Experience Points

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Re: Experience Points

#21 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #15 "Taking Down Captain Bing"

Earthday, The 4th of Goodmonth:
Chauncey and company knew they had to get out to the river to save the natives from their slaver captors, Captain Bing's sailors turned loggers turned smugglers. It was a long and arduous mission, but everyone survived, with the help of Talaris and his Peloric epiphany.

Monsters Vanquished= 6- yellow skinned Jungle Ogres 1,800xp / 27- 1st lvl fighters 2,700xp / 5- 2nd lvl fighters 1000xp / 1- 3rd lvl fighter 300xp / Snake-Eye 1200xp for a total of 7,000xp. (1,000 ea.)

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= Bracers of the Apes (Lerrick), Scroll of Arcane Spells and Ring of Protection +2 (Chauncey), +1 Broadsword (Monocar), Alordan's Longsword?, Luther's Dagger?, Monocar's Spear? Lightfinger's Shortsword? Metal Javelin? Potion? (Talaris) (4,000xp total for 571xp each)

Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= (1.5) 1,500xp each.

Organization Bonus= Chauncey gets an extra 100xp for putting the mission together.

Total XP= 3,115xp each for Luther, Monocar, Alordan, Lightfinger, Lerrick, and Talaris. (3,215xp for Chauncey)

That was the most dangerous mission anyone has gone on yet, and everyone somehow survived it. I will have to do better next time. :twisted:
I hope it was enjoyable to play. :mrgreen:
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Re: Experience Points

#22 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #14 "Hidden Fortress of the Poison Spider Monsters"

3rd of Goodmonth to the 9th of Goodmonth:
Brother Gilbert badly wanted to go out into the jungle to investigate the strange copper disks found by an old acquaintance of his. (now dead) He lead a large group out into the maze and came back with more gear than men and one very strange creature named Treasure.

Monsters Vanquished= 6 giant spiders (1050), 1 gargantuan spider (1400), 2 ettercaps (1300), 3750 total/6= 625 each

Monetary Treasure= A leather pouch containing 6 small gemstones? 1 pp, 2 gp, 2 sp, 4 cp. (I believe the rest of this was already divided up)

Magical Treasure= +1 Long Sword (Saracen), matching +1 Dagger (Maag), a large two handed ax? (Gramble), a blue potion (Avaala), a dwarven sized suit of studded leather?, a rather fine pair of cloth gloves?, a strange looking pointy leather hat?, a large book? (Avaala) 3450 total/6= 575 each

Hexes Cleared= 1 (100 xp each)

Mission Accomplished= (2) 2000xp each

Organization Bonus= 100xp for Brother Gilbert

Total XP: 3300xp for each character except Brother Gilbert, who will receive 3400xp.

This was the deadliest mission so far with three party members and 2 dogs dying at the hands of the nasty ettercap traps and their many hairy legged friends. Good job locating the most valuable Treasure on this island so far, though. I hope it was an enjoyable little side mission for all of you. Please ask away if you have any questions about leveling your characters, and as always, if you leveled, post your hit point rolls in your private sheet threads. Thanks!
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Re: Experience Points

#23 Post by OGRE MAGE »

To encourage more exploration of the area, I am going to bump the organizational reward for those PC's who want to go through the work of starting up missions from 100xp to 250xp from now on. (including the pair that just started)
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Re: Experience Points

#24 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #19 "Mapping Out The Jungle"

9th of Goodmonth to the 12th of Goodmonth
Bonnie and Liam agreed to bring a small group out into the jungle to map the trail and its surrounding landmarks. Bonnie convinced Mr. Nehru to accompany the group, hoping that he would be able to meet with the evil priest in the jungle to smooth things over between he and the town. Things didn't work out so well for him. Greedy Grimm the dwarf and Daisy the female halfling were found out in the jungle somewhere along the way.

(This mission was doomed from the start, and included an NPC, making it difficult to distribute xp evenly. So, I am going to reward Liam, Grimm, and Daisy equally in this one, regardless of when they joined up with the group.)

Monsters Vanquished= 5 zombies (175) 2 poison centipedes (100) 3 giant spiders (210) Adherer (150) 635 total/3= 212xp each

Monetary Treasure= Nothin

Magical Treasure= Nothin

New Hexes Cleared= 4 (400xp)

Mission Accomplished= N/A (I will reward 100xp each for saving the one phanaton)

Organization Bonus= N/A

Total xp for Liam, Grimm, and Daisy (rounded up) = 450 xp each

That seems like a penalty instead of a reward, but at least you all survived. :lol:
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Re: Experience Points

#25 Post by OGRE MAGE »

(20,000 post bonus)
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Re: Experience Points

#26 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #24 "Spying On Bings Pirates”

14th of Goodmonth
Constable Glansandi recruited a small contingency of adventurers to go out and seek more information about the band of stranded pirates living near the mouth of the river. They not only recruited another member along the way, but rescued a second before it was all over. With some aid from the treefolk, they were able to escape the much larger group without pursuit.

Monsters Vanquished= ?rd level mage (75xp ea.)

Monetary Treasure= Nothin

Magical Treasure= Nothin

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 250xp ea.

Organization Bonus= N/A

Bonus Xp for for saving the sleeping phanaton, healing the dying walrus, locating a hidden underwater.... hole?, and bringing back food for the town: 250xp each

Total xp for Daisy, Dexter, Cealwyn, and Darklin: 575 each.

Quick and easy mission. Nice way to bring in two new players AND get some quick xp in the process. Now, lets go see what’s in that hole! :D

Congratulations Daisy! :D
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Re: Experience Points

#27 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #25 “The Final Demise Of Captain Stewart Bing”

19th of Goodmonth
With heavy encouragement from Constable Glansandi, Darklin assembled a small contingency of adventurers to address the band of stranded pirates living near the mouth of the river, either by capturing them or eliminating them completely. Unsure if they would receive aid from the treefolk, a plan was prepared. Unfortunately, that plan wasn’t implemented very well and the encounter quickly turned into a chaotic free for all. Though the groups was cut to shreds in the fight that ensued, the dilapidated state of the pirates, and the ability to turn a few of their numbers to their own side, ended up being their only saving grace in a victory won by the slimmest of margins. Miraculously, none of the badly beaten group succumbed to their grievous wounds, and all of them survived the 2 day ordeal.

Monsters Vanquished= 12-1st lvl Pirates (1200), 5-2nd lvl Pirates (1000) 2-3rd lvl Pirates (600) 1-3rd lvl Assassin (300) Seaphus 5th lvl Berserker (1000) = 4,100xp/7=586xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 1000sp, 475gp in gems, Ornate chest/Fancy writing materials (175gp) = 700gp total ALREADY SPLIT

Magical Treasure= Ring? Polished Yellow Stone? Hand Ax? (1000xp)/7=143xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 1000xp ea.

Organization Bonus= Darklin 250xp

Total XP for Daisy, Dexter, Cealwyn, Grimm, Keg, and Liam = 1729xp each. Darklin will receive 1979 xp.

Congrats to Daisy, Dexter, Cealwyn, and Grimm for leveling (at least partially) Please post your new hit point rolls in your sheet threads and update your sheets. This mission wasn't pretty, but at least everyone survived. :D
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Re: Experience Points

#28 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #26 “Wet Rays Of Sunshine”

20th of Goodmonth
Captain Quark hired a small group of 6 new arrivals to capture a rare stingray-like creature off the western edge of the beach. It turned out that these creatures had magical powers that foiled the attempt to capture one initially and nearly got several of the party killed. But when the dingy returned to find an invasion in Beachtown, a few party members became a bit over eager and attacked an entire company of angry militant dwarves. Things escalated quickly from there....

Monsters Vanquished= 1 Ixitxachitl (200) 2 Stonegut soldiers (200)=400xp/4=100xp ea

Monetary Treasure= 200gp reward ALREADY SPLIT

Magical Treasure= 0

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 300xp ea.

Organization Bonus= N/A

Total XP for Elnaerel, Feanol, Keyon, and The Knife = 400xp each

Despite a couple of insanely suicidal moves that got two characters killed, and two other characters who ended up abandoning the group all together, leaving the remaining pair of characters to be sold into slavery, this was a pretty disastrously successful mission. :lol: Welcome to BSI!
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Re: Experience Points

#29 Post by OGRE MAGE »

It sure seems like I’m missing something, but I went back and looked through all 100 pages and couldn’t find anything else. So if you see something I didn’t add, please speak up.

Quest #23 “Even The Jungle Wanted Them Dead”

Starday, 13th of Goodmonth
Wes gathered a group of his most powerful friends to investigate and eliminate the evil priest who was reported to be living in an abandoned temple in the middle of the jungle. After an arduous trip through the thick foliage, they faced a small army of the evil priests minions and met one of his former associates named Krystal. Checking out his temple domain, they learned that this Gorman was a crafty and unpredictable foe, definitely capable of causing them a great deal of trouble and pain. After setting off his alarm, and being attacked while sleeping in the mans own bedroom, a vicious battle ensued that resulted in the death of the priest, as well as Krystal and 3 more of their party members. They even found Bonnie, an old friend who claimed to have been captured and tortured by the monsterous cleric who reunited with the group during the long battle.

Monsters Vanquished= Giant Scorpion (650), Leucrotta (975), 18 Zombies (1170), 27 Skeletons (1755), 9th level Cleric (2700), 6 Jungle Kobolds (90), Skaldo (50) = 7390xp/6=1,232xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0? Apparently undead monsters and necromantic priest’s don’t carry around a lot of cash. :lol:

Magical Treasure= Ever-burning Candle (500), Wand of ? (2600), Old Nature Tome? (2100) = 5200/6=867xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared=0

Mission Accomplished= 2,000xp each

Organization Bonus= Wes 250xp

Total XP for Luther, Chauncey, Avaala, Bonnie, and Jaxsen is 4,099xp ea. Wes will receive a total of 4,349xp.
(I know Bonnie came in late, but I couldn’t find a good midway point on the xp, so I simplified it by adding what she gained earlier into the new totals to boost them up enough to divide six ways.)
I think everyone leveled except for Wes. Post your new HD roll in your sheet threads please.

Since 4 members of the group were killed, with 2 of them still wandering the catacombs of the temple as undead monsters, this one probably could have gone a little better. Though Gorman was admittedly the toughest single adversary anyone’s faced in the game so far, the destruction he was able to cause was a high price to pay, especially for poor Brother Gilbert, Monocar, Galanthas, and Krystal. If it weren't for a couple of brilliant ideas towards the end of the mission, I think this could have actually turned out even worse, so there is solace to be had there. :lol: Some really creative uses for the magic crayon and I must admit, I have never seen a Potion of Heroism used to keep someone at negative hit points conscious a little longer. All in all, great save and a fun adventure.
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Re: Experience Points

#30 Post by OGRE MAGE »

This mission was rather expansive, so let me know if you see anything I missed on the list.

Quest #21 “Island Hopping”

Waterday, 10th of Goodmonth
Maag organized a group of stalwart explorers to search the small off-shore island and its cave system with somewhat mixed results. They found that the island had a couple of strange inhabitants in the form of disinterested felines and a few killer trees. Some lessons were learned the hard way, losing Jeevus, Cu, Sir Crestbrook, and Caracenus to the dangerous fates inside the cave. They found a magic dais that apparently summons a minotaur named Brutus over and over. They killed an innocent priestess of Athena, down on her luck after being possessed by an evil amulet, who was apparently using the caves as a place to live, raise snakes, and worship Apep. After finding several clues and notes about the caves most recent inhabitants, the mystery of the medusae named Malenia and her lifetime mate, a Maedar named Marquees, seems to have been solved, mostly. The recurring theme of an old wizard who brought the two together presented itself many times, though the details still seem a bit vague. In time, the groups mage may shed a bit more light on these findings.

Monsters Vanquished= 5 minotaurs (2500) Cora's Quasi-Revenant (1250) Poisonous Snake (100) 8 kobolds (40) Maedar (1000) 4890/7=699xp ea

Monetary Treasure= Cora's Nest Egg (already split) Copper coins/random items (400) 18 random 25gp Gems (450) Gold coins (312) String of Pearls (8-25gp/6-50gp/7-100gp=1200) 2362/7=337gp ea. (the gems may be individually chosen if you like, and/or traded with each other for coin, pearls, or other items)

Magical Treasure= Smokey Grey Activation Sphere (500) 4-Continual Light Stones (1000) +1 Mace of Athena (200) Puzzle Box? (500) Gold Band? (500) Pink Powder? (250) Chime of Gluttony (0) Reinforced Potion Box w/ 6 Unidentified Potions (2000) ?-Sprinkler (500) Gloves of ? (1000) Jade Dog (200) Cottage of the Silver Fellowship (2500) 9150/7=1307xp ea

New Hexes Cleared= 1 (100xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 2,000xp each

Organization Bonus= Maag 250xp

I am giving Andron an extra bonus of 1,000xp for being the team leader, team mapper, team list keeper, team figure out where to go nexter, etc., etc. Total XP for Saracen, Alordan, Gramble, Tlachtga, and Lerrick is 4,106xp ea. Maag's share will be 4356xp. Andron will receive a total of 5,106xp. (not bad for one lousy adventure) :lol:

This mission turned out to be a bit of a fuster cluck, but I will take part of the blame for that. Sometimes in these games there are tidbits of information to be found spread throughout an area. Unfortunately, you guys randomly found 3 of those areas in a row, causing far more confusion then I could have ever imagined. Especially with players who were consistently trying to connect the dots where there was no connection. With no way for me to know which direction each group will take, this kind of thing is bound to happen once in a while. I know it was pretty confusing, but at least we made the best of it, and only 4 people died. :mrgreen: Great job here all around!
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Re: Experience Points

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Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits"

Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth
Nallissa asked a small group of explorers to travel west to an area rumored to hold many pits filled with a grey goop. The journey was hard, and filled with danger, but after killing a huge snake in the jungle, they located a huge clearing filled with giant docile lizards that the dwarves were messing with. After finding a nasty clearing filled with reeking, smoking pits, with a few that appeared to be black voids in the earth, the group spotted something even more strange through the film of caustic air in the distance. Almost making contact with the slime creatures who inhabit the place, they quickly decided against a local meet and greet, collected their prize, and got out in one piece. After a nearly deadly journey back to town during the night, the entire group eventually made it back to Beachtown alive.

Monsters Vanquished= Giant snake (500)

Monetary Treasure= 125gp reward for acquiring the grey goop for Nallissa. (already split)

Magical Treasure= 0

New Hexes Cleared= 5 (500xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 1000xp ea.

Organization Bonus= Fitzenbell 250xp

Dexter, Narramore, and Max will receive 1,600xp while Fitz collects 1,850xp.

Pretty straight forward mission here. It couldn't have been too bad, since everyone survived. :lol: As always, please let me know if you see something I forgot to add. Thanks!
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Re: Experience Points

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Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

Moonday, 22nd of Goodmonth
Maag has an idea. Looking for some of those giant beavers to hunt, down by the river, he convinces the others in his party that they should go on a hunting trip early one morning. Very early. After being almost devoured by insects, and by a hidden sea monster, the group ended up finding a bit more than they bargained for. Killing two water ghouls known as lacedon after being attacked, and then bagging a fat capybara to feed the masses, the trip actually turned out fairly successful, all things considered.

Monsters Vanquished= 2 Lacedon (120 ea.) 240/6 = 40xp each

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= 0

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 250xp each for bringing back some food for the townies

Organization Bonus= Maag 250xp

Gramble, Tlachtga, Alordan, Andron, and Lerrick will recieve 290xp each. Maag will receive 540xp.

Not much XP for this one, but I suspect that was the general idea behind this mission in the first place. :mrgreen:
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Re: Experience Points

#33 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #28 "Kegenstien's Expedition Over the River"

Moonday, 22nd of Goodmonth

Keg organized a crew to go explore the areas beyond the river, hoping to find a better place to relocate the settlement of Beachtown. They met a nice adventuring group along the way, and had some fun searching the formally inhabited beach cave east of the Dutty River. Climbing the cliffs closest to the sea, they spotted a ruined tower a long way off in the distance along the edge of the sea cliffs. Skirting the edge of the cliffs, they explored north into the thick jungle, where they found some yellow ogres and a series of small cave openings above their abode. Getting lost in the jungle after the party was split, all involved somehow still made it out alive.

Monsters Vanquished= 3 Jungle Ogres (720) Wild Boar (80) 2 Jungle Piercers (80) 2 Giant Ants (40) 920/6=153xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 6 uncut gems (?)

Magical Treasure= Scroll of ? (?)

New Hexes Cleared= 4 (400xp ea.) (Remind me to update the overall map!!!)

Mission Accomplished= 250xp each for locating a better area to move the settlement.

Organization Bonus= Keg 250xp

Keyon, Elnaerel, The Knife, Feanol, and Darklin will receive 803xp, while their leader Keg will gain 1053xp.

Lots of fun things were discovered in this little adventure, even if some of them have already been forgotten about. :D This little test should convince you that it is a bad idea to travel through the middle of the thick jungle, but I would be willing to bet that it happens again sooner than I think. :lol: Great job surviving this one despite all the hardships! (that you mostly brought on yourselves) :SAN: As always, let me know if you see something I missed.
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Re: Experience Points

#34 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #32 "Visiting With The Neighbors"

Godsday, 23rd of Goodmonth

The newly elected Mayor of Beachtown, Mayor Daisy, assembled a small group to go out to meet and treat with the Stonegut dwarves who have been causing trouble around town lately. She didn't expect them to be overly hospitable to her group, but hoped to at least gather some important information about them in the process. It didn't go well.

Monsters Vanquished= 6 Stonegut Dwarves 250xp each 1500/4 = 375xp ea.

Monetary Treasure=0 (dwarven armor and weapons?)

Magical Treasure=0

New Hexes Cleared= 4 (400xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 0.00xp

Organization Bonus= Daisy 175xp (I will give her half a share since the mission failed)

Liam, The Princess, and Sir Narramore will receive 775xp, while their leader Daisy will gain 950xp.

Though the mission was basically a complete failure, nobody in this group died in the process, which I think is a small victory, all things considered. One nice thing that came from it all was the 2 giant lizards that are now under the care of Liam and the Princess. Perhaps something good can still come from that helpful addition to the town?
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Re: Experience Points

#35 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #29 “Raiders of the Lost Obelisk”

Sunday, 21st of Goodmonth

Chauncey assembled an eight person group to go out into the jungle to search for the the clear obelisk everyone in town was already talking about. There were plenty of trials and tribulations along the way, and even some downright hostilities amongst the ranks, but most of their group returned alive and in one piece. Avoiding a patrol of dwarves and an ugly grey ooze, the group did manage to slaughter nearly an entire tribe of peaceful lizard men before making a discovery that the obelisk contains a portal which leads back to the basement of the ruined temple. Sporting a massive human head sized fiery red Mega-Gem as a prize, which they retrieved from the alcove in the obelisk, the mage was quite pleased with the end results of the trip, despite the fact that his favorite scout was basically ostracized from the group long before they ever retuned to town. After receiving a great gift from the phanaton people, a deep green activation sphere, the group has even found an avenue for future explorations.

Monsters Vanquished= Jungle Troll (1500) Giant Dire Boar (250) 11 Lizardmen and 1 Shaman (ZERO!) 2 Zombie Friends (50) 1800/6=250xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= Red Mega-Gem (1000) Shirt of strange orange mail (1000) Green Activation Sphere (500) 2500/6=417xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 3 (300xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 2000xp ea. for collecting the first (red) Mega-Gem. 1000xp ea. for obtaining the next activation sphere (green)

Organization Bonus= Chauncey 250xp

Wes, Luther, Bonnie, Cealwyn, and Grimm will receive 3,967xp, while their leader Chauncey will gain 4,517xp

For several reasons, this mission was a difficult one to get through. The in-group fighting was nearly worse than any of the monsters you needed to face, and now none of you will ever really know what actually happened beyond the Dark Ether and the curtain of fire it contained. Maybe you will need to go back there someday and can find out for yourselves.
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Quest #33 "Wizards, Temples, and Obelisks, Oh My!"

Waterday, 3rd of Harvester

The Fellowship of the Silver Circle, led by the priest of Rao called Andronichishche, set out to accomplish a very specific mission, and did exactly that, in a rather roundabout way. Knowing that the next obelisk they seek needs to be activated with the grey "activation sphere" they found, they traveled to the ruined temple in the jungle and eventually got the job done. Though they almost lost their most prized possession in the process, they also made a new fine feathered friend. Somehow avoiding the dangerous wraiths roaming the crypts below the temple, the task of placing the sphere in its proper receptacle was eventually accomplished, guiding the group to their next task, locating the second hidden obelisk.

Monsters Vanquished= Su-Monster (225) Mr. Chill (1500) 10 Kobolds (50) Rot Grubs (0) Ogre (120) 1895/7=271xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= Small lump of shiny uncut black onyx (?)

Magical Treasure= Magical Sword (70,000xp )

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 1,750xp each for successfully activating the second obelisk.(gray)

Organization Bonus= Andron 250xp (100xp ea. for Alordan and Andron for map searching for me while I was away)

Maag, Tlachtga, Cresty, Lerrick, and Torbath will gain 2,021xp ea. Alordan will gain 2,121xp, and Andronichishche will gain 2,371xp.

This was a pretty straightforward mission, so nothing too horrible was allowed to happen. I think at least one or two of you leveled, so I will take any hit point rolls in your private sheet threads. With Maag and Cresty both moving on to greener pastures, the group is fortunate to have some new recruits able and willing to join. Let's find out if they're actually ready. :twisted:
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Re: Experience Points

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Quest #34 "The Search For The Ruined Tower”

Waterday, 24th of Goodmonth

At the urging of the elven wizard Max, a small group explored the cliff tops to the east where a ruined tower containing a mighty magic item exists. After discovering dangerous crabs and mounted giant wasps, they eventually survived the long grueling trip across the barren hot rock to make it to their destination. Once there, they determined that the tower used to be a lighthouse with an intensely powerful gem that gave off enough light to keep dangerous undead at bay. Good thing too, since that is just what they encountered in the secret basement level below the ruins. After losing 2 members of their party to the spectre known as Assamuk, they were able to secure the monsters prized possession, an item so powerful it had to be protected by such a foe. After Keyon was brave enough to tempt the fates, he was rewarded with a highly prized magic carpet. Using that item to simplify their return, the group met up with another lone adventurer, a warrior woman who had been on her own for almost a month.

Monsters Vanquished= 2 Giant Crabs (300) 26 Giant Wasps/Tasloi riders (1400) Assamuk (700) 2400/6=400xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= Potion of Gaseous Form (300) Pelor's Gem (600) Deck of Many Wonderful Things (0) Carpet of Flying (7500) 8400/6=1400xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 14 (1400xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 1000xp ea.

Organization Bonus= Max died in the process

Bonus XP for great roleplay= Keyon 500xp (2 fellow players suggested this for you)

Elnaerel, Feanol, Keg, Darklin, and TK will each receive 4,200xp, while Keyon will gain 4,700xp.

Though this mission was somewhat tainted from the start, the party did a great job with what they had to work with. Even though you lost 2 members, it could have (and should have) been much worse for you. The bravest of the group was rewarded with a kingly gift from the deck, and now the mighty magic item can be shared among all the PC's in the game, giving everyone a chance to even the playing field, or die trying. Lets see what is in the "cards" for the rest of the characters who still "wish" to draw. :twisted:
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Re: Experience Points

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Quest #38 "Betwixt Water And Stone”

Starday, 27th of Goodmonth

Luther took a small group of folks out into the jungle to clear any dangers out, hoping to make the town location more safe. They found an interesting cave that was partially searched, finding 4 activation spheres and a magic potion. They found an informative note with the spheres, but so many party members were afraid of them, very little valuable information was ever deduced. They also found an interesting but crude stone representation of the diagram in the note, but it had been tampered with and little else about it was discovered. After searching from the waterfall to the river, they eventually came across a dangerous adversary they chased off for another day, again seeing strange spell-like phenomenon that none of them could figure out during that battle.

Monsters Vanquished= 1 Giant Spider (300) 1 Catoblepas (800) 1100/6=184xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= Potion of ? (200) Red/Grey/Green/White Activation Sphere (2000) 2200/6=367xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 3 (300xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 500xp ea.

Organization Bonus= Luther 250xp

Wake, Amun, Yrias, Keg, and TK will each receive 1351xp, while Luther will gain 1601xp.

This mission was a little sloppy, but everyone came back alive. The general idea was clearing out any dangers near town, which you sorta did, while searching the rest of the uncharted area. The best part of the trip was finding 4 more activation spheres that should lead to more adventure for everyone involved, if you chose to go in that direction. The mystery of the suddenly appearing magic spells still wasn't solved, but if you haven't figured that one out yet, you likely never will. :lol:
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Re: Experience Points

#39 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination”

Starday, 27th of Goodmonth

With plenty of help from his friends, Greedy Grimm plans an excursion to the Stonegut mine to see if he can find the magical artifact stolen from his clan many years ago. After more travel than action, they finally made it to the mine, and within seconds, had the entire place in an uproar. After a great deal of hardship, and with the help of some unexpected rock monsters, Grimm found the horn, right before the place erupted in chaos. Freeing 8 former members of Beachtown who were captured as slaves to work the mine, and taming 6 more of the huge lizards, the group eventually made their way back to Beachtown to find it almost completely destroyed and abandoned. They were also able to find and befriend the elven cleric Elnaerel, who ran into trouble there herself once her party split.

Monsters Vanquished= 10 Stoneguts 200xp ea. 2000/5=400xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= The Horn Of Tulkar (Ironhelm clan relic) 7,500/5=1500xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 0

Mission Accomplished= 1000xp ea.

Organization Bonus= Grimm 250xp

Chauncey, Wes, Darklin, and Elnaerel will receive 2900xp, while Grimm will gain 3150xp.

This one was a bit more chaotic, with 2 parties melding into one eventually, but I thought you all made the best of some pretty bad situations. I am curious how it would have ended if not for the sudden appearance of the Galeb Duhrs, however. :twisted: Hopefully this group can get back on track with solving the mystery of the obelisks eventually. :D
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Re: Experience Points

#40 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quest #36 "Out Of The Jungle, Into The Swamp”

Freeday, 5th of Harvester

Running solely on the theories of Andronichishche, the group leaves the Beachtown area, possibly for the last time, to head out to the next reported obelisk site. After encountering a massive swamp, and the froglings that live therein, the worst part of that arrival wasn't even the mound of crap covering the ailing Otyugh/Eldar. The CIFAL, known as The One, posed the greatest problems in the swamp, and eventually needed to be dealt with upon their return to the island paradise.

Inside the Dark Ether, the grey curtain to the Smoke Realm was found and entered, where all manner of confusing events followed. After meeting strange humans who survived in a grey world, and killing a deformed giant, a metallic ship was found and entered. The things that took place in there could only be described as foreign or alien, causing as much confusion as they did death. Powerful futuristic artifacts were found inside, with some used to devastating effect. In his lust for knowledge and power, Andron found himself getting caught up in the excitement of controlling such powers, which eventually got him killed. When his friends figured out a way to bring their leader back, he decided to do the same thing a second time, bringing on the death of poor Jobo, the inquisitive goat loving halfling that never really had a chance to prove himself before he was killed and buried back in some strange land. Fortunately, the rest of the group made it out with their lives mostly in tact.

Monsters Vanquished= Fomorian Giant (1200) Robbie Robot (600) Clampy Robot (600) 2- Android Nurses (1000) Shambling Mound (800) CIFAL (1200) 5400xp/6=900xp ea.

Monetary Treasure= 0

Magical Treasure= +1 Bastard Sword (500) Light Saber (250) Glue Gun (200) Sprayer (200) Gas Mask (500) Welding Helmet (500) Nail Gun (200) Grey Mega-Gem (1000) 3350/6=558xp ea.

New Hexes Cleared= 5 (500xp ea.)

Mission Accomplished= 2,000xp ea. (finding the hidden path, figuring out the ship entrance, etc.)

Organization Bonus= Andron 250xp

Alordan, Theo, Torbath, Lerrick, and Tlachtga will each receive 3,958xp, while Andron will gain 4208xp.

This mission was a rough one, with Andron going through a fairly serious physical change, and little Jobo unable to make it back at all. Through the strangeness of searching the alien world, the group persevered to eventually gain the power of the Smoky Mega-Gem, one of presumably 8 powerful magic keys, but to what you do not yet understand. The odd technological devices found throughout the metal ship should come in handy to find the next gem, wherever that may be.

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