Into The Long Wet Darkness

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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#421 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Struggling to keep his (and Xenos') head above...everything, Euripides knows it will be difficult to heal his unconscious companion. But he knows that somehow, he must. Like one of his gill-less companions drowning in the sea, he kicks hard trying to get above the surface as he fights for Xenos' life. While he does so, he implores Rel to grant him the strength to heal the fallen Kimmerian.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#422 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Going Up?

Oops! I think I asked for the wrong roll, but we'll go with it. :oops:

As the mass of black liquid rises up the tube, along with Euripides, Xenos, and whatever else was at the bottom when the door was opened, the Purloiner uses his impressive swimming abilities to eventually get his spell of healing off successfully. Unfortunately, though it heals him completely, it does nothing to bring Xenos back to consciousness.

As they pass the center point of the tube, where the now recessed rods were holding the mass in place, the floating torch they were using becomes extinguished in the liquid, casting the bizarre ascension up the tube into utter darkness once again.

Exerting himself immensely to maintain his balance as he maneuvers around in the liquid while trying to keep both of their heads above the goo is taxing on the lone levitating adventurer, causing him to breath in heavily even more of the gas that is slowly filling up the tube and causing everything to float upwards. I will need a second Save vs. Poison, please.

Ghostly Akhilleus reaches the top of the tube, still floating upwards uncontrollably as long as he remains in the vicinity of the dark opening.


Euripides AC:5 7/10 1/2
Xenos AC:5 12/12 2/2 Unconscious
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#423 Post by Karaunios »


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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#424 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Trying to get himself and Xenos out of danger is difficult work. Lungs burning from holding his breath to avoid the gas, the young Atlantean can hold no longer. Gulping huge breaths to keep from passing out may actually end up having exactly that effect anyway. As he breaths in, he can feel the poison seeping in. His vision starts to go black...
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#425 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I knew this gauntlet was going to be rough, even with a full party. But as the characters slowly diminished, chances of a successful completion dwindled rapidly. So, since there is no reason to continue avoiding the inevitable in this game, I hope I have come up with a suitable and at least partially enjoyable outcome to the unforgiving TPK.

Going Home?

The ghostly figure of Akhilleus floats ever upwards, a feeling of complete peace and calm enveloping whatever is left of the man’s once tough spirit.

Euripides is only one man, a tiny fish in such a vast, endless sea of humanity. Despite his best efforts to save his friend, and himself, the constant struggle of keeping both of their heads above the liquid, and not become engulfed in the rising torrent, all while trying not to breath the gas permeating the air, proves to be too much for the young Atlantean. Releasing the unconscious Xenos to his fate, he breathes in the oil just before Euripides loses consciousness himself.

The shimmering apparition of Xenos rises from the deadly oil next, floating up and out, wherever out is. He too is engulfed in an unexpected feeling of peace and serenity, though his seems much shorter lived.

With absolutely no idea how long they had been adrift upon the unforgiving Hyperborean Sea, the severely dehydrated, unconscious crew of the dilapidated and battered Viking knarr is splashed awake with more of the salty sea water they have been trying to escape. Spitting and sputtering in the splash of salty brine, the party comes to among a group of tall, unfriendly looking Ixian desert nomads armed with curved scimitars and tightly weaved burlap pails.

Starving, dangerously dehydrated, and barely clinging to consciousness, Akhilleus, Valkrina, Xenos, Drest, Hakon, and Apollonius look up at their saviors in amazement, still unsure how they were rescued from the sea by dwellers of the desert. As they look around in their depleted stolen craft, partially filled with sea water, they remember they’ve ran out of food, water, and any other supplies long ago.

As they ponder the possibility of their recent deaths being some strange shared delusional dream, sadly, they soon realize that their Atlantean friend Euripides is no longer in the boat with them…… :o
So ends the current adventure while also opening up future avenues of sport for anyone willing to continue advancing their current characters.

I have decided to convert (or completely restart) this hot mess into something far more structured, potentially, a published sandbox with numerous avenues of adventure strictly driven by player desire and initiative.

So, you can have the choice of leaving the game entirely at this point, starting over with a new character, or continuing on with the character you’ve been playing. I will try to recruit a few new players to fill the voids, but essentially, the depth we go with this will obviously depend on the level of player interest. (starting with you guys, obviously)

If you want more information, just ask. If you want to continue playing as is, go ahead and make an action post and we will get things started.

Oh, ya. This is the adventure I had in mind:
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#426 Post by Rex »


Drest lifts his head up and looks around. Weakened and dazed. "Where is Euripides?"
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#427 Post by Karaunios »

Akhilleus looks around him as he tries to slowly stand up. A stoic grunt is his only response to Rex' question. He's still trying to cope with what they went through... or not?
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#428 Post by shaidar »

Xenos coughs and looks up at the nomads in confusion.

"Where are we?" he mumbles in Ixian.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#429 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The six skinny desert nomads wrapped in flowing cloth that covers most of their faces and all of their bodies continue to assess the situation before them. Their leader steps forward and lowers his scimitar once Xenos speaks. "Hey! This one is Ixian! Hagrod! Give the man your water skin and let's see what they have to say for themselves."

A second man looks quite pissed off about the order, but doesn't dare speak out against his captain, slowly walking forward and offering Xenos a drink of potable water.

The wooden knarr is currently half buried in a large sand dune at the shores of what appears to be a vast desert. All that can be seen from the shore is huge sand dunes stretching off in every direction, with the immense, wide open Hyperborean Sea behind them the only contrast to the tan sand and scorched earth stretching out as far as the eye can see. Though the heat from waning Helios is not so intense as to make the temperature of this desert unbearable, the wind blown sands make up for it with their relentless pounding grains that fly around everywhere.

Desperately trying to shake off their delirium, the seaborn survivors aren't sure yet what the intentions of these strange men are, but in their precarious health condition, they hope their wont be any fighting involved. Their captain speaks aloud again after Drest inquires about the missing Euripides.

"We saw no others. Only you. You have found your way to the southern shores of the Zakath Desert, and it is nothing short of a miracle that we spotted you here. Do you remember where you set sail from? Or where you were headed?"

As the others look around, there is no sign that their Purlioner of Rel was ever even in the boat with them. Ne gear, no pack, nothing.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#430 Post by Rex »


"We sailed from Port Zangerios, but it seems so long ago." Drest reaches up and feels to see if he is still wearing the charm.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#431 Post by shaidar »

Xenos takes several small sips of the offered water before nodding his appreciation at the leader and then Hagrod.

"Zakath? I am home then" he doesn't look particularly happy with this.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#432 Post by Bluetongue »


"I feel like I was put on ice and floated away with the bergs, a soulish cryogenic waiting to be thawed out. In my dream-sleep I wandered searching for song and lore, plucking a whalebone harp and joining the Siren choirs to lure unwary men to a watery grave and destiny with the Deep Ones."

She awakes from a stasis, unsure of surrounds and the 'how, when, where, why?'. Certainly thawed out, no icebergs in sight and beached upon the coast like a blubber rich whale.

She pukes; briny water in her flask. "You still got that horn of ale?" she asks Hakon.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#433 Post by Karaunios »

Akhilleus doesn't answer to the stranger, but thanks them with a nod as he drinks from the offered water. He grunts when he only sees sand.

"Home? Are these your people then, Xenos?"
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#434 Post by shaidar »


"In that they are Ixian, then yes. I was born within the boundaries of the Zakath desert."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#435 Post by Rex »


"Looks very desolate from here." he gladly accepts the water from the stranger.
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#436 Post by shaidar »

Xenos nods

"It is certainly no place for the weak, of body or spirit."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#437 Post by Rex »


"I can see that."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#438 Post by shaidar »


"It is why the Ixians flourish here, while other races do not."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#439 Post by Rex »


"Or they are just to stupid to move."
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Re: Into The Long Wet Darkness

#440 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The well wrapped men listen to your exchange as you drink down their offered water. Their leader huffs at Xenos in Ixian after Drest insults their race. “You chose interesting travel mates, brother.”

Stepping forward, and with lightning speed, the men bludgeons Drest in the head with his sword pummel so hard that you are sure the back of his skull is caved in.

When the uncouth group Scout slumps over into the bottom of the boat, bleeding and unconscious, with the other Ixians laughing at him, their leader speaks again in the common tongue.

“Would anyone else like to insult the only possible chance of surviving your way back to anywhere close to civilization?”
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