Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#41 Post by AleBelly »

ybn1197 wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:32 pm Hinnrick tells the others what the kobold said and shakes his head. I fear he may be too indoctrinated into their cult. I hate to say it, but maybe confining him for a day or two will put him into a better mood for talking to us.
Odlo agrees, perhaps reluctant to disagree with the mist-befriending elf. "I'll check him for weapons first." Still bitter at the loss of his wife and now second home, the halfling digs his knee into the back of the kobold as he pats it down, looking for anything the humanoid is carrying.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#42 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
  • AleBelly: Odlo
  • Faanku: "Laughing" Pegg
  • Samwell Turleton: Hannu Survage
  • greyarea: Reuter (Formerly Sailor #1)
  • NPC: Sailor #2
  • greyarea: Casper (Retired/NPC)
  • Alethan: Thorhall (Retired/NPC)
The decision is made to sail for Gnupfell. The kobold remains defiant, though he lets spill more information that perhaps he intended. Olga suggests he spent a few days locked in a chest, the others move to make it so. Odlo and Reuter pin the creature down, searching it for any objects among its robes. They find a two-foot rod with sharp prongs, used for managing the drakes, hanging on a thong from his belt. Also a pouch with 14 copper pieces and a slender mithril dagger of elven make. Around it's neck, there's a bronze five-pointed medallion on a chain. The same symbol is branded upon the Kobold's chest.
Kobold Holy Symbol.jpg
Kobold Holy Symbol.jpg (18.99 KiB) Viewed 1190 times
The kobold is forced into a chest, which is latched from the outside. It hisses - ensuring you know it's defiance. Hinrick hears it continue to state your doom, despite its own predicament.

The mist rolls across the aftdeck lazily, thick around Olga's ankles, as she mans the helm and sets the course for the sloop towards their destination. Reuter and the other sailor have no issue with manning the rigging and sails of the small vessel, letting the others have time to themselves. It is no more than a few hours, however, before dark storm clouds roil in from the western horizon, coming across the sea, and storm winds and pelting rain cascade in sheets on any still on the deck. The storm rages the rest of the day and into the night, though there is little differentiation between them. There is no sign of stars or sun through the dark storm and you lost sight of the shore as soon as the rain began pelting down.

I need each PC to state actions and if they're on deck, in the cabin, or in the hold.
I need a d20 INT check from Olga as she maintains course, DC secret.
I need a d20 STR or DEX check from the sailors as they man the ship through the storm surge, DC 10.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#43 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga's instinct is to point the ship's bow towards the waves crashing against the boat. She knows it is safer in open water and consults the mist on the direction of land - there is a very real risk of running the ship aground, she feels.

She directs the crew to modify the sails to reduce their area and provide more control of the steering.

"HEAVE TO!", she yells out calling to make adjustments to slow the boat.

Navigating the storm through the day and night is a test of wills and Olga is as stubborn as they come. Her stubbornness and her physical tiredness clash in her as the storm wears on.

She keeps watch over the other sailors and warns them of any larger waves crashing against the ship.

Intelligence [1d20] = 20
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#44 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

Hannu opens an eye when the kobold is brought down to the cabin and he gives a little grin as it is stuffed into the chest. He closes his eyes again and feigns sleep. When the others depart Hannu raps on the chest with his knuckles and sings a mocking little tune. He plays in this way until the storm begins. As the ship starts to move more with the rough waters Hannu stows loose gear, and Bucket, in a safe place. After a while he grabs some rations and heads up to the deck.

"Here, you had best have some of this", Hannu offers Olga some food and then positions himself where he can keep an arm looped around a rope. Hannu keeps watch over her as she fights the ship and the storm.

The rinsing waters cleans the filth from Hannu's body.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#45 Post by greyarea »

Reuter takes on the storm as it comes, following orders as best he can.

Agility [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#46 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven wanderer

The frail, tired elf stays on deck, watching the sky for a return of the dragons and the shoreline for any other trouble. At least until the storm approaches.

As the waves begin to grow in size, Onnekas empties the contents of his stomach overboard and heads below deck to get some sleep in the cabin.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#47 Post by AleBelly »

Odlo, halfling wanderer

Odlo is exhausted from the eventful day, but as long as the others are staying active and steering the ship, he feels obligated to help. He watches Reuter and the other sailor perform their duties, and helps as best he can, asking for guidance where necessary.

As the storm rolls in, his stomach churns. He doesn't know if it's seasickness or nerves from losing sight of shore. Or any landmark, for that matter. But he's nimble and strong, and knows his help may be of some use.

Odlo strength check [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#48 Post by Marullus »

Hannu taunts the kobold in the chest, tapping upon it as he sneers. He is dissappointed, however, as the kobold ignores his teasing and instead chants continuously, his muffled voice within the wood. As the storm bears down on you without warning, Hannu goes outside and Onnekas enters the cabin. Onnekas finds the kobold exultant, almost singing in its confinement, the ship pitching wildly from the storm surge.

Odlo lends an inexpert hand on deck, Olga, Reuter, and the other sailor keeping the ship on its heading as the storm rages. They are soaked to the bone and the night wears on, no sign of relief as the pelting sheets of rain continue to buffet your ship.

Allowing a little time for the others to chime in, or for more actions amidst the storm...
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#49 Post by AleBelly »

Odlo, halfling wanderer

Finding himself to be useless as a sailor, he quietly goes down to where the kobold is being held, realizing he forgot to take the creature's belongings. With longknife in hand, he takes the rare mithril dagger. Even a halfling knows it's of elven origin. He would rather show it to Olga, but knowing she's busy he'll settle for Onnekas, who he asks for help in keeping the kobold subdued. The pouch of copper coins, pendant, and prongs he places in an empty chest as common goods.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#50 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven wanderer

The defiant screams of the kobold begin to wear on the elf as he tries to sleep. When Odlo comes down, he's all too happy to help him subdue the creature as they take its belongings. The mithril dagger is beautiful, but not really his thing. But it should go to an elf. Upon seeing the pendant, and the other things in the storeroom, Onnekas is curious to see if any of the items have magical properties.

He inhales deeply in the air, concentrating, and mumbles a few words in a language more arcane than his native tongue.

Detect Magic spellcheck [1d20] = 1

But the ship is rocking, and he can feel the fine movements of the spell going all wrong! He winds down the conjuring just in time...

Misfire or corruption 1-50 yes [1d100] = 57

He dare not try the spell again until they reach land. After they shove the kobold back into its chest, he decides to muffle the sound with a nice, thick layer of moss. He braces himself against the walls of the cabin and invokes the help of Yddgrrl. He quickly walks over to the lid of the chest and presses his palm to its lid and seal

Mossycoat spell check [1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16

Moss thickness [1d3+1] = 2+1 = 3

Moss covers the lid, spreading from where Onnekas' hand touches the chest. The moss covers the open space where the lid and chest meet, attenuating the annoying sound of the kobolds yammering.

He looks up and sees

Alternate reality 1 = yes [1d100] = 72
Doppelgangers [1d7+1] = 2+1 = 3

three exact copies of himself. Although he's expecting them, he's disconcerted by how frail and weak they look. After a short time, they poof into thin air, and the elf goes back to sleep, handing the dagger to Odlo to show to Olga.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#51 Post by Faanku »

"Laughing" Pegg, the Enduring

Feeling rather lost this far from land, Pegg makes her way deeper into the bowels of the ship looking for ways to make herself useful, and ends up in the hold. The creaking of the old hull and the heavy pattering of the torrential rain is foreign to the gongfarmer, but strangely soothing after the heat and panic of the city's demise.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#52 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick stays on deck until the storm begins to roll in. As much as he tries to help others, he knows his weakness and that is getting in the way as the ship rolls to and fro. Unable to assist, he heads down to the cabin in case the kobold decides to say something worthwhile.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#53 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
  • AleBelly: Odlo
  • Faanku: "Laughing" Pegg
  • Samwell Turleton: Hannu Survage
  • greyarea: Reuter (Formerly Sailor #1)
  • NPC: Sailor #2
  • greyarea: Casper (Retired/NPC)
  • Alethan: Thorhall (Retired/NPC)
Odlo puts the kobolds belongings in a crate. He offers the mithril dagger to Onnekas, who turns it down and leaves it for Olga. Hinrick joins them in the cabin and listens to the kobold, who he discerns is praying fervently to the goddess, Tiamat, for the destruction of this boat upon the sea. Onnekas taps into the power of the World Tree, several inches of thick green moss spreading across the chest and pouring over its sides and down to the floor. The chest is affixed to the cabin floor and the voice muffled afterwards. Odlo and Hinrick see three additional exact copies of the elf bloom out of the moss and stand up, each standing, watching the moss grow and spread with equal expressions of interest. Eventually the other three dissolve into pollen, floating on the breeze of the storms.

Olga, Reuter, and the other sailor hold their own against the storm. Lightning and thunder blast the skies while sheets of rain pummel them on the deck. There is no visibility through the deluge and the storm appears to be worsening as the night wears on.

Pegg goes below into the hold, lessening the roiling and pitching of the boat (and its effect on her stomach) as she gets lower in the bilge. The remaining crates and barrels strain against their ropes, most of the hold empty as she meanders through. She is alarmed, however, as she hears a thud against the hull, then a sliding noise along the side. Then another, along the side, not the bottom of the keel.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#54 Post by greyarea »

We need someone to pray to the storm gods, and help calm these seas, yells Reuter, his voice barely discernible above the waves and gale. He wrestles with lines and sail.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#55 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

Hannu remains stoically alongside Olga above deck through the stormy weather, in a pleasant mood despite the circumstances.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#56 Post by Faanku »

"Laughing" Pegg, the Enduring

She's certainly no marine expert, but that didn't sound like rain... Pegg approaches the interior hull and strains her hearing to see if she can figure out what this strange noise is.
Not sure if there's a perception roll or similar, if needed?
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#57 Post by Marullus »

Pegg listens intently. It is repeated, intentional, like long fingers and doesn't sound like you have run aground because the ship is still pitching on the waves. You know the hull is under water, but it sounds like it is climbing it...
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#58 Post by AleBelly »

Odlo, halfling wanderer

Odlo shudders as he watches multiple Onnekases sprout from the moss...then dissipate. What they say about elves is true...they are creepy and strange thinks the halfling to himself. One has mist following her everywhere and the other can summon moss and mirrors at a whim? I'd best not cross them.

He ambles up to Olga, carefully making his way along the pitching ship. When he finds a moment where he's not interfering, he presents the mithril dagger to her. "Olga, I found this elf-metal dagger on the prisoner. If the lore I learned growing up is true, this was made by your people. I have no use for it - I can handle my well-worn awl better."
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#59 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri and Hannu Survage

Olga and Hannu see Odlo approaching. The halfling says, “this was made by your people. I have no use for it - I can handle my well-worn awl better."

Hannu reaches out a hand and yells through the stormy weather, Let me have a look at that!

Olga chides Hannu and addresses Odlo, That is very generous of you. Can you keep it safe for me until the storm has passed?

I would like to take a more careful look at it then.

Rolled to see if Olga could perceive any changes in the handling of the sloop
Perception (Int.) [1d20] = 6
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#60 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick backs up away from the chest carefully and looks at Onnekas. "You don't think the prayers he's uttering are being answered do you? It's just a coincidence the storm came on the same time we put him in the box right?" Concern covers his questions.
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