News Articles

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News Articles

#1 Post by BackworldTraveller »

This thread will include news articles that are of interest (or not). Basically it's stuff that appears on the daily programmes, official notices, popular blogs, public adverts.
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299-358. New Earth. Touchdown City

#2 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Massacre at en Sabah House
Terrorists broke into en Sabah house early yesterday evening, gunning down staff and family. The popular Councillor, Amena en Sabah, was killed and her Daughter and confidential Aide, Noor was initially thought to have been kidnapped, but the police have now confirmed that she escaped by leaping from a 5th floor window into the swimming pool and then stealing one the the attackers vehicles. She was last seen on security cameras near the Grand Theatre being pursued by two armed men. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Two bodyguards, and 4 other house-staff were killed and 1 is in hospital. 5 fled the scene.

A spokesman for the Touchdown City Police said "We can understand that Ms en Sabah fears for her life, but we can protect her if she comes to one of our stations". Reporters have discovered that the group that undertook the attack seems to have had inside help. The full security detail had been replaced by two unsupported trainees and the attacking team seems to have had a complete layout of the building. Not only was there a physical assault, but the buildings computers were also attacked as were the en Sabah family's secure backup facilities.

Is this strike against the en Sabah family and its holdings on New Earth the start of a corporate war?
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299-359. New Earth, Touchdown City

#3 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Captain of the Council Pledges "No stone unturned"

Captain Anton Longho, outgoing leader of the Council of New Earth, has announced that a task force is to be formed to investigate the Murder of Councillor Amena en Sabah. Captain Elect João de Sousa, also present on the podium, described Councillor en Sabeh's death as a "tragic example of these unsettled times" and said that the forthcoming change of leadership would "not change the determination of the Council to identify the perpetrators".

When asked to suggest what the reason was for the murder, the Captain declined to speculate.
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299-360. The Belt. Sparks.

#4 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Queen of the Belt Shareholders Meeting

In accordance with the articles of association, the shareholders in the ship "Queen of the Belt" (or their representatives) are called to an extraordinary meeting to be held on 300-002 at 09:00 in the new Paradise Hotel, Grand Plaza, Sparks Spaceport, Sparks.

  1. Announcement by legal representatives of the Sparks Naval Force
  2. Agree an action plan in the light of that announcement
Rigsby and Sood, Attorneys.
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299-362. The Belt, Sparks

#5 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Queen of the Belt to be Released?
Rumours are circulating that the Queen of the Belt is to be released by the Sparks Naval Force. This will be a climbdown for the Navy as they have been fighting to have the vessel scrapped for its alleged part in the recent hostilities.
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299-363. The Belt. Sparks

#6 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Moo-ve along please.

A one-and-a-half-ton Bull was found by Sparks police. It was wandering the starport shopping mall. Import of such an animal to Sparks is illegal and the Police are attempting to locate the owners and importers.
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299-363. The Belt. Sparks.

#7 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Raawiya confirms Countdown

Raawiya en Sabah, despite the grisly murder of her Mother, has confirmed that she will be performing the Midnight Countdown for the Sparks New Year Celebrations.

"It is a tragic time for my family, but I have received so much love and support from my fans that I cannot let them down."

Raawiya is on Sparks this week in a promotional tour of her new romantic comedy "Empty Space".
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299-363. The Belt. Siwan Station.

#8 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Green and Clean Locks Out Workforce

Asteroid YS7734 has been closed and the entire workforce locked out of the waste recycling centre after negotiations between the worker's representatives and the management of "Green and Clean" failed last night.

"We'll talk again in the new year when the Holiday bills come due." said Geronimo Jimenez, owner of the plant.
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299-364. New Earth. Okami

#9 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Journalist Killed?
Famous independent journalist, Yonni Aomori, was found dead at his home this morning. Initially thought to be a natural death, a secret recording device found at the scene proved that this was, in fact, highly suspicious.

Okami's Civil Investigators are said to be linking this death to the brutal shooting of Amena en Sabah and the disappearance of her daughter Noor.
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299-364. New Earth. Touchdown City

#10 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Violent Break-in
Prominent Human Rights leader, Mark Bezant, was robbed in his home by a violent gang of thugs. Bound and beaten, he was forced to reveal the code to his safe. Police have stated "This is an unusual occurrence. This gang clearly came with a specific objective in mind and we do not believe that the general public are in danger".
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299-364. Poseidon. Margar

#11 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Trials of New Shot for Sapphire tank
Although the new vaccination for visitors to Sapphire that entered clinical trials earlier this year looked so promising, the death of two patients on the trial has caused Margar Bio-Engineering to suspend testing until the underlying cause can be better understood. Shares in the company fell by 4% overnight.
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299-365. The Belt, Sparks, Grand Plaza

#12 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sparks prepares for New Year
Well, the crowds are staring to gather for this evenings celebrations and the appearance of Raawiya on stage for the first time since the tragic death of her Mother. The Chairman's funding of this marvellous celebration is much appreciated by Sparks citizens and the fringe bands are already in full swing, both here and in Polar Park. It's going to be a night to remember as we move into the 300s!.

Happy New Year!!!
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299-365. Sapphire. Sabah Media

#13 Post by BackworldTraveller »

New series to follow the Children of the Century
Sabah Media has announced a new project to start tomorrow - Tracking two-dozen children from across New Earth's worlds from their birth in the new century to their 18th Birthdays.

This is a fitting way to mark this new century. Looking at the Children that are our future.
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300-001. Sapphire.

#14 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Pirate Party Poopers
The Majestic, a tramp trader on route to Sapphire was intercepted and boarded by Pirates in the midst of the new year celebrations. They didn't stay long and appear to have taken little of value. "The Patrols at Sapphire appear to have prevented a potentially life-threatening situation and are to be congratulated". The Pirate has not been identified but appears to be headed towards Flare-Bright's outer belt. "It is hoped that the Belter Navy will identify and deal with this vessel appropriately, but these days there is no guarantee of that."
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300-001. The Belt, Sparks, Grand Plaza

#15 Post by BackworldTraveller »

It's a mess
The Grand Plaza, the morning after the New Year's Party is a mess! The lock out at the recycling centre is causing a backup in the garbage collection process and the collection vehicles are now all full.

Geronimo Jimenez, owner of the closed plant has said "Whoever dumped all their waste in front of my apartment is laying the blame at the wrong door."

The leader of the plant's workers - who are demanding a 1% pay rise and change of working conditions - seemed cheered by the backlog. "The management thought that by locking us out they could just force us to give up - but it seems that time isn't as much on their side as they believed. They are already tomorrow they could be swimming in it."

The Board of Environmental Concerns has called an emergency meeting for tomorrow morning. "This stoppage is touching directly upon the Environment of our community - and it is our first priority to maintain that environment. Workers and Managers will be called to explain the current situation and directed to find a solution. Suggestions that contracts have been breached will be investigated."
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300-001. The Belt. Sparks. North Polar Spaceport.

#16 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Raawiya departs for New Earth and Ares
Raawiya's success at the New Year Countdown meant that thousands of her fans turned up at the port to see her off as she departs on the next leg of her tour of Flare-Bright's worlds.

A revised Itintery has been arranged as Raawiya will be stopping on New Earth for the Inquest into her mother's death.

Meanwhile, her twin sister, Noor, is still missing and a system wide manhunt to locate her has been launched. There are considerable concerns for her safety.
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300-001. The Belt. Sparks. Warehouse 1413

#17 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Mika Arrested
Mika, the Impresario responsible for some of the hottest parties on Sparks, was arrested for disorderly assembly early this morning morning. Over 2000 dancers had broken into a warehouse on Level 14 of the starport and were throwing a New Years Party on the premises when the Police arrived to investigate an alarm. There was a rush for the exits, and Mika was knocked unconscious in the crush. 12 other partygoers were injured and treated in hospital.

Mika has been rumoured to hosting "Impromptu gatherings" for several years, but this is the first to which he has been directly tied. Mika was bailed for Cr5,000.
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300-002: The Belt, Sparks

#18 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Guaranteed Prize
The Sparks Lottery has announced a guaranteed Cr10,000,000 prize in this months draw! Just Cr1 per ticket and you can have a chance at this fantastic and life changing sum.
(Players must be 18 and over)
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300-002: The Belt, Sparks Admiralty Court

#19 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Queen of the Belt released
The Queen of the belt has been released. Rigsby and Sood issued a formal announcement of behalf of their client.

"We will all be grateful that the Navy has been found out and this injustice has been set right. We can all now get on with our peaceful business. But this is not the end. Where one injustice has been proved, does this not cast doubt on the justice of other decisions based on the evidence of the same witnesses? Today's decision is the wedge that allows a chink of light into the dark corners of the Navy's operations."
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300-002: The Belt, Sparks. Hotel Paradiso

#20 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Incident at Grand Plaza Hotel
Police were, today, called to the Hotel Paradiso to attend an incident of vandalism. "Two visitors to the hotel got out of hand and some hotel property was damaged - It will be dealt with through our insurers".
Initial calls suggested that the police were attending an attempted murder, but the target appears to have been property rather than any person. "This incident has been blow-up out of all proportion. A corridor has been damaged, no more than that."
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