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#1 Post by dmw71 »


Haelan, Rawani, and Buzar all wake first, and are the first to combat the grogginess and blurry vision. After a few seconds, however, both conditions begin to fade.

The first thing they notice is --

-- Arbal beginning to rouse. They, too, slowly begin to wake from the unexpected slumber.

A bit of panic ensues as Holliss is late to awaken, but awaken he does.

In less than a minute, the entire group is feeling fresh and completely rejuvenated.

Then it occurs to you...

Where Are We?
You find yourselves in completely new surroundings.

At least you think?

All recent memory seems to be foggy, and your previous whereabouts are somewhat unclear, but you don't remember being in --

Dreamlike Forest
You now find yourselves in an airy forest glade, in an enchanted stretch of wild forest. Your current surroundings feel almost dreamlike, and time seems to pass at a leisurely rate.

Unsure how you arrived, or even where you are, the puzzlement and uncertainty don't seem important.

Ancient Tree
In the center of this airy glade stands an ancient, gnarled tree. It's late autumn, and the reddish-brown leaves have begun to fall, but a majority still remain.

Ancient Tree.jpg
Ancient Tree.jpg (200.64 KiB) Viewed 439 times

At the base of this massive oak tree, something moves.


Two individuals.

The pair appear to be examining the massive roots of this ancient oak.

The first figure, with a muscular build, appears to be a female, if their long braided hair is any indication.

The second figure has a hooded cloak worn up, but appears to be the taller of the two.

Finer details of either cannot be discerned from your current distance -- of about 50-feet.

Without rising, the pair turn their heads and look over their shoulders to face the group.




Time & Weather
CY 1011, 18th Day of Obthryme (Deep Autumn)
Current Time: Midday
Current Conditions: Cool, Breezy, Wierd

Character Status
Holliss (M) (Elf 1) | AC: 3/4 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native, Elvish | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Light

Haelan (M) (Cleric 1) | AC: 4/5 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native | Spells/Skills: Turn Undead

Rawani (F) (Acrobat 1), AC: 7 | HP: 2 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 90’ (30’)
Languages: Native | Spells/Skills: Acrobat Skills

Arbal (~) (Illusionist 1) | AC: 8/9 | HP: 3 | Damage: 1d4 | Move: 120’ (40’)
Languages: Native, +2 | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Colour Spray

Buzar (M) (Half-Orc 1) | AC: 4/5 | HP: 3 | Damage: 1d6 | Move: 60’ (20’)
Languages: Native, Orcish | Spells/Skills: Thief Skills
Ealga (F) (Dwarf 1) | AC: 6/7 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d8 | Move: 90’ (30’)
Languages: Native, Dwarvish | Spells/Skills: Detect Construction, Detect Traps, Listen at Doors

Zan (M) (Magic-User 1) | AC: 10/11 | HP: 4 | Damage: 1d4 | Move: 120’ (40’)
Languages: Native, Elven, Traladaran | Spells/Skills: 1st: 1 Charm Person

Marching Order ( * = Infravision )
Buzar *
Holliss *

Light Sources
Torch: A torch burns for 1 hour (6 turns), clearly illuminating a 30’ radius.
Lantern: Can be closed to hide the light. Burns one oil flask every four hours (24 turns). Casts light in a 30’ radius.
  1. Lantern: Carried by Rawani (Status: Unlit)

    Burn Time: 0 minutes of 24 hours.

Arbal: [1d6]=4, Haelan [1d6]=5
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Re: Strangers

#2 Post by Rex »


"Hi there." She waves when they look at her.
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Re: Strangers

#3 Post by lich_queen »

Ealga squints at the approaching figures, her scowl deepening into her features. Tall folk…

We’ve got company, Stick. Despite Zan’s presence, the dwarf’s mistrust of tall f…, well, of anyone not dwarven was evident as she tightened her grip of both warhammer and shield.

We’ve laid claim to this ‘ere hole so sod off, heh? she growls.
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Re: Strangers

#4 Post by roryb »


“Indeed,” the tall one said to his shorter counterpart. “Still, there is safety and strength in numbers. Let us not discount the opportunity to make new friends.”

“Helloo!” said Zan to the approaching figure. There was forced cheer in his voice, though his sullen face reflected but little. “A strange place for a nap, wouldn’t you say? The name is Zan. Zan Zalibar.”
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Re: Strangers

#5 Post by Rex »


Rawani moves slowly towards the pair, "I am Rawani, I am not sure what happened but we weren't here or asleep, then we just suddenly awoke here."
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Re: Strangers

#6 Post by Lance »

Haelan quickly gets up, and dusts himself off. He hopes his clerical vestments lend him an air of authority. "Indeed, as my companion stated, the... nap we took was involuntary and also happened at a different location. My name is Haelan Lareow and I serve the god of knowledge, Rao. We are agents of good, I hope we have that in common?"
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Re: Strangers

#7 Post by roryb »


“Agents of good are who one hopes to encounter in wild parts,” Zan dissembles. “The opposite can bring much misfortune. I do not know what could have caused your unanticipated rest. And I know not if this hole here has any connection. But its secrets do beckon in a most seductive way.”
Last edited by roryb on Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Strangers

#8 Post by dmw71 »

Feel free to continue to role-play (it's been excellent!), but see here:

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