At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

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At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#1 Post by Magnus »

Date: autumn, 432 ca., campaign day1
Time: 18:30
Weather: 47 degrees, pouring rain, sunset in 30 minutes
Location: .5 miles east of the STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF; Milkwater Valley
Nearest Safe house: the First of the First Men, 5 miles south
Magic in Effect: None

And so it was that the heroes set forth for the STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF at dawn's first light. They would ride with a brigade from the Night's Watch from THE WALL to that ancient citadel, THE FIST OF THE FIRST MEN. THE FIST had served as a forward base for the forces of Men in struggles unfolding throughout countless ages past. The recent troubles had once again pressed this ruined mass of brick and stone into its noble service.

After a quick respite at this perch, the party would then ride five more miles through the tangles of pine forest lining the MILKWATER RIVER, accompanied by a trio of rangers assigned by the Watch to serve as guides and support. The group reached an abrupt clearing and their target faded into view.
image.jpg (63.49 KiB) Viewed 2143 times
These guides were left to tend to the party's horses as the heroes, now on foot, approached THE STEADING...

A pair of 15-foot-high doors made of ironbound logs formed an entrance to the stronghold. Thicker logs comprised the walls, packed with thick mud mortar. The thatch and wood roof inclined toward the middle, reaching a height of thirty feet at its peak. The stronghold had no visible windows, but a squat watchtower overlooked the entrance. Smoke rose from a single large chimney, curling into the dark grey sky of a heavy downpour

A log guardhouse stood apart from the main stronghold, but was connected by a palisade wall of vertical logs some 15 feet in height. Heavy log doors set into the palisade lead to a courtyard lodged between two buildings.

From the main building, an occasional boom of perverse laughter and sadistic jest pierced the sound of the pouring rain...
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#2 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 1
Time: 20:00
Weather: 42 degrees, cloudy, dark
Location: .25 miles east of the STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF; Milkwater Valley
Nearest Safe house: the First of the First Men, 5.25 miles southeast
Magic in Effect:

- Call Woodland Beings
- Speak With Animals [Expired]
- [Shape Shift and Return]
- [No Call Lightning until your green light.]

Wisely understanding the nature of the challenge before the party, the druid drew upon his connection with nature to learn all that he could regarding their foes and their foul, but formidable dwelling.

Antheris first whispered in the language of the forest with the few birds that flew overhead. The druid learned (and shared with the party) that the free, natural creatures of the forest ... even predators ... avoided the STEADING for reasons that they did not quite know. They, therefore, knew little except for that they had seen giants, wildlings, direwolves and other creatures of all sorts come and go from the STEADING. Some freely, some as prisoners.

Antheris then assumed the form of a swallow and circumnavigated the STEADING several times. He was able to discern an outline of the structure's walls and major features:
G1FirstLvl.jpg (924.13 KiB) Viewed 2111 times
A few things were of note:

- Area 26 is an open courtyard with ~10 direwolves resting, softly snarling or growling.
- Area 11 is clearly the main assembly hall and full of giants, who seem to be of various sizes and voices. The smoke is too thick to fly in the chimney and gain more. He could also see what is visible in the map.
- Area 1 is a mostly open-air courtyard with two giant "guards" sleeping, snoring loudly; another giant guard is passed out, face down in the guard tower. The entire area reeks of stale booze
- The rest of the STEADING seems quiet
- A small stream flows away from the STEADING and disappears underground, perhaps leading to under the STEADING, perhaps to a dead end.

Finally, the nature priest conducted a solemn ceremony to call for help from the friendly beings of the Woodland. His devout chant was met with a sturdy groan from a pair of Weirwoods deep in the forest. The tree spirits took the rough form of men, rising from their rooting deep in the earth to sprout limbs and quietly rumble to stand side-by-side with the party.

[Call successful...two treants summoned]

The party noted that their mage's power to shape stone would be of no use this time, but the Treants could make quick work of any gate or wall at about the same rate.

The party was left to decide whether to use the treants to tear open the STEADING like a kick into the into the side of an ant hill, a stealth entrance past the sleeping guards, into the courtyard with the direwolves, or another approach.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#3 Post by Zhym »

I'm thinking stealth. Did Antheris's recon give any indication whether a normal human could open the doors from inside? Gaerys could try to make a stealth entrance easier by using his potion of climbing to go over the walls and open the gates to the guard station and the main compound. At which point we could try to sneak past the guards or kill them as quietly as possible. The latter is tempting, especially if there's any chance that they might be able to call reinforcements from who knows where.

The stream is a tempting back door possibility, but if we check that out, we probably miss our opportunity to sneak past the giants in their drunken stupors.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#4 Post by drpete »

If we want to get over the walls, Ethan can jump them and let us in.

I'm wondering how we can make the Treants useful, aside from punching a hole in the wall. Can they follow us in and fight?

I'm up for either the guard tower route or the river entrance.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#5 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

Antheris thanks the treants for coming and for any aid they will give, and explains the layout of the Steading to the treants as well, and asks them whether they are willing to risk themselves in combat to eradicate the evil from the land, or if they prefer to be more of a distraction and destroy the walls and buildings.

Antheris says to all gathered, "How about the treants create a distraction on one side of the compound, destroying the walls and buildings, and if they would, any of the evil giants that respond, along with some animated trees perhaps. While they distract and take their toll on the giants and their compound, we will infiltrate from a different side - perhaps with a stone shaped entrance - and can proceed to speak with the wolves and possibly charm them if they will not reason. I do not believe the dire wolves to be evil, just under the thrall of the giants. I can also call lightning and help control the outside of the compound, but wish to keep it away from the treants due to the possibility of fire."

To the treants, he says, "I would like to cast protection from fire on you, but I can cast it but once today on one of you."
Last edited by NJWilliam on Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#6 Post by Magnus »

The Treants are willing to do whatever it takes to pluck the root of this scourge from the forest. If the party does not choose a plan quickly, they may storm the front gate.

[it's really helpful for everyone to identify their character at the top of the post, at least in the beginning.]
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#7 Post by Zhym »

Gaerys wonders if "distraction" is just another word for "great big alarm clock to wake everyone up." Passed-out giants are much easier to deal with than alert giants.

Maybe if we start with stealth, then go to distraction once we decide to attack or they wake up? If we start with stealth, we can always shift to the distraction. The other way around is more difficult.

Also: a stone-shaped entrance won't work because the walls are made of wood.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#8 Post by Magnus »

[few notes:

1. The Treants are 8 HD monsters (per my roll this morning), each capable of Summoning a 12(!!!) HD monster. That's a lot of firepower to add to the party. It (along with the druid's best spell) should not be wasted.

2. For the sake of moving things along AND NOT TO ADVOCATE FOR A SPECIFIC COURSE OF ACTION, I am hearing that one side of the party wants to sneak in to the steading and some want more of a distraction/destruction. Why not do both? All or part of the party could sneak in, while others (or just the treants/animated trees) attack and destroy. It is obvious, as I say above, some giants are passed out and other giants are partying. You're not going to be able to simply go from room to room cutting the throats of sleeping giants. :twisted:

3. You guys and the friggin' stone shape ;) :lol: That is an amazing spell, but it does not work on dirt and wood.]
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#9 Post by Zhym »

Ah. I didn't catch from that description that some of the giants were still partying.

Gaerys is officially in favor of whatever can get him slicing giants apart.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#10 Post by drpete »

Ethan proposes that we enter past the sleeping guards, and head toward the great hall, favoring going right (east). Line the Treants up near the west wall of the Steading. When they hear the alarm, they break in, going for the great room from the other side. The key is that they delay their assault until we're in, and the hornets nest is stirred. The viants wont know which way to turn.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#11 Post by Magnus »

drpete wrote:Ethan proposes that we enter past the sleeping guards, and head toward the great hall, favoring going right (east). Line the Treants up near the west wall of the Steading. When they hear the alarm, they break in, going for the great room from the other side. The key is that they delay their assault until we're in, and the hornets nest is stirred. The viants wont know which way to turn.
[Under the prime directive of "always keep things moving", I will give the party about 12 hours or so to comment. If there is no alternative plan (and no ongoing discussion), I will move forward with it.]
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#12 Post by Zhym »

Works for Gaerys.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#13 Post by Oddfellow »

Kjelti Skallgrím, Shield-Maiden of the Northern Wastes
drpete wrote:Ethan proposes that we enter past the sleeping guards, and head toward the great hall, favoring going right (east). Line the Treants up near the west wall of the Steading. When they hear the alarm, they break in, going for the great room from the other side. The key is that they delay their assault until we're in, and the hornets nest is stirred. The viants wont know which way to turn.
Kjelti nods in grim acceptance of the veteran warrior's words and rests a gauntleted hand upon the pommel of her great claymore, eyeing the walls of the stockade steadily.
"In slaying our slumbering prey outside and in taming the wild wolves within, not only shall we have captured the courtyard as our own, but our ranks will swell with nigh a dozen ravenous and toothed warriors at our side. That is, provided our Men of the Wild are able to win over the wolves' favor before they sound the alarm with their tell-tale howls..."
She pauses for a moment of consideration, pale eyes drifting heavenward.
"If our ancestors truly smile on us this night, perhaps this conquest of Men may yet end in glory indeed. To arms, says I. Long has my blade hungered; this night, it feasts."
I second drpete's plan.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#14 Post by drpete »

Lord Ethan Blacktyde, Stark Bannerman

Ethan lays out the details a bit more carefully, so that no one is confused.
The Weirwoods will move up to the center of the west wall, and listen for a sign that the Steading is awake and responding to our attack. If it is, they should come through the wall and make for the great room.

Turning to the others. This is a fortress, likely guarded by dozens of giants. We do not want a pitched battle if we can avoid it, against those numbers. We want to find intelligence. Who is organizing this force. Giants have not done this before. Let's find the chiefs rooms while he parties, and find who he is taking orders from. We will fight, but let's not be crazy.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#15 Post by Magnus »

Date: Autumn, 432 ca., Campaign Day 1
Time: 20:15
Weather: 42 degrees, cloudy, dark
Nearest Safe house: the First of the First Men, 5.5 miles southeast

Magic in Effect:
- Call Lightning (expires in 7 turns)
- Protection from Fire (cast on treant)

The grizzled veteran Lord Blacktyde took the familiar reigns of leadership. Per his direction, the Treants (and their animated tree companions) took their position as directed, nodding solemnly with a gentle sway of pine boughs. The arms of the living evergreens rested on the wall of the Steading as root-like appendages extended out and wound in and through the logs from which it was built.

The party then stealthy circled the Steading and slipped in the main gate. Blacktyde and Kjelti each slit the meaty throat of a dozing guard, while Gaerys silently wound up the stairs and made permanent the slumber of the giant in the tower.

The party regrouped and was left facing three doors on the southern wall of the Steading: One single door towards the west, a double door in the center, and a single door to the east. The next move was theirs.

[You are in Area 1 -- see map. Which door?]

[Marching order? Will assume fighters in front, mage and druid in the middle, cleric in the rear if none given.]

[Our cleric and mage are officially on "NPC alert" since they have not posted in awhile. Hope to see you guys soon.]
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#16 Post by Zhym »

If the treants are lining up against the west wall, maybe we should take the east door.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#17 Post by NJWilliam »

Antheris, Druid

Antheris nods to Gaerys and points to the East door.
He then motions to the polar bear that came with him, to quietly stay near his side.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#18 Post by Oddfellow »

Kjelti Skallgrím, Shield-Maiden of the Northern Wastes
Zhym wrote:If the treants are lining up against the west wall, maybe we should take the east door.
Kjelti assents to this approach under her breath, sword and shield firmly in hand as she assumes her place in the front rank at the side of Lord Blacktyde before the eastern door.
"Wise words, Watchman. In this way, when the alarm sounds we will flank them with our arboreal allies."
She eyes the polar bear somewhat wearily as she waits for further word from the party.
I'm assuming we want to make use of the benefit of our stealth as long as we can, so when we've got a consensus Kjelti will push the door open softly before proceeding inside.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#19 Post by Magnus »

With a strong push, the two fighters stand side-by-side as they lean into the heavy door.

It groans open, revealing a 10' wide hall lit by a smoky torch stuck into a sconce on the wall, which stretches 50' feet in front of them, terminating at a "T" intersection. Just before the intersection, a nondescript giant-size door, which is closed, is set into the western wall.
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Re: At the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

#20 Post by drpete »

Lord Ethan Blacktyde, Stark Bannerman

Ethan motions to the door, and prepares to open it, sword drawn, unless someone objects.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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