The Gathering at Ozlo’s

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The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The back courtyard is overflowing with people when you arrive, most of them Vikings, but not all. There are several tall square tables spread throughout the open area, and around them stand several strong, grizzled looking men and women. Upon each table is a full cask of ale and several drinking horns that most of the attendees are already taking advantage of before the meeting is even underway.

At the center of the longest wall is a raised stage of sorts where the giant Ozlo prominently sits, flanked by his two massive bodyguards standing behind him. On the seat next to the Viking sits a beautiful woman dressed in dark flowing robes. They both look out over the crowd of people gathered, whispering in hushed tones as they blatantly point out some of the better suited participants.

One thing you notice right away as you enter the gathering is that there are almost no face covering masks being worn in the courtyard. A few folks have them on, and others have them hanging from their necks, but almost none of the gathered crowd has one on. In fact, the half dozen well armed Vikings standing guard at the courtyard entrance actually encourage you to take yours off before you enter the meeting. "You wont need those things in here. Ozlo and his associate would like to be able to see the faces of any possible future employees."

As you arrive, you are ushered to one of the last free tables at the back of the festivities, a good distance from the stage. The ale on the table is fresh and cool, and there is an empty drinking horn for anyone wiling to indulge themselves. Around the table stand a motley looking band of young men and one rather good looking young Esquimaux woman. She stands across from another of her kin, though race is their only resemblance, as this fellow is almost hideous looking compared to her. Other than that pair, there are 2 Vikings, a Pict, an Atlantean, and another man with sharp features, possibly of Ixian blood.

The rest of patrons seem to be enjoying their free drink, talking loudly among the others at their tables. The assembled group of seven at your table look around at each other cautiously, some appear to know each other already, even if only vaguely. It appears that you have a few moments before the meeting starts to get to know one another a little, if you so choose.

Okay, lets get this thing kicked off here and see what happens. You've all obviously made you're way to the meeting without incident, so don't worry about tying up any loose ends in the PZ thread if you don't want to. Once I get a post from each of you at the table, the game shall be afoot.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#2 Post by Rex »


Once at the table Drest slips his mask off and hangs it from his belt, the outside face turned in. Talking aloud but to no one in particular, "I wonder if they are planning on sending more than one group?"
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#3 Post by shaidar »


Once within the crowd of people, Xenos slips his mask down around his neck. Approaching the table he nods at the Pictish youth he met earlier in the day before grabbing himself a horn of ale.
Rex wrote: Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:21 pm Drest

Once at the table Drest slips his mask off and hangs it from his belt, the outside face turned in. Talking aloud but to no one in particular, "I wonder if they are planning on sending more than one group?"
"I would hope so" he replies "There are many here that would appear to be older and more experienced for such a task than us. I hope we get a chance to prove ourselves."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#4 Post by Bluetongue »


Takes in the scene as she is ushered into the courtyard. Among those of diminutive stature, she uses a stool leg to gain a step in height to view the stage and the enthroned Chieftain and the sorceress. She tries not to meet any eye-to-eye gaze with the woman, waiting to hear her detail the quest. Never too sure if the black alley cats lurking the fringes aren't familiar spirits listening in to prior speculative talk, ready to report back their eavesdroppings. Who knows, maybe that mangy critter with the dead eye and bent tail was a previous employee, displeased with and punished with a feline metamorphosis. 'Black Magic Woman' figuratively still playing scenarios in her mind.

To calm her thoughts she takes a horn of ale. Drinking it in one though truth be told, gagging much down her furskin.

It might be her roguish nature or natural cynicism but she puts a coin in the empty horn.

"Better not to be indebted. Much might be required of those satisfying their thirst at the Lord's expense." she says quiting some old proverb to the other half dozen gathered at her table though she knows them not nor the familiaritis of Viking customs.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#5 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Keeping his mask on, the Atlantean does not partake of the largess of their Viking host. I'm here for a job. I know the Vikings don't like me- his goons made that clear earlier. I'll skip their ale, but don't let that stop any of you.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#6 Post by Old Duergar »


Oggling the Esquimaux woman unabashedly, and casting furtive glances at everyone else, the mousy young man trots in the hall unmasked. Hunching his shoulders and trying his best to become lost in the throngs of (the much more muscular) humanity around him, Kumaglak looks at the ale horn longingly and gorges himself with gluttonous abandon. He tries to make his way near his comely compatriot, his hideous smile flashing now and then as he fiddles with his belt pouch obsessively.

"Well, good masters, what do we -know- about that job, eh? If that brute Ozlo is worth half his salt, he will send multiple groups... and probably competing for his favour, snah!"

He grabs the ale horn and continues taking hefty swigs without restraint; wiping his mouth with the back of his hands, he speaks to those present on the table with his annoying shrill voice: "Drink, drink! Few things are ever free in the Port! And even if you won't take a single sip, -they- will still charge ya for it!". He then offers a lewd, horribly performed toast with the common ale horn to the Esquimaux woman, almost spilling it in the process.
Last edited by Old Duergar on Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#7 Post by NJWilliam »


Hakon approaches the table a broad smile taking over his face when he sees the cask of ale and ready horns. Tossing his mask onto the table he trades it for a drinking horn that he fills to the brim from the cask.

Loudly he says, ”Ullr provides through our hosts! Best not offend!” With that he drinks deeply from his horn, the foam from the ale sticking to his mustache as he looks about the table with a grin.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will give Howman one more day here before we start drinking without him. :D
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#9 Post by Howman »


Seeing an empty seat at a table away from the stage, Ragnarr crosses the courtyard to take his place. Taking his mask off and hanging it on his belt as he sits down, Ragnarr eagerly picks up and fills a horn. Delighted at the free ale, he drinks deeply from his horn before smiling at the group of strangers sitting around the table. Nodding at the wise words from his fellow Viking, Ragnarr pointedly looks at the cask and says, "I would hate for our host to think that we don't like his drink."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Looking around the courtyard, you see the final table behind you starting to fill up. Ozlo eventually stands from his throne-like seat, holding his massive arm out for the attractive woman sitting next to him to use as she also stands. The huge Viking looks towards his guards at the entryway, nodding for them to move into the courtyard along with the guests. As luck would have it, Eruipides recognizes the brute walking towards your table as the jerk who kicked him out of the back yard earlier this morning.

A total of seven tables are scattered around the area, with seven patrons standing around each of them. The idea of multiple separate voyages is brought up by the angry looking Pict, who doesn't bother to mention his name to the others. The concept seems more likely as you continue watching and drinking, so the Ixian, also keeping his name from the others, expresses interest in proving his own worth.

The attractive Esquimaux woman at your table says nothing initially, trying to get a better look at her possible employers while keeping a sharp eye out for any nearby critters who might be listening. Anyone inside the tavern earlier remembers seeing her preforming songs and music. Her odd gesture with the coin is noticed by everyone at the table, but it does little to deter those doing the heavy drinking, so the young woman explains her reasoning to them quietly. Her kinsman has a differing opinion about the free ale, drinking it down as fast and sloppily as he can, encouraging those assembled to do the same. His mannerisms will take some getting used to if this group is meant to stay together. He asks the others what they know about the possible job, but nobody seems to know more than what was learned in the flyers.

The pair of young Vikings who make up the 6th and 7th members of your group aren't afraid to drink either, pouring back a few horns of the refreshing ale and saluting their host and kinsman as they do so. They don't know the Viking guard who is currently heading straight for the table, but he seems to be looking directly at the masked Atlantean as he approaches.

Ozlo clears his throat loudly before starting the meeting in his booming voice.

"I hope you are enjoying your ale, compliments of my friend here." He motions to the beautiful woman on his arm. "As you may have already guessed, there will be more than one group attempting the mission we are about to discuss with you all. I trust that, if you dont know each other yet, you have at least introduced yourselves already. If not, please take the time to do so right now, before we go any further. Once that last table is filled, no others will be allowed to join us."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#11 Post by shaidar »

Xenos nods at the others around the group "So, it seems we are to be colleagues on this job, in which case I am known as Xenos"
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#12 Post by Rex »


"I am Drest or sometimes just "The Pict"."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#13 Post by Bluetongue »


"Why you must have learned such noble acclamations from those Leng goat-men you rubbed 'noses' with."

She says to Kumaglak, returning his lewd compliment by placing the ale horn over her thrusting groin and mimicking a braying goat intending the innuendo as a retort. She has learned to deal with the hecklers and comments, wolf whistles and suggestives many times before to not take too much personal insult.

She assesses the eclectic group around the table. Some look obvious warrior types, a couple wear charms or amulets pertaining to various deities. The pouch fiddling Esquimaux looks half maddened, wizened even at a young age. Is life in PZ that harsh? No wonder he seeks to leave.

She fills her ale horn with more of the frothy mead and clinks it to his. "To health and prosperity." she says hopefully defusing any tension.

"Many teams perhaps once you get to the Crab Archipelago, surely Ozlo is not expecting each table to sail the ocean alone." She expresses a thought on the transport provided.

"This voyage will be more dangerous than just picking wild flowers. The witch wants her lotus seeds. They empower her spellcasting which what ... magnifies her influence. For what purpose? Greater power in her coven? A coup in the city? Supported by Vikland militia and Jarl Ozlo?"

The strong alcohol causes her to blab conspiracy theories and unanswered questions.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#14 Post by Old Duergar »


The words of the comely Esquimaux seem to strike true with the decrepit jaundiced man, who blurts hastily, clearly surprised at her retort: "Ah, yer words be like barb and hook tossed in the most frigid of seas, woman! A palm's copper I wager though you are like the frozen, biting winds smashing through rock and bush alike on Leng itself with your lovers, relentless and cruel! Ai, thai, snah!", Kumaglak finishes his words with a feigned lamentation, letting out three bursting, shrill exclamations and then flashing a wretched smile at her, his rotting teeth and inflamed gums in plain sight.

"Better not speak of -them- , though..." he lowers his voice considerably anew, and a troubled, almost fearful glance he casts at those around him. Almost immediately and visibly much more sober, the young man mutters pensively, his voice composed, as he casts a calculating gaze and addresses the fellows sharing the drinking table with him: "I am Kumaglak the Esquimaux, of the -Plains- of Leng. If the Port taught me anything, 'tis run away from it whilst your purse and your soul are still intact. Even a witch's merry chase seems a better alternative to the avid dance of daggers and shadows around us."
Last edited by Old Duergar on Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#15 Post by NJWilliam »


”Ullr’s beard! This ale drowned my manners.”
Hakon holds his horn of ale momentarily at arm’s length.
“I am Hakon, of the ale horn.”

With that his broad grin returns before hiding behind the ale horn again.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#16 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

The Atlantean listens as the others offer their names before introducing himself. I'm Euripides, born and raised here in Port Zangerios. Seeing the Viking coming their way, Euripides ignores him, hoping he will leave them alone.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#17 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Ozlo's booming voice rings throughout the courtyard again. "As you may have already guessed, there will be more than one group going on this expedition. We have three Viking Knarrs moored at the end of the docks, ready to set sail first thing in the morning. If the sorceress here deems you all worthy, you will each be on one of them, heading to the Crab Archipelago to seek out the item she desires. Our flagship will carry the first group, while the other two vessels will transport three groups each, dropping them off on separate islands for better odds at finding her magical plants." He escorts the stunning woman to the edge of the steps where he spots one of his guards trying to get his attention....

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While the introductions around your table are made, the Viking guard coming after Euripides walks directly up to the young local. The goon waves at the stage to get Ozlo's attention, standing behind the Atlantean and pointing straight down at him. Ozlo nods his large head from a distance and makes the motion of running his thumb across his neck to the guard, who immediately grabs the young man in his muscular arms.

"Wait!!!" The intense sound coming from the attractive sorceress is obviously magically amplified, as it hurts your ears and makes your hair flutter in its wake, leaving the entire courtyard shrouded in complete silence as she advances into the crowd. Astonishingly, the petite woman suddenly splits herself into 7 individual forms, each of them looking exactly like the first. These seven forms slowly mingle their way towards each of the tall tables, the initial form moving straight for Euripides and the guard. As the black clad woman arrives, she reaches up and pushes the Viking by his chest, away from the table. The huge brute seemingly powerless against her, releases his grip and moves away reluctantly.

The woman spins back around to address your group again, while her other 6 forms continue carrying on what appear to be separate conversations with those gathered around the other tables. She looks Euripides up and down, touching him gently on his chest, shoulders, and neck. “A real live Atlantean? And a youngling, no less? But how can that be?” She quickly looks the rest of the group over before continuing. “This is a sign beyond any I have ever witnessed.” Spinning back around to address Ozlo, she shouts. “It is destined that THIS will be our flagship group!” Again, a hush falls over the crowd, as several men appear offended by then announcement, including Ozlo himself and several of his Viking kin.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#18 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

A little shaken by the events that have transpired in the last 30 seconds, Euripides is nevertheless quick to take advantage of whatever just happened. Blinking several times, he addresses the sorceress, Uh, thank you. I am Euripides. My friends and I are honored to be chosen for your flagship.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#19 Post by shaidar »


As Ozlo orders the murder of the Atlantean, Xenos is about to utter his spell at the goon when the Sorceresses steps in. Seeing the power of the wizardess and situation resolved he decides to stay quiet for now.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#20 Post by Bluetongue »


Fair to say she trembles a bit in awe at the display of sorcery. Her mind goes through a range of emotions and questions.

"Oh she is so stunning. How did she get her waist so thin and hourglass. Her voice thunders in surround sound. Real finesse cut diamond earrings and so silky feline hair."

She has heard of mirrored images and illusions but the split into distinct clones, or are they the physical embodiment of a legion of diabolic spirits?

The more she thinks about 'don't look into her eyes', the more she struggles to resist the temptation. She looks and as soon as their eyes meet gets instantly convinced that if she was an iceberg, she would melt.

The Esquimaux's pale skin pales a bit more until she blurts out, "Your honour. I would be pleased to join this flagship endeavour and weave the lyrics to song and saga that trace this historic quest."

She curtsies formally and blabs not really knowing what to say.
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