Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#61 Post by jemmus »

Nora and Oliver remind Taavi of his own wife, son and daughter at home in the city. He's grateful to the Deity/Mystery that they don't have to face zombie incursions like these innocent people do. Thank you for the fine meal, he says, looking to both Nora and Richard Whighte. To Mr. Whighte and Hansel, I'm no technician either, but I'll help however I can.

Will help anyone who's trying to figure out what they're being mum about. I guess a Connect roll is the closest match? Taavi is -1 for that skill.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#62 Post by cybersavant »

I'm Báleygr Gangleri, by the way. A fixer by trade."
Oliver returns from the bathroom, hands dripping, and looks at Báleygr with excitement. "I'm good at fixing, too. The observ-a-scarecrows are my own idea," he beams. "you wanna see my stuff?"
Báleygr Gangleri I sure would, young man, when we have the time."
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Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#63 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach will push for more information: and does not seem to charm anybody.
Connect (Cha): [2d6+1]=3+1=4

Shadrach nods as Emile mentions the roof. "Good idea. We'll have better sight lines there, and if these creatures break through we'll have another line of defense." He turns to the homesteader. "What does a typical attack look like? Where does it come from? Are these zombies armed? How much intelligence do they seem to have?"

He interjects again later in the conversation. You said 'what can't get done'. Is there anything in particular you're lacking? Now's not the time to let your pride get in the way. We'll help you shore up defenses, but I don't want us getting overrun because you're too proud to tell us where you've failed."

As the old man mentions what 'Petr can't have', Shadrach glances over at Nora. His gaze seems wistful for a moment, but he shakes his head and turns his attention back to the conversation. "Any reason he wants her? Clearly he has a thing for Nora, and no surprise; she's a fine-looking woman. Beggin your pardon, ma'am-" he says, tipping his hat to her again- "but now's not the time to be coy." He waits a moment for Oliver to run out of the room, and then continues. "He the boy's father?" he asks, tipping his head toward the doorway the boy ran through.

"I don't mean to jaw so much, but we've work to do. You seem like good folk; better than I expected to find out here. Sort of folk the Church should stand behind, an' I'll do so if I can. But I'm too old to be going into a fight blindly. Who's that burned and buried in the yard? Nora's mother, I expect? Who else? Seems like you got an awful lot of house here for a small family. Any ways in or out that come out beyond the defenses outside? Any tunnels or the like?"
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#64 Post by jemmus »

Mr. Whighte, how does one disable a zombie with a firearm? It seems that a shot to a vital organ wouldn't do much good, because the organ is already dead. Do you have to take out a leg to immobilize them? Or is there another good target?

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#65 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Rain in the Valley

Báleygr Gangleri replies to the boy as everyone settles into the table. "I sure would, young man, when we have the time." Hanselsmiles and offers his hand to Oliver, who takes it and shakes with a beaming smile. "It's quite a collection, young man! Do you have a favorite?" Hansel asks the boy. Old Richard begins saying grace, however, and the conversation is cut short as attention turns to the food at hand.

The food is good, the conversation pleasant. The patter of rain on the polymer roof begins, a few drops at first, then a steady staccato drumming as the drizzle begins.

With plates filled and emptied and steaming cornbread mopping up the remaining gravy, Hansel makes a point to compliment Nora "Thank you ma'am, this is really the finest meal I have had in quite a while. My compliments."
"I bet you say that to every girl," she chides Han, with his polished ways.
Thank you for the fine meal, Taavi says as well, looking to both Nora and Richard Whighte.

"Any reason he wants her? asks Shadrach plainly, the pleasantries coming abruptly to a halt. "Clearly he has a thing for Nora, and no surprise; she's a fine-looking woman. Beggin your pardon, ma'am-" he says, tipping his hat to her again- "but now's not the time to be coy."
"Oliver, go downstairs and check the batteries," states Old Richard with a cold finality.
Shadrach waits a moment for Oliver to run out of the room, and then continues. "He the boy's father?" he asks, tipping his head toward the doorway the boy ran through.

The tension and silence is palpable. The rain drums heavy on the roof. Thunder rumbles, the ground outside darkening as the storm rolls closer, the flood lights coming on in the yard outside the windows. The clock ticks on the wall. There's a thump on the porch outside as Grim changes position.
"Damn it," says Old Richard with a resigned sigh. "Well, wish in one hand and shit in the other..." He shakes his head and makes up his mind.

"That's a secret, don't tell the boy. Pietr was an assistant to my Em. Smart lad, quick learner, wanted to know all things science and, well, we wanted to make sure people didn't forget that kind of thing after the War. I... well, I didn't like him, but couldn't figure why, and Em, she's... empirical. My Em was a genius. It was her doing, all the gadgets and dodads around the ranch," He seems to be getting wistful as he talks. "I wanted a life outside the city hustle and bustle - animals, plants, and honest toil in the soil. She was intent on making sure we kept life at a quality she liked, and I suppose together we were a good team - she wired and tinkered and made a house that... well, that survived." He clears his throat, brought back to the realities at hand. "But anyway, Nora didn't much take to science and so she was glad when Pietr showed up wanting to learn what she was talkin' about, and glad someone had a knack enough to understand her. I loved her, but Lord knows, I didn't know the difference between a transistor and a flux relay." He pauses, finding his place in the story again as he looks at Nora. Nora, meanwhile, looks at the table, her fingers fidgeting near Shadrach's plate. "You're right," he tells Shadrach, "He was interested in Nora, too. Used her. When he showed his true self, I ran him off." He finishes, his tone dark, "It wasn't Nora that he tried to take with him... it was Em's... inventions."
"I don't mean to jaw so much, but we've work to do." adds Shadrach, turning the conversation, "You seem like good folk; better than I expected to find out here. Sort of folk the Church should stand behind, an' I'll do so if I can. But I'm too old to be going into a fight blindly. Who's that burned and buried in the yard? Nora's mother, I expect? Who else? Seems like you got an awful lot of house here for a small family. Any ways in or out that come out beyond the defenses outside? Any tunnels or the like?"
"Em is buried out back, in the copse of lilacs... and I don't intend to ever let Pietr close to her again," answers Richard, swallowing hard around some emotions. Nora looks up from the table at Shadrach as the old soldier takes charge, her eyes moist, but hopeful. "There's... no tunnels," continues Richard in response, "But we've got some sizeable bunkers underground. See, that's where Em's work was, and Pietr knows it. All of this..." he motions to the glowing lights, the appliances. They flicker and gutter inopportunely. "all this is run off off the generator. Em set up nuclear power that'd never let us down, but only she really knew how to run it, and... well, in the wrong hands... it's a bad thing. A REAL bad thing. Doesn't work like it should, and don't try to go down there... the radiation will probably kill you beyond her lab doors. No way down there, though, except through here. If she didn't think you proper to come in the house, then you sure weren't getting to her lab."

Addressing Whighte, Hansel asks "Can you tell me how your defenses are set up? I have some military experience and can take a look to see if I can spot any weaknesses." Shadrach interjects again: You said 'what can't get done'. Is there anything in particular you're lacking? Now's not the time to let your pride get in the way. We'll help you shore up defenses, but I don't want us getting overrun because you're too proud to tell us where you've failed." Hansel adds, "I am not a mechanic by trade, but I have picked up a fair bit of knowledge and am handy with my multi-tool, and and most standard shop equipment." Then Taavi says, "I'm no technician either, but I'll help however I can."
Richard nods solemnly, now fully intent on the business at hand. Nora gets up from the table and clears the dishes, scraping them and then lining them up in the automated sanitizer.
"Well, I appreciate the offers to help. I guess I am right glad you all showed up before the storm, after all." He pulls over a piece of butcher paper to cover the table and begins drawing on it in pencil. "The outer perimeter runs off the generator, its a wireless shock fence.
The posts are out there, anything that passes between posts will get a jolt. Works to keep the cows from straying, but Pietr knows all he has to do is get the zombies to take out a post and they have a gap. Now, I don't want anything blowing up the cows, so there's nothing from there to the inner fence. That's the physical one, barbed wire. I don't let the livestock wander inside the inner fence, only through the paddocks and gates to get them to the barn, right? Anyway, Pietr's been throwing bodies at the fence, tearing it down. I got what I can spread along the inside of it - to tell the truth, we got electric running all the way out there and around the line. I can't really press bullets, but we have enough juice to power lasers or physical traps that can reset. The problem is, they take time and with a big group, some get through.
Now, Oliver is handy... a little inventor, just like his grandma, given time. We used to have drones but they've broken down. He rigged them into the heads of those scarecrows out there, so we at least got a fair number of video cameras to see what's crossing the fields. They all detect the motion so we know what's coming between the outer fence and the inner fence. Some of them have lasers, too, but without flying they can't aim, so they're no good for that.
Now, the zombies are dumb, and they don't carry tools. They try to find the easiest route, which is why I have things funneled onto the road. So far, they would rather come down the ungated path than try to break a fence, and they've been testing the traps there for about six months. You all didn't seem to have a problem - so you're smarter than a zombie - but I'm really hoping most of them come that way and get cut down, when he sends a big wave of them.
Once they're inside the inner fence... well, I couldn't trap that, or I'd hurt our livestock. We have the barn where they'll all be kept safe. We have the tractor, the combine, and the... well, Oliver was trying to make something of the third tractor but I don't think it works at all right now. Once they're inside the inner fence, I hope we can shoot them. We can't let them get into the house. I'll be on the roof, Oliver will be locked downstairs."

Hansel excuses himself and Nora shows him the way to the roof up the stairs to the second floor. "You'll need a poncho,"she says as they go, grabbing rain gear off the coat rack. Shadrach nods as Emile and Hansel mentions the roof. "Good idea. We'll have better sight lines there, and if these creatures break through we'll have another line of defense."
Notice [3d6c1+1]=8+1=9
Also taking "military knowledge" into account:
Hansel WIS+Lead (military planning) [2d6]=8

Hansel examines the roof. There's room for up to three people outside the second floor window on the porch roof. With his climbing gear, he could get up the chimney and onto the top of the house above the second story. Hansel tries to put himself in the position of Pietr, and realizes Pietr has a pretty intimate working knowledge of the farm and its occupants, at least as of about 10 years ago. That's pretty significant.

You can discern that a lot of effort was put into the ungated road leading up to the house, as you experienced personally. The paddocks and gates used by the livestock, however, provide a clear approach to the other side of the barn and it seems odd that the area wasn't tested for defenses by the zombies.

The house also backs against the sheer cliffs of the badlands hillsides, a cozy half-acre backyard with vegetable and herb beds, a copse of lilac, and a double swing hung from a large oak tree which stands higher than the surrounding cliffs. with the electric fence posts strung along the top of the cliffs as both warning of the fall and to prevent unwanted guests. Standing on the rooftop, you have the vantage to see that someone willing to face a 10-20 meter drop could approach from the rear.

Okay, that'll wrap the dinner conversation. You each get one big action / roll about what you want to do before dark. Please narrate (talking as you go is free, of course), include a roll, and then we'll move to sunset...
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#66 Post by jemmus »

Taavi is amazed at Shadrach's observation and insight into the situation with Nora and Pietr. He'd completely missed it. He'd thought that the criminal wanted the land, the residence, and the tech. Shadrach had spotted the real history and thought that he was coming for the daughter Nora. In reality the goal was probably the first, supported by the means of the second. And a child involved. A third. Layer upon layer. "What a dunce you are, Taavi Perrtu! As thick as a brick," he thought.

He said, Báleygr, and he and the other marshals note that Taavi has started addressing him by his first name. It seemed that the lawyer thinks everyone is in it together, and they'd all just better become friends. Right now. Because they'd all be tested and trusted friends or not during the long night.I think it's a very good and fortunate thing that you and Oliver have hit it off so well. I'd propose that you and he see if you can get his modified tractor in the barn running. And that you operate all of the heavy machinery as best as possible against walking corpses.

And it seems that we need someone guarding the hills behind the house. Maybe from the branches of the tree, for view and line of sight reasons. Or from the top of the chimney, checking both fore and back, for the same reasons.

And then there's the route to the other side of the barn. Why was that not set up for defense before, Mr. Richard? It seems that we need someone watching that route as well. Someone very skilled with firearms or operation of heavy farm equipment. Or both, if we should so decide.

And I think we should also have someone in the house, firing from a window or lying prone in the doorway. As a last defense. The shooters on the roof won't be able to sight downward into the house, of course. And of course with lights out and no one in the house silhouetted against back light. If the reminants do manage to get that far, we'll have to ask Ms. Nora to turn on the lights and put her shotgun to quick use. As will the marshal there with his long arm or short arm firearm. Being probably the least-skilled shooter among us, I'll volunteer for that spot. Or on the roof, which seems to be safest spot from which to not be quickly eliminated and consistently apply damage.

It seems that if we can eliminate this Pietr, we don't have to be concerned about his masses of walking cadavers. I'll be on watch for him.

We have four armed marshals, a fixer-pilot, Mr. Richard and house defense mom Nora for all of these jobs. I'll take covert dark house defense as mine. Hopefully the reminants are as mindless as was said. One good shot on this Pietr and we're probably all done.


Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#67 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel Sits up on the roof for a while asking himself How would I ruin my day... OK, how would I stop me? Notice roll for potential advantages After about 30 minutes, he climbs down and makes his report. It's fair to say that you've got some mightly formidable defenses. But I have a few large concerns, things that I would take advantage of were I this Pietr. Those cliffs to the back side of the property. If I had a bunch of soldiers that I didn't care about, they could come right down 'em. Those electric fence posts, if I didn't care about my soldiers, I'd just send a bunch against 'em, let 'em fry, and send a bunch more. Some would get shot, some would fall and splat. But some would get through. Then you got bad guys on two sides to contend with, splitting your fire. And once past that fencing and the drop, I don't see a whole lot. Second problem... the backside of the barn. It don't seem defended. I understand a working farm can't have it's livestock exploding, but it's what we used to call a "high speed avenue of approach." A lot of bad guys could come from that way right quick. AND be able to catch their breath and regroup behind the barn. Not that zombies are that smart, but even so. They both seem big gaps, and this Pietr is smart enough to know that. I think he's been playing with you so you'll feel overconfident and be stunned when the REAL attack comes with some pestering you on the main drag, and a few up on the cliffs. Hansel pauses and takes a small pull from his flask. So, I guess what I'm saying is you need four things. One - You need a spotter - a human, a drone, something that can see over those cliffs. Two - You need another atop the roof. Both with night vision. Three - You need some way of making the ground underneath those cliffs deadly. Four - You need some way to deal with the undead that are going to come at a full run throught the paddocks on the other side of the barn. That's where the main force is coming. Another, smaller sip. I don't suppose that thing you said Oliver was working on was a tank or a mechanized flamethrower? He looks at his flask, considering, stops it and puts it away. Well, work to do. I can be in the tree or on the roof, if there's nothing automated for it. I'm a fair shot. But for the meantime, I think I can best help by turning a hand to whatever needs fixing of preparing.

When the time comes, Hansel will deploy where needed. It's probably best that someone with a rifle takes the overwatch position. Laser pistol range doesn't suck, but it's not a rifle.

Notice [3d6c1+1]=7+1=8 (for unexpected/overlooked advantages)
Fix [2d6+2]=6+2=8 (for what needs fixing, prepping)
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#68 Post by cybersavant »

We used to have drones but they've broken down.
Báleygr Gangleri helps clear off the table. "Thank you for the meal. As i said, i'm something of a fixer. If you'll allow it, i'd like to take a crack at those drones, and anything other mechanical defences. I might be able to jury-rig something up to even the odds."
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#69 Post by Marullus »

Okay, please reverse the order of those posts: Hansel reported what he saw from the spoiler tag, then Taavi gave his thoughts on it. ;)

Right now you're just talking, which is fine. Getting preferences for the plan first is a good thing. Actual Action will proceed in steps:

1) You have the "A-Team Montage" where you all get to do one thing to change the situation or create an advantage (fix the drones, get the tractor working, do something to the paddocks or cliffs, reinforce the house, check the irradiated lab, trap the barnyard, bolster morale, etc). State what it is, narrate, and include a skill roll. Everyone does something.

2) I will also allow you each to mechanically help one other person in addition to your own action during this time: narrate how you help their effort and you can roll any skill and if its good enough you give them a +1. (If you're rolling the same skill, I can take the better roll.)

3) Establish positions for when the fight is coming. You can pick where you are and what you're doing. Narrate your character waiting. Everyone include a Notice roll and an Initiative roll. This is what I'll use to start the action scene.

I'd like to do those in order.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#70 Post by Enoch »

This is what the farmstead looks like from my understanding. Please correct me if you disagree!Image

Shadrach sighs as he pushes up from the table, settling his broad-brimmed hat back on his head, tugging the brim in the direction of Nora as he does so. "That was a real fine meal, ma'am. I'm sorry for your troubles, an' we'll do what we can to help fix them."

He looks over at his companions with a grim expression. "Seems we have a lot to do and time is short. Hansel, you seem to have an eye for this sort of thing, but if you want any help scouting out the battlefield or siting targets, let me know. Might want to put one of us on that barn, if you're thinking they might come that way an' try to use the barn for cover.

"I was also thinking it wouldn't hurt to check out that lab downstairs. I ain't a scientist, but we're like to be outnumbered and outgunned, an' we need all the advantages we can get.
I've got about four mags' worth of ammo, which is fine for day-to-day but not much for an extended firefight against human wave attacks, if you'll pardon the expression."

He turns to Old Richard and takes a deep breath before adopting a respectful tone. "I know your feelings about that church grim outside," he says, jerking his head back toward the front door. "An' I'm of a mind with you on that. But all things can be made to serve the Lord. I propose to have him scout out that lab, on account of he don't die like the rest of us, an' if he did, well...I can do it in such a way as he never sets foot in the house proper. I'll respect your wishes on that. But I sure would like to see if there's anything down there as would be of use to us tonight."
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#71 Post by jemmus »

Before we move forward, can Taavi ask Old Richard a question?
Mr. Whighte, do you happen to have a store of rifle or pistol ammunition? Or any non-gunpowder firearms we can use?

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#72 Post by Marullus »

Enoch wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:30 pmThis is what the farmstead looks like from my understanding. Please correct me if you disagree!
Good enough - I'll use it. :) There's less than an acre behind the house total. It's about a half-mile from the farmhouse front porch to the inner fence. The outer fence varies, being a few miles from the inner fence. You can only see beyond the inner fence with remote surveillance.
jemmus wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:11 pm Taavi
Mr. Whighte, how does one disable a zombie with a firearm? It seems that a shot to a vital organ wouldn't do much good, because the organ is already dead. Do you have to take out a leg to immobilize them? Or is there another good target?
"To be fair, it looks like any good hit will do it. It's enough to disrupt whatever enchantment he's got on them. If they're intact at all, though, then he can stand them up and call them home, or reuse them another time. Learned that the hard way. That's what those ash piles saw were about... we go out after every stormy night; fix the fences, burn the corpses. He can't animate a pile of ash and splinters. It seems a small victory, making him go dig up new corpses, but it is satisfying in its own way."
Enoch wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:30 pm "I was also thinking it wouldn't hurt to check out that lab downstairs. I ain't a scientist, but we're like to be outnumbered and outgunned, an' we need all the advantages we can get.
Old Richard contemplates. "I... well, as I said, I didn't really understand all Em was doing down there. I'm glad she loved me, simple as I am.
If you know how to turn some of that tech into an advantage, I won't stop you from trying and that includes... whatever you think that hellhound can do for you. What I'm concerned about is that the reactor is leaking. You're lucky if you last a few minutes in the lab before you pass out from it.
After Em died, we don't know how to fix it, so we just sealed the protective doors and we hope the power stays on. I'll show you the doors but... well, we can't keep them open for you."

jemmus wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:11 pm Before we move forward, can Taavi ask Old Richard a question?
Mr. Whighte, do you happen to have a store of rifle or pistol ammunition? Or any non-gunpowder firearms we can use?
Old Richard nods. "Not much, but some. We didn't expect to be an armed compound, after all. I've got two laser rifles and three laser pistols," he says, then Nora adds in a solemn tone, "Plus Azrael." Old Richard rolls his eyes and ignores it as he continues, "plus all the batteries you could need to shoot them - we've no shortage of batteries."
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#73 Post by redwarrior »

Marullus wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:53 pm Old Richard nods. "Not much, but some. We didn't expect to be an armed compound, after all. I've got two laser rifles and three laser pistols," he says, then Nora adds in a solemn tone, "Plus Azrael." Old Richard rolls his eyes and ignores it as he continues, "plus all the batteries you could need to shoot them - we've no shortage of batteries."
Hansel smiles and says Those blasters, and especially batteries will come in handy. Whoever does overwatch should take a rifle and as many batteries as they can carry. I will definitely take all the batteries that can be stored for my pistol. As the discussion goes on, Hansel will attempt to speak quietly with Nora, a little out of earshot. Ma'am I sense some disagreement between you and Mister Richard. I wouldn't normally stick my nose where it doesn't belong... but I am a few hours from doing so with my body, so could you tell me of this Azrael? I believe that was the name of an avenging angel from old earth?
Talk [2d6r2+2]=8+2=10

Depending on her answer, Hansel intends to next go explore the barn, especially looking for good vantage points from the hayloft or anything else that can be turned to our advantage. The intent is to find a well-hidden and difficult-to-reach (for zombies) shooting perch with secondary and supplemental positions and to reinforce it with whatever sheeting/armor plating is at hand, once that is done, He'll stack as many battery backs as he can.

Then he'll move his way down to help with repairing the vehicles, as best he can. I don't want to get ahead of the scene. I had a notice & fix roll in my last post. We can use those or I can re-roll, as makes the best sense.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#74 Post by jemmus »

Mr. Whighte, that's very good news to hear, Taavi says. So two laser rifles and three laser pistols. Two long range weapons and three handy short range ones. It seems obvious that the rifles should go to the shooters stationed on the roof. Or anyone else in another long range and long line of sight position. Since I'll be in the house, it makes sense that I should take one of the close range pistols.

Mr. Richard, when we started for your house, we weren't expecting a battle either. My cartridge rifle and pistol's magazines are full. But the ammunition for and reloads is back in the truck. I would like to be able to ply the cartridge rifle as much as possible while they're still at long range. During while we can attack, and they with no weapons can't. But for me to retrieve the ammunition would require disabling the funnel defenses for a while. While I run the 200 meters or so to the truck and back. There should be time for that, it's just a 400 meters round trip. Maybe two to three minutes. Even for a State of Greater Kumekhna office worker.
He looks around to everyone with a smile, hoping the little joke worked and there are some laughs and smiles.

Which brings to mind, what about that truck? Is there a way that Pietr could put it to use for bad results? Now, or in the future? A functional motor vehicle is a valuable thing. It enables rapid transport and the ability to quickly show up where someone may not expect. And he's got the zombiepower to flip it upright again. And drive it out back the other way. Or load the bed with zombies, jam the accelerator pedal, and let it get cut up along the funnel route instead of the zombies. Or crash into the scythes on one side of the funnel and use it as a bridge for zombies climbing over?

I think we have disable the machines engine and motors. Or capability to be driven and moved. Maybe just puncturing all tires would be enough. Marshal Báleygr, what do you suggest? Marshals Hansel and Shadrach? Everyone? In any event, I would need three minutes with the funnel defenses down to get more sustained ability to inflict more sustained damage long range.

Will get back to GM's direction about next actions soon. We've got some good planning discussing among the characters going on, want to get more intel before committing to next steps. :)

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#75 Post by Marullus »

You can retrieve the truck, but that's the thing you do. I won't make you do a skill roll for it, but you do need to commit.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#76 Post by cybersavant »

Marullus wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:53 pm 1) You have the "A-Team Montage" where you all get to do one thing to change the situation or create an advantage (fix the drones, get the tractor working, do something to the paddocks or cliffs, reinforce the house, check the irradiated lab, trap the barnyard, bolster morale, etc). State what it is, narrate, and include a skill roll. Everyone does something.
3) Establish positions for when the fight is coming. You can pick where you are and what you're doing. Narrate your character waiting. Everyone include a Notice roll and an Initiative roll. This is what I'll use to start the action scene.

Old Richard contemplates. "I... well, as I said, I didn't really understand all Em was doing down there. What I'm concerned about is that the reactor is leaking. You're lucky if you last a few minutes in the lab before you pass out from it. After Em died, we don't know how to fix it, so we just sealed the protective doors and we hope the power stays on. I'll show you the doors but... well, we can't keep them open for you."
Báleygr Gangleri stands up. "I'm not one much for shooting; so, like it or not, i seem to be the best suited to check the lab. We need an advantage, and tech is that advantage. Did your wife have a rad suit? In any case, i'll pop in to the lab. I'll close the door behind me, but please don't lock me in. Do you remember the layout of the room?"

Báleygr heads for the basement; first he'll inspect the door seal, and if there's a window in the door, look through first to judge the situation, if not then just takes his chances.


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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#77 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach holds out a restraining hand. "Balegyr, wait. Why don't I scout first an' see what the situation is down there? I can do so safely. That way you can have a better idea what's down there, an' hopefully fix something up without getting yourself all irradiated."

He places a hand on the door to the basement lab and bows his head for a moment. The colors of his clothing and skin seem to wash away, muted; and he himself seems to fade. In a moment, the door can be seen through him, and wisps of shadow, like smoke, roll off his form and dissipate. "Be right back," he mutters, and pushes through the door.

Intent is to use my helping roll with Notice to assist Baleygr in his Fix roll. I will use Phasing to scout around without actually interacting with anything. I take a System Strain every round I use this, so it will be up to the GM to adjudicate how long I'm down there. (I fully intend to be back well before I hit my limit.)
Notice: [2d6+2]=8+2=10

He delivers his report to Baleygr, then pushes toward the front door. His eyes are downcast, and he doesn't seem much in the mood for talking.

Once outside, he and his shadowy hound stalk the grounds of the homestead. He clambers up on top of the barn, looking down likely invasion paths with the scope of his rifle and stacking half-full grain sacks as makeshift sandbags before setting up several other similar positions.

Intent is to fix fields of fire for those less familiar with large-scale battle and make sure we have all the likely invasion routes covered.
Int + Shoot: [2d6+1]=8+1=9
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#78 Post by jemmus »

Please disable the funnel defenses for just a minute, Mr. Whighte, Taavi says. I'll be back right away with the truck, then you can turn them back on. He sets out at a run toward the truck.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#79 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Dark Nights

Down Below...

Báleygr heads for the basement. "like it or not, i seem to be the best suited to check the lab. We need an advantage, and tech is that advantage..." Shadrach holds out a restraining hand. "Balegyr, wait. Why don't I scout first an' see what the situation is down there? I can do so safely. That way you can have a better idea what's down there, an' hopefully fix something up without getting yourself all irradiated." The pair depart the kitchen gathering, heading below with Nora and Oliver showing them the way.

The pair are surprised - the basement stairs lead down to a basement / cold cellar for the farm house, then down twice as far to a concrete bunker some 40' below the surface with crisp, white lighting. Air handling systems blow fresh air here and the hallway is wide and comfortable, implying a rather large laboratory space beyond. Self-illuminating warnings run along the walls to show the escape route, and also to warn about the hazrds of the large steel double-doors that prevent further movement. Shadrach places a hand on the door to the basement lab and bows his head for a moment. The colors of his clothing and skin seem to wash away, muted; and he himself seems to fade. In a moment, the door can be seen through him, and wisps of shadow, like smoke, roll off his form and dissipate. "Be right back," he mutters, and pushes through the door. (Total three system strain.) He returns a few minutes later, his translucent form resolidifying, glowing red coals falling from his boots, leaving momentary scorchmarks on the floor that begin to fade even as he resolidifies. He reports the layout and contents to Báleygr in a subdued tone, then heads upstairs his eyes downcast. He doesn't notice Nora following a minute later, though Oliver remains below with Báleygr. "Grandpa says the rad suits burnt-out years ago, but I can pull the door switch from here behind this lead shield to let you in and out..." His curiosity about the forbidden door is fit to burst out of him.

This scene goes as Primary to Báleygr. You can continue with the the scene but now with Shadrach giving you a +2 for his help. I need to know what your objective is: what kind of advantage are you looking for? You have some narrative control over the outcomes.

The reactor: Do you want to risk longer exposure to try to fix the nuclear reactor, ending radiation safely but at cost to yourself? Do you want a faster total shutdown so that it can't be used as a weapon if captured, but also ending its provision of electricity?

Or are you going to ignore the reactor and just take something that you can rig into an advantage? If so, what kind of advantage? What plan do you want it to support? This is a TL4+ laboratory - small but capable. You can potentially make a TL4 effect happen within a reasonable description (which is already mostly lost on this planet). (You'll be doing a quick run in to grab the thing and the right tools, then you can do your modding outside the radiation.)

Or are you just scavenging for good TL4 stuff, not necessarily weaponizable for the fight ahead? I can let you pick two reasonable non-weapon TL4 gadgets or I can randomize five if you grab things not being picky.

Make a fresh roll and include it. INT+FIX to repair or take what you need to mod a thing. WIS+FIX to scavenge non-weapon tech. (Both are +2 for you, anyway, +4 with Shadrach's help included.) Level of success will determine the quantity of items you are able to get.

In the Barn...

Hansel takes a bag full of batteries, then heads to the barn to look for fortifiable positions. Hansel catches Nora and asks, a little out of earshot, just before she heads to the basement - "Ma'am I sense some disagreement between you and Mister Richard. I wouldn't normally stick my nose where it doesn't belong... but I am a few hours from doing so with my body, so could you tell me of this Azrael? I believe that was the name of an avenging angel from old earth?" She looks flustered, but confirms the reference, a defiant firmness in her voice. "Azrael's the one to mete out death, and that's what I named it. My cannon. This is my fight, and I ain't gonna sit it out." An awkward moment passes as she simply doesn't say more. Then she smiles awkwardly and turns, heading down the stairs to catch up with the others.

Han is checking the security of the lower floor with its goat pens and chicken coops, closing doors and rigging latches where there aren't any, when he sees Shadrach enter, his brooding demeanor obvious as he heads straight for the open wooden steps and climbs to the loft above. A moment later, Nora follows, arriving the house and following Shadrach up the stairs.

In the loft above, Shadrach stands brooding and alone, silhouetted against the setting sun as he looks out the large, open loft door on the second floor, considering the open fields and multiple approaches. He turns and begins partially filling and stacking grain sacks from the attached silo when he sees Nora approach for where she was watching him work. "I... I wanted to thank you," she says, her tone laden as she reaches up, turning his chin to have him make eye contact. "This isn't your mess, but what you said in there... I want you to know, I appreciate it. I..." her hand drops to rest flat on the chestplate of his body armor, her eye contact unwaivering "I'm glad I don't need to be coy. With you."

This scene is going to be primary to Shadrach, with help from Hansel. Hansel is free to pick one of his other ideas as a main action (especially as he has Fix). Han is free to continue help/roleplay in this scene and then also to depart and setup his own Main Action scene. I will use the previous roll which gives Shadrach a +1 on his own roll to set things up here.

Shadrach rolled a 9+1 for help = 10, a strong hit. Please tell me the advantages he chooses to create for those who set up in the barn. They can be moderate cover for all approaches, or strong cover for only one approach (there are three from this vantage - road, paddocks, fenceline).

On the Road...

Taavi begins a long explanation regarding the need for the truck, about its potential importance, its use or ability to prevent its illegitimate use. "Please disable the funnel defenses for just a minute, Mr. Whighte," Taavi says. "I'll be back right away with the truck, then you can turn them back on. To his relief, Old Richard is willing to help him.

It is more complicated than expected, as apparently the Whighte Farm didn't expect legitimate use of the roadway anytime soon. Through a series of switches and relays, the old man is able to disable the various traps, allowing he and Taavi to ultimately get through. The truck is still on its side and stuck in the ditch, of course, so Richard hooks up the haul-chain to the his tractor and pulls it back onto the road and onto its base. The pair pop the hood and check the damage, neither really an expert at such things, and there is relief when they do try the ignition and the truck rumbles to life. It's gravetic stabilizers appear wobbly and the motor is making a stacatto popping noise, but Taavi is able to drive it down the road into the farm's inner yard while Old Richard moves his tractor and then re-engages his defenses.

How bad is the truck damaged, anyway?
Taavi/Richard Checking the Truck [2d6+1]=6+1=7

Truck runs and is moveable, but is damaged and in a fragile condition. It will need a successful Fix attempt before you depart to run as it had.

If Taavi wants to do something with/to the truck for the coming conflict, I will allow the scene to continue with that Fix/modification attempt (including help from another PC). Smart move getting your truck - As a bonus, modifications to the truck leave with you. ;)

Further declarations still needed...

Character, Main Action, Helping Action
Shadrach X X
Taavi X O
Hansel O X
Balygyr X O
Emile O O
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#80 Post by greyarea »

Emile says, I ain't much for fixing things, but I can help with the defenses.

He assists in the barn as needed.
Last edited by greyarea on Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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