The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

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The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Ok, MR. You can do your thing here. Let me know if you need me to do anything to help. I will delete this post once you start populating the thread.

Again, THANKS for doing all this!!!
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Monsieur Rose
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#2 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Our Story So Far

Week 1:
First Trip to BSI: 19th of Reaping
Defeated 6 Bluntskulls aboard the Twisted Fate, captained by a Captain Quark
Beach Zombie Welcome Party: 19th of Reaping
Defeated 9 Zombies (with the help of half of Beachtown)
Quest #1 "Loggers Run" (North) 19th of Reaping: Krystal, Bonnie, Monocar, Jack, Luther, Raythan, Franny, Brufrig, Lightfinger, Chancey
Midday on the 19th of Reaping
The mysterious elf lady Krystal has commandeered the help of Bonnie, Jack, and Monocar to help her investigate the logging trail. She hopes to find the loggers camp and gather information from them about the surrounding areas and dangers of the jungle. She mentions that the trip could take a "couple of days", but doesn't designate a specific time for the group's return.

Raythan, Bonnie, Franny, Krystal, Jack, Luther, and Monocar Made their way up the loggers' trail to learn information about the jungle from the loggers. You learned about Lignum trees and that the loggers aren't really loggers. You have also learned of a flamboyant captain called Stew Bing.

Krystal, Jack, Luther, and Monocar defeated 28 of the vegepygmy monsters. Luther also found the trail that the zombies used to get into Beachtown.
Quest #2 "Beach Walk" (west) 19th of Reaping: Brufrig, Ferris
Mid-afternoon on the 19th of Reaping
Brufrig wants to follow the rumor of the mysterious grey pits to the West, "where the beach turns to jungle". He will also collect any food he can find along the way. He has asked Ferris if he would like to come along as well. They plan to return to Beachtown before the end of the day.

Brufrig and Ferris defeated one large lizard and found one abandoned campsite.
Quest #3 "ZOMBIE STOMPING" 20th of Reaping: Chauncey, Saracen, Lightfinger, Wes, Raythan, Ferris, Brufrig, Alordan
Departing on the morning of the 20th of Reaping
This group will be run by Chauncey and will be investigating the continuous appearance of the zombies in Beachtown. They are under contract with Mr. Nehru and will report any findings back to him. The group consists of Brufrig, Saracen, Ferris, Wes, Lightfinger, and Chauncey. No time has been agreed upon for their return.

Chauncey, Wes, Lightfinger, Saracen, Brufrig, Ferris, (and Alordan) defeated one carnivorous ape, one black panther, and two giant centipedes. They found a concealed trail that runs in a westerly direction into the jungle that was covered with small boot prints but were unable to make it to the end to see where it leads. They did find one abandoned campsite on the trail, about 2 hours in.

Saracen brought the centipedes back to town, but the 400-pound ape was never recovered.
Quest #4 "RESCUE MISSION ONE": (The Search For Jack) 21st of Reaping: Bonnie, Lightfinger, Raythan, Franny, Keilif, Brufrig, Chaunceey
Sunday 21st of Reaping
Bonnie has assembled a group to go back to the loggers camp to seek out the missing adventurers. (Jack, Krystal, Luther, and Monocar)
Quest #5 "Gathering River Water" 21st of Reaping: Saracen, Wes, Alordan, Ferris
Sunday, 21st of Reaping
Wes, Saracen, Ferris, and Alordan have set out to help the townsfolk gather water.

Wes, Ferris, Saracen, and Alordan set out to help the townsfolk gather water and to check out the river. (and beyond) They found the black cliffs and some obvious caves on the opposite side of the river. They also discovered a trail that follows the waterway up into the jungle. (S+A also spotted a strange water monster that was watching them from under the surface of the ocean as they passed along the beach)
Quest #5.5 "Bone-nose Needs Help!" 21st of Reaping: Wes, Ferris
A native nicknamed bone-nose beckons them into the jungle where they quickly loose sight of him but find a small burned-out village. Further investigation finds murdered and burned natives haphazardly scattered throughout the village. A pack of Lacedon ambushes them and paralyzed Ferris, leaving Wes to salvage the situation with some help from Bone-nose.
Quest #6 “Return To The River” 22nd of Reaping: Ferris, Wes, Franny, Krystal, Bonnie, Keilif, Brufirg
Moonday 22nd of Reaping
Ferris and Wes are leading a group back to the river and to the burned villages beyond to see what they can find. Keilif is going along to check on his native friends. Krystal, Bonnie, Franny, and Brufrig are accompanying them. There was no return time discussed.

Ferris and Waes asked for some help trying to determine why the natives on the island were disappearing. After investigating the river trail for 2 days, their group stumbled into what appears to be a dangerous herb smuggling ring. Captain Bing seems to be the one responsible, though he hasn’t been confronted about it yet.

Week 2:
Quest #7 MAKING FRIENDS WITH THE MONKOONS: 22nd of Reaping: Devrin, Alordan, Saracen, Jack, Lightfinger, Chauncey
Moonday 22nd of Reaping
Devrin has organized a group of six to see what else can be learned from the baby stealing monkoons just on the outskirts of Beachtown.
"Clearing Trees" 23rd of Reaping?: Luther
Luther visits the Phanatons and learns about the evil priest in the jungle. He also learns that most of Beachtown is made of stolen parts of the phanaton villages. The chief is able to converse in common using magic. The chief sets out a task for beachtown: kill the sea troll.
"Zombie Monster Attack on Beachtown" 23rd of Reaping: Chauncey, Avaala, Sotha, Lightfinger
Chauncey, Avalaa, Sotha, and Lightfinger saved the good people of Beachtown from severe damage by killing an undead gorilla-bugbear. They failed to get to the bottom of the mystery of the blinking, big-eyed zombie that continues to spy on the area, however.
Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head" 22nd of Reaping: Saracen, Luther, Monocar, Raythan. Alordan, Jack, Devrin
Moonday 22nd of Reaping A group of monster hunters is determined to take out the nasty sea troll that plagues the beach trail.

Sunday, the 28th of Reaping. Led by the monkoon whispering Luther, his friends Saracen, Monocar, Chauncey, Avaala, Alordan, Lightfinger, Jack, (and originally Devrin) set out to kill the sea troll that was not only harassing the beach travelers but also messing with the local treefolk. They killed the monster by temporarily trapping it in a sand-covered net and then using caustic beetle acid on its watery ass.

In addition to gaining the release of Owen and opening up a better line of communication with the treefolk, allowing future trading possibilities and also developing new storylines and missions as you work together in the future.
Quest #9 "Chauncey's Crab Hunt" 23rd of Reaping: Alordan, Saracen, Sotha, Jack, Monocar, Luther, Raythan, Lightfinger, Chauncey, Avalaa
Godsday, 23rd of Reaping Chauncey is looking for as many adventurers that he can muster to help out with bringing down the huge crab that lives near Beachtown. He believes that this would go a long way in securing the town a little better and also help with the obvious food shortage.

Chauncey organized a party to hunt and kill a giant crab to help feed the town. After supervising the construction of a large gravity-driven spear trap, the wizard simply cast his sleep magic on the unintelligent crab so it could be dispatched humanely.
Quest #9.5 "Missing Kids?" 24th of Reaping: Alordan, Saracen, Jack, Monocar, Luther, Raythan, Lightfinger, Chauncey, Avalaa
Waterday, 24th of Reaping The troll seekers went to rescue 3 missing children that Randall sent out to find coconuts. They all caught a quick glimpse of this mysterious grey man, but he vanished instantly. The kids were brought back safe and sound.

Waterday, 24th of Reaping Avaala organized a group to go out and search for the missing children that Randall sent out to find coconuts. They located them 4 miles up the beach to the west and a little way into the jungle. They were found inside a grey circle of dim light, dancing to the music of a mysterious grey figure that disappeared as soon as the circle was entered.
Quest #6.5 "Escaping Camp Water Fall" 24th of Reaping: Ferris, Wes, Franny, Krystal, Bonnie, Keilif, Brufrig
The group has been split up. Franny, Ferris, and Krystal are lost in the jungle. The others are captured and held in the cave near the pirate camp. They are sent to deal with a tree across the clearing by Snake-Eye and things turn south quickly. Franny is found to be a monkey, the tree fights back, and Snake-Eye drops in to kill Keilif and Brufrig. The escape attempt goes poorly.
Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?" 25th of Reaping: Luther, Jack, Lightfinger, Chauncey, Saracen. Avaala, Monocar, Alordan
Earthday, The 25th of Reaping Chauncey would like his group to accompany him back to the western beach trail in the morning to see if some acid can be harvested from the dangerous giant beetles rumored to inhabit that area. He thinks the acid will help with the disposing of the sea troll.

Earthday, The 25th of Reaping Chauncey brought a group together to seek out the rumored acid shooting beetles that plague this jungle. He hoped to find one that could be killed easily so that its acid could be harvested and put to use against the sea troll. Instead, he found 4 of them.
"Monks get thirsty too" 25th of Reaping: Jaxsen
Jaxsen joins the water brigade on their daily constitutional. At the river's edge, they spot a meditation of capybara and the newly arrived monk is able to secure one for the town.
Quest #11 "Raythan Wants To Make Amends" 28th of Reaping: Raythan, Jaxen, Storm
Sunday, The 28th of Reaping: Jaxsen and Raythan went out into the wild to locate a monster that was messing with the phanatons sacred burial site. They found an ally in Storm the Halfling druid and then recruited the good priest Brother Gilbert to go with them to do some clean-up as well.
Quest #12 "Rapping With The Village People" 1st of Goodmonth: Luther, Lightfinger, Monocar, Saracen, Chauncey, Brother Gilbert, Avaala, Alordan
Moonday, the 2nd of Goodmonth: Lightfinger had talked his group into bypassing the ship at sea in order to get to the river trail unnoticed. The group wanted to get to a native village up the trail unseen by the ship so they could find out what happened to the first party that went out that way. After meeting up with a group of 5 sailors at the clearing of the burnt village, they decided to rush in and attack them. They killed 3 and got some questionable information out of the other 2 before they fled into the jungle.
Quest #13 "Luther Is On The Hunt" 1st of Goodmonth: Luther
Luther goes hunting for meat for the town and spots the Green Flash anchored at the mouth of the river. Pretty soon some rafts laden with bundles come down the river and meet up with the ship. Eventually, Luther gets his original quarry: a capybara.
Alternate Quest #12 "What's On The Green Flash?" 2nd of Goodmonth: Saracan, Avaala, Maag
Godsday, The 2nd of Goodmonth: Saracen and Avaala rowed out to investigate the Green Flash, a small sailing ship anchored out to sea near the mouth of the river. They rescued a kidnapped boy and a half-orc prisoner but weren't able to take over the vessel or collect any important information about the smugglers.

Week 3:
Quest #14 "Hidden Fortress of the Poison Spider Monsters" 3rd of Goodmonth: Brother Gilbert, Jax, Gramble, Storm, Saracen, Avaala, Eawad, Judson, Maag
3rd of Goodmonth to the 9th of Goodmonth: Brother Gilbert badly wanted to go out into the jungle to investigate the strange copper disks found by an old acquaintance of his. (now dead) He leads a large group out into the maze and came back with more gear than men and one very strange creature named Treasure.

This was the deadliest mission so far with three party members and 2 dogs dying at the hands of the nasty ettercap traps and their many hairy-legged friends. But they located the most valuable Treasure on this island so far, though.
Quest #15 "Taking Down Captain Bing" 4th of Goodmonth: Luther, Lightfinger, Talaris, Monocar, Chauncey, Lerrick, Alordan
Earthday, The 4th of Goodmonth: Chauncey and company knew they had to get out to the river to save the natives from their slaver captors, Captain Bing's sailors turned loggers turned smugglers. It was a long and arduous mission, but everyone survived, with the help of Talaris and his Peloric epiphany.
Quest #16 "What's On The Other Side Of The River?" 4th of Goodmonth: Wes, Gwen, Galanthas
Earthday, the 4th of Goodmonth: Wes set out on a one day adventure to see what could be found on the other side of the river. Taking a tiny elf named Gwen along with him for support, they were the first folks from Beachtown who dared to make the crossing. They got a closer look at a large cave opening, decorated with shiny and colorful accouterments. They also spotted macabre offerings of some kind hanging in the nearby trees. Following the cliff face into the jungle, they explored a 2-mile area, finding barefoot human tracks near the cliffs and heavy boot prints alongside the river. They also spotted the smugglers ship, hidden behind a large outcropping of cliffs. Killing a giant lizard on their way back to town, they met up with a newcomer elf named Galanthas who soon befriended the half-elf. After a short confrontation with the phanatons along the beach, and a not so friendly meet up with three hyenas, the trio eventually made it back with plenty of meat to offer the town.
Quest #17 "Hunting with Ren and Stumpy" 5th of Goodmonth: Wes, Greff, Galanthas
Freeday, 5th of Goodmonth: Hoping to help out the townspeople with a bit more food, but not wanting to get too far from town, Wes, Greff, and Galanthas took a trip up the loggers trail to see if they could spot some wild game. They found a few unfriendly dwarves disguised as large rocks that chased them away from a side trail and were then chased back into town by a strange giant blue chicken.
Quest #18 "The Search For Dragons!" 7th of Goodmonth: Wes, Greff, Galanthas
Sunday, 7th of Goodmonth After hearing Mr. Nehru tell them about the possibility of a dangerous dragon near the river, Wes organized a few others to go out and investigate the threat. They crossed the river and took a very deadly look into the Sea Hags cave. After losing 3 friends, they managed to take the hag and her slinky pet down. Greff was paralyzed, and they had to leave behind one crying baby, but eventually, they managed to make it back to town alive.
Quest #19 "Mapping Out The Jungle" 9th of Goodmonth: Bonnie, Liam, Daisy, Grimm
9th of Goodmonth to the 12th of Goodmonth Bonnie and Liam agreed to bring a small group out into the jungle to map the trail and its surrounding landmarks. Bonnie convinced Mr. Nehru to accompany the group, hoping that he would be able to meet with the evil priest in the jungle to smooth things over between he and the town. Things didn't work out so well for him. Greedy Grimm the dwarf and Daisy the female halfling were found out in the jungle somewhere along the way. After finally finding the native village and the native Powstap, the group makes it back to town.
Quest #19a "Gorman awaits" 9th of Goodmonth: Bonnie, Liam, Grimm
After Bonnie enters the temple, Nehru is killed by something in the temple fountain, and Liam spots a zombie army, the much thinner group bolts for home. An orienteering mishap has the group lost in the jungle overnight.
Quest #20 "Look at the Bones!!!" 10th of Goodmonth: Jaxsen, Wes, Galanthas
10th of Goodmonth
Wes wants to go back to investigate and gather the bones of Pterry, a large apex predator killed recently. Jaxsen and Galanthas join. A huge snake has other plans and grabs Wes as they arrive. The group barely manages to down the snake, but not before Wes is rendered unconscious. Jaxsen races back to town to get Marge's help, while Galanthas fends off some phanatons. A hero's welcome awaits the wagon procession for Wes, and after a few misfires, he is able to get healed and back on his feet.
Quest #21 "Island Hopping" 10th Goodmonth: Maag, Alordan, Sir Crestbrook, Gramble, Lerrick, Saracen, Tlachtga, Andronichishche, Caracenus
Waterday, 10th of Goodmonth Maag organized a group of stalwart explorers to search the small off-shore island and its cave system with somewhat mixed results. They found that the island had a couple of strange inhabitants in the form of disinterested felines and a few killer trees. Some lessons were learned the hard way, losing Jeevus, Cu, Sir Crestbrook, and Caracenus to the dangerous fates inside the cave. They found a magic dais that apparently summons a minotaur named Brutus over and over. They killed an innocent priestess of Athena, down on her luck after being possessed by an evil amulet, who was apparently using the caves as a place to live, raise snakes, and worship Apep. After finding several clues and notes about the cave's most recent inhabitants, the mystery of the medusae named Malenia and her lifetime mate, a Maedar named Marquees, seems to have been solved, mostly. The recurring theme of an old wizard who brought the two together presented itself many times, though the details still seem a bit vague. In time, the group's mage may shed a bit more light on these findings.
Quest #21.5 "Find Your Way Back" ??: Andronichishche, Sir Crestbrook, Carucenus
During the Island Hopping mission, Andron and Crestbrook were separated in the dark of the tunnels. They find another adventurer, Carucenus. And an unknown black void.
Quest #22 "To Tame a Lizard" 10th of Goodmonth: Gramble, Lerrick
10th of Goodmonth Gramble wants to go investigate the large lizards he saw on the beach. He corrals Lerrick to join him and his scribe Jeevus. With a bit of impressive rope work, Gramble mounts one but is unable to control it as it unceremoniously bucks him off. On the way back to town, they are ambushed by a jungle cat and Jeevus is nearly killed, saved only by Lerricks magic and Gramble's ax.

Week 4:
Quest #23 “Even The Jungle Wanted Them Dead” 13th Goodmonth: Wes, Galanthas, Chauncey, Avaala, Jaxsen, Monocar, Luther, Brother Gilbert, Bonnie
Starday, 13th of Goodmonth Wes gathered a group of his most powerful friends to investigate and eliminate the evil priest who was reported to be living in an abandoned temple in the middle of the jungle. After an arduous trip through the thick foliage, they faced a small army of the evil priest's minions and met one of his former associates named Krystal. Checking out his temple domain, they learned that this Gorman was a crafty and unpredictable foe, definitely capable of causing them a great deal of trouble and pain. After setting off his alarm, and being attacked while sleeping in the man's own bedroom, a vicious battle ensued that resulted in the death of the priest, as well as Krystal and 3 more of their party members. They even found Bonnie, an old friend who claimed to have been captured and tortured by the monstrous cleric who reunited with the group during the long battle.
Quest #24 "Spying On Bings Pirates” 14th of Goodmonth: Cealwyn, Dexter, Daisy, Darklin
14th of Goodmonth Constable Glansandi recruited a small contingency of adventurers to go out and seek more information about the band of stranded pirates living near the mouth of the river. They not only recruited another member along the way but rescued a second before it was all over. With some aid from the treefolk, they were able to escape the much larger group without pursuit.
Quest #25 “The Final Demise Of Captain Stewart Bing” 19th of Goodmonth: Darklin, Cealwyn, Grimm, Dexter, Daisy, Keg
19th of Goodmonth With heavy encouragement from Constable Glansandi, Darklin assembled a small contingency of adventurers to address the band of stranded pirates living near the mouth of the river, either by capturing them or eliminating them completely. Unsure if they would receive aid from the treefolk, a plan was prepared. Unfortunately, that plan wasn’t implemented very well and the encounter quickly turned into a chaotic free for all. Though the groups was cut to shreds in the fight that ensued, the dilapidated state of the pirates, and the ability to turn a few of their numbers to their own side, ended up being their only saving grace in a victory won by the slimmest of margins. Miraculously, none of the badly beaten group succumbed to their grievous wounds, and all of them survived the 2-day ordeal.
"To the island!" 20th of Goodmonth: Keyon, Brandy, Feanol, Drakkar, Elnaerel, Jinx, Fitz, The Knife
Captain Quark is shepherding a new batch of adventurers to the island. A pod of bluntskulls has other ideas. The good Captain harpoons one to provide a bounty of meat for the town, after sacrificing some to a large beaked creature under the water.
Quest #26 “Wet Rays Of Sunshine” 20th of Goodmonth: Keyon, Brandy, Feanol, Elnaerel, Jinx, The Knife
20th of Goodmonth Captain Quark hired a small group of 6 new arrivals to capture a rare stingray-like creature off the western edge of the beach. It turned out that these creatures had magical powers that foiled the attempt to capture one initially and nearly got several of the party killed. But when the dingy returned to find an invasion in Beachtown, a few party members became a bit over-eager and attacked an entire company of angry militant dwarves. Things escalated quickly from there...
"Twisted sisters!" 20th of Goodmonth: Princess Bonalure Summerstars, Nimbus, Maximus, Sir William Narramore
A new ship, The Swan of Gloriander, sails from Saltmarsh with a delivery of adventurers. Captained by the elf Twillian, the Swan makes excellent time to the island's east coast. The whole island seems to light up in a flash, perplexing all. They go on a three-hour tour around the island, finding many oddities. As they finally circumnavigate the island and reach Beachtown, they spot a ruckus at the docks involving the Stonegut Dwarves. The Princess secures the purchase of Feanol and Elnaerel, who were being dragged off to the mines.
Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country" 21st of Goodmonth: Jaxsen, Liam, Daisy
Jaxsen and Luther have discovered tiny threats to the town in the form of invading kobolds. The monk of Bralm goes to find their lair. After returning victoriously, Jaxsen gets involved with the Constable's odd behavior, ending in a fight.

Quest #27 "Detecting Snares and Pits" 21st of Goodmonth: Sir William Narramore, Cornelius Fitzenbell, Maximus, Dexter, Draakar

Quest #28 "Kegenstien's Expedition Over the River" 22nd of Goodmonth: Keg, Elnaerel, The Knife, Feanol, Darklin, Keyon

Quest #29 "Raiders of the Lost Obelisk" 21st of Goodmonth: Chauncey, Avaala, Luther, Wes, Bonnie, Cealwyn, Grimm

Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver" 22nd of Goodmonth: Gramble, Alordan, Tlachtga, Andronichishche, Lerrick, Maag

Quest #32 "Visiting with the Neighbors"
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#3 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Updated list and added some date formatting. Credit to Jernau for the idea.
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

All hail to our official record keeper!!!

I appreciate your help on this beyond words, sir.
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#5 Post by kruk »

nicely done!
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

With my lacking ability to keep this stuff updated so nicely, I will simply post the most informative things I have seen in play. Starting with some recent interesting theory's from Alordan and Andronichishche.
Quonundrum wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:08 am Andronichishche
"It appears the group that activated the first obelisk has also done something with that obelisk itself. Hence, the inner red light within the red circle. It would seem our next objective is to do the same, which according to the diagram, the grey obelisk should be west, by northwest from here."
Quonundrum wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:37 pm Andronichishche nods in response to Alordan's question. "Yes. The sphere worked and the next obelisk is activated. There were only two sconces that accept a sphere. They were not marked, though. It seems this location would accept any two colored spheres to activate the adjacent obelisks. Therefore, to activate the rest, we will need to visit the other three structures that logically also have a pair of sconces. Fortunately, I don't believe the spheres must be used in specific sconces."
Quonundrum wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:49 pm Andronichishche rubs his chin in thought with the uninjured hand before answering the ranger's question. When he finally responds, the words sound hesitant, contemplative. "I have a ... working theory, if one could call it that. The medusa, Melania, believed the obelisks could transport her and Marquees anywhere they desired. Away from the Wizard's captivity. Consider then that the entire island itself just suddenly appeared one day. An event that we have since learned attracted attention from major powers on the mainland. Perhaps the obelisks can do more than transport individuals, but also transport the island itself! Such powerful magic would appear as a Big Shiny light to those attuned to sense it."
This entire conversation can be found here: viewtopic.php?p=552200#p552200
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Re: The Story So Far (as told by M. Rose)

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Some interesting things being said about someone named Wendall here in the basement of the tower ruins: viewtopic.php?p=553055#p553055
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