WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#61 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Okay everyone, here is the following situation after basically 3 days fighting repeatedly.....

Everyone is bone tired and really low on ammo as the fight with the Ubers starts.....

-NOBODY has any grenades

-EVERYBODY has 1 Luck Point remaining

-EVERYBODY has their sidearm and ammo and Knife

-Individual situations:

-Chisholm has 3 bursts (15 rounds) in his Thompson, plus his .45 pistol with 3 clips and knife....he has 6 Will Power Points remaining

-Tom Nado has 3 bursts (15 rounds) left in his Johnson LMG.....he has 7 Will Power Points remaining

-Phil Heuron has 1 clip of 15 rounds left in his M1A1 Carbine.....he has 6 Will Power Points remaining

-Koda has 1 clips of 8 rounds for his M1 Garand left.....he has 8 Will Power Points remaining...he also has 1 Javelin left

-John Porcupine (I made the rolls, I hope that's cool) has 2 Eight rounds clips left for his M1 Garand (16 shots total).....he has 5 Will Power Points Left

-Everyone's Wounds have been treated, so everybody is okay health wise (Just bone tired).....Mark (Mike?) Battaglia (NPC Team Member) was knocked down by a Mortar Blast just an hour or so before the current situation.....he's okay, but his head hit some rocks and he has a concussion...he is not currently with you, but is behind the lines being treated
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#62 Post by ateno »

Koda takes what will he has left to charge his javelin and uses a luck point to throw at the massive Clapper super.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#63 Post by Urson »

Porcupine No prob. Thanks.

John snarled. The last three days had been a marathon of anger and desperation. He activated his Talent, his nostrils filling with the stink of burnt motor oil, and smoothed the terrain around the nearby pair of Ubers, dropping their cover and concealment into the ground.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#64 Post by Rex »


Not sure on range to the closest target so a what if.

If the closest target is within range of his Tommy Gun he will fire a burst at them.

If no one is in range he will run to some cover that will put him within range of one of them.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#65 Post by kipper »

After Porcupine's talent manifests, Phil fires his carbine at the ice-blast talent.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#66 Post by max_vale »

Rex wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 3:28 pm Chisholm

Not sure on range to the closest target so a what if.

If the closest target is within range of his Tommy Gun he will fire a burst at them.

If no one is in range he will run to some cover that will put him within range of one of them.
The 'sound-clap' and 'ice blast' Talents were ducking down in some rocks, perhaps 50 yards away and the Teleporter Karl/Carlo and the 'Catapult' Talent were in a Sangar some 200 yards away.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#67 Post by Rex »

max_vale wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:25 am
Rex wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 3:28 pm Chisholm

Not sure on range to the closest target so a what if.

If the closest target is within range of his Tommy Gun he will fire a burst at them.

If no one is in range he will run to some cover that will put him within range of one of them.
The 'sound-clap' and 'ice blast' Talents were ducking down in some rocks, perhaps 50 yards away and the Teleporter Karl/Carlo and the 'Catapult' Talent were in a Sangar some 200 yards away.
He will try for the more exposed of sound-clap or ice blast.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#68 Post by max_vale »

Early Afternoon of January 6th, 1944; Monte Majo, Italy

The action on the snowy, rocky top of Monte Majo between the Allied and the Axis teams of Talents continued....

First, John Porcupine reached down with himself and activated his Talent Power while also scooping up a bit of cold earth and rocks* and a moment later, he FELT the connection to the ground all around him and he suddenly 'smoothed out' the boulders the two nearer German Talents were hiding behind; greatly helping his teammates in the fight.....

LT Chisholm took advantage of the now uncovered German Talents and he put a 5 round burst from his Thompson SMG into the large, 'Clapper' super; the big man staggering from the wounds, but not falling to the ground just yet....

SGT Koda closed his eyes, activated his Talent and felt himself become 'one' again with his ancestors and the spirits of the earth and he let them imbue his last javelin with energy and strength and then with a quick step towards and massive over-hand motion he hurled the weapon towards the now bloody German Talent his C.O. had just wounded. The glowing shaft slammed into the Uber built like a brick wall and made him stagger back and then fall like a tree that had been cut down by a lumberjack to the ground.....never to move again....

While Acme and Chisholm concentrated on the newly exposed German 'Clapper' Talent, Corporal Phil Heuron took aim with his folding-butt M1A1 Carbine at the German 'Ice' Talent and he let fly a .30 caliber round. The range was medium, but the Canadian's aim was true and he put a round into the man's shoulder, causing him to drop to one knee in pain. The Uber though, then turned and with a wave of his hand and a yell in something German, a 'ray' of icey white came his way and the next thing Heuron knew, he was slipping and then falling painfully on his behind as the ground underneath him turned into a massive sheet of ice. He had landed right on his tail-bone AND the back of his right elbow. While he knew it wasn't bad, the bruises were painful and moving off the ice would take a moment or two**.....

Tom Nado rose up with his Johnson LMG tucked into his shoulder and cut loose a burst of 5 heavy, thirty-aught-six rounds into the 'Ice Ray' German Talent, tearing the man to shreds and ensuring he wouldn't be a threat to anyone ever again. He then subconsciously moved closer to Chisholm as everyone's attention turned to the 'far away' pair of German Talents, and right then they saw the tail-end of the 'Catapult' Talent's arm motion finish and then drop almost out of sight as he crouched down in his Sangar. Then a massive boulder slammed down right where Nado and Nahum were standing...

Chisholm was fast enough to mostly get out of the way, but a chunk still caught him in the side with enough force to bruise or perhaps break a rib or two, causing him to hiss in pain for a moment and he clutched his mid-section as he looked over to take in the sight of poor Tom Nado on the ground with his leg bent at a horrible angle and hearing the American bellow out in pain and rage at his serious injury......

*I frequently forget, but John's 'quirk' when using his Power is that he has to scoop up some Earth when using his Power....just mentioning it as I had forgotten about it until looking at your sheet. :)

**Phil isn't Wounded, but he is Bruised and Prone...so next round, if you want him to get up, that will count as an action and for the next two rounds, the painful bruises will make him be at -1D to all actions taken.....but then it will fade away

***Chisholm IS wounded, he'll be at -1D until Treated; Nado is Seriously Wounded with a broken leg....he will be at -2D to all actions until treated and also, be unable to move save by a crawl/hobble unassisted until treated.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#69 Post by Rex »


Chisholm will go back for Nado. "Medic!"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#70 Post by ateno »

"We can't let that happen again."

Koda takes his rifle and charges the two other Ubers.

He is shouting "ABRIANNA SENT ME"

He wants to make stone thrower stop attacking his people and split his concentration.

He will fire at the stone thrower once to 'keep him honest while running. Not expecting to hit anything.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#71 Post by kipper »

Instead of getting up, Phil focuses his own powers and hurls a shard of ice back at the other talent. .
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#72 Post by Urson »

John stays low, taking aim at the remaining Talents. He risks two rounds aimed at the Catapult.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#73 Post by Zhym »

Nado...bleeds. And stays low. Which turns out to be relatively easy when your leg is broken.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#74 Post by max_vale »

Early Afternoon of January 6th, 1944; Monte Majo, Italy

The battle in the cold, snowy mountains of central Italy between the Axis and Allied Teams of Talents came to an end and an interesting dilemma....

Chisholm moved back to Nado and found him conscious, but in a lot of pain with a clearly broken leg and bits of bone poking out through the skin. He yelled out for a Medic, but he wasn't sure if any of the other Forcemen, still involved in the fight, would be able to hear him....

Koda ran forward and fired a shot from his M1 Garand at the 'Catapult' German Talent, but it had no chance to hit him....but then again, it wasn't really supposed too. He also yelled out "ABRIANNA SENT ME!" and he was pleased to see that he had captured the attention of both of the German Talents. He was nervous though as he saw the dangerous 'rock hurler' man's arms go back into that motion.....

From his pained position on his backside, Phil Heuron pointed a hand in the vague direction of the German Talents and felt himself connect to his Talent Power and swirls of snowflakes seemed to outline him for a moment as he sent a ray of ice and cold flying out towards the Catapult Talent. Unfortunately, his aim was well off and his ray sent ice shards slamming into the mountain side some 5 yards high and wide of the German Uber....

Hobbling on the ground, doing his best NOT to look at his bone popping out of his leg, Tom Nado dragged himself behind a rock to use as cover and was grateful to see his Commander come running over to him while yelling out "Medic!", but his spirits dipped a bit when he realized, there was no one close enough to hear it except his team and maybe the Kraut Talents. "It's not that bad El Tee", he said with a forced, 'easy going' tone.....but his pained half-smile vanished when seeing Chisholm's face looking at his wound.....

John Porcupine took a deep breath, saw Koda race forward and get the German Talents attention while yelling something about the Italian Lady they had met a little while back....but he only focused on the 'Catapult' as he moved his arms back and sure enough, a large boulder from nearby started to float up into the air, about to be propelled right towards his Canadian First Nations 'cousin'. John pulled the trigger on his M1 Garand rifle once, and saw his round skip off one of the stones of the Sangar the Uber was hiding in and he cursed. He adjusted his aim and fired a second shot and was very pleased to see his round slam into the Uber's shoulder and the floating rock that had JUST started to be 'launched' towards Koda took a weird angle and fell short by about 5 yards of his Canadian Team Mate.....

All of SST 11 then witnessed the strange sight of the German Teleporter Talent.....Karl (or Carlo as Abrianna called him), stand up and stare at Koda after he had yelled out the Italian woman's name. When his fellow Talent started to throw a 'rock' at Koda, Karl yelled out "NEIN!" and right after John Porcupine had wounded him, they could see him fire his Rifle once, work the bolt and then fire it again and the Catapult Talent fell down behind/into the Sangar and out of sight, but he didn't rise up again....

Karl then quickly looked back over at the Allied Talents and he tossed his Rifle away, put his arms way up in the air and he called out in accented, broken English, "Karl......Abrianna's love.....me....is.......no shoot!" and he made a motion pointing to himself, then over towards them several times. Koda figured he was trying to ask if he could Teleport over and not get shot, so he nodded his head and motioned with a 'come here' hand wave.

Everyone felt the 'somewhat familiar' Talent Power wave over them and in a flash he was standing amongst the group with his arms up and using his broken English to ask about Abrianna. As the surreal moment after the end of the bitter fighting was happening, the group slowly came back together and when the German Talent saw Nado's leg, he motioned towards some of the personal med kits they each had and took off his jacket and tore a sleeve while haltingly saying that he had a bit of training as a Medic and he could try to help. Chisholm warily nodded yes and watched as Karl/Carlo did what he could and he was impressed when he managed to set Tom's leg and wrap a make-shift tourniquet around it. Nado had passed out, but they could all see he'd be okay for a bit....

Now the question was what to do with the German......Chisholm studied him while he was helping Tom and he saw that the young man was dark eyed and dark haired, so he'd probably blend in with the locals if he got rid of the uniform. Nahum knew that if he turned him in, there was ZERO chance he'd get to see Abrianna until the war was over at LEAST as a German Talent prisoner wouldn't be kept anywhere NEAR a combat zone....or hell, even on this side of the Atlantic! While he was mulling all this over, Porcupine had gone through Karl's stuff and besides the standard issue German military stuff, he found a civilian sweater and pants and a couple of pictures and letters from Abrianna.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#75 Post by Rex »


Chisholm will do anything he can for Tom.

"Get him out of that uniform and into some civies ASAP."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#76 Post by ateno »

Koda will go forward on 'catapult' and search the area, looking for a fob or anything, perhaps there is either some intel or some more clothing, like wool pants to stay worm.

Koda will spend what he needs to go Spiritual Awareness to look for recently trod area and any hidden things.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#77 Post by kipper »

Phil is willing to stretch the rules in the case of Karl, especially since his CO (Chisholm) is fully on board with it.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#78 Post by Urson »

John is quiet, but scowls every time he looks toward Karl.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#79 Post by max_vale »

Early Afternoon of January 6th thru Late Morning of January 17th, 1944; Monte Majo and surrounding area, Italy

As SGT Koda moves to collect whatever Intel might be found on the bodies of the SS Talents, the rest of SST 11 does what they can to get 'Carlo' out of his uniform and into some 'civvies' and moving on the path towards Naples and away from all patrols that might capture him. He is VERY grateful and quickly moves to get to his beloved and a nice moment is had by the men when they look at each other and for a brief moment the knowledge that at least SOMETHING good might come out of all this violence and bloodshed is shared by all....

Then it's back to work as usual.....

Koda had found some personal effects from the Ubers, which was soon handed off to the Intel Section of the Force and the next 3 days were spent patching up wounds, staying on the alert for yet another counterattack and hoping the occasional night time artillery round or sniper shot doesn't find your head.....

On the 9th, the Force is relieved by one of the very units of the U.S. Army that is as 'unusual' as them.....the 100th Infantry Battalion ('One Puka Puka), which is composed of Japanese-American troops, mostly from California and Hawaii, and whose families had been largely herded into 'Internment Camps' throughout the Western U.S. while they all volunteered to fight. They were veterans of hard fighting in Salerno just a couple of months before and they had all ready earned a reputation as hard-fighters and for taking plenty of casualties as evidenced by both their motto "Go for Broke!" and their nickname "Purple Heart Battalion"*.

They were quite cheerful and friendly with the Forcemen and the next week was spent in relative ease and good spirits as the First Special Service Force was pulled back to the rear to act as a Reserve and then, on the 17th, pulled off the Front Lines entirely for a couple of weeks of R&R......

*This is a real life historical unit and the 100th Battalion would become part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in June of '44; a unit of Nisei or Japanese-Americans that fought in the ETO for the rest of the War and would become THE most highly decorated unit in the history of the U.S. Army. Their story is truly incredible and I highly recommend reading about them if you have the time/interest.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#80 Post by ateno »

Koda will send much time with the 100, getting to know them and make friends within.
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