Chapter 1: Prudence

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Chapter 1: Prudence

#1 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: God's Gonna Cut You Down
Prudence.jpg (57.17 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
The sun dips low as the wide-bodied hovertruck rumbles towards the outskirts of a meager town. Taavi steers, the window down to catch the cooling breeze. The air conditioning stopped working several months ago in the truck cab, but keeping the old flatbed in full repair is expensive and concessions needed to be made. Judge Lira Bunt leans her arm out the passenger window, her mag rifle conspicuously across her lap rather than a shotgun. What keeps them unmolested, however, is less the woman's gun and more the fading logo painted on the truck's doors.
Greater Kumekhna.png
Greater Kumekhna.png (8.08 KiB) Viewed 1695 times

A dozen bedraggled children cheer wildly on the side of the road, but not for the truck, their attention focused at a slat-sided wood crate in their midst. The faded sign above them announces,
Welcome to Prudence. God Save Your Soul.

The crate rocks back and forth, a screeching noise from within. Taavi looks sideways as she passes and sees two lumpy, hairless rodents fighting within. Blood spurts as one tears off an ear. The children scream gleefully.
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A long row of clapboard buildings marks the Main Street of the town. The first building at the edge of town is a refueling station; a massive tank sits on legs above the ground, a grimy rubber fuel line attached to the bottom for dispensing. Two large, surly men sit on chairs, looking dubiously at the truck as it drifts in, both holding shotguns across their laps. More than anything else, Prudence owes this refueling station for the traffic on the street - it is the only place to gas up this far out. Everyone's got to come through here eventually.

A prominent sign designates the saloon catecorner from the fuel station - the only noteable place to get rest and food. A gaunt, steel-eyed woman dressed in a plain black dress stands in the street, facing the establishment. "...But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death,” she intones ominously in a loud voice, one hand raised against the door of the Saloon.
Sister Anja Dosen.png
Sister Anja Dosen.png (41.38 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
Across the street is the Sheriff's office. A man sits in the shade on the porch, watching listlessly. He reclines in his chair, meeting the gaze of those who look his way before spitting a greasy wad into the street.
Goran Skender.png
Goran Skender.png (60.45 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
Next door is the mercantile, then further down a few other dusty store fronts as Main Street stretches towards the open Badlands beyond. Three trucks are parked, one with its hood up, outside a sheet-metal pre-fab mechanic bay far down the street.

Inside the saloon, a large speaker mounted at the ceiling plays the thumping baseline and rhythmic crooning of a song being broadcast from the far-off city. A grimy wooden bar runs along the right wall. The sweat-stained bartender leans on it, a rag in his hand clearly not used often.
Mirko Skender.png
Mirko Skender.png (61.64 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
Several round tables sit with attending spindle chairs around the room. Two tables next to each other have a handful of rowdy men, still dirt-covered from the road, leering at each other over a card game. Three of them men are still in, a pile of dull metal chits amidst the cards. One of the men holds a faded print-out of Talina Mannifer's photo absently on his lap.

A tired-looking middle-aged woman tries to remove the dirty plates and empty pint glasses timidly without disturbing the card game, wary and with great care. She backs up as one of the men elbows his glass and spills it down the front of her skirts, the others laughing at the accident. "Hurry'n up, Zoe!" barks the bartender as she tries to dry herself off, an act of futility.
Zoé Sadoul.png
Zoé Sadoul.png (96.3 KiB) Viewed 1695 times
Báleygr, Lira, Emile:
Looking at the skyline of the town, your enhanced eyes see the heat rising from chimneys and reflecting off the metal rooftops in uneven waves. On the horizon to the northeast, you can see the everpresent glow of the nearest city, its eminations radiating to space even when it is far beyond sight.
The radio broadcasts drift from that direction like a wispy blue and green Aurora Borealis, wafting in the sky above. You see a pulsing red-brown light from the Sheriff's office as well, a powerful emitter inside the clapboard building.
Place yourself in the scene and introduce your characters. If you want to make up a reason you're here, arriving on the back of the Judge's truck, or otherwise passing through, please do. Feel free to begin acting with PCs or NPCs accordingly. :)
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#2 Post by Enoch »

A weathered man wearing a shabby duster over combat armor pushes through the saloon doors, pausing as they swing back-and-forth behind him. After a moment, he crosses the room and sidles up to the bar. He leans a battered but sturdy-looking combat rifle against his leg and settles his hat on the bar. He gestures to the bartender and tosses back the whiskey the bartender sets in front of him in response.

Finally, he speaks. His voice is rough, either from road-dust or disuse. "Seen a Sister round these parts lately? A real one, not the fanatic outside. I'm supposed to be meeting one here and playing baby-sitter."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#3 Post by Marullus »

The bartender looks Shadrach up and down, his eyes lingering long on the golden-mouthed cross hung around the man's neck. He drops his right hand onto the bartop, placing his left in it, palm up. "Bless, Faithful," he replies respectfully, then pouring a second shot for the weathered man on the house as he continues. "No, ain' sheen anyone bu' Sister Anja fer weeks, tho' she keeps on th' good work." He looks askance at the rowdy, rough men at their table. "Call me Mirko, you need anythin'," he nods solemnly.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#4 Post by jemmus »

Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu wipes the sweat off of his brow and slows the flatbed down before entering the village. To not raise as much dust, or to make a point of displaying the squeaking vehicle's Greater Kumekhna Ministry of Justice livery, or both. He takes a look at the town and its grimy kids, thinks, They picked a grand one for our first stop on the circuit, didn't they. Kind of reminds me of Dad and Mom's hometown. But even worse. There's the sheriff's office. Guess that's our court room. Unless it's that saloon instead. I suppose it depends on how big of a crowd we draw. Maybe a fairly large one. Watching your neighbors lie and bicker among themselves in a court fight, or watching them get slapped down by the law and get their comeuppances-- that's at least as fun as a good bald rats fight.

He turns to Judge Lira Bunt and starts to say "Judge Bunt, what do you think? First stop the sheriff, or the saloon?" No, might as well get into character starting right now. Says, Your Honor, which do you think is the better course? Meeting first with the constable there, or introducing the court to the citizenry that are likely to be gathered in that public house? Nods his head toward the saloon.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#5 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel shifts his attention from the men at the table that he's been watching for the last hour to the man in the combat armor who walks up to the bar. This is an interesting development, I didn't expect to see someone in combat armor in this backwater, let alone with that combat rifle... And a vehicle pulling up outside if I'm not mistaken. Maybe things will finally start to get interesting. Which they better, because I'm getting low on credits. He pours himself another drink from his bottle and slowly sips, watching, while his left hand remains under the table, near his blaster.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#6 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach grunts in response. "An' blessings unto you, Mirko. You let me know if she shows up." He turns and leans back against the bar, surveying the room and its inhabitants again as he signals for another drink.

Finally he clears his throat. "Reckon maybe Sister Anja out there got the timeline wrong. I fought in the Succession Wars, an' I seen the lakes o' fire an' brimstone laid down by the thermobarics. Maybe this ain't Hell, but it sure don't feel like Earth-That-Was. Ever wonder if the Scream was nothin' more than the breakin' of the First Seal, barman? A herald o' things to come?

"'An' I looked, and behold! A pale horse: an' his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.' Sound about right to you?"

He throws back his second drink and sets the glass back on the bar.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#7 Post by Marullus »

You can proactively roll dice if you want to prompt something, or I may call for a roll, or I may just make a roll for you.

For example: If you establish "I've been watching these guys an hour" you can roll Notice and I'll add additional knowledge based on the result.

Most people will roll a [2d6] for a skill check, plus the skill level, plus a relevant attribute. (If you don't have the skill at level 0, then you roll with a -1)
Hansel is a Specialist at Notice (a trained people-watcher), so he rolls [3d6c1], plus one for Wisdom of 14+ and plus zero for Notice-0 skill.

Hansel Notice [3d6c1+1]=8+1=9
Hansel has been dodging the side-eye glares from Mirko the bartender every time he pours into his glass from his private flask. He has been the beneficiary of bashful smiles, however, from Zoe the waitress. With his keen ear, he noticed she has a distinct French accent, out of place here among the Slavic undertones of the rest of Prudence.

It is no difficulty for Hansel to identify the party of card players as fellow bounty hunters, if sloppy ones -- he has the same bounty sheet regarding Talina Mannifer on his own compad (a bit more secure than the folded and worn print-out). A picture of a relatively unassuming girl, but a reward of 50 gold chits (5,000 credits) only if returned alive and undamaged. He followed the same trail of rumors to find the girl here that they did.

Watching the competition, though, did pass the time. The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie is definitely winning by his skilled manipulation and not the luck of the draw, but nobody else has noticed. The man in the red flannel shirt is in charge, but tougher than he is smart; he's sitting back and watching the others bet. The bearded man in the vest and bowler hat is the only one with the ease of a practiced gunslinger.
"'An' I looked, and behold! A pale horse: an' his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.' Sound about right to you?"
Mirko's hand shakes as he pours another drink for Shadrach. "I'n don' know much about those four horsemen, nor as much a' Sister Anja fo' sure... but I know she say we'd be counted lucky among the martyrs of the Fifth one. Lucky indeed. I... I don' know that grace stretches that far, though. You know, atonement an' all..." He trails off and wanders to the other end of the bar after the drink is poured, seeming consumed by the scrubbing of some dried-on gravy off the bartop there.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#8 Post by Faanku »


Hopping off the back of the stationary truck, Sister Amalia takes a moment to take in the town, fierce eyes half-hidden beneath a sturdy traveller's hood.
No taint here, other than that of stagnation and apathy; all that evil needs to take deep root.

With a scowl, she moves around to the truck's cab and nods to the woman in the passenger seat. "Thank ya kindly for the ride, Judge. If you're wanting help with them crates we could see them offloaded." The priest nods to a second figure standing behind her, a taller woman in pure white robes who exudes an otherworldly aura of serenity, in stark contrast to Amalia's own intensity. "Would be no trouble now."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#9 Post by greyarea »

Emile alights the truck, tips his hat to the driver, and takes a few steps away from it. He narrows his eyes and just observes for a few moments.

His cheek twitches as he walks towards the ranting woman outside of the saloon. He tips his hat at her, and, catching her eye, says, Honey didn't work, huh? Without waiting for a response, he makes his way to the establishment, and pauses at the door.

He turns, walking past the street preacher and tipping his hat to her again, making his way across the street and allowing his shadow to fall on the porch of the sheriff's office. He adds a wad of spit to the man's puddle, tips his hat back slightly and says, You the sheriff here? Name's Khadaji. Emile Khadaji.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#10 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel empties his flask into his glass, and waves Zoe over, and looks deeply into her eyes my flask is sadly empty could you be so kind as to fill it for me? With luck you could help me empty it again later? he smiles as he hands it to her along with a couple of credits. Oh, and out of curiosity, is there a back way out here?

Talk [2d6+1]=8+1=9
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#11 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach doesn't take his leave of the bartender or even acknowledge his presence; just straightens in the middle of the man's reply, settles his hat low on his brow, and slings his rifle over his shoulder. Then he shuffles purposefully past the card game and out through the doors again and greets the black-clad woman prophesying doom upon the tavern and its clientele.

"Afternoon, Sister. Blessings on you. Lookin' for a group o' heretics. Might be hiding out in the badlands hereabout. Know anything about that?"

Connect (Cha): [2d6+1]=5+1=6

Even as he addresses her, his eyes are drawn to the truck and those disembarking from it, and his mouth creases into a frown.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#12 Post by cybersavant »

Marullus wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:47 pm
A long row of clapboard buildings marks the Main Street of the town. The first building at the edge of town is a refueling station; a massive tank sits on legs above the ground, a grimy rubber fuel line attached to the bottom for dispensing. Two large, surly men sit on chairs, looking dubiously at the truck as it drifts in, both holding shotguns across their laps. More than anything else, Prudence owes this refueling station for the traffic on the street - it is the only place to gas up this far out. Everyone's got to come through here eventually.

A prominent sign designates the saloon catecorner from the fuel station - the only noteable place to get rest and food. A gaunt, steel-eyed woman dressed in a plain black dress stands in the street, facing the establishment. "...But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death,” she intones ominously in a loud voice, one hand raised against the door of the Saloon.

Across the street is the Sheriff's office. A man sits in the shade on the porch, watching listlessly. He reclines in his chair, meeting the gaze of those who look his way before spitting a greasy wad into the street.
Next door is the mercantile, then further down a few other dusty store fronts as Main Street stretches towards the open Badlands beyond. Three trucks are parked, one with its hood up, outside a sheet-metal pre-fab mechanic bay far down the street.
Looking at the skyline of the town, your enhanced eyes see the heat rising from chimneys and reflecting off the metal rooftops in uneven waves. On the horizon to the northeast, you can see the everpresent glow of the nearest city, its eminations radiating to space even when it is far beyond sight.
The radio broadcasts drift from that direction like a wispy blue and green Aurora Borealis, wafting in the sky above. You see a pulsing red-brown light from the Sheriff's office as well, a powerful emitter inside the clapboard building.
Báleygr Gangleri steps out into the street from behind the truck with its hood up. "Well, thanks for the ride this far. May as well see what the town has to offer." The nondescript man walks down the street, out of place in his ship coveralls. He casually gazes at each building as he passes until he reaches the Saloon and the fanatic Sister. "Place of sin and degradation, is it?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#13 Post by Marullus »

  • Taavi and Lira established they travel together and have the government truck.
  • Hansel arrived earlier in town by himself.
  • Shadrach and Báleygr both arrived in town near start-time, but with potentially different modes.
  • Sister Amalia (with her silent companion) and Emile both arrived on the back of the Judge Truck.
  • Agent Faraday and Talina Mannifer remain unspecified (they can tie on to any of the above, or pick something new).

This means that at least Taavi, Lira, Amalia, and Emile met in (at least) the previous town and can establish any common backstory in flashbacks as appropriate.
cybersavant wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:51 am Báleygr Gangleri steps out into the street from behind the truck with its hood up. "Well, thanks for the ride this far. May as well see what the town has to offer."
Bruno Caglieri.jpg
Bruno Caglieri.jpg (13.33 KiB) Viewed 1601 times
The old mechanic nods his grey head in gratitude as Báleygr finishes helping him look under the hood, the truck sputtering once before running smoothly. "Thanks, friend," he adds, rising up on his pair of chitinous cricket-like legs, almost seven feet tall in total, and cleaning the grease from his tools. "If you need work, they could probably use you out at the oil derrick. Just ask for Platform #71. That way," he points off west into the trackless wasteland beyond his shop. "Tell 'em Bruno sent you." His smile is kind, but there's worry behind his eyes.

What does Báleygr currently look like? Description or photo?
Sister Anja Dosen.png
Sister Anja Dosen.png (41.38 KiB) Viewed 1601 times
"Place of sin and degradation, is it?" comments the coveralls-wearing Báleygr, standing and considering the saloon a few steps off from the black-clothed woman. Sister Anja finishes quoting scripture as she stands in the street. "Honey didn't work, huh?" comments Emile as he passes towards the door, then reconsiders, crossing the street instead as Shadrach is coming out of the saloon doors.

While the woman is an object of curiosity to the others, Shadrach greets the black-clad woman prophesying doom upon the tavern and its clientele. "Afternoon, Sister. Blessings on you. Lookin' for a group o' heretics. Might be hiding out in the badlands hereabout. Know anything about that?"

The gaunt-faced woman continues facing the saloon, her back to the truck arriving behind her, as she answers Shadrach. "Doom comes upon Prudence, retribution upon the sinners within, I have seen it! Like the lost children of Windfall, so too shall Prudence wail in its grief!" She grasps a small ampule hung on a chain around her neck. "Lord protect us, the darkness rises in the wastes! The sun made black, as a sackcloth of hair, and a moon as blood! The spirit knows! There are sorcerers, soothsayers, present and they must be purged!" She thrusts her right hand out, pointing at the field out past the Saloon. A gnarled mesquite tree stands alone there, a knotted rope twisting in the breeze, tossed over a high branch. Shadrach feels the touch of death as he looks upon it.

The truck rumbles to a stop as Taavi shuts off the engine, asking Judge Bunt where to head first. Sister Amalia steps to Bunt's open window, a taller, pale woman placid and silent behind her, as she offers to help them off-load the few crates stacked on the truck as well. Amalia recognizes the symbol of her order on the cross around Shadrach's neck, his description matching the man she was expecting to find, but perhaps older than she hoped. All three of them can clearly overhear the church-lady's proclamations.
Goran Skender.png
Goran Skender.png (60.45 KiB) Viewed 1601 times
As they debate the prudent course, Emile steps up to the man on the Sheriff's Office porch. He adds a wad of spit to the man's puddle, tips his hat back slightly and says, "You the sheriff here? Name's Khadaji. Emile Khadaji." The Sheriff, his tin star visible at close range partially under the lapel on his dirty jacket, tips his hat up and looks over Emile. "Yep," he acknowledges, then pulls his hat back down. "Now, why do I need to know that?"
redwarrior wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:24 am Hansel empties his flask into his glass, and waves Zoe over, and looks deeply into her eyes my flask is sadly empty could you be so kind as to fill it for me? With luck you could help me empty it again later? he smiles as he hands it to her along with a couple of credits. Oh, and out of curiosity, is there a back way out here?
"Je ne pourrais pas," she whispers and blushes, keeping her eyes down at the table. "I... I could never," she demures at his invitation. She dutifully takes the flask and his metal coin, weighing them deftly in her hand. "I'll... I'll get it for you right away." She does, however, also point out the alcove to on the left side of the room. Stairs there go up to the rooms above and hooks allow the hanging of coats and boots. Beyond them he sees a back door.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#14 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri pauses beside the doomsayer, then takes her cue of indifference and enters the saloon. Inside, he once again pauses, letting his eyes adjust as he surveys the room. Spying an emote table off to the side he walks over and sits.
Baleygr disguise7.jpg
Baleygr disguise7.jpg (433.17 KiB) Viewed 1590 times
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#15 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach's eyes fix on Amalia and her companion. A glimmer of recognition sparks in his eyes as he watches the Sister, but his eyes are dragged back to the serene woman behind her.

Do I recognize what she is? Recognize the Handmaiden (Know Magic/Wis): [2d6-1]=5-1=4 Well, that's pretty obviously a 'no'.

Settling his rifle's sling more securely on his shoulder, Shadrach leans up against the outer wall of the saloon near the evangelizer, crosses one ankle over the other and folds his arms, and watches as the crew unloads. Though he doesn't turn his head, his eyes track Báleygr as the man enters the cantina.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#16 Post by greyarea »

Emile smiles at the lawman. It’s a habit picked up from my training. Introduce yourself to the local constabulary if there is one. You could say I’m a diplomat of sorts. If that sort of thing is needed.
How are things around here? I see you keep your weapon ready. Any reason?
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#17 Post by Marullus »

We are holding for Faraday, Talina, and Lira to enter. :) Additional interaction amongst yourselves encouraged.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#18 Post by jemmus »

Flashback (Just some filler, while we're hanging out and waiting to go forward. :) )
"Acting Assistant Commissioner, are you sure that would be... prudent?" newly commissioned Circuit Counsel Taavi asked. "After all, the commission denied our request to travel with police guards-- court bailiffs. Picking up a traveler who wants free transport could be a risk to government property. An antigrav truck, albeit a pretty decrepit one, is a valuable item. The kind of prize that could tempt even an honest person. Ahem, even honest persons." Pointedly mumbles under his breath, "Of which there are few."

The rather oily, recently made slightly-influential bureaucrat smiled broadly. "Counselor Taavi, that is a good point, but one that we have already considered. The risks of a crime against the state are outweighed by the benefits to the state. By offering free transport to spots around the hinterland, we project the state’s soft power. He says the phrase like it’s a buzzword picked up at a recent training or management seminar.

Taazi considers and does the thinking for him. "So, offering free transport to rural towns on a Ministry of Justice vehicle-- to hitchhikers more or less-- and safely delivering these travelers, and the vehicle, and the Ministry's officials is to be a show of the state’s influence and power to govern. Parading the flag around the farms, if you will. Who's going to screen these travelers.

"You and the judge, of course. Using your trained acumen and power of insight. That's what you get paid the big bucks for, no?” Smiles a broad smile, envy and irony seeping through it. “But if you fear…. No, if you have concerns for your personal security, other arrangements can of course be made."

Taavi returns the smile, stands, looks the government man in the eye while shifting the pistol belt around his waist to a more optimal position. The Acting Assistant Commissioner’s mouth slightly opens, and he studies the lawyer’s face. Does he mean this by this by that? Or that? "No other arrangements need be made, Acting Assistant Commissioner. Good day then."

So, when Taavi and Judge Lira set out from the government office, their first stop was the central bus depot. Taavi connects his ComPad to the truck's internal radio/CD system and sets it at speakers system to full volume. "Judge Lira, I think we should get out of the truck. Do you agree? This will be loud.”

"Travelers. The Ministry of Justice is offering free transportation to select rural destinations. This truck is bound for the township of Prudence, Greater Kumekhna. Return transportation to the city after a few days is possible, but not yet guaranteed. Please note that all passengers are responsible for their own safety, en route and upon arrival and while at the destination. For such reason, presentation of photo ID will not be required.” In a more conversational voice, “Let’s just say everybody is just hitching a ride and on their own.”

Most of the dozens of bus travelers listened, because there wasn’t much else to do while sweating away in a run-down bus depot for a bus that is late, or will probably be late, and may break down along the way. But who could possibly need to go to Prudence? When the little speech ended, most went back to eyeing their ComPads, snoring, or grooming the various forms of their human or mutant selves.

But a young priestess and a silent companion beside her approached Judge Lira. She said her name was Sister Amalia, and said, “I’m going to Prudence. Thank you for the ride.” There was something enigmatic about both of them. But intuitively they seemed sincere to Taavi. He looked to Judge Lira and she nodded. That was the extent of the lawyer’s and judge’s screening.

An older human male who Taavi had seen wandering around came up started to climb onto the flatbed. He and the judge exchanged glances, and both said No. “Old Dad, where you going?” “Well onto this truck, o’ course.” “This truck is going to Prudence.” “What’s a Prudence?” Taavi looked at the nearby cart vendor, pointed his finger down at the old man, and called out, “A big sandwich, a baked potato, an apple, and a cold lemonade for grandpa.” A boy from the cart scurried over. “8 coppers and 3 irons.” Taavi gave the boy 8 coppers and 7 irons, offered the old man a silver. The old human smiled. “The Old protect you, maltech and demons away.”

And then a man fitted out for combat, who may or may not have been observing before, approached from out of nowhere. “I’ll take a ride to Prudence, if you’re offering. You didn’t require it but my name’s Emile Khadaji. So you know I’m an honest man.” He and the judge both nodded Yes.

The truck lifted and started down the street, toward the highway, and then made the left turn on branching dirt roads to Prudence. It’s a hard thing to be a driver and passenger in a deca-thousands-chits truck, with just a flat window pane behind you, silhouetted to armed passengers in the bed. But for some reason Taavi never thought twice about it. Somehow he liked the sisters and the man meant for combat. He’d rather drive with them than without them. What they meant to do in backwater Prudence, of all places… that remained to be seen.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
Samurai Adventures (Cold Iron) - Kiyoshi, ronin bushi
WW2 Supers d6 - Luther "Luke" Goodfox
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#19 Post by shroomofinsanity »

First of all, sorry for the late reply, work and a last second valentine's day trip with the wife caught me be surprise. But moving along..

Judge Lira Bunt had taken to daydreaming on the long trips between these dusty settlements, whether reviewing past judgements, or just wondering what new crimes the next town have thought up and decided to perpetrate. She couldn't really blame them of course, what is there to do out here, once the day's work is done, but find ways to stir up trouble. She sighs to no one in particular, and is then rocked from her pondering by the truck groaning as the engines were deactivated. She felt the truck bounce slightly as the passengers got off, and heard one of them, a woman of faith, ask her a question, but it took her a moment to grasp it. It always takes a moment in a new town, getting the lay of the land, and the adjustment is never exactly easy, not that she ever tried to let on to anyone about that.

I do beg ya pardon, miss, I would be grateful for the help clearing the bed. I get a little distracted at times. This is why passengers makes this difficult, if she ignored Taavi for a few minutes before responding, he would just chalk it up to any number of things, but this Sister Amalia still could be impressed and maybe open some new doors, Hell, church law could be fairly intriguing to find a way to judge over.

As this is the first step on our tour of this circuit, I feel it may be a wise plan to start off on the right foot and introduce ourselves to the local 'law' such as it is. However, Lira quiets for just a few moments, It may behoove us to have our own first impression of the populace, to know what kind of men and women needs be judged. And I do not think the constable could be upset with us securing refreshments before such an official meeting. With that, Judge Bunt steps out of truck, mag rifle slung at her side, clothes road worn but in as well maintained condition as possible, and begins walking towards the saloon without waiting for Taavi's reply.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#20 Post by Mister-Kent »


At the edge of the street, a thin young man with a hard stare is dragging a folded tarp across down the road. He pauses to observe the town's new arrivals, but then turns back to his haul. In the shadow of the saloon, Faraday unfolds the tarp and begins to sort through various pieces of metal scrap. Having been in town a few weeks, this wasn't the biggest scrap find he'd had, but it sure wasn't anything to sniff at.

He picks up what could possibly be a working transistor, turns it over in his leather-gloved hands, all while watching Sister Anja from the corner of his eye.
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