At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#161 Post by Zhym »

Gaerys takes the keys.

"I think our next step is to check the room to the north of the trophy room," he says. "After that, we will have a choice to make. Based on Antheris's initial recon, I believe the more southerly doors in the U-shaped hallway should open into the great hall. We could join their party, announcing our attendance with fire and lightning. Or we could continue to work our way around the perimeters of this place, saving the great hall for last. Each path has its advantages; the key question, I think, is whether extended exploration is likely to strengthen or weaken us before the big battle."

To Antheris: "Do you suppose your new friend the cave bear would know any useful information? It would be good to know what lies in wait for us in the rest of this complex. But the bear may not know anything more than its own room. I leave it to your judgment."

Gaerys will go to the door that leads to the room just north of the trophy room and make the usual listen check. If the druid has chosen to speak with the bear and the spell is still active, we might as well ask the bear to use its keen sense of smell to sense what's in the room.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#162 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

The druid manages a bit of a chuckle at Luna, "Maybe the magician can help you out with a cat. I could help you train a wolf later, maybe a bear."
"But now I'd like to get to know our new friend a bit better and see what he can tell us."
Antheris then fishes a bit more mistletoe out of his pouch, and seems to sing something in an odd tongue while he crushes the mistletoe between his large palms.
Speak With Animals
Druidic Transmutation/ Alteration
Level: Druid 1
Range: 0
Duration: 2 rounds/ caster level
Area of Effect: One animal type within 40 ft of the caster
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: None
Antheris will then introduce himself, Blue, and the rest of the party to the cave bear. And ask the cave bear:
- what it's name is (not what the giants named/called it)
- what is in the nearby rooms
- how many grown giants there are, and details about them, especially the one that kept it as a pet
- whether he smells any other living things nearby
- whether he hears anything nearby
- where are other animals kept, and how quickly could they get there

ooc: hopefully, the animal type "bear" would also let him speak with Blue? If so, he will ask Blue what he smells, hears, and has smelled or heard since entering the steading that the party has not yet come across
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#163 Post by Magnus »

Antheris chants in the sacred language of the Old Gods, beseeching them to grant him the power to speak with both of the party's ursine companions. His connection to nature is so profound and intuitive that he perhaps forgets the animal nature of the beings to which he is speaking, asking in some ways more than they can give.
NJWilliam wrote:Antheris, Druid

- what it's name is (not what the giants named/called it)
- what is in the nearby rooms
- how many grown giants there are, and details about them, especially the one that kept it as a pet
- whether he smells any other living things nearby
- whether he hears anything nearby
- where are other animals kept, and how quickly could they get there
- The cave bear's name is Oola. The bear is a female. The name was given to her by her giant "owner" - who Oola was raised by since she was a cub.

- Oola has been only in the Great Hall and rooms that the parties have already explored (including the dire wolf yard). She also says that the human slaves and small, hairy giants live in buildings in the north of the compound. The giant owner is Frumpa, who is the "alpha" female of the hill giants

- Oola smells and hears the hill giants all over. There are lots of them in the Great Hall, along with a "white giant", hairy giants, and a smell that she does not recognize. She also can smell and hear the dire wolves in the courtyard.

- "Many" giants. Oola cannot count; she is a bear. :lol:

- She says that the only other animals in the compound (of which she is aware) is her mate, who is Nosra's pet (and in the Great Hall), and the dire wolves, which are in the compound.

It bears (pardon the pun ;) ) mentioning that the bear was under no magical compulsion to serve the giants -- this is her home. She came into the party's service due to magical compulsion. She can't turn the animals against the giants.


Next move?
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#164 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

Antheris asks Oola where Nosra sleeps and where the food is stored.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#165 Post by Magnus »

NJWilliam wrote:Antheris, Druid

Antheris asks Oola where Nosra sleeps and where the food is stored.
He sleeps in the room just north of the Trophy Hall.

Doesn't know. Even a hill giant is smart enough not to tell the bear where to find all the food!
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#166 Post by Zhym »

Off to the chieftain's quarters next?

As posted before: inspect the door, listen, etc. The chieftain is probably at the party. I wonder if the door key we found is to his quarters.

Good information from the bear. We'll have to be careful if she's still around when we get to the great hall; being asked to engage in combat against her mate would surely be enough to break the charm.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#167 Post by Magnus »

Zhym wrote:Off to the chieftain's quarters next?

As posted before: inspect the door, listen, etc. The chieftain is probably at the party. I wonder if the door key we found is to his quarters.

Good information from the bear. We'll have to be careful if she's still around when we get to the great hall; being asked to engage in combat against her mate would surely be enough to break the charm.
No sound at the door and, indeed, the larger key is for the Chief's Chambers.

Wolf opens it and steps inside. The room, predictably, is very similar to that of Nosra's mate -- a finely appointed, by Hill Giant Standards, bedroom. There is a huge bed with plush furs, a dresser, giant-sized weapons and armour, and various items that were clearly taken from raids on human lands.

[Yes, you are absolutely right that fighting a mate would likely break the charm...or at least is not something that the bear would do. Same possibly goes for its owner -- depending on whether she is abusive or treats the bear like a lapdog. You don't know which.]
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#168 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

"With this information, I suggest we get to that Nosra's room next, and then perhaps to the Great Hall."

Before the spell wears off, Antheris will ask Oola if she can and will keep her mate from attacking their party if it comes to that, and also ask about whether she is willing to fight the giants, or small hairy giants.

He will also ask go over some quick hand gestures and words with her, such as "go there," "attack" (if she is willing), and "stop", otherwise he asks her to follow he and Blue's lead and to stay near Vorsyin and protect him.

He will also ask Blue to nudge him if he smells or hears anything they can't see and should be concerned about.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#169 Post by Zhym »

If the spell hasn't worn off yet, Antheris could just ask the bear what she thinks of her mistress.

Gaerys will search the room, looking under the bed and in the dresser, inspecting the weapons and items taken from human lands, etc.

Also, Gaerys would prefer not to enter the main hall yet. When the party attacks that hall, it will probably draw everyone else into the combat as well. It's probably better to keep the element of surprise as long as possible. The risk is that the party wear themselves down and run low on spells and hp, but it still has a bit of healing left and may find more as it explores. It might even find some useful items.

But storming the main hall has appeal, too.

Oh, and interpreting Oola's information: "White giant" = ice giant? Smaller, hairy giants = ogres?

(Note that these questions are for the party. I'm not expecting an answer from the DM. ;))
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#170 Post by Magnus »

Oola replies that she could not fight her mate or mom to the death but has no particular love for the hairy giants. She is also scared of the white giant and, of course, Nosra. Communication protocols are established, but no other information is revealed.

The spell wears off.


I need to look at the module at home and will update in-game then, but a few thoughts to consider:

1. The "giants" from the GoT series are "ogres" in OSRIC stat terms. Most of the party would know what they are:
1(A). "White Giant" -- nothing like that sounds even vaguely familiar.

2. This is a critical decision point for the party ... A.'s "kill a giant per round" Call Lightning spell is about to expire, the party has searched the East Wing and found very little, and they are wearing down little-by-little. But then again, something important could be around the next corner.

3. Stealth is not 100% safe. One risk to consider, which you have not yet -- the "alarm" gets sounded, particularly if you are cornered in a sub-optimal location.

You were already one cool magic item use away from a young giant sounding the alarm and already had one wandering monster sighting, who were fortunately too stupid to realize how powerful you guys were.

If something smarter or less brave sees you.... :twisted: :twisted: :!:

4. Perhaps the main hall has someone - or something - that would indicate who is behind all this. In fact, the leader of the whole thing could be partying with Nosra right now!!!

5. But perhaps a nearby room has some critical clues as well.... :?:
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#171 Post by drpete »

Not that I don't like the idea of killing a giant per round, it's one per turn, area effect, no?

Ethan will explore the room, looking behind skins, and under the bed, hoping to find the crest unlocked by the key,.or seething else informative, without a lot of hope.
"We are running out of time, if we want the storm to help us, I think. Should we lure them into the southern courtyard and do our best, or continue and hope for some intelligence in another area? I'm not sure we're on the right track, at this point."
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#172 Post by Computer +1 »

Vorsyin thinks for a few moments before speaking
We are at our strongest now. We have the element of surprise with us, we have the trents, we have the storm and we are all in good health. Now is the time to strike our hardest and then withdraw if necessary. I wish we knew for sure what is in the main hall to be certain but I think that is the most logical place to strike.
He looks around at the group.
If we wait much longer we lose two big advantages, one mistake and a raised alarm and we lose them all.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#173 Post by Magnus »

drpete wrote:Not that I don't like the idea of killing a giant per round, it's one per turn, area effect, no?
That's bolt per turn. Just checked the rules myself. ... _Lightning
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#174 Post by Zhym »

Okay, then. Sounds like we're agreed that we're off to a Big Damn Fight after we learn what, if anything, our searches of this room turned up.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#175 Post by Magnus »

The search of the chief's room, surprisingly, turns up nothing of value.

The party then took stock of their situation and realized that they had exhausted their search and had pressed the luck of their stealth long enough. It was best to take the fight to the heart of the Giants foul home, the Great Hall of the Steading!

Time would only tell whether the strike would be a mere first act or a final resolution!

[Great job, gang! I need some time for a map update. See OOC thread for more.]

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