Introduction and Important Game Links

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Introduction and Important Game Links

#1 Post by Revenant »

"The truth is at the beginning of anything and its end are alike touching."
` Yoshida Kenko

The tales say the Pale One first stepped from the mists of the western wastes, as the reaper's last harvest fell away to the first snow. So began the Winter of Tears, a winter that lasted for forty and seven years. It was a white death that raged through the lands and its people, felling near a fourth of all who dwelt there. The Pale One drank of the tears and sorrows of the land and his power grew, as did those who followed his wake. For the blackness of evil knows many shades. From the icy north of the Fellfrost came the barbarian witch Nizra the Grim, who was also called the Queen of Crows and in time, became the Pale One's consort. In the southron lands there was the mage called the Shadowmancer and the priest who proclaimed himself the Father of Worms. And to the west, a warrior-queen who was known only as the Ashen Lady. From the Underlands, came the dark elf hailed as the Befallen Prince. They were the five fingers of the hand that held the lands in its grip. And in darkness they weaved the pattern of man's fate. Or so they thought...

United against the darkness, men and women of all kind, from all the lands gathered together to fight as one against the evils that had come to their homes. Among those who came, jarls and shield maidens from the north, nobles and knights of the three kingdoms, sailors and reavers of all the seas, the dwarves from their mountain kingdoms, the halflings of the verdant shires, the gnomes and elves of the great forests and gleaming cities. Though many fell and the cost was great, their light overcame the darkness. And in the end, they defeated the Pale One and his minions. He was chained by wizardry and priestly magicks in his dark tower in the western wastes and in time his power diminished.

Over half a century has past and those dark days are now but a fading memory to nearly all. But another darkness has fallen upon those who once stood united. Some say it was a corrupt seed planted during the Winter of Tears others but that is merely the true nature of man. The northern and southern people divided in enmity over bloody battles for the lands each sought. The clans of the north fought petty battles even amongst themselves. The three kingdoms once brothers in arms now view one another with suspicion. The dwarven kingdoms have faded to but one as their kin became fewer and fewer. The shires are no more and the dwellers of the forest have become sparse or left for distant shores. The heroism of the past is but a flickering candle.

It is into this world that you are born...

Welcome to the game! Your Campaign ID is #935.

Link to the Obsidian Portal game page:
Bear in mind its very much a work in process and will be updated with more detailed info as the game unfolds.

Link to a map of the Southern Realms on Obsidian Portal:
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