Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#341 Post by Nordbo »


even though none of his current spells fit Sir Dewey's current requirements (tendrils have no eyes to mystify etc), performs a post-harpy-spell-retainer-check: Spell level 1 skill check vs (16) intelligence [4d6+1]=12+1=13

and then instead pulls at whatever it is he is asked to pull at.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#342 Post by Spearmint »

Return trek to Helix

May 14th 1066.

Vann Hector gets ambushed by the peat dwelling creature, his movements above triggering the trap by tremor-sense and provoking the carnivorous plant creature to salivate in expectation of a juicy meal.

While he cannot lay a glove or sword upon the coiling tendril that pulls him down, he is helped by the group who take initiative to react quickly to the danger he is in.

Sir Dewey casts a sliver of hope, a hemp thread for the elf to grasp so he may be hauled out of the swallowing pit. Cosmo heaves-ho, a tug of war, between men and beast. His frame might be slight but he puts his ankles braced against the earth and leans for all he is worth. As paladin and gnome pull, a sudden twang breaks the ropes tension. Either elf has let go or he is pulled free. Both of you falling backwards into the dirt on your backsides indicate the former as Vann Hector has slippery fingers and he descends further into the sinkhole and waiting jaws.
Rather than lose an extra man, Foxrell jumps down into the fray to stab into the body of the critter. It is a 'one for all and all for one' call of duty. Broadswords in hand, the mercenaries follow, severing a tendril and Sun Tsieng Roy , acrobatically kicks off the crumbling walks to pierce the root body of the creature with his glaive.

Clearly the critter has bitten off more than he can chew and before the grasping tendril can pull Vann Hector into the gnashing maw, it is hacked, diced and sliced apart. -22hp

The last danger escaped, the group climb out, dust themselves off and continue to edge towards the safety of the Ironguard road, testing the ground with staves and sticking to certain patches of stony ground lest more critters lay in ambush traps on the trail.

Eventually the mist begins to thin as the Barrow Moor becomes most forested and within a half mile the road reached. It is early evening by time the bruised, bloodied and tired adventurers reach the sanctuary of Helix.

And so, with that, I will draw an end to this expedition. I will update here a summary of awards. I will also note XP earned by Golgarth, Leibish & Sigrid during their time on this expedition.

Please continue to use this thread to discuss expedition concerns, treasure division, future actions. I will also post your arrival back in the Brazen Strumpet Tavern. Please post your attendance there and deduct in character the appropriate amount of coins to cover your upkeep while you enjoy some well earned downtime.

You will stay in town at least a week, maybe two as you see fit.

Roleplay in any settlement: Helix location threads.

further comments and actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#343 Post by Spearmint »

Summary of the Sauron Mound Expedition.

I have split the experience awards up into three sections. The first concludes with Golgarth's departure back to Helix and the second phase when Leibish & Sigrid escort Harmony back to the Wrydwood. The final phase is the rest of the investigation, assaulting the mound, defending against the skeletons and the trip back. I include Cosmo and Dewey in the encounter awards for the creatures that Vann dealt with in returning to Helix and back as choosing to stay in the mound was as dangerous as trekking out for help.


For those who completed the whole expedition, I give each player a +100xp exploration bonus for the map hexes travelled and locating the various mounds.

Each player also receives a +100xp participation award.

Golgarth's participation was tragically cut short but he survives to venture elsewhere., Leibish & Sigrid continue on their side quest, but having reached a civilized location, I will award them their XP portions for their part of the expedition now.


Ankheg +440xp, Bogdweller +265xp: Total +705 XP / divided by six characters and one 1/2 share (Foxrell) = 108xp per full share.

Bullywugs x9 +160xp, Raptors x8 +88xp, Giant Python +465xp, Barrow Hag +645xp:
Total +1358xp / divided by five characters and two 1/2 share npc's (Fox & Sun) = +226xp per full share.

Sauron (lizardmen guards) x18 +1170xp
Sauron priests: acolyte +130xp, chief priest +280xp.
Gecko +173xp
Skeletons x15 +300xp.
Crypt Knight +700xp

Causing troll to flee +250xp (1/4)
Skeletal Herd +50xp
Giant Vultures x4 +160xp
Harpy +190xp
Bogdweller +265xp.

Total 3668xp / three characters and two 1/2 share npc's = +917xp per share.

In a final analysis, including any class prime requisite bonus (+10% which only Vann Hector qualifies for), the awards are thus:

Golgarth: +208xp

Sigrid: +434xp
Leibish: +434xp

Cosmo Snag: +1451xp
Sir Dewey: +1451xp
Vann Hector: +1576xp

Foxrell: +625xp
Sun Tsieng Roy: +571xp.

Congratulations on those who have levelled up. Please adjust your sheets accordingly with any new hp and class upgrades.

Treasure Trove:

Despite all the raiding, only a paltry amount of treasure was recovered. Cosmo, Sir Dewey & Vann Hector to discuss distribution here please.

A combined coinage haul of gold, silver and coppers was returned with the conclusion of the expedition. It comes to equate as 543gp (plus a few coppers). I am fine with splitting it five ways with Fox & Sun included so you each get 108gp.

A large silver bowl etched with fine detail. (Taken from Hag Barrow). Held by Sir Dewey, it reminds him of articles used in sacred fonts.
Pickle jars of various life forms and body parts. (May have been taken by Sigrid).
Superior crafted Elkhorn shortbow (taken by Leibish).
Sauron plumed helm & Sauron 'cloak of the marsh' (as a Cloak of Elvenkind). Both used by Sun Tsieng in the phantasmal distraction.

Several pieces of Ankheg carapace. (given to guards to boil into crafted shields).

Sauron tome and papyrus scrolls: not magical but detailing Sauron worship edicts and rituals and orders regarding the duty of guarding the mound.

Sauron priests scimitars. Not magical but described as 'keen edged' blades, they were taken and used by Foxrell to dual wield.

Ring of Protection +1 (taken from the finger of the elf swallowed by the python and worn under his gloves by Vann Hector. The magic enchantment saving him from being ensorcelled by a Hold Person spell).

Crypt Knight's longsword +1. Currently taken by Vann Hector. (This could be used by Sir Dewey but he might as a paladin not want to handle a blade held by a devout Nergalite. Also in order to convince the priests to arrange for Leomane to come to the rescue, Vann Hector offered his Flail +1 to the Church of St Ygg as a tribute/bribe).

comments actions and discussions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#344 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"Hoorah!" all round, excellent to fight and live another day and to level up.

2nd level hit points [1d6]=6

I am fine with taking the gold as a straight split and putting the loose coins to a welcome beer.

The massive XP compensates for the low treasure haul. I could suggest one thing so that we each go away with something. It might need some village roleplay, but getting the church to give the Flail +1 to Sir Dewey (maybe in lieu of some further vow or mission to undertake for St Ygg?) and I keep the Crypt Knight longsword. The cloak doesn't shrink to fit so I am fine with Sun Tsieng Roy keeping it and Foxrell taking the scimitars as the Saurons' were his focus. That leaves Cosmo short (literally and figuratively), but I am fine passing him the Ring of Protection +1 which will better his armour class and saves as he currently goes unarmoured so that is more critical than improving my studded leather.

How does that work?

As far as actions, I will post in village threads, rest up a week and check on Golgarth. Then probably head back to the barrow mounds depending on any interest or things discovered in the village.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#345 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

Sir Dewey thinks that the donation to the church is worth the reward, so he won't stake any claim for the flail. Vann Hector should keep the longsword for his part in the victory. Everything else works for me.

If we want to roleplay a loan of the weapon from the church at some point, we could go down that route.

SD will be in town recuperating for a bit, ear out for new opportunities.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#346 Post by Stirling »

Sauron tome and papyrus scrolls: not magical but detailing Sauron worship edicts and rituals and orders regarding the duty of guarding the mound.
I don't mind posting going to the St Ygg's and talking to the vicar about these. I could use my two weeks of downtime to study and transcribe them possibly. I know Sir Dewey likes books too. If he wants, I could help teach him rudimentary Lizardman while he studies there too.

just trying to anticipate a longer plot hook. Lord Krothos and Vicar Othar will get updated by ourselves and Foxrell on the expedition. Then a few days later the Soothsayer is captured. It might be coincidental of course and unrelated. But I could imagine a Lord who wants to flex his authority and claim to the Barbarian throne deciding now might be a good time to launch a pre-emptive strike against a Sauron tribal base.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#347 Post by Spearmint »

Plot-hooks can develope with character inspiration also. You could suggest to Lord Krothos that you might be willing to lead such a raid.

Character driven action shapes the campaign much better than waiting on my initiative.

So, yes please post each of you in the tavern thread as Vann Hector has done and cover your upkeep cost for two weeks. Roleplay in downtime village locations as you see fit and join or recruit for your next expeditionary adventures.

Congratulations, I noted each of you have levelled up. So roll hp (you get a re-reroll, but only one, if you score the minimal amount by your HD).

Cosmo and Vann can advance as 2nd level characters or take on a second class if you prefer.

SIr Dewey advances in paladin subclass.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#348 Post by Nordbo »

Cosmo and Vann can advance as 2nd level characters or take on a second class if you prefer.
Just double-checking... does that 'or' mean that one cannot level up if taking on a 2nd class - i e is it an either/or situation ?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#349 Post by Spearmint »

So Cosmo would stay a 1st level illusionist and take on either a 1st level thief or fighter class.

Then your experience awards are divided equally between both groups. So you advance more slowly but you will grow to 2nd, 3rd, 4th+ levels of each class with enough XP earned.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#350 Post by Nordbo »

So Cosmo would stay a 1st level illusionist and take on either a 1st level thief or fighter class.

Then your experience awards are divided equally between both groups. So you advance more slowly but you will grow to 2nd, 3rd, 4th+ levels of each class with enough XP earned.
Thanks for clarification. So if Cosmo goes multi-class and therefore has to remain an 1st level illusionist, can I re-distribute the 'overspill' XP (that would have otherwise have been used to take Cosmo to level 2), to the new additional class he's taking on ?
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#351 Post by Spearmint »


Hopefully I have answered this in an amendment to the House Rules thread.

So to summarise. Rather than staying single class and rolling d4 +Con bonus, in adopting Thief class you just roll a d6 plus Con. The next 2000xp you earn can be given solely to the Thief class but upon passing the threshold , at that point you become a 2nd level illusionist and a 2nd level thief. From that point onwards, all XP earned is divided equally between both classes and you advance to 3rd level when you reach 4,000xp.

Hope that clarifies.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#352 Post by Nordbo »

Great, thanks again.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#353 Post by Nordbo »

Stirling wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:58 pm Vann Hector

That leaves Cosmo short (literally and figuratively), but I am fine passing him the Ring of Protection +1 which will better his armour class and saves as he currently goes unarmoured so that is more critical than improving my studded leather.
Thanks very much for this offer - Cosmo gratefully accepts it if noone else has any objection.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#354 Post by Stirling »

Thanks very much for this offer - Cosmo gratefully accepts it if no one else has any objection.
no I don't mind. As much as I would play Vann as a selfish, out for himself risk taker, it doesn't in the end promote team dynamics. Imagine me posting 'I go to the jewellers and cash in that 500gp gem' and other players go, 'what gem? Where did we find that?' and I confess, ' oh, I pinched it from the hag and took it for myself, ha ha.' then whenever Vann needs help, a potion or a prayer, a rope to haul him from a pit. Not going to happen. Who wants to play with an asshole?

So I think sharing magic items where a team can promotes good team play, fairness, it advantages all players equally.

Cosmo, seeing as he wants to take a level in Thief skills could practice with Vann during the two week downtime and when you pass a pickpocket attempt, that is the day you take the ring off his finger.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Secret of the Saurons'.

#355 Post by Spearmint »

Great team play all round.

Ok. With you guys taking the experience points and the gold, you can roleplay downtime and levelling up in the Helix settlement threads and plan your next expeditions.

I will move this to the Completed Expeditions.

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