WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#61 Post by max_vale »

7:45-07:50 AM; August 15, 1943; Alaska Territory; Aleutian Island Kistakuta

The battle between Allied and Axis Talents on a tiny rock off Alaska came to an end in a cavern base that had been utilized by the Team of Unit 781 Japanese Supers.....

Koda pulled LT Hyde-Smythe back and out of the fray and quickly drew his V-42 knife and cut away the Officer's Uniform and saw that the obnoxious but brave man had taken a bullet in his right lung. Tearing off some of his own uniform's sleeve, he quickly pressed it into the wound and did what he could to slow down the bleeding and put pressure on it; miraculously succeeding in keeping Hyde-Smythe alive; though not conscious*....

SGT Nahum Chisholm stayed low and scrambled for the cover of a pillar; hearing the angry hornet sound of an 8mm pistol round zipping close to him as he did so. Those weird goggles were CLEARLY allowing the Japanese Talent to be able to see in the dark. The NCO heard an M1 Garand bark a shot out from the opposite side of the chamber and then he felt several familiar Talent Powers being utilized; including Porcupine's Earth Bending and Campbell's Sonic 'Scream'....

PFC Tom Nado leveled his M1 at the last spot he had seen the Japanese Talent and he fired the last round in his Rifle's en-bloc clip; hearing the distinctive 'ping' as the clip holder was ejected out of the magazine along with the spent casing. He couldn't tell if he had hit anything, but a moment later he could feel/smell/hear two familiar Talent Powers being used by his teammates....

Phil Heuron dropped low and aimed his carbine at where he believed the enemy Talent to be located and took a deep breath; letting it out and doing his best to ignore the pain of his wound as he waited for the enemy to show himself.....

Mark Battaglia attempted to fire his M1 Carbine a the enemy but cursed as his weapon jammed and he dropped low and worked to clear stuck round out of the action....

Casey Campbell called upon his reservoir of will** and cut loose a Sonic 'Scream' Blast towards where he believed the Enemy Talent to be located. He heard a scream of pain and the sound of something getting thrown back and hitting the ground and was pretty sure he hit the enemy with his attack....

John Porcupine closed his eyes and did his best to trust in the Spirits, his Ancestors and pure Luck and he reached out and 'bent' a trio of boulders out of the wall of the cavern and sent them flying/dropping down in the area where he believed the enemy Talent to be located and he could hear a meaty 'splat' as the rocks hits the ground......and then all was silent and John collapsed to the ground utterly exhausted and spent***.....

OOC: Okay, right now, nobody is hearing anything other than the breathing and pain from those immediately around them.

*Koda would know that the LT is in no danger of dying immediately, but DOES require urgent care as while he can (and DID) do some first aid to help slow down the bleeding, he CANNOT repair the internal damage.

**So, when Campbell unleashed his Scream, he had to beat a 7 (Moderate Power) on 2D (Will Power Skill level) and you mentioned spending 1 point of WP (you had 10 at the time, now you have 9).....so, I made the roll and got a 6 (a 4 and a 2) +1 got you EXACTLY the 7 you needed....but just wanted to illustrate what I'm doing and to let ou know you could've spent say, 5 WPs and made sure no matter what, that roll would succeed. Just throwing that out there. :)

***John is okay (well he's Wounded, but that didn't get any worse), just totally drained as he's out of WP and Luck Points.....well done!
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#62 Post by Rex »


Nahum will head for the next pillar, he will continue as if the Japanese Talent is still up, just in case.

Yelling just before moving. "We need light in here!"

He will try and confirm the talent is down as he moves.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#63 Post by ateno »

Koda will continue providing first aid to Lt Hyde-Smith, as he can.

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#64 Post by Urson »

Porcupine lay still, breathing deeply. Did we- get him? Beyond that, he doesn't move. He knows this is a passing thing- but it's miserable, all the same.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#65 Post by kipper »

Phil keeps his carbine trained on the enemy's last known position, just in case.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#66 Post by ybn1197 »

Confident in the sounds and lack of them, Campbell produces his flashlight and turns it on in the direction of where the japanese talent was.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#67 Post by max_vale »

7:50-8:00 AM; August 15, 1943; Alaska Territory; Aleutian Island Kistakuta

Eerie silence envelops the chamber as the Allied Talents move to ensure the last enemy Talent has been taken care of and at the same time to find a light source. Both missions are accomplished a few moments later with a switch on the side of the wall and a moment later, light from numerous bulbs suddenly flood the room, while at the same time the corpse of 'Cloud Maker' is discovered and kicked to ensure he won't be rising again....

The massive room is dominated by a strange machine built into the back wall and connected to a massive tube rising up to the top of the hill and the surface with some kind of strange perpendicular tube branching off and emerging at about chest level with a funnel opening. This must be some contraption 'The Maker' invented to amplify Talent Powers; like that of the Cloud Maker to spread his Fog Clouds completely over the island....

Also of interest in the room as the scattered bunks, each with a footlocker holding personal items in them; a large 'Rising Sun' (or 'Meatball' as they're known to the Allied service members) flag hanging from some lattice work around the chamber; a work bench with numerous tools and bits of metal; rubber and gears scattered all over it; a mostly empty rack for holding weapons that still has an Arisaka Rifle and a Nambu pistol on it and the ladder that leads up to an open hatch on the flat top of the hill that 'The Marksman' used to get up there and do damage to most of the team. Finally, a chair and a large radio array in front of it and some burned log and code books were seen near a slightly nicer bunk that was probably that of 'The Daimyo'.

Koda does what he can to keep a passed out Hyde-Smythe alive and as soon as Battaglia sees this, he rushes outside and uses his radio to contact the Carderrock to send some help, including a Doctor and that the Mission was accomplished...

OOC: Okay, last posts before we move onto the next mission.....note: Marines, Sailors and Soldiers were ALWAYS anxious to capture/claim as 'prizes of war' things like flags; enemy weapons, etc., etc. If nothing else, they could ALWAYS be used at a later time to trade for other items on the Front Lines.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#68 Post by Rex »


"If no one objects I will take this Nambu."

He slides it into his now empty ammo pouch.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#69 Post by ateno »

Koda would like the goggles and a flag.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#70 Post by kipper »

Phil is more interested in the burned log and code book, even fragmentary scraps could be useful to Intelligence.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#71 Post by Urson »

I'll take the rifle. Porcupine scrambles up the ladder to see if their sniper left anything of value. He's looking specifically for binoculars or a decent scope.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#72 Post by Zhym »

Tom Nado is more intrigued by the contraption than the prizes. He wonders if he could use it to make it rain all over the island, or make it stop raining, or make the trees grow another half foot. But he's not all that good with contraptions, so he lets it be.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#73 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell looks to see if any of the Japanese talents had a samurai sword or knife.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#74 Post by max_vale »

8:00-09:00 AM; August 15, 1943; Alaska Territory; Aleutian Island Kistakuta

Over the course of the next hour, the men of SST 11 gathered several trophies including a Nambu Pistol for Nahum Chisholm; a pair of 'night goggles' and a rolled up 'meatball' Japanese Rising-Sun Flag for Koda and the scope from a Type 97 Arisaka Rifle for John Porcupine who climbed up the metal ladder to the flattened top of the hill and recovered it from the body of the fallen 'Marksman'....

In addition, CPL Casey Campbell heads out to the beach and finds the fallen leader of the Japanese Talents and finds a curved Japanese Knife (that he'd later learn is known as a Tanto blade) in the grip of the fallen Japanese Leader. He takes it and the sheath as a 'war prize'....

As this is happening, PVT Phil Heuron goes through the burned log books and code books and doesn't seem to find anything really legible; but tucked into a footlocker under one of the bunks, he finds numerous gears and a filled book in Japanese characters that also have numerous technical drawings and he realizes it MUST be from the fallen 'Maker'. It shows how a simple button on the goggles that Koda claimed enables the goggles to allow vision, albeit one with a greenish-yellow lens, in the dark and also how the camera feed from that flying machine was realayed to a well hidden screen near the big 'Talent Enchancer' machine and also to some kind of hand-held control system the Maker had been carrying (and which is now really smashed up and at the bottom of a pit).

PFC Tom Nado studies the big machine and eventually figures out that a Talent can direct his power into the large, chest-high 'funnel' and the power's effect is amplified through the tubes at the top and sides of the hill out to about a mile radius in all directions. This was how the 'Cloud Maker' was able to create clouds all around the island....for awhile anyway.....

Eventually, all of the team assemble on the beach when the landing craft returns with a Doctor and a couple of Pharmacists mates and a slew of others from the Carderock. LT Hyde-Smythe is treated and loaded aboard for return to the ship and the Corpsmen treat the rest of the team's injuries* and soon, everyone is back on the ship where scuttlebutt (rumors) would seem to confirm the Japanese Talent leader's words that the main assault was hitting an abandoned base.....there were no Japanese troops on Kiska.

August 16-24, 1943; Alaska Territory; Aleutian Island Kiska

The following day the members of SST 11, including a now conscious LT Hyde-Smythe; were on the much bigger island of Kiska and reuniting with the rest of the First Special Service Force. The LT was carried in a stretcher and they were all soon visited by Colonel Frederick himself. The Colonel had a bandage wrapped around his right calf and he quickly waved everyone down and told them 'at ease'.

He proceeded to tell them that the rest of the Force, along with the other American and Canadian units that assaulted the island had found no Japanese troops at all; just a lot of booby-traps that had killed a few Forecmen, but mostly just caused annoying injuries like the one Frederick himself had sustained. He was VERY interested in hearing their story and he listened attentively as they all told it and he personally shook each of their hands and praised them for a 'job WELL DONE!' when it was finished and furthermore promised them commendations for their actions.

It wasn't until the 24th that the FSSF finally pulled off the island, but Frederick was as good as his word and every member of SST 11 was both promoted** AND awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart (save Koda, who was never hit), including the Canadians. Over the course of the next month, the Force made its way to Fort Ethan Allan in Vermont and everyone got a long, 10 ten pass....

*Everyone's wounds are treated and they're all fine again.

Koda is now a Corporal (CPL) in the Canadian Army
Phil is now a Lance Corporal (LCPL) in the Canadian Army
Tom Nado is now a Corporal in the US Army
Nahum Chisholm is now a Staff Sergeant in the US Army
Casey Campbell is now a Sergeant in the US Army
John Porcupine is now a Corporal in the US Army

NPCs: Mark Battaglia is now a SGT in the US Army and Hyde-Smythe is now a Captain in the Canadian Army (No more 'Leftenant' jokes.....:( )
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