Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

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Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#1 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: How Do You Like Me Now?
The street is quiet and the shadows short as the sweltering noontime sun beats down on the small gathered crowd. The smoldering rubble of the church smokes up the street, collapsed in on itself in a mess of blackened timbers. The chaos of the day's dawning still lays heavy on the town of Prudence, the streets empty of any normal daily bustle. At the far end of Main Street, the storm clouds hang, a tumbleweed bumping along until it hangs up on the rails of a storefront porch. A tension is palpable, still raw among the cluster of a dozen or so men around the Sheriff's porch.

Deputy Karlo.png
Deputy Karlo.png (52.53 KiB) Viewed 883 times
Karlo straightens himself up, standing on the porch of the Sheriff's office, his shirt sporting the tin star of the former Sheriff Skender. He steadies his trembling voice and projects loudly, "Alright, alright. Listen up." He clears his throat and waits for their eyes to turn to him, the young man's best semblance of authority.

"Thanks to the discoveries of these... fine townsfolk, we've uncovered information about a regional threat." His eyes move intentionally from one distrustful farmer's face to the next. "Sons of Vukodlak," he emphasizes, "Which included Teo Hrsak, born in this town but now... deceased... and also we believe includes Sara Dosen and Goran Hrsak, also of this town. These fine men," he nods again in the direction of the glowering farmers, this time not making direct eye contact but instead speaking to the five outsiders who stand on the street before the porch step, "uncovered communications between the former Sheriff Skender and this criminal group. His negotiations kept them from preying on this town proper, even as they kidnapped children from other settlements. This changed with the presence of the outlander girl, Talina Manifer, and the events we saw yesterday, which broke that truce and resulted in a brazen attack in our Saloon. Because of these communications, we know the frequency they talked on and also were able to pinpoint the transmission tower location... several days out into the Badlands." He nods in the direction of the far end of main street.

"Now:" he continues abruptly, forestalling the muttering among the soot-stained farmers, "the nature of these crimes being across the entire region, and in particular not a crime against Prudence's children, and our luck to have a regional circuit judge attending to us at this time, we can avail ourselves of the jurisprudence of the Greater Kumekhna province," he now clears his throat again, steadying his voice, and looks across the assembled farmers. "...who will send deputized official Marshalls without the need of Prudence directly." His words are met with a sullen silence.

Judge Lira Bunt steps up with a commanding mien, her own mag rifle slung conspicuously at-hand. "It is our pleasure to assist Prudence and pursue this regional issue for the benefit of Prudence, Windfall, and all other local towns who have suffered under this criminal threat. With the authority granted to me as Circuit Judge of Greater Kumekhna Province, I hereby deputize these men to seek justice and remand the criminals to trial... whether dead or alive."

The crowd goes silent as each man steps forward. The first three - Emile, Han, Shadrach - each an imposing and obviously skilled gunslinger, their hats shading their steely eyes, their long coats protecting them from the dust here under the hot sun. Báleygr is next, his non-descript, everyman face and coveralls leading to some whispered speculation. Then Taavi, Counsel for the Defense, dressed in his fresh starched white shirt. Each man is addressed by name, pinned with a metal star, and asked to pledge his service faithfully to the Regional Government until this task is complete.

"Counsel Taavi Perttu," the Judge adds after he has pledged. "You are additionally charged to see the legal conduct of this matter. Any who are able to be returned alive will stand trial, here before me in this town. Is that understood?" She waits for an affirmation. "We are a people of laws, of order. And it is by this order that we retain and restore the better nature of our society."

Marshalls of Greater Kumekhna
Chapter Two.png
Chapter Two.png (407.98 KiB) Viewed 883 times

"But they're devils! They're of the devil!" yells one man from the back.
"What about that witch, the devil-woman Anja?" yells another.

"Up until yesterday, you went to Anja with your needs and had her pray for you to our Lord and Savior!" retorts matronly shop-woman with a apron and her grey hair in a severe bun.
"It was Anja who saved me, in the name of Jesus," adds Mirko, the bartender, a bit more humbly.

"Anja Dosen is held without bail," states Karlo, loudly, to quiet the others. "She will remain in custody until she has had a fair hearing. We ain't doing this in the streets. We got a judge and we can do testimony and the like." He clears his throat once more, then nods respectfully to Sister Amalia, perhaps blushing a little though its hard to tell in the hot midday sun, "We're lucky to have an ordained here to minister to you in the meantime. Parson Dollent has graciously offered his living room and sitting room for prayer meetings and for you to meet with the good Sister, that is until the church can be rebuilt."

There's subdued grumbling amongst the farmers. A rumble from the smoldering church causes some timbers to collapse and a cascade of sparks to fly upwards. Most, however, look on the five men standing with tin badges with at least begrudging respect.

You can all take actions or do rolls here to influence the mood or inspire confidence. This disposition will impact how things go off-camera between now and your return.

You can then array yourselves on the government truck - who's driving, who's shotgun, who's where on the back flatbed - and we'll move out down the road. You're given enough provisions for two weeks. You can request other simple supplies from the Sheriff if something specific is needed.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#2 Post by greyarea »

We serve justice, says Emile, somewhat lanconically, and justice shall be served. His eyes travel the crowd.

Emile Cha+Talk [2d6r2+2]=11+2=13

He will take shotgun
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#3 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri watches the proceedings in silence, except to answer the pledge when called upon. He sits in the truck where and when the others tell him to.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#4 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel accepts the badge from Lura. In a clear and carrying voice, he speaks Judge, I swear on my honor, I will uphold this commission you have given me and do all I can to protect the good, honest, law-abiding people of Prudence from these ...creatures, as well as any other threats against them or the region. I thank you, and sheriff Karlo for the confidence you have entrusted in me, and I will uphold it for as long as I wear this star.

Hansel will pick up a new gunbelt and/or holster, so he can have both weapons in "ready" status.

Talk [2d6r2+2]=7+2=9
There was a previous roll, but it had a 1 in it - cuz 3 on 2d6 - but I wasn't smart enough to reroll 1's due to diplomacy focus until I saw Emile's roll...
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#5 Post by jemmus »

Taavi takes the oath and pins the badge on his jacket. He says to the judge and sheriff, more for the crowd's benefit, We'll investigate the Sons of Vukodlak and they will receive the full weight of justice for any crimes they've committed.

To Báleygr, Mr. Gangleri, you're no doubt the better driver, but the truck is state property and only a state employee can operate it. Such is the nature of bureaucracy. Please take any place you'd like in the bed.

Not sure if I'm doing this right, but following suit. Talk [2d6r2]=4

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#6 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach's expression is bemused as he accepts the badge, barely glancing at it before slipping it into his pocket. It's clear he's not overly impressed with his new office.

He adjust the rifle on his shoulder and walks over to Amalia. He hesitates, appearing to search for words. "You take care of yourself, Sister. We're a call away if things go sour here." He turns to the assembled farmers and raises his voice. "Ain't many as can command the loyalty of one of the Host," he calls out, nodding to the Handmaiden. "Frankly, she's wasted on you folk, who hide your evil deeds in the shadowy corners of this town.

"I saw you- and you- and you-" he says, nodding to several among the waiting farmers- "in the mob the other night. If it were my choice, I'd take about half a dozen of your neighbors out of town and let the rest of you burn. But Sister Amalia is more patient than I am. Do better. Serve God, and listen to the Sister. If she calls me back, I'll come back bringing fire and destruction. Depend on it."

He turns away and nimbly leaps up onto the tailgate of the truck, whistling. Out of the shadows under the porch step races his hound, once again eerily seeming to transform into a coal-black hound from something altogether different. It slopes quickly across the intervening space, leaping for the back of the truck...and seems to disappear into the shadows beneath the canvas cover.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#7 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: The End of the World Again

The new Marshalls step up, each invested with their tin star. Báleygr and Taavi are a bit overlooked but the presence of the three obvious gunslingers hushes the gathered crowd - none dare now to insist that their own crude vigilantism could serve better than those the Sheriff and Judge have found. The cool yet terrible confidence of Emile inspires a preternatural reassurance that his words on justice are utterly real. The blistering, cold words of Shadrach leave the farmers somber, chastened before Sister Amalia as the Marshalls turn to leave. Taavi climbs in and starts the Greater Kumekhna gravtruck with a rumble, Emile climbing in the passenger seat. Han, Shadrach, and Báleygr climb onto the back of the flatbed, finding a secure place to rest against the double rails along the sides, the spectral hound disappearing under the loose canvas which covers the two weeks-worth of supplies the Sheriff has loaded up for the small crew. The Judge, Sheriff, and crowd stand in solemn silence as the truck rolls up Main Street and out into the Badlands beyond.

Inside the truck, Taavi and Emile watch the blinking red dot moving with imperceptible slowness of the dark viewscreen of the dashboard, displaying a crude satellite map map with major terrain and the coordinates of the transmission marked as the destination. With a winding route through the cragged hills and low brush, it will take perhaps a week of steady driving to reach the destination with no telling what lies between here and there. The occasional outline of a wolf flits amid the brush as you leave Prudence behind you, but soon that gives way to the rolling hills with roundhorn goats watching you pass, silhouetted against the sky. Hairless prairie dogs, their oversized teeth stained like rust, pop up from holes as well, dissappearing back under the earth as you close on them. The bleaching bones of larger game can be seen on the bluffs, assuring something significantly larger abandoned the remains there.

The first day passes slowly, the ominous storm clouds rumbling in the distance but not dampening the dusty road under the hovering truck. The retractable awning over the truck's bed provides some needed shade to the three passengers on the rear, the switchback, winding road making its way between the exposed layered stone of the hillsides, the irradiated scoring showing where a crater from the Wars now serves as a watering hole or rippling pond. The tinny-sounding speakers in the truck cab play through the open rear window, providing some respite for the monotony.

It is mid-afternoon when you round a bend and see the fence-markers of a ranch, a herd of wide-bodied cattle lowing along the blistered stone of a watering hole. As you pass close to them, you notice the mutations - something not-right about the animals in the form of an extra limb, an eye, and in most cases broad muscular girth.
Mutant Cow.png
Mutant Cow.png (254.71 KiB) Viewed 845 times
You see the thin white smoke of a chimney across the long vale you're driving through, the outline of a large barn visible even at this distance. Or if you press on, your map shows an oil derrick a few miles further.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#8 Post by jemmus »

Taavi stops at the road to the barn. He takes the truck's loudspeaker mic, turns the volume to low, holds down the mic, and says to Emile and the marshals in the truck bed, Any objection to checking out that barn and house? We're all outsiders here, any information they can get about the lay of the land might be good. I don't know that we have any particular timeframe for getting to Windfall.

He thinks, "We've got a little organizational issue here. We're a democracy, we need group consensus to do anything. 'A committee is an animal with four back legs and no head' and all that. And we're going into a potentially violent situation where we may need to make quick decisions. For now, I suppose it will be propose a course and see if anyone has other ideas or vetos it. And if there's no time for that, just do something. Especially when it comes to driving, and there's only one driver with the entire committee in the one vehicle."
If the truck doesn't have a loudspeaker, Taavi will slide a panel of the back glass open to talk to the truck bed passengers.
Last edited by jemmus on Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#9 Post by greyarea »

Emile nods. Let’s check it out.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#10 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel checks his gear and nods. He's not really sure how to go about marshaling, but he's willing to play along with the majority until there is some reason to disagree. And his experience tells him that more information is better than less.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#11 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri speaks up. "Isn't one of you the senior marshal? Life is hard out here in the badlands - often there's no time for a vote on what to do. Have you at least worked together before, so you know each other's abilities and probable actions in any given situation?" Báleygr looks at the expressions of the others as he speaks.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#12 Post by jemmus »

No, the judge and the sheriff didn't set it up that way, Taavi admits. And as for knowing each others' probable actions, you probably know as much as we do. As far as I know, we've only seen how each other acted during the debacle at the saloon yesterday and the mob disturbance today. And not all of us were at either. He hates to do it, but he does a committee-like action. Who agrees with Mr. Gangleri and me that we need a senior marshal for making quick decisions? Not for overall direction of what we all do. But for when there's no time to discuss. If even one more person agree we need a senior, that's three and a majority. But if someone strongly objects, we have to take that into consideration as well. We might as well decide on things before we even approach a barn.

And if you do want a senior marshal, please state if you like to be considered for being selected. I'll say that stand for being considered. Not that I'm a commander by any means, or even the most qualified. But as an officer of the state assigned to try to establish rule of law here, I have to.
Sometimes he hated being having to be a prig bureaucrat more than others. Now was one of those times.

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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#13 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel listens to the discussion, taking a small sip from his flask. After a minute or so, he shrugs I guess, when stuff starts happening fast, it makes sense to have someone in charge. And because bureaucrats gotta bureaucrat, I suppose it makes sense that someone who has that kind of experience, and maybe a little knowledge of the laws we're supposed to be enforcing to be makin' those decisions. He ponders for a few more moments. I second the nomination of the lawyer, I guess. Though I ain't committing suicide because anyone told me to. Not no more.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#14 Post by jemmus »

Thank you, sir, Taavi says. If anyone else would like to take the responsibility for being senior marshal, I propose that we make the selection randomly.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#15 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug as he responds to Taavi. "If we're to travel together, it makes sense t' have one person calling the shots when time is short. You seem to have a decent head on your shoulders, and I'm happy to follow your lead. But when the shooting starts, don't be overly surprised if I take directions more as suggestions, though."
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#16 Post by jemmus »

Taavi replies, Fair enough. I wouldn't expect that a senior marshal role involves telling other marshals what to do or how to do it. So, to the barn then. He gives the squeaky, clanky, and now bullet-holed gravtruck some throttle and heads it up the road.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#17 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Scarecrows
1.jpg (90.9 KiB) Viewed 799 times

Taavi turns the truck down the side road at the junction, descending into the valley demarcated as a ranch. You pass the fence-markers, a dim red light glowing on top of each battered post, placed about 30 yards apart from each other. As you reach the greenery of the valley floor are two signs:

Whighte Farm

Private Property: No Tresspassing

Square fields, a few acres each, are separated by an eclectic variety of fencing materials - barbwire strung here, bolted sheet metal there, old gray split rails broken and laying on the ground. Scorched black mounds a few feet across lie near the fences.

At different field junctions, poles hold up listless scarecrows -- a silent judge and jury, staring down your soul, each one oriented to watch the road as you rumble through, the barn and ranch house coming slowly closer.
Sitting on the back of the truck, Shadrach and Hans have an odd, claustrophobic feeling. Shadrach realizes the fencing is closing in, funneling towards this road. Hans leans to the side looking ahead of the truck. He notices the square outline in the dirt... "Look out!" he yells through the open back window of the cab.

Taavi tries to veer, but isn't quick enough. THUNK! A pneumatic piston located below a square iron plate hidden by roadway dust thrusts upwards. As Taavi veered, it catches the truck off-center, flipping it over, passenger-side down, and into the roadside gully.

Post Dex+Exert checks to leap free of the truck... and actions!
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#18 Post by Enoch »

Exert: [2d6]=4 +1 Dex, no Exert. Not a great roll! Does this count as surprise (Alert keeps him from being surprised)?

As Shadrach struggles to free himself from the overturned truck, a shadow streaks out from under the truck, resolving into a coal-black hound with dull human eyes. It leaps atop the undercarriage, hackles raised, and a near-subsonic growl issuing from its throat. The overturned truck bed act as an echo chamber, amplifying the near-silent sound of the servos in Shadrach's joints to a dull hum as he emerges from the wreck, his rifle quickly fitted to the pocket of his shoulder as he scans his surroundings.

Activating the twitchlock actuators and readying his rifle.
Last edited by Enoch on Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#19 Post by greyarea »

Emile leaps from the vehicle, SunShooter in his hand. He immediately scans for potential enemies.

DEX + Exert [2d6+2]=12+2=14

Since he doesn't have Exert as a skill, perhaps a -1 should be added to that as well, correct? Still a good roll.
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Re: Chapter 2: Have Gun, Will Travel

#20 Post by Enoch »

Correct: skill tests without the skill take a -1 penalty (that's why taking a skill appears to provide no real benefit- it's eliminating the unskilled penalty).
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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