World Building

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World Building

#1 Post by Marullus »

The universe for the campaign is chosen or generated from a set of lists and options. This forum will use a shared world burn in common between stories. The results of the randomized world burn tables will be added below. Further detail added during play will be appended in future posts.
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Re: World Building

#2 Post by Marullus »

Everything fell apart in an age of chaos. Uprisings flared like wildfire. Governments were toppled. Trade ceased. Old enemies waged new wars, and allies turned on one another. On the brink of total collapse, we assembled our fleets and traveled to the Forge. A new home. A fresh start. The crisis was sparked by the loss of key resources.

Do you possess a keepsake or artifact of pre-cataclysm society? What is it? Why is it important to you? If you are all that remains of a people or culture, you might be a VESTIGE.

When the Exodus fleet set off on a ponderous journey to a new home outside our galaxy, they marked the Forge as their destination. Countless generations lived out their lives aboard those titanic ships during the millennia-long passage. The refugees built a rich legacy of culture and tradition during the Exodus. Some even remained in the ships after their arrival in the Forge, unwilling or unable to leave their familiar confines. Those vessels, the Ironhomes, still sail the depths of this galaxy.

Quest Starter: Your dreams are plagued by visions of a lost and crippled Exodus ship. What do you see? Why does it call to you?

Does your family or cultural history offer any stories of the Exodus? How does this legacy impact you today? If you are dedicated to expanding the reach of your people within the Forge, you might be an EXPLORER. If you are exiled or reviled, you might be an OUTCAST.

Few survived the journey to the Forge, and we are scattered to the winds in this perilous place.
Our settlements are often small, starved for resources, and on the brink of ruin. Hundreds of far-flung settlements are lost and isolated within the untamed chaos of this galaxy, and we do not know their fate.

Quest Starter: A settlement on an icebound planet is found abandoned. There is no sign of an attack. No bodies. Their ships and vehicles sit idle. The people are simply gone. Vanished. What is your connection to this place?

If vows to a leader or organization are a key aspect of your character, you might be BANNERSWORN. If you are skilled at negotiation and resolving disputes between communities, you might be a DIPLOMAT. If you have always lived among the stars, you might be VOIDBORN.

The Ironsworn bind their honor to iron blades.

Aboard a starship, where stray gunfire can destroy fragile equipment or pierce hulls, the brutal practicality of a sword makes for a useful weapon. A few also favor the silent efficiency of a blade for infiltration or espionage. Most importantly, when the Ironsworn swear a vow upon a sword, they bind their commitment to the metal. If they forsake a vow, that iron must be abandoned. To be Ironsworn without a blade is to be disgraced.

Quest Starter: You vow to forge a new sword from the iron of an important object or artifact. What is it, and why is it meaningful to you? Who protects it?

What do you swear vows upon? Why is this object meaningful to you? If your background or personality emphasizes the strength of your iron vows, you might be HONORBOUND.

Much of the settled domains are a lawless frontier. Criminal factions and corrupt leaders often hold sway.

Powers rise and fall in the Forge, so any authority is fleeting. In the end, we must fend for ourselves. A few communities are bastions of successful autonomy, but many are corrupted or preyed upon by petty despots, criminals, and raiders.

Quest Starter: In the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, transport vehicles carry valuable and volatile fuel from the processing plant to a heavily guarded storage depot. The notorious leader of a criminal organization needs this fuel, and gives you the schedule for the transports. What leverage does this person hold over you? How will you undertake this heist?

If you chase down outlaws, you might be a BOUNTY HUNTER. If you are skilled at getting in and out of protected places and systems, you might be an AGENT. If you have connections within the criminal underworld, you might be a SCOUNDREL.

Our faith is as diverse as our people.

Many have no religion, or offer an occasional prayer out of habit. Others pay homage to the gods of our forebears as a way of connecting to their roots. Some idealize the natural order of the universe, and see the divine in the gravitational dance of stars or the complex mechanisms of a planetary ecosystem. And many now worship the Primordials—gods of a fallen people who once dwelt within the Forge.

Quest Starter: A cult seeks to take control of a site reputed to hold a Primordial artifact. What holy object do they seek? Why are you sworn to stop them?

What is your relationship to religion? If you are an ardent follower of a god or creed, you might be a DEVOTANT.

Unnatural energies flow through the Forge. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin.

Soon after our arrival, some displayed the ability to harness the Forge's energies. Today, mystics invoke this power to manipulate matter or see beyond the veils of our own universe. But this can be a corrupting force, and the most powerful mystics are respected and feared in equal measure.

Quest Starter: Someone you love has been corrupted by the powers of the Forge. Why did they fall into darkness? Where are they now? Do you seek to save them or defeat them?

If magic is an aspect of your setting, how does your character and their culture view these unnatural abilities? If you possess supernatural powers, you might be an EMPATH, FIREBRAND, KINETIC, SEER, or SHADE.

Communication and Data
Information is life. We rely on a guild of spaceborne couriers—the Heralds—to transport messages and data across the vast distances between settlements.

Direct communication and transmissions beyond the near-space of a ship or outpost is impossible due to the chaotic energies of the Forge. Digital archives are available at larger outposts, but the information is not always up-to-date or reliable. Therefore, the most important communications and discoveries are carried by the Heralds, sworn to see that data to its destination.

Quest Starter: You discover a crippled Herald ship. The pilot, carrying a critical and time-sensitive message, is dead. Where was the message bound, and why do you swear to see it to its destination?

If you are an expert at subverting or manipulating digital information systems, you might be an AGENT. If you keep an archive of navigational charts, you might be a NAVIGATOR.

To help offset a scarcity of medical supplies and knowledge, the technicians we call riggers create basic organ and limb replacements.

Much was lost in the Exodus, and what remains of our medical technologies and expertise is co-opted by the privileged and powerful. For most, advanced medical care is simply out of reach. When someone suffers a grievous injury, they'll often turn to a rigger for a makeshift mechanical solution.

Quest Starter: A rigger is in desperate need of a rare technological artifact to create a life-saving medical device. Their patient is someone important to you, and won't survive more than a few days. What is the nature of this artifact, and what protects it?

Do you bear any notable scars or prosthetics? Do you have any medical or physical disabilities? These aspects might influence your look or approach. If you are skilled at providing medical care for yourself or others, you might be a HEALER. If you are rigged with advanced prosthetics or cyberware, you might be AUGMENTED.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial consciousness emerged in the time before the Exodus, and sentient machines live with us here in the Forge.

Our ships, digital assistants, bots, and other systems often house advanced AI. For a lone traveler, machine intelligence can provide companionship and aid within the perilous depths of the Forge.

Quest Starter: A rogue AI has taken over a transport ship. The fate of the crew and passengers is unknown. What critical cargo did this vessel carry?

If you are accompanied by machine intelligence, you might have a companion such as a COMBAT BOT, SURVEY BOT, or UTILITY BOT. If your ship has an AI, you might have the OVERSEER module. If AI in your campaign is rare or unavailable, these units will operate using very basic machine intelligence. If AI is common and advanced, they may have their own sentient personalities.

War never ends. Talented weaponsmiths and shipwrights craft deadly, high-tech tools of destruction. Dominant factions wield mighty fleets and battle-hardened troops.

Those in power have access to weapons of horrific destructive potential. Skirmishes and wars flare across the settled domains, and most are pawns or casualties in these destructive campaigns.

Quest Starter: A weaponsmith created an experimental ship-mounted weapon, the Null Cannon, able to fracture the very bonds of reality. Now, they hope to undo their work before the cannon is brought to bear. What caused this change of heart? How are you involved?

Have you fought in any wars? Are there any experiences which haunt you now? If you are an experienced solder, you might be a VETERAN. If you swear vows as a soldier of fortune, you might be a MERCENARY. If you favor a particular weapon, you might follow a path such as BLADEMASTER, GUNNER, GUNSLINGER, or SNIPER.

This is a perilous and often inhospitable galaxy, but life finds a way.

Life in the Forge is diverse. Planets are often home to a vast array of creatures, and our starships cruise with spaceborne lifeforms riding their wake. Even animals from our homeworld—carried aboard the Exodus ships—have adapted to live with us in the Forge.

Quest Starter: On a scorching, barren planet wracked by massive storms, miners delve beneath the sands to gather valuable ore. But dangerous lifeforms live in the cool places beneath the surface, and several encounters have taken a deadly toll on the miners. Work is at a standstill. How are you involved?

If you have an expertise in lifeforms and planetary environments, you might be a NATURALIST. If you are accompanied on your adventures by a native creature, they might be a companion such as a GLOWCAT, VOIDGLIDER, ROCKHORN, or SYMBIOTE.

The Ascendancy, an advanced spacefaring empire, once ruled the entirety of the Forge. Vaults of inscrutable purpose are all that remain to mark the Ascendancy's legacy, but those places are untethered from our own reality.

Ascendancy vaults can appear spontaneously, washed up like flotsam in the tides of time. Their gravity and atmospheres pay no heed to natural laws. Some are corrupted and ruined. Others are unmarred and intact. Some are both at once. They are chaos.

Quest Starter: Deep in the Forge, an Ascendancy beacon has activated. The mysterious signal has confounded translation. Why are you sworn to seek out the source of the signal? What other person or faction opposes you?

Have you had any notable encounters with precursor vaults, relics, or tech? If you are an expert in ancient lore, you might be an ARCHIVIST. If you pick the bones of these places, you might be a SCAVENGER.

Put enough alcohol in a spacer, and they’ll tell you stories of ghost ships crewed by vengeful undead. It’s nonsense.

Within the Forge, space and time are as mutable and unstable as a flooding river. When reality can't be trusted, we are bound to encounter unsettling phenomenon.

Quest Starter: You receive urgent distress calls from a ship stranded in the event horizon of a black hole. The ship itself is broken apart—a shattered hull trailing debris. There are no signs of life. And yet the ghostly messages persist.

Have you experienced any supernatural encounters? If you specialize in battling undead or monstrous forces, you might be a SLAYER. If you have a supernatural connection to a spirit, you might be HAUNTED.
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Floating Schools of Swordsmanship

#3 Post by Enoch »

Given what was described in IRON (energy weapons banned on the colony ships and the knowledge all but lost, and an attendant rise in the importance of swordplay (to the point where Iron oaths are made on swords) and in EXODUS (refugees built a strong culture during the Exodus, with some remaining aboard the ships even after we arrived, with the ships now known as Ironhomes), I propose that:
The tradition of swordsmanship survives on these Ironhomes, even as the ground colonies slowly rediscover the secrets of energy weaponry. Swordsmanship remains a common and viable method of combat, and each Ironhome is home to a venerated and renowned school of swordsmanship.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Eidolon Wards

#4 Post by Enoch »

Our roll on HORRORS suggests ghosts, undead or something supernatural. The rulebook section on Eidolon Travel (p. 60) talks about "horrifying visions or visitations among the drifts" and talks of "eidolon ghosts", and wards and rituals to keep them at bay.

If that's true, there are probably characters out there whose job it is to ward off or defend against eidolon ghosts during travel. In our setting, maybe a BLADEMASTER with blessed blades, or people with a mystic Path- a DEVOTANT to exorcise the spirit, or a FIREBRAND to burn it with holy fire.

What would these wardens against the spirits be called? Eidolon Wardens? Something else?
Last edited by Enoch on Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Kuar Sector (Sample Terminus Sector)

#5 Post by Enoch »

The universe the game is set in will contain many sectors. This one (not yet named) is mostly a test of the random tables.


Sector Trouble

Notorious pirate clan known as the Breakers preys on starships.

A large settlement built in a crashed Exodus ship on an ice planet circling a red dwarf, Solitude appears to be a shipwreck set on an icy hell. The culture is one of rigid morality and militaristic expansionism, in part because Stygia has so few resources to offer.

Settlement: Solitude (Planetside, Ice World)
Population: Thousands
Authority: Unyielding
Projects: Acquire Honor, Expansion
First Look: Built within a repurposed ship. An Exodus ship's e-drive failed here, and the crew and inhabitants chose to bring it in for a controlled crash on the surface of the ice planet below.
Settlement Trouble: Social strife. It seems that some chafe beneath the yoke of the settlement's ruling council.

Sygia (Ice World)
Atmosphere: Marginal
Observable from Space: Supersized Ice Volcano
Planetside Feature: Clusters of ice spikes
Life: Extinct
Sun: Smouldering red star

Burrow is the largest settlement on Keres, a world that shattered eons ago when its moon collided with it. Nonetheless, the shattered wreckage contains valuable resources which are uniquely accessible for mining. However, Solitude looks at Keres' abundance with a jealous eye, and frequently raids the planet. Rumor has it that war is once again nearing, and Burrow watches Solitude carefully.

Settlement: Burrow (Planetside, Shattered World)
Population: Thousands
Authority: Fair
Projects: Surveillance, Mining
First Look: Significant structural damage

Keres (Shattered World)
Atmosphere: None/Thin
Observed from Space: Intense Solar Radiation
Planetside Feature: Fluctuating Gravity
Life: Extinct
Star: Burning yellow star

Marrow is a small trade outpost orbiting a gas giant. The planet's powerful magnetic field makes it a useful anchorage, and Marrow makes its living by resupplying ships. Its remote location and marginal success keep the station in a perpetual state of disrepair.

Settlement: Marrow (Orbital, Gas Giant)
Population: Few
Authority: Fair
Projects: Trade
First Look: Built from random scrap

Veil (Jovian World)
Atmosphere: Toxic
Observed from Space: Powerful magnetic field
Planetside feature: Torrential rain
Life: Simple
Star: Glowing orange star

A religious colony whose spirituality centers around the idea that their planet is a test of their faith and ability to overcome the trials of mortality. They have a highly-advanced infrastructure to filter out the corrosive atmosphere and protect their constructions from it.

Settlement: Portent (Planetside, Tainted World)
Population: Hundreds
Authority: Unyielding
Projects: Spirituality
First Look: High-tech construction

Uz (Tainted World)
Atmosphere: Corrosive
Observed from Space: Stagnant cloud cover
Planetside Feature: Terrain marked by fleshy pustules
Life: Overrun
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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