WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

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Rider of Rohan
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WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#1 Post by max_vale »

a.k.a. a thread for Maps, pics, explanations of the 'big' picture, etc.

For example, here's a simple, good map of the Bataan Peninsula with what's happening for you guys right now:


The Naval/Marine base is right next to Mariveles Field and your two squads are engaged in separate skirmishes/battles pretty much right where the 'Battle of the Points' text is.

You have all been assigned to the hastily thrown together "Naval Battalion"; an ad-hoc unit made up of bluejackets (enlisted sailors) from the Canopus which is lying aground not far South and West of Corregidor Island; pilots and aircraft mechanics from the U.S. Army Air Corps (the precursor to the US Air Force) and Naval and Marine aircraft squadrons who no longer have planes; and a handful of Marines from the 4th Regiment ('China Marines') who are mostly stationed on Corregidor and the 1st Separate Battalion's Anti Aircraft Batteries and Security troops for Mariveles Bay Naval Base.

The Battalion was put together around January 10th and you've all spent the past 2 weeks learning basic drills on how to handle Rifles, learn Infantry tactics, muddy up your blue uniforms for camo; etc.

On the night of the 22nd/23rd the Japanese landed troops all along the West Coast area known as "the Points"; but these troops are scattered, lost and attempting to connect with each other and then march towards Mariveles. You all have been sent to stop them. The primary fighting is along the 'Orion-Bagac' Line, closer to the village of Orion on the East coast side of the Peninsula. You guys can see some future events coming on the map; but don't worry about it.

I hope this helps!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#2 Post by max_vale »

Okay, apologies in advance for these REALLY crude pictures....here's a couple of hand-drawn (badly!) maps of the firefights....Acme Fight is the Fight involving Marvin, Wade and Fred; Fight 2 involves Gurung, Dutch and Teddy.
AcmeFight1.PNG (625.95 KiB) Viewed 2515 times
AcmeFight1.PNG (625.95 KiB) Viewed 2515 times

MA: Marvin Acme

WM: Wade MacGyver

FR: Fred Roker

VH: Dutch Van Horn

etc., etc.

Let me know if there's any questions.

Sigh, I have NO idea why the frist fight has 2 copies of the same picture....like I said, I'm computer stupid.....these are games for YOUR IMAGNATION people! :)
Fight2.PNG (584.5 KiB) Viewed 2515 times
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#3 Post by max_vale »

Mutaritari 1.pdf
(212.09 KiB) Downloaded 26 times
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#4 Post by max_vale »

In the above PDF the little * is for NPCs.....also, Evers is KIA.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#5 Post by BackworldTraveller »

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#6 Post by max_vale »

Okay, here's the current situation for the Battle just starting on "The Ridge" (after the Battle it will become known as Edson's Ridge)

The dark green is the Ridge, you guys are right in the middle of the bottom part.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#7 Post by max_vale »

Okay here's a more 'SST 4' scale map:
(223.45 KiB) Downloaded 34 times

With Acme's orders, the foxholes are occupied by:

1. Acme and Doc Franklin

2. Gurung and Roker

3. Myers and Wade

4. Dutch and Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#8 Post by max_vale »

A bit on the weapons of the Japanese Military and on 'typical' units sizes/composition, etc. Quick note for other history buffs like me...while the info on the weapons is pretty accurate, I have taken some liberties with IJA/SNLF oraganaztion, etc.....making it a bit simpler/'neat' for gaming purposes.....so please don't PM me with "ACTUALLY, a typical Japanese Company had blah, blah, blah'....:)

'Typical' IJA/SNLF Infantry Unit Size/Composition:

Squad: 12 troops with 1 Leader (2 SGTs and 1 LT in a standard platoon) typically armed with a Type 44 Carbine and Sword (SGT) or Nambu Pistol and Sword (LT); 1 Gunner with Type 96 LMG; 1 Marskman with Type 97 Arisaka Rifle (a Type 38 Rifle with a Scope mounted); 1 Heavy Weapons Support with Type 44 Carbine and Type 89 'Knee Mortar'; 8 Rifleman (including 1 CPL who serves as an Assistant Leader, 1 Assistant Gunner who carries extra ammo and a spare barrel for the Type 96 LMG and 2 Assistant Mortarmen who carry extra rounds for the Type 89) all armed with Type 38 Arisaka Rifles.

Platoon: 36 Troops (3 Squads, 1 HQ Squad with LT and Senior SGT; 2 'Standard' Squads led by SGTs) equipped as above save the LT's squad has the extra NCO and has 2 Riflemen dedicated as Runners to convey orders.

Company: 180 Troops (5 Platoons, 1 HQ/Support Platoon, 1 Weapons Platoon with 2 Heavy MG squads with Type 92 HMGs and 1 Mortar Squad with two 81mm Mortars and 3 'Standard' Infantry Platoons); Company is led by a Captain and has a 1st LT as an X.O. and typically has a Couple of Medics assigned to the HQ/Platoon Squad.

Battalion: 900 Troops (5 Companies with 1 HQ/Support Company with Trucks or Personnel tasked for carrying heavy supplies such as food, ammo, etc.; 1 Heavy Weapons Company with 2 Type 92 70 mm ‘Battalion Guns' Howitzers and 2 Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Guns; 3 'Standard' Infantry Companies. Battalion is led by a Lieutenant Colonel with a Major as an XO.

Brigade: 4,500 Troops (5 Battalions with 1 HQ/Support Battalion, 1 Artillery Battalion with 105mm Artillery and AA Guns, etc., and 3 'Standard' Infantry Battalions; led by a Colonel

Divison: 13,500 Troops (3 Brigades) led by a Major General (there are no Brigadier Generals in the IJA)

Army: 27,000 Troops (2 Divisions) led by a LT General (Equivalent to a Corps in US Military terms)

Area Army: Typically 54,000 or 81,000 troops (2 or 3 Armies); equivalent to a Field Army in US Military terms; led by a Field Marshal.

Arsenal (with typical name given by the US/Commonwealth forces in quotes...i.e. if I use this term, THIS is what it means)

-Type 38 'Arisaka' Rifle: The standard weapon of the Japanese solider for over 30 years, the Arisaka 6.5 mm bolt action rifle is a very long weapon with little recoil or muzzle flash, which can make it hard to detect when fired from far away. It holds 5 rounds in its internal magazine, fed by stripper clips and is a solid weapon, though one that hits a little lighter than its Western Counterparts. It is frequently equipped with a long, deadly bayonet carried by all Japanese troops.

-Type 44 'Carbine': A shortened version of the Arisaka Rifle that fires the same 6.5mm bullet and is bolt-action and fed by the same 5 round charger clips. It has much less range, but is also much lighter and the shorter length of the weapon makes it much more easily maneuvered than its larger brother. It is used by Cavalry troops, rear-echelon troops, mortar men and frequently, NCOs. It is also distinguished by its built-in, foldable 'spike' type bayonet.

-Type 96 'Nambu LMG' Light Machine-gun: The standard support weapon of the IJA and SNLF, the Type 96 fires the same 6.5mm bullets as the Arisaka Rifle, but in full-auto mode and from a 30 round, detachable magazine that is slotted in on top of the weapon like the BREN. It has a built in bi-pod and a quick detachable barrel and is a tidy weapon that is the equivalent of a BAR or Johnson, though like the Arisaka, it hits a bit lighter than its Western equivalent.

-Type 14 'Nambu Pistol': The standard Handgun of Japanese Officers or NCOs, the Nambu has a distinct 'Lugar-like' shape, but fires a low-powered 8mm round from an 8 shot clip. They are highly valued as a 'prize' by Allied Soldiers.

-Type 92 'Woodpecker' Heavy Machine-gun: Really the equivalent of a Medium Machine-gun, the Type 92 is a 7.7mm (.30 caliber) weapon that fires from a tripod mount with twin spade-grips and uses a 30 round metal strip of rounds making a distinctive 'woodpecker' sound when fired. Nothing particularly special about the weapon save that it is quite rugged, hardy and has a novel system of poles being used in the bottom of the tripod legs for quicker transport.

-Type 89 'Knee Mortar' Grenade Discharger: A small 'mortar' that fires grenades (A special type of grenade is carried by IJA/SNLF troops that serves as both a thrown weapon AND as a shell that can be fired by this 50mm weapon) from 50 to 300 yards and is light enough to be carried by a single soldier giving the Japanese Squad some indirect fire support.

-Type 97 'Heavy Mortar' 81mm Mortar: The standard 'heavy' mortar in Japanese Infantry Units; the Type 97 is very similar to the U.S. weapon of the same size in terms of capabilities.

-Type 1 'AT Gun' 47mm Anti-Tank Gun: A brand new, modern weapon the IJA/SNLF have adapted after lessons learned in the short conflict with the USSR in '39 showed them that they needed a more powerful anti-tank weapon than their existing 37mm weapon. The Type 41 is very low to the ground, has a built in gun-shield to help protect the crew and its 'legs' are split very wide for greater stability to help recoil when in use.

Type 92 'Battalion Gun' 70mm Howitzer: A unique weapon that can serves as a lightweight Artillery weapon to Imperial Japanese Army Battalions, the Type 92 70mm gun is fairly light weight for its size and has a very short-barrel, allowing it to be maneuvered fairly easily to many different types of battlegrounds. In addition, the weapon can be tilted back to fire high, indirect shells for fire support or lowered straight to fire in a direct fire way at bunkers, light vehicles, etc.

Last edited by max_vale on Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#9 Post by max_vale »

-'Type 100 Submachinegun': This weapon fires the same 8mm round that the Nambu Pistol fires, utilizing a curved 30 round magazine that feeds in from the side.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#10 Post by max_vale »

Typical German Infantry Unit breakdown, circa 1943 (note: this is just 'my take' on things and doesn't include Motorized troops i.e. Panzergrenadiers; or Panzer i.e. Tank units, etc.)

-Squad: 10 men with 1 NCO (SGT) typically armed with an MP 40 SMG; 1 Gunner armed with an MG 34 or MG 42 machine-gun; 1 Loader armed with an MP 40 SMG and carrying extra ammo for the MG; 1 Marksman armed with a Scoped KAR 98 bolt-action Rifle, 5 Riflemen armed with a KAR 98 bolt-action rifle and 1 Rifleman armed with a KAR 98 Rifle and a 1-use Panzerfaust Rocket Launcher

-Platoon: 40 men (4 squads of 10) with 3 'standard' squads that breakdown as listed above and 1 Headquarters (HQ)/Support Squad that breaks down as follows: 1 LT armed with a Lugar pistol; 1 Platoon SGT armed with an MP 40; 1 Medic armed with a Lugar; 3 Mortarmen armed with 1 MP 40 and 2 Lugar and a 50mm Mortar along with about 12 rounds for it; 4 Riflemen/Runners armed with KAR 98s with 1 carrying a Panzerfaust

-Company: 160 men; 4 Platoons, 3 'Standard' and 1 HQ/Support Platoon that breaks down thusly: 1 HQ squad of 6 people consisting of the CAPT in command of Company armed with a Lugar, 1 Aide (LT) armed with an MP 40, 1 Senior NCO armed with an MP 40, 1 Radioman with a Backpack Radio and armed with a Lugar and 2 Riflemen/Runners armed with KAR 98 rifles; 1 Supply/Baggage Squad of 12 men with 1 Supply SGT Quartermaster armed with an MP 40, 2 Cooks armed with Lugars, 1 Doctor armed with a Lugar, 1 Armored armed with an MP 40 and 7 Assistants/Riflemen armed with KAR 98s; 2 Mortar Squads of 8 men each that consist of 1 SGT with an MP 40, 1 Runner/Rifleman armed with a KAR 98 rifle and 6 men with Lugars and parts and/or ammo for an 80 mm Mortar; and 1 Anti-Tank Squad of 6 men that consists of an NCO armed with an MP 40, 1 Rifleman/Runner armed with a KAR 98 and 2 Teams of 2 men each with 1 man armed with a loaded Panzershrek Rocket Launcher and a Lugar and 1 man armed with an MP 40 and carrying 3 spare rockets for the Launcher.

-Battalion: 640 men that break down into 4 companies of 160; 3 'standard' as outlined above and 1 HQ/Support Company that includes Artillery in the form of two 75mm Field Guns and two 88mm Anti-Tank/Anti-Aircraft Guns.

-Regiment: 4 Bats that equal 2,560 men as outlined above but also with a Battery of 4 105mm Artillery Guns.

-Division: 5 Regiments of 12,800 men as outlined above but typically also with added Motorized Engineer and/or extra Artillery or Armored Support.

Beyond the Divisional level are improvised Corps and Army Groups of various sizes, but usually at least 25,000 men in size.
Last edited by max_vale on Tue May 02, 2023 2:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Strategery

#11 Post by max_vale »

Typical Weapons used by German Infantry:

-KAR 98 Bolt-Action Rifle: The workhorse of the German Army; the KAR 98 is a bolt-action weapon that houses five 7.92mm rounds in the internal magazine, has decent range and hits about as hard as the standard American or Commonwealth Rifle round.

Scoped Versions are typically given to the best shooter (Marksman) in the Squad.

-MP 40 Submachinegun: The follow on to the MP 38; the MP 40 is the standard issue weapon to NCOs and some support or specialist troops in the German Army and it fires a 9mm round from a 32 round clip. It is fairly reliable, has a folding metal stock and fires in 4 shot bursts.

-MG 34 and MG 42 Machine-guns: These are excellent general purpose weapons with a high rate of fire; excellent range; are quite rugged and dependable and by all accounts are fearsome weapons indeed. The MG 34 came first and was made to a high standard of finish; the MG 42 is virtually the same weapon with simpler, stamped parts for quicker construction on the assembly line. They fire the standard 7.92mm rifle round of the German Army and can utilize 75 round drums or 150 round belts.

-Lugar PO 8 pistol: This 9mm pistol has long been the standard side arm for German Officers and Specialist Troops and it is an excellent weapon that fires from an 8 round clip. It is beginning to be replaced by the similar in appearance Walther P38 and the much more compact Walther PP and PPK pistols.

-50mm (or 5 cm as the Germans refer to it) Light Mortar: A lightweight support weapon favored by German Infantry due to its ease of use and light weight in comparison to similar weapons in other armies.

-Panzerfaust Rocket Launcher: A one-time use Anti-Tank weapon whose name means "Tank Fist"', the Panzerfaust is a simple tube that is tucked under one arm while the other flips up the sight and pushes the pedal like lever down to fire the powerful 60mm shaped charge rocket at a nearby vehicle or structure. The explosive weapon is much more powerful than it looks, but the range is EXTREMELY short, making use of it a dicey proposition at best for the firer.

-80mm (or 8 cm as the Germans call it) Heavy Mortar: An extremely rugged and dependable weapon that is well-liked by German soldiers and typically two are distributed to each Infantry Company.

-Panzershrek Rocket Launcher: A re-usable weapon that came about when the Germans reverse-engineered captured American 'Bazooka' Rocket Launchers they obtained in North Africa and in some ways, improved upon it. The Panzershrek fires a more powerful rocket than the American Bazooka with a similar range; but it DOES have a much larger and more noticeable back-blast and smoke effect when used, thus calling attention to its firing crew.

-'Potato Masher' Stick Grenade: The standard Grenade of the German Army; the grenade is a little less powerful than most Allied grenades, but they do have slightly better throwing range due to the long stick handle used to hurl them.

-75mm (or 7.5 cm in German terms) Infantry Support Gun: The standard light weight 'Field Gun' of the German Infantry who utilize this rugged and dependable weapon for everything from bunker busting to indirect support fire to occasionally using it against vehicles.

-88mm (or 8.8 cm) Anti-Tank/Anti-Aircraft Gun: The most feared weapon in the German arsenal; this deadly, dual-purpose, high-velocity weapon equips Flak batteries, Anti-Tank Units, serves as a Weapon on Germany Naval Ships and Submarines and as the main weapon of the highly feared Tiger Tanks. In German Infantry units, it's carried on a wheeled carriage and cane be quickly elevated up or down for whatever use is needed.

-105mm (or 10.5mm) Artillery: The standard "Regimental Support" weapon in the German Army the 105mm howitzer is a well-made and reliable weapon that has served well on every front in the war.

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