Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#41 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

"Well I would hate to think that Mr Sabbana has put the cart before the horse. Certainly we can meet tomorrow.

I would have thought staying upon Sparks until the outcome is decided is in your interests as the courts may sit as soon as legal functions are presented. Also as a shareholder in the Queen, your presence in the conferences are valued and items on the business agenda still need to be ratified.

We can discuss more in the morning.

Mr O'Hare."

He makes an appointment with Mr & Mrs Kole and then gives Tansu a call.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#42 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I'll come to you, though I'm surprised you aren't arrested! We'll talk then.

The tone sounds a mix of "Furious" and "Concerned".

And on her arrival, she starts with..

OK - So what did you do?
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#43 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

At the Hotel Paradiso.

"Do? Well it sounds like I have done everything and anything. Other than discharge my duty to the Embassy and to you, my sweetie. I am not sure what you mean specifically?

You said earlier that during the meeting with Yelena you were informed of being suspended on full pay with immediate effect. Is that her doing? Some numpty newbie trying to pull rank and set the cat among the pigeons. Someone seemed to know that you had a certain guest stay a couple of nights. The burglary was not coincidence. I made a few enquiries into that. I know Yelena has been tasked with taking her back to Touchdown. If she thought you had shielded her, perhaps that is the root of her ire?

I also heard some breaking news of Li. What happened there? Sounds like a domestic gone wrong. Jensen bonking his wife. Affairs coming to light which lit the touch paper of some tragedy no doubt."

He tries to sound convincing in his obfuscation.

Tibbs uses deception to placate Tansu [2d6+1]=6+1=7
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#44 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I was informed that Jensen had been attacked, Li had been killed and Bea had vanished and that I was suspended because I might be involved. I know I wasn't directly, so either its a set up or you have done something and not told me.

She looks at you carefully...

Jensen's having an affair with Bea? Are you sure?
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#45 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

"It seems very premature for people to jump to conclusions when no evidence other than a very tenuous link that because Li Anderson is or was your boss, you are involved in his domestics.

Li was old school. I was the rookie to his grizzled veteran of the thin blue line in Touchdown Police. He met Miss Adok-Karlresson at Uni. Their on-off-on relationship led to marriage eventually but in the meantime Li was putting in some 'overtime' with another Alumni, Kiki Masai. I don't think Bea ever forgave him. Facebook & Friends Reunited are poor ways to contact old flames. Bea found out and as an act of revenge conducted her own illicit affairs. You know she isn't bad for 58. She still cuts it with the sultry dresses and implants.

Li knew something was wrong and asked me to PI who she was seeing. Jensen an unlikely fling but he kept it going as Bea leaked embassy goings on during their own pillow talk 'goings on'. Information Jensen was being paid to deliver. It included details of the safe house arranged for Noor and then the correct assumption that she was in fact staying as a guest at your apartment.

His handlers seem to have fingers in a lot of pies. Unlike Jensen who has been caught with his thumb up his arse.

I would think the 'burglar' of your place just moved to the next possible address in the pursuit of Noor. I haven't examined the scene but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't bear the hallmarks of Joachim Lopez.

As to Bea. If she fled, would she go to Ares and be consoled with Kiki?"
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#46 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Well Jensen's being shipped back home - I had to arrange the transport.

And you were involved.

Well Li's not going to be footing your bill now! Next time you take PI roles, let me know before it gets me out in the wilderness. With Li gone this could have been my slot to fill - but now that's never going to happen!
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#47 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

"There we go. That is the root of your upset. Your boss gets gunned down at home, his wife kidnapped or fleeing for her life and all you can think is 'whoopee-do', I can jump into a dead man's shoes and get a promotion.

Well sorry to piss on your parade.

I presume that Li's murder is being handled by Yelena and she can piece whatever gibberish Jensen fesses up with his discreet liasons and come to the same conclusions I told you. The key figure in this is 'Madam Vizier' though her whereabouts are not known.

The best you can do now is enjoy the sabbatical of suspension and take the flight with Jensen. Like you said, Sparks is hotting up and the hunt is on for the secrets two bodies, those of Saffa & Sabah, keep."

Tibbs let's her take in his thoughts then proposes an early night or an evening with Jerome U exhibitions.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#48 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Take the flight with Jensen?...My job is here. You are here. I don't trust Yelena as far as I can throw her. She couldn't get this right if she was handed the solution at the back of the book! I'm going to fight for my job. You may not think it much, but it is mine.

So - This Jerome U. I didn't know you liked that stuff. Why not.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#49 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

Smiles but groans inside. I think he preferred an early night. Still a chance to wander the galleries and art nouveau places with Tansu.

Hearts and minds. He ponders the sculptures, portraits and models, each making various statements to shock and provoke. Belt cultural history is thin on the ground but the critics seem to know that the masses can be controlled by simple images and flash mob propoganda. The anti-bishop sentiment is clear which then has a trickle down effect to vandalism in local parishes.

During the tours he tries to get a few words with Jerome U or Hagan Ng, perhaps over a book signing.

Tibbs would like to plant the seeds of an idea in them that some urban graffitI in the style of monochrome silhouettist Banksy could 'pop up' around the venues used by the Starflight Enquiry, each picture depicting some mockery of FTL theory.

He will return to the hotel as the night closes.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#50 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Tansu doesn't appear to be enjoying the exhibition much, and while starting all chatty gets quieter all evening - ending with little but but monosyllabic responses to Tibbs commentary on the artworks. She leaves Tibbs to head for the hotel saying that she's got a headache after a stressful day and just wants to head home for bed.

The road and square outside the Hotel have an almost party atmosphere - the bike crowd having gained a set of police as watchers for their good behaviour. Many of the bystanders are clearly mildly drunk, and the participants have moved to some pretty pieces of hardware. Custom paintwork and stylish chassis. The tourist's café opposite seems to be open unusually late selling beverages to the crowd. Perhaps this is a regular thing?

At the Hotel itself, the additional security are still evident and the usual brisk evening trade in the downstairs bar seems to have vanished for somewhere less observed.

Tiberius himself manages to drag himself past the downstairs enticements (such as they are) for a shower and hoped for sleep.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#51 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

OK. So unless the hotel burns down at night he will sleep and set about the next days activities in the morning.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#52 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Message from indrani:

"Report back to the ship immediately. Will explain in person."
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#53 Post by Stirling »

Tiberius O'Hare

Breakfasts in his suite. So many things demand his attention he has to sort out a few priorities.

Tansu, suspended from work pending an internal investigation. The investigation is going to be short lived, with Jensen on the next shuttle out and Li Anderson shot dead in his house. That an informant still resides within the embassy ranks is more perturbing but until they pop their heads above ground, he will have to leave his unorthodox 'fairground whack-a-mole' games for later. He leaves Tansu to pursue her own course after recommending she take leave.

Noor En Sabah . Interesting that her purchase of shares in the Queen was just before the ship was restrained though she had no traceable foreknowledge of the ship or connection to any of the crew (save the naval officer Bewoor), past or present. It seems her purchase was recommended by 'a friend'. Her shares privately acquired not bought via the Sabah Media Corp investments or inherited. Indeed not received like his own via 'a Dead man's hand' draw. So that becomes another avenue to navigate, the unseen friend must have some connection to the goings on of Saffa and Celisse at the time or potentially was involved in helping Ameena with her Starflight review. He hesitates to contact Noor , thinking to raise the subject in private later.

Indrani Carter . He reads the message. Blunt and direct. He responds with a reply, "Mr O'Hare will arrive when shortly." He thinks of the bomb scare, assuming the summoning is related to that.

Ngora Kole. He determines that if he can conclude his reconciliation attempts that would serve the best use of his morning. He takes a cab over to her apartment or suite.
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Re: Chapter Eight-D: Tibbs Follows Stuff Up

#54 Post by BackworldTraveller »

As a matter of note, at Breakfast you are about 10 hours ahead of the Queen thread.

Will update you when you re-synch.

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