins beyond the river now that the land is opened, which may or may not relate to his own liniage and history. (All this stays the same - we're not pursuing the interreligious conflict of Music and Justice. He just has a more interesting and useful set of Pact-liniage abilities he's learning to use, and it includes his bond with Lucius, the giant pig.)

Mashripal - the Workings necessary to bind Eldritch powers into a bloodline are ancient and this is the center of his academic knowledge.

Level 2 Mage/Warrior
Hit Die: 2d6+4 (+4 Die Hard)
BaB: +2
Focus: +1 Any

Hit points aren't additive, they are re-rolled each level. If your total was less than last level you just take +1 on last levels total.
Level 2 HP [2d6+8]=7+8=15
That's higher than his previous total of 10, so his total is now 15.

3 skill points: raise Know from 0 to 1 (2pts), get Survive 0 (1pt)
He is learning more, and with Survive he no longer is a massive penalty to the group. This adds one language he was studying in his downtime. So we will pick Equus to round out his archeological-scholar angle as he studied his texts.

Pick one Focus:
You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. This Focus’ benefits do not apply to unarmed attacks or non-thrown projectile weapons. This Focus’ bonuses also don’t stack with Deadeye or other Foci that add a skill’s level to your damage or Shock.
Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee
or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
Level 2: The Shock from your melee attacks always treats the target as if they have AC 10. Gain a +1 bonus to hit with all thrown or melee attacks.
As an Accursed, he has a special benefit of applying the martial skill point to his Magic skill instead. So he gets Magic-2.

Choose one Accursed art:
Night-Black Eyes: You can see clearly in perfect darkness. As a Main Action, focus on a particular visible object, person, or location; you can tell if it is enchanted, though no details about the magic are seen.".
Last edited by Marullus on Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:35 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#3 Post by Enoch »

Lavin Raas

Lavin is a former member of the Guild of Farriers in Blackburn, though she was at best an indifferent blacksmith. She did, however, love when her guild's turn to act as watch came around. More than once she was reprimanded for practicing with her halberd rather than patrolling. Once word reached her town of Land Grant Day, she spent most of the money she had been saving to open her own shop in buying out her apprenticeship. She left town the same day.

Although surprisingly strong from years of smithing, her moves with a weapon are flowing and elegant, almost dance-like, rather than the brutally-straightforward style of most halberdiers. She is friendly and enthusiastic, and talks incessantly of all the new things she hopes to see when they cross the river.

Character Sheet:
Class: Warrior
Background: Thug

STR: 18 (+2)
DEX: 11 (+0)
CON: 14 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 11 (+0)
CHA: 10 (+0)

Skills: (1 saved)

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Hit Points: 13 / 14
Armor Class: 17

Halberd: +6 to hit, 1d10+5 damage, shock 7/AC 10
Dagger: +6 to hit, 1d4+5 damage, shock 6/AC 10, range 30/60
Unarmed: +4 to hit, 1d2+3 damage, No Shock

Physical: 12
Evasion: 14
Mental: 14
Luck: 14

  • Shocking Assault 1: The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place and the target is not immune to Shock.
  • Whirlwind Assault 1: Once per scene, as an On Turn action, apply your Shock damage to all foes within melee range, assuming they’re susceptible to your Shock.
  • Armsmaster-1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
Class Abilities:
  • Killing Blow: Whenever a Warrior inflicts damage with any attack, spell, or special ability they may add half their character level, rounded up, to the damage done. This damage is also added to any Shock they may inflict.
  • Veteran's Luck: Once per scene, as an Instant action, the Warrior may turn a missed attack they have made into a hit. Alternately, they may turn a successful attack against them into a miss, also as an Instant action.

Readied Items (8 / 9)
  • Halberd, 2 enc
  • War robe, 3 enc
  • Dagger (3), 3 enc
Stowed (15 / 18)
  • Backpack, 0 enc
  • 3 torches, 1 enc
  • Rations, 1 week, 4 enc
  • Crowbar, 1 enc
  • Grappling hook, 1 enc
  • Iron spikes, 10, 1 enc
  • Rope, 50', 2 enc
  • Wilderness Survival Kit, 5 enc
    • one man tent
    • bedroll
    • blanket
    • cooking utensils
    • small hammer
    • shovel
    • waterskin
    • tinder box
    4 sp (0 enc)

Creation Notes:
  • Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with. (This bumps me to Stab-2)
Last edited by Enoch on Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:59 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#4 Post by Rex »


Class: Adventurer: Mage (Healer) / Warrior, Level 2
Background: Wanderer
STR: 14 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 9 (0)
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 8 (+0)
CHA: 7 (-1)

XP: 4

Survive 0 (Wanderer)
Heal 2 (Healer & Specialist x2), roll 4d6 drop 2 lowest die
Stab 1 (Armsmaster & Free Pick)

Base Attack Bonus: +2
Hit Points: 13 / 13
Armor Class: 17

Spear, Light: +3 to hit, 1d6+3 damage, Shock: 3/AC 15, Thrown range 30/60
War Hammer: +3 to hit, 1d8+3 damage, Shock: 3/AC 20
Shield Bash: +3 to hit, 1d6+3 dmg, Shock 3/AC 15
Dagger: +3 to hit, 1d4+3 damage, shock 3/AC 17, Thrown range 30/60

Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
Luck: 15

Armsmaster: You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. This Focus’ benefits do not apply to unarmed attacks or non-thrown projectile weapons. This Focus’ bonuses also don’t stack with Deadeye or other Foci that add a skill’s level to your damage or Shock. Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.

Specialist x2:You are remarkably talented at Heal. Your expertise is extremely reliable. Level 2: Gain Heal skill as a bonus. Roll 4d6 and drop the 2 lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.

Arcane Tradition:
Healing Touch: Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action; for the rest of the scene, you may heal 2d6 damage plus your Heal skill to a touched ally as a Main Action. This healing adds 1 System Strain to the target each time it is applied.
Purge Ailment: Commit Effort for the day as a Main Action. An ally you are touching is cured of one poison or disease. Creatures killed by poison can be revived by this art if it is used within six minutes of death. Magical poisons and diseases may require a Wis/Heal or Cha/Heal skill check against a difficulty of 8 or more. At seventh level, you need only Commit Effort for the scene to use this ability.
Facile Healer: Your Healing Touch ability is improved; and you no longer need to Commit Effort to activate it.

Readied (6 of 7)
War Robes (AC 14, Enc 3)
Large Shield (14 AC or +1 AC when wearing armor) Enc 1
Spear, Light Enc 1
War Hammer Enc 1

Stowed (12 of 14)
2 Daggers, at belt & back Enc 2
Backpack Enc 1
Lantern Enc 1
Tinder box Enc *
3 Pint flasks of oil (bundled) Enc 1
Writing kit & 20 sheets of paper Enc 1
Rations, 1 week Enc 4
Waterskin Enc 1
Healer’s pouches Enc 1
34 sp in cash

Level 2 updates:
Focus Specialist to level 2 for Healing
3 skill points to increase Healing to level 2 (was level 1).

hp [2d6+4]=9+4=13

Taking Facile Healer for my Healer art.
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Last edited by Rex on Fri Sep 29, 2023 2:02 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#5 Post by Urson »

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Re: Player Characters

#6 Post by The_Wanderer »

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Class: Expert, Level 2
Background: Laborer
STR: 13 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 9 (+0)
INT: 10 (+1)
WIS: 14 (+1)
CHA: 14 (+1)



Base Attack Bonus: +1
Hit Points: 12 / 12
Armor Class: 13

Large Bow: +2 to Hit, 1d8+1 Damage; 100/600 ft; 2 handed, Move Action to Reload, Precisely Murderous
Hand Axe: +0 to Hit, 1d6+1 Damage, S2/15; Throwable: 10/30 ft; +2 to hit when thrown
Dagger: +0 to Hit, 1d4+1 Damage, S2/15; Subtle, Precisely Murderous, Throwable: 30/60 ft; +2 to hit when thrown

Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Mental: 13
Luck: 14

Deadeye: You have a gift with ranged weapons. While this talent most commonly applies to bows, it is also applicable to thrown weapons or other ranged weapons that can be used with the Shoot skill. For thrown weapons, you can’t use the benefits of the Armsmaster Focus at the same time as Deadeye.
  • Level 1: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed ranged weapon as an Instant action. You may use a bow or two-handed ranged weapon even when an enemy is within melee range, albeit at a -4 hit penalty. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.
Connected: You’re remarkably gifted at making friends and forging ties with the people around you. Wherever you go, you always seem to know somebody useful to your ends.
  • Level 1: Gain Connect as a bonus skill. If you’ve spent at least a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, you’ll have built a web of contacts willing to do favors for you that are no more than mildly illegal. You can call on one favor per game day and the GM decides how far they’ll go for you.
Well Met: You have a striking ability to charm and pacify people and creatures you’ve just met. Once they get to know you, however, their opinions are more likely to be based on experience; this Focus works only once on a target.
  • Level 1: Reaction rolls made by those the party meets are given a +1 bonus so long as you are present, whether or not you do the talking. Even hostile encountered beings will usually give the party a round to parley before attacking unless they’re in ambush or have a clear reason for immediate violence.
Class Abilities:
Masterful Expertise: Once per scene, the Expert may reroll any non-combat skill check as an Instant action. This allows the Expert to make a roll and then immediately use this ability if the resulting total isn’t good enough to succeed. In cases where it matters, the better of the two rolls may be used.
Quick Learner: When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.

Equipment: ... 08#p673308
Leveling Notes
Level 2:
Skills Points Sneak-0, Connect-1, 1 point saved
Focus: Well Met Level 1
Last edited by The_Wanderer on Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#7 Post by hedonismbot »

Daravek the Marked, Itinerant High Mage (he/him)

Character history:
Daravek was the fifth son to a minor noble family to the east, and as such did not have much in the way of inheritance or prospects of power. His family decided that, since he was reasonably bright, he might have luck in one of the colleges of High Magic, where he might rise to be magical advisor to a lord or member of a powerful court.

While adequate at his studies, the consensus from his tutors was that he was "unremarkable". One area where he surpassed his classmates, however, was in his willingness to risk himself for knowledge, power, or even just fleeting social clout. As has often been the case with adolescents with such a penchant, he got himself into trouble. And trouble with High Magic is often extremely dangerous. A particular incident led to his forehead being permanently scarred by an arcane mark, and after the foul creatures and blasphemous energies were purged from the dormitory, his reputation suffered a similarly indelible mark.

Upon graduation, his prospects were slim and he was very nearly doomed to a lifetime of maintaining and re-transcribing the documents in the non-dangerous wings of the arcane libraries. It was very fortunate that it was around this time that the rumours of the westward expansion were passing through. Here was an opportunity to leverage risk for reward, and daring for reputation!
Character Sheet:
Class: Adventurer: Mage Level 2
Background: Scholar
Str: 8 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+0)
Con: 11 (+0)
Int: 14 (+1) -- swapped for the 7 with the free 14
Wis: 14 (+1) -- 12 +2 from Growth Table
Cha: 11 (+0)

- Know-0
- Connect-1
- Magic-1
- Shoot-1

Caral (Common)
Trade Cant
"You speak all the languages common to your region of the world"
- Sargine
- Macabh
- Chunt

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Hit Points: 8
Armor Class: 16

Short bow: +1 to hit, 1d6 damage

Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Mental: 13
Luck: 14

Impervious Defense: You have an innate Armor Class of 15 plus half your character level, rounded up.

Spirit Familiar: Choose a form for your familiar no smaller than a cat nor larger than a human. It has the traits and abilities of an entity created by Calculation of the Evoked Servitor on page 68, but may be summoned or dismissed as a Main Action, appearing within melee range of its owner. It cannot carry objects with it during its vanishment aside from the clothing natural to its shape. It has no need for food, water, or sleep. If killed, it vanishes and cannot be re-summoned for 24 hours. Once per day, it can refresh one point of Committed Effort for you.

Kledo, the Celestial Monkey

HP: 2
AC: 14
Move: 30'
Saves: (same as Daravek)
+0 skill modifier

Effort: 3 / 3
Retain Sorcery: Commit Effort for the day as an On Turn action after casting a spell; it does not count against your casting limits for the day. You can use this art no more than once per day, and the stress of using it prevents you from casting another spell before the end of your next turn.

Inexorable Effect: Commit Effort for the day as an Instant action to force an enemy to re-roll a successful saving throw and take the worse result. You may use this art only once per scene.

Wizard’s Grandeur: Commit Effort as an On Turn action. As long as it remains Committed, you will not become dirty, sweaty, stained, or rumpled regardless of the circumstances. Noxious substances will slide off you without staining and you will remain comfortable regardless of your attire in any normal climate. You may sleep comfortably without shelter or bedding as per the privation rules on page 51.

Spells Known:
Max Level: 1, Spells Per Day: 1, Spells Prepared: 3
- The Excellent Transpicuous Transformation - Turn one target per level invisible for an hour per caster level
- The Wind of the Final Repose - Put living targets of 4 HD or less to sleep within the area of effect
- Cognitive Supersession of the Inferior Orders - Telepathically bond with an animal, which obeys but won’t fight
- Ineluctable Shackles of Volition - Enslave a target’s mind, leaving them visibly dazed but obedient
- The Long Amber Moment - Put a willing creature into temporary invulnerable stasis
- Velocitous Imbuement - Augment the movement speed and options of one target/level
Creation Notes:
1, 2) roll attributes:
Str: 8 (+0)
Dex: 12 (+0)
Con: 11 (+0)
Int: 14 (+1) -- swapped for the 7 with the free 14
Wis: 14 (+1) -- 12 +2 from Growth Table
Cha: 11 (+0)

3,4,5) Background is Scholar.
Growth x3
- Free Skill: Know-0
- Connect - 0
- Connect - 1
- +2 Mental (WIS)

6) Pick your class.
High Mage

7,8) Pick Foci.
Impervious Defense

9) Pick one skill.
Improve Magic 0 to Magic-1

10) Pick Tradition
High Mage.

11) Choose 4 spells:
- The Excellent Transpicuous Transformation - Turn one target per level invisible for an hour per caster level
- The Wind of the Final Repose - Put living targets of 4 HD or less to sleep within the area of effect
- Cognitive Supersession of the Inferior Orders - Telepathically bond with an animal, which obeys but won’t fight
- Ineluctable Shackles of Volition - Enslave a target’s mind, leaving them visibly dazed but obedient

12) Max hp at level 1 is 5

13) BAB is +0.

14) Gear:
- tinderbox
- Cooking utensils
- Backpack
- Rations, one week
- Boots
- Lantern
- Oil, pint x3
- Writing Kit
- 40 sheets of paper
- Bow, Small
- Arrows (20) x2
- Mule
- 100 sp

15, 16) Hit bonus with weapons.
+1 with bow, that's about it.

17) Armor class is 16 from the focus Impervious Defense

18) Saves. Physical (STR/CON) +0 = 15. Evasion (INT/DEX) +1 = 14. Mental (WIS/CHA) +1 = 13

19) Name and Goal.
Daravek the Marked - make a reputation and gain power in the wilds.

Level 2 Mage
New hitpoints:

3 skill points: Shoot-0 and Shoot+1
Focus: Spirit Familiar
Art: Wizard's Grandeur
New Spells:
- The Long Amber Moment - Put a willing creature into temporary invulnerable stasis
- Velocitous Imbuement - Augment the movement speed and options of one target/level

Choose one Accursed art:
Night-Black Eyes: You can see clearly in perfect darkness. As a Main Action, focus on a particular visible object, person, or location; you can tell if it is enchanted, though no details about the magic are seen.".
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