So you want to play in a game on The Unseen Servant?

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Re: So you want to play in a game on The Unseen Servant?

#21 Post by Alethan »

Updated the Tips section with the third bullet item...
Alethan wrote: General Play-By-Post Forum Tips
  • You basically have ONE form of communication available to you in a forum PbP game, and that is written text. 99% of the members of the forum don't know you in real life, so they have no idea if you have a jovial personality, a serious personality, or a sarcastic one; they don't know if you're laughing when you type something or fuming smoke out your ears. The only point of reference they have is the words you write. So choose them wisely.
  • It is also good to remember that a player in one game is a lurker in every other game. And a lurker in your current game is a potential player/GM in the next. So a snarky comment about someone (or a group of people) might seem funny at the time, but it also creates an impression of YOU as a Player/GM that carries over to other games in which you might participate or lead. Again, choose your words wisely.
  • If you ever feel the need to post a picture that is NSFW (Not Safe For Work), then please use the Spoiler tags to keep such an image hidden unless someone wants to view it. No dirty piece of fan art or humorous (sic) picture is worth anybody's job.
  • Finally, always remember to be respectful of the other members of the forum.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.

Re: So you want to play in a game on The Unseen Servant?

#22 Post by Eulalios »

Alethan wrote: So screen capture the image or otherwise copy it ...
This is convenient for everyone. It's also de facto copyright infringement :( as it's an unauthorized reproduction of the other person's(?) image. The hotlinking practice avoids infringement.

How much does this matter? About as much as it matters when everyone drives over the limit in the left lane. In other words, not at all until there's an accident / someone decides they want to monetize their image that has been copied all over the place.
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