WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#41 Post by Zhym »

Nado waits for orders on who to shoot, and when...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#42 Post by max_vale »

Just past Midnight, February 13th, 1944, Town of Sessano, Italy

For the members of SST 11 and elements of the First Special Service Force; the first few moments of February 13th, 1944 were spent in furious combat with a unit of German troops in the Town of Sessano, Italy.....

As the headlights of the Truck got closer and closer; LT Chisholm divided his troops up into 3 groups and when he judged the moment to be right, he called out; "NOW!" and each of the groups moved quickly to accomplish their mission.....

First, the trio of Tom Nado, Koda and Julien Blanc opened up on the MG nest about a hundred yards away. Koda was pleased to see that he managed to hit the German loader square in the chest with a shot from his Garand Rifle....a tough shot in the night and at this distance, but he made it. Master Sergeant Blanc however, let out a curse as he too fired a single shot from his Garand, but it merely slammed into a sand-bag protecting the MG nest. The Gunner swiveled the fearsome weapon to point in the direction of the SST team that had fired at them; not noticing his loader collapse to the bottom of the nest. Before he could fire though, Tom Nado rose up, his Johnson LMG raised to his shoulder and cut loose a burst of 5 powerful .30-06 rounds and he expertly put those rounds all over the German gunner, smashing him back and then forward to drape lifelessly over the unfired weapon.....

As their team-mates opened fire on the MG nest; LT Chisholm rushed forward in a crouching run with his Thompson SMG clutched close to his chest and flanked by Phil Heuron and Mark/Mike Battaglia, both with their M1A1 'folding' Carbines at the ready. They were all half-expecting the German MG to open up on them, but the hail of fire from their team-mates must've done the trick as no German rounds came buzzing their way. In mere moments they had covered some 60 yards and were now about 60 more yards away from the Sangar where the two German Mortars were lobbing shells at Captain Underhill's attacking company on the other side of the Town. Some of the German Mortar-men were suddenly yelling and pointing their way as they moved to snatch up weapons....*

SGT Adamanski and his 3 compatriots, armed with a pair of 'Bazooka' Rocket Launchers, moved away from the others and down towards the street. As they got their, they saw the oncoming German troop-filled Opel Truck pull up to within about 50 yards. The two men carrying the tube-like weapons kneeled down as their assistants connected the electrical charging wires to the shell and the firing mechanism and then tapped them on their helmeted head to let them know the weapon was ready to fire.....

Adamanski fired first and his rocket zoomed out, causing a bright flash to split the night with light for a moment and the round flew straight and true and slammed into the front of the truck and with a massive explosion, the front of the truck was blown to bits and the driver and solider sitting next to him were soon cut to bits and bleeding AND on fire as the engine block burned. Some of the troops in the back though were starting to disembark, when the second rocket shell was fired and it zipped into the rear compartment and quickly turned IT into a fireball as well......

*Okay, there's about 10 men in the Sangar at the two Mortar Tubes.....they are about 60 yards away and some are starting to move to pick up Rifles and the like. You can fire from your current position....you can move and fire if you want to shoot closer......say, maybe another 15-20 yards but it will count as an action (i.e. -1D on other actions)......or do something else.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#43 Post by Rex »


Chisholm drops prone and pours a burst from his Tommy gun into the sanger.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#44 Post by kipper »

Taking is cue from Chisholm, Phil drops prone as well and fires his carbine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#45 Post by ateno »

Koda Splits to the right to get a bit of a flank and drops prone and shoots at any motarmen still firing, if not anyone closest to him.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#46 Post by Zhym »

Nado also drops and fires a burst at the mortarmen.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#47 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 12:05 AM, February 13th, 1944, Town of Sessano, Italy

The night action at the Town of Sessano, Italy continued as elements from the First Special Service Force continued their surprise night assault on the German held position.....

LT Nahum Chisolm popped up and from a distance of 60 yards, he sprayed a burst of .45 rounds from his Thompson SMG that caused 3 German troops manning a mortar to dive to the ground and cease dropping explosive rounds down the tubed weapon as they took cover from the hail of lead....

MSGT Blanc fired a round from his M1 Garand and the veteran Canadian NCO was QUITE happy to hit his target this time, dropping a German Mortarman who had turned to grab a Rifle with a well placed shot high to the torso. Unfortunately, his glee quickly turned to a cry of pain as the German's fellow right next to him had ALSO snatched up a KAR 98 rifle and put a 7.92mm round into Blanc's side, causing him to fall to the ground with a hiss of pain....

Phil Heuron fired a shot with his M1A1 Carbine and was both happy and annoyed as he saw that he had indeed HIT his target, but NOT dropped him. A moment later though his good buddy Mark-Mike Battaglia hit the same man with HIS M1A1 Carbine and the American threw his Canadian buddy a quick look and said, "Hey....that one counts for BOTH us pal". Both men's mirth was quickly ended as a sound like a buzzing hornet cracked in their ears as a German Rifle shot fired from one of the still-in-the-fight Mortarmen narrowly missed both of them....

Tom Nado, getting the hang of the Johnson LMG, switched targets to a Mortarman and he cut loose a 5 round burst of power .30-06 rounds and his expert aim stitched them across the chest of the soldier, dropping him to the ground, never to rise again.....

Koda fired a shot from his M1 Garand, but he cursed quietly as he saw his shot had JUST missed its target. A moment later though, the 1st Nations Canadian gave a quick, silent thanks to the Spirits watching over him as a return shot caused a bit of ground mere inches from his body to suddenly fly up into the air as the round JUST missed him in return.....

SGT Adamanski's team was 'cleaning up' the blasted truck when a German survivor fired a burst from an MP 40 SMG and the NCO dropped to the ground with a howl and holding his hip and upper leg. The offending German was quickly dealt with by return fire from his Team-mates who had slung the Bazookas and were firing with their Carbines and they moved quickly to drag their wounded leader back towards friendly lines....

OOC: Okay, there are still half a dozen Germans in the Sangar with the 2 mortars, but none of them are manning the weapons anymore...instead, they are firing back at you guys. Everyone is about 60 yards from the Germans and MSGT Blanc is Wounded...i.e. -1D to all actions until Treated

Camp of the 45th (Thunderbirds) Division; a few minutes after Midnight, February 13th, 1944, Town of Nettuno, Italy

CPL Luther 'Luke' Goodfox was lying on a bed, inside a small Italian house near the coastal town of Nettuno, next to Anzio, where the massive battle continued to rage. He was staring at the ceiling....a strange mix of smells still swirling in his nostrils and his memory.....the smell of his own sweat, the smell of blood and medical sterilizing fluids from the Field Hospital...the smell of the nearby ocean.....all of it was prominent in his mind as he continued to try and fail to get some sleep....

The past week had been just about the toughest of his life.....

The Pawnee Indian from Okalahoma had joined the Army during WW2 and soon, in the fighting on Sicily he had manifested as a Talent...a man with the Power to Heal Others and to Teleport. This had led to his transfer to the SOO Training Facility in Scotland where he had learned to truly utilizing his new found abilities as well as to gain 'Commando' combat skills and being assigned to a Team of Others like himself, Special Services Team 25. SST 25 had been assigned to the 45th Infantry Division in Italy, the 'Thunderbirds', which were largely comprised of troops from Texas, New Mexico and his own home state of Oklahoma....

Through tough fighting at Salerno and then here at Anzio, he had forged a special bond...a brotherhood with his Teammates....and in the past few days, it had led to some of the longest, toughest and worst days of his life.....

The unrelenting German Counter-attacks had taken out a couple of members of his team.....Reggie Hammonds got a sniper shot to the heart; Luke couldn't heal a man who was dead in the blink of an eye.....and then poor Marty McAllister had a German 105 Artillery round land directly in his fox-hole. The sight of the man being blown completely apart would probably NEVER leave Luke's memory. The saddest thing though, was these losses weren't even the worst of it.....

A short week ago, the Talents of the now depleted SST 25 could all 'feel' strange Talent Powers being utilized when the Germans made a night raid. A group of German Ubers, working with a pair of German tanks, were attacking and slaughtering a Company of Thunderbirds a hundred yards down the line from the. Captain Alcott didn't hesitate, he ordered them into the fray and they moved quickly to help out their fellow Soldiers....

SGT LeFleur used his speed and 'shield' to race out into the open and smash into one of the tanks, with enough force to tip it over. Sadly, this left him completely exposed to the other German tank and a second later, a powerful 75mm shell turned the veteran NCO into a red splotch on the Tank he had managed to disable....

Luke did what he could to Teleport here and there and fire and use grenades and he even managed to kill one of the Ubermenschen, but as he was doing this, another German Super, this one with levels of Dexterity and Eye-Hand Coordination beyond any person's regular abilities, was able to shoot Captain Alcott and Corporal Fernandez with perfectly placed head-shots....

The last member of SST 25 was young PFC Jimmy Statti and he had managed to take out the German sharp-shooting Uber before he himself got riddled with a bunch of 7.92mm rounds in both legs by a German Machinegunner. Luke was able to Teleport to him and get him out of there....but he was so exhausted, he couldn't use his Healing Power as the last Teleport had caused him to pass out from exhaustion....

Luckily for both of them, some fellow soldiers found them and were able to get them back to the lines....but not in time to save poor Jimmy's legs. Luke was able to get to him, after waking up, and use his Power to help prevent him from dying from blood-loss, but his legs had already been cut off. Goodfox woudl never forget poor Jimmy's glazed over eyes and weak voice, asking him to 'Promise me you'll find my legs Luke...just find my legs....'

Finally, Luke was able to drift off....he would be joining a new unit, one SST 11 with the strange U.S./Canadian unit known as the First Special Service Force tomorrow....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#48 Post by ateno »

Koda shifts position, pops up and sees his target and fires again.

*I could use my javelin, but I have a better range with my rifle. *

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#49 Post by kipper »

OOC: Is there a reason why we're not using our talents yet? Because otherwise, Phil will activate his Talent and send a lethal blast of ice into the centre of the Sangar.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#50 Post by Rex »


Feeling a talent activate, Nahum activates his hyper dex and then targets the closest German with a burst.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#51 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 12:10 AM, February 13th, 1944, Town of Sessano, Italy

In the darkness a little after midnight, the small town of Sessano, Italy continued to be lit up with the light, fire and loud sounds of battle.....

The various members of SST 11 worked quickly together to take out the half-dozen German soldiers in the mortar sangar....

First, LT Chisholm took a breath, held it and reached down within himself to 'flip on' his Talent Power of increased eye-hand coordination and agility and he popped up, leveled his Thompson SMG and cut loose a 5 round burst of .45 rounds that tore into the upper chest and head of a German soldier who had just started to rise up to engage the enemy with his Kar-98 rilfe, but instead was turned into another KIA in the blink of an eye from the accurate fire from the New Englander....

Next, SGT Koda took careful aim at another German solider in the large Mortar foxhole and he fired his M1 Garand and he put his powerful .30-06 round into the chest of his target, dropping him down into the pit and out of sight....either grievously wounded or worse....

Phil Heuron, his senses tingling with the scent/sound/taste of Chisholm's Talent Power being activated, decided to do the same thing and he activated his Talent Power to send a Ray of Icy Shards towards the German Sangar Position. He saw his icy shards slice to pieces one soldier and send another to the ground and out of sight, either KIA or WIA....

TSGT Battaglia fired his M1 Carbine, but cursed when his shot JUST missed his intended target. Then he cursed again as he dropped on his stomach as a return 7.92mm shot narrowly missed his head as his intended victim nearly turned him into another casualty figure....

Finally, SGT Tom Nado cut loose a well-aimed spray of 10 rounds from his Johnson LMG and he dropped both the German solider who had just fired at Battaglia AND the German NCO with the MP 40 in the pit.....clearing the Sangar of all visible foes for the moment....

All of the Talents though suddenly felt/heard/smelled an unknown Talent Power being activated and they all turned to look over towards the area where Adamanski's team had been dealing with the German vehicles arriving. They immediately saw a 15 or so foot tall German soldier angrily picking up and rolling, bowling-ball style, a burning Opel Truck towards a team of 2 Forcemen, one of who was ineffectually firing his M1 Carbine and hitting the German Talent but doing no damage while the other was attempting to quickly set up his Bazooka to shoot at the 'Giant'. They both had time for a brief scream before the burning truck smashed into them and took them out of sight....

Adamanski was on the ground, doing his best to crawl away from the Giant while his last remaining team-mate was snatching up his Bazooka and attempting to load it as the new German Talent turned his attention towards him....

*Okay, all the Germans in the Sangar are either KIA or WIA and out of sight.....difficult to know which.....

A brand new German Talent has just manifested in the form of the 'Giant' sized German solider and he is about 100 yards away from all of you and about 50 from the Forceman with the Bazooka and poor, badly wounded Admanski trying to crawl away from him.

Quick notes: Chisholm has 15 rounds left in his Thompson Clip and Nado has 5 rounds left in the Johnson clip.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#52 Post by Zhym »

Nado reckons his bullets won't be any more use against the giant than the others' were, so he activates his talent to call down a bolt of lightning to hit the giant.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#53 Post by ateno »

Koda runs full tilt at the giant, readying a javelin.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#54 Post by Rex »


"Heavy weapons on the giant!"

Chisholm scans for any other Germans he needs to target.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#55 Post by kipper »

Phil's 'Heavy Weapon' is his Talent, and he focuses another ice blast at the giant.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#56 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 12:15 AM, February 13th, 1944, Town of Sessano, Italy

The members of SST 11 had reached the climax of the battle against the German troops holding the little town of Sessano in Italy and were all riveted to the sight of the 15 foot tall, newly-manifested German Talent who was a threat to all of them....

Lit by the flames of the burning vehicles and a few tracer rounds flying this way and that in the black night, the massive German Giant that had been a normal, human-sized solider a moment ago, was suddenly pelted with flying ice shards and a black cloud formed around his shoulders from which a lightning bolt belched forth and zipped into his chest a moment or two later, courtesy of Phil Heuron and Tom Nado activating their Talent Powers. Unfortunately for them, these attacks did little more than cause him to shiver for a moment and then let out a deep, bass-deep grunt of annoyance at where the Lighting Bolt had hit him.....as if he had been stung by a bee.....

Turning towards those who had caused him this annoyance, he started lumbering forth and he casually reached down and picked up the broken off engine block of a German Opel truck, which was just 'soccer ball' size to him now and he was clearly going to hurl it at the members of SST 11....

TSGT Battaglia rushed over to Adamanski's last remaining teammate, a PFC D'Alessio and helped him finish load up and arm the Bazooka while poor Adamanski continued to belly crawl his way away from the Giant....

SGT Koda raced past his teammate's with a javelin in his hand as the Giant loomed closer and closer, now no more than 50 yards away while LT Chisholm was suddenly shoving his remaining teammates; Nado and Heuron this way and that and yelling for them to take cover as the Giant pulled his arm back, clearly about to hurl the 'quarter-of-a-truck' at them....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#57 Post by ateno »

Koda activates his talent and takes aim at the large target and sees the potential death about to be thrown. He continues to run until he is closer and throws at the (Right or Left) Shoulder that is bending back to throw to hinder his ability to throw.

He then breaks to the opposite side from where he threw and pulls another javelin.

GM: Yes aiming at the man sized target that is his shoulder and using a luck point.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#58 Post by kipper »

Phil runs for cover!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#59 Post by Zhym »

While Koda targets the giant's shoulder, Nado focuses on the big guy's head. As Nado runs for cover, he calls for the storm cloud that gathered for the useless lightning bolt to coalesce around the giant's head—hopefully obscuring the giant's vision while keeping the rest of the body (for example, the shoulder) open to attack.

Assuming that running and activating a talent are two actions, let's use a luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Five: Anzio Devils Birth

#60 Post by Rex »

Does Nahum have his hyper dex active?
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