Better Genetics 300-001

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Better Genetics 300-001

#1 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Windwalker wakes quite late to the smell of Breakfast cooking somewhere out of sight. Which is good.

The precise location of the room in which he is currently located, and indeed exactly whose room it is in which he is currently located, are currently eluding him. Last night's party was fantastic, and there was the lovely woman Midori Nozomi that he was dancing with and was getting on well with and...then memory gets a bit fuzzy but definitely, definitely involved...well, Hopefully this bed!

みどり is written on the wall in 50cm high letters, but with nil Okami that doesn't help. But it does give hope in that it is in Okami's script.

Glancing around the room shows Windwalker that there are items of attire neatly sorted on a chest. His and someone else's. Clearly whoever the someone else is, "neat" makes a good impression. That may be tricky.

Windwalker's worries are assuaged when the smells of bacon are transformed into the sounds of serving; and the Breakfast appears, on a tray carried by Midori clad in little but a thin Kimono.

Ah Nemui hito - sleepy one, you are awake. I thought I would feed you before I make you good on your boasts of last night.

The day seems to be starting well!

Some hours later, awaking from a further doze (amongst other things), you awake again to a buzzing from your phone. And then that of Midori.

After ignoring it in the hope they will go away (which they don't) you both look at your phones - and realise that you must both work for the same company when Midori says There has been a break in at work - I have to go in and you have the same message Break in at the office. Your section has been ransacked. Need you in to identify what has been taken.. A quick check and she admits to being in HR for Better Genetics.

After Showering and Dressing, the two of you leave the house and grab a cab to the office.
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#2 Post by MeteorMiner »

Both arriving in the same cab will give the managers something to speculate about.

What do you think they want HR in for?
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#3 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I'm guessing they want to know who had access to rooms, things, etc. Who's new, Who we fired recently. That kind of stuff. And you are new, had access to whatever it is (or they wouldn't have called you) and are relying on me for an Alibi - Sad mistake :D

Midori looks at Windwalkers face as she says this...OK - That was a joke!

So I'll pay off the taxi, Let's face the music.

And with that the pair arrive at the compound.

Here, the local police (Sergeant Junker) are meeting with the site security head (George Apio) and the station Director (Adroa Akello) in the lobby.

Sorry to call you in, but there's been a break in and we have no idea what's been taken.

And with that they split the two of you up - the security chief and director accompanying Midori; the police sergeant accompanying you.

Sorry - I need you to suit up. Don't want to contaminate the site.
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#4 Post by MeteorMiner »

As Windwalker suits up, he chats to the sergeant.
This is a bit outside your usual remit isn't it?
I bet most of your work is Family Arguments, Drunks and Tourists damaging the park.

Do you think it might be an inside job? Having the personnel manager in seems like it.

What am I looking for? Aren't the forensics guys going to be furious I mucked up their crime scene?
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#5 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The sergeant climbs into his suit.

The Forensics team are going to be here in about 10 hours. Now I could wait for them, but I've already done half a day and want to get some sleep. The District Office says that I should "Record the Crime and go and Interview the Carter Lads". This isn't the Carter lads. They wouldn't do what has been done here.

And with that he seals his suit and heads into the office with you.

Inside the office/lab is a mess. The door to the fire exit has been neatly cut from its hinges, and the sequencing lab has been ransacked.

The "Samples-In" stacks have been rifled (unopened thankfully). There aren't any samples in progress, but that is because the analysers and extrapolators were all shutdown for the Holiday

The waste bin has been upended. The Completed bin is missing. You point that out to the Sergeant. It's outside, doused and burned - The smoke was what gave away the break-in. The Fire-team found it and put it out but called in the missing door

The chemical lockers are intact. The computer is still there - It's on but doesn't respond to the keyboard.

Damn The computer is vital to everything - all the records of all the work. If that is lost, then that's going to be a big problem. No reports, no billing, nothing.

You are right, Sarge - This wasn't kids. But what were they after? And why did they go for the bins and computer?

The Sargeant wants to know the same thing.

You return to the corridor and strip off. I'm sorry, but that lab will need to stay closed for a bit

Midori and Director Akello come over to see the Sergeant. I've pulled the records you have asked for - but they aren't much use. There are only 3 people that fit your criteria - but I can't see that they would have a grudge. Maria left for the birth of her Son, Havana left to look after her Father and Kyusu left to start that fishing lodge over near the mountains.

When you mention that the lab computer has been broken, Director Akello suggests you look at the data on another link. You can use the one in my office he offers.
Can you make
  • an Investigate Roll for the inspection of the Lab
  • an Electronics Roll for the inspection of the data
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#6 Post by MeteorMiner »

Windrunner: Basic Roll: [2d6]=8 For investigating the Lab
Windrunner: Basic Roll: [2d6]=7 For investigating the Computer Data
Windrunner: Basic Roll: [2d6]=10 For investigating the Boss' office
The whole thing looks odd.
  • Why break in at all?
  • What were they looking for?
  • Did they find it?
  • It is something in the lab
  • Probably a sample because the samples were burnt
  • Need to identify all samples supposed to be in the lab
  • Need to identify those still there
  • Who are they from?
Director Akello, I'm going to need someone to help me sort this mess out. And we need to get everything out of the lab as soon as the police are done so it can get on with the next jobs. Can you lend me a store room as a sorting space to pick through this mess? And we'll need someone to repair the Lab computer!
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#7 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The trawl through the laboratory really doesn't get anything great jumping out immediately, but clearly the room will need careful sorting...What the computer says is there, what the computer says is un-started. What the set of un-started sample boxes is compared to that list. And from the remains of the fire what can be recognised and ticked off. The missing items will be the target (and lots of red-herrings). Of course, the Forensics guys may do all that. The whole project is going to take an age and the Director is going to want the lot tidied up and the lab running to catch up. Still the request for a store-room has been favourably received. You can use the Cupboard 3-08. You don't investigate diddly until the labs back up and operational. Well it's something!

The Director's office - plush (once upon a time) but not updated for some time. His Degree and Doctoral certificates on the wall. Various bits of historic (and presumably private) interest and (in a draw) a substantial collection of empty drinks bottles - some plush but mostly cheap hooch. The other draw has a complete set of running clothes in a cheap bag - Shut the draw quick and hope the smell disperses before the Director returns! And a wallet with Cr500 in it.

Windwalker sits behind the desk and looks busy - well actually is busy quite quickly. The lab had a huge workload (didn't he know it) but he hadn't realised he was writing nearly 20 reports each day this week. And so were his colleagues. Normally it would be under 10. The computer, though, seems to have a lot of empty slots...lot 299-361-184. Report to: Blank; Report Results: Empty; DNA Data: blank...lot 299-361-187. Report to: Blank; Report Results: Empty; DNA Data: blank...Windwalker must have processed some of these in the last few days but they don't spring to mind. Another item for the list - Download the Analyser Memories for their latest activity. Well that gives a time to start. What is odd about last Wednesday?

Sitting and contemplating the meaning of life, Windwalker is disturbed by two factors - the Director wants his office back and Windwalker's stomach is rumbling. Forensics haven't turned up yet and until they do there is little to progress with. There's no chance of food here...And Midori may be needing food too. The vending machine option looks poor fare.

Off to the sergeant to see when they might get into the lab. The sergeant, however, seems to be seething...What do you mean its not a priority? Yes I know a murder takes precedence but this is odd! Sir. I really don't agree. Yes. No. No. Well Can I look into it? Thank you sir. Yes sir. I'll keep you informed.

He doesn't quite throw the phone on the floor, but he looks like he might. Forensics aren't coming. Other priorities. What do you make of it? Small facility 20 minutes from anywhere has an unusual break in and its just too expensive to investigate.

You outline your questions.

Well how about I tell the Director that I'm swearing you in as a civilian assistant and that we will look into the mess in the morning. Clear all the evidence out into that cupboard of yours and return the room to work. I get my investigation - you get to be on the inside and the Director gets his lab back. Don't think we didn't know you were an investigator before you came here.

You don't disillusion the Sergeant. This sounds fun. Unpaid work that's going to eat into your social life - whatever else could you want! Ah yes - a lift back to town.

But as you start to tidy up, Midori appears. The Director said you were done. How are you getting back? That social life looks more like real competition!
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#8 Post by MeteorMiner »

Windwalker smiles at Midori - A lift sound fantastic. Do I cover your expenses by providing you with drinks and dinner?

He relates the sergeants conversation to Midori.

I need to be in early tomorrow
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#9 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The trip back to town isn't too long - but the conversation goes (over dinner) to the weirdness of it all. Why would anyone break in to a genetics test centre and destroy stuff? You could see someone wanting to steal results, but the destruction of stuff implies that they were trying to ruin the company's reputation for security or hide something (or both). But what could they be hiding? Midori hints that she was asked to look for people who had a grudge - recent retirees, resignations and firings; disciplinaries; that kind of stuff. Also new hires. That last category would put you right in the frame.

But the sergeant's letting you help...Either he doesn't believe that you are a threat or he is keeping his eye on you or both. It must be lonely if you have to treat everyone as a suspect.

As dinner ends, Midori regrets that she is going to go to bed early. There's three sampling teams to head out in the morning and I've got to check that they have all showed up and get them to sign for their gear. Tomorrow evening, however, there's a duet in the Mountain Man's bar in town - would you care to take a look after work? Beer, Music, Dancing...
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#10 Post by MeteorMiner »

The evening has been pleasant. I’ll head home and think on Midori’s comments. Early start tomorrow. I’ll accept Midori’s suggestion for tomorrow pm.

One thing we can do is genetically test any trace evidence. Best sleep well and get up bright and early.
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Re: Better Genetics 300-001

#11 Post by MeteorMiner »

Billing will want to know what has been lost. So will the insurance company. So will the police. So will the clients. Priority 1?
What has the computer lost?
Did they want to find the results or to hide results or both? Why part destroy the samples?

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